6 research outputs found

    Business Plan – Founding of the Sport Centre in Limassol, Cyprus

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    The target of the Bachelor's Thesis is to create such a business plan which would be attractive and mainly advantageous for the potential co-owners and the investors of my incorporating company. The Thesis is divided into to two parts -- the theoretical part and the practical part. I have devoted to explain the important terms related to the issues of the Enterpreneurship generally and specifically to the business in Cyprus, also to the formation and the structure of the business plan. The Practical part includes the actual project and its business plan which contains the detailed description of the whole project, targets of the owners, necessary financial funds for the incorporation and running of the company. There are also a financial and marketing plan for the project, a risk analysis and a SWOT analysis. The Thesis's summary is at the end together with the appendix which complements the information mentioned in the business plan

    Business Plan \u2013 Founding of the Sport Centre in Limassol, Cyprus

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvořit takový podnikatelský plán, který by byl atraktivní a hlavně investičně výhodný pro potencionální spolumajitele a investory mnou vytvářeného podniku. Práce je rozdělena na část teoretickou a na část praktickou. V teoretické části se věnuji vysvětlení důležitých pojmů vztahující se k problematice podnikání obecně a konkrétně v zemi Kypr, také tvorbě a struktuře podnikatelského plánu. Praktická část je již samotný projekt a jeho podnikatelský plán, jehož součástí je detailní popis daného projektu, cílů vlastníků firmy, nutných finančních prostředků pro rozjezd a udržení chodu firmy, dále je zde obsažen i finanční a marketingový plán celého projektu, analýza rizik se SWOT analýzou a nechybí ani úplné a závěrečné shrnutí celé práce. Na konci praktické části se nachází také přílohy doplňující některé informace uvedené v podnikatelském záměru.The target of the Bachelor's Thesis is to create such a business plan which would be attractive and mainly advantageous for the potential co-owners and the investors of my incorporating company. The Thesis is divided into to two parts -- the theoretical part and the practical part. I have devoted to explain the important terms related to the issues of the Enterpreneurship generally and specifically to the business in Cyprus, also to the formation and the structure of the business plan. The Practical part includes the actual project and its business plan which contains the detailed description of the whole project, targets of the owners, necessary financial funds for the incorporation and running of the company. There are also a financial and marketing plan for the project, a risk analysis and a SWOT analysis. The Thesis's summary is at the end together with the appendix which complements the information mentioned in the business plan

    Project Management - event management proposal of a new product

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    Diplomová práce pojednává o projektovém řízení event marketingu. Je rozdělena na tři hlavní části. První část je teoretická a vysvětluje základní pojmy k problematice projektového řízení a event marketingu. Druhou částí je metodologie, která uvádí základní nástroje sběru a analýzy dat, vyjmenovává světové standardy a standardizace projektového managementu a také popisuje vhodné metody těchto standardů k řízení projektu event marketingu. Třetí část je praktická a je také rozdělena do tří částí. První z nich pojednává o charakteristice společnosti Alfa Medimedia, s.r.o., která je organizátorem eventu. Nejobsáhlejší částí je kvalitativní analýza, která aplikuje vybrané metody z metodologie v reálném projektovém řízení eventu. Poslední částí jsou ponaučení, návrhy na opatření a další doporučení, které popisují nedostatky při plánování, organizaci a následné realizaci daného projektu. Následují přílohy, ve kterých se nacházejí reálné materiály vztahující se k eventu, formuláře vyhodnocení projektu a další důležité dodatky k práci.This Diploma Thesis deals with a project management of event marketing. It is divided into three main parts. The first part is theoretical and explains fundamental terms concerning issues of project management and event marketing. The second part is the methodology which presents basic instruments of data collection and analysis, enumerates the global project management standards and standardization and also describes appropriate usage of methods from the standards in the project management of event marketing. The third part is practical and is also divided into three parts. The first one is dedicated to the company profile of Alfa Medimedia, s.r.o., which is the organizer of the event. The most extensive part is the qualitative analysis which applies the selected methods mentioned in the methodology within a real project management of the event. The last part consists of enlightenments, draft measures and additional recommendations which describe imperfections in planning, organization and subsequent realization of the stated project. Documents related to the event, forms of project evaluations and other important addendums to the project can be found in the appendix which follows

    Correspondence of the Bishops of Olomouc with the serf towns through the example of the Hukvaldy and Keleč manors

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       This article deals with the communication between the bishops of Olomouc Stanislav Thurzo, Jan Dubravius, and Marek Khuen and the bishop’s towns located in the Hukvaldy and Kelč manors. The correspondence was recorded on sheets written down in the chancery of the Bishop of Olomouc which were copied and compiled into the episcopal record book. The article is primarily based on working with this type of source.   &nbsp

    Three-dimensional general relativistic Poynting-Robertson effect. II. Radiation field from a rigidly rotating spherical source

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    We investigate the three-dimensional, general relativistic Poynting-Robertson (PR) effect in the case of rigidly rotating spherical source which emits radiation radially in the local comoving frame. Such radiation field is meant to approximate the field produced by the surface of a rotating neutron star, or by the central radiating hot corona of accreting black holes; it extends the purely radial radiation field that we considered in a previous study. Its angular momentum is expressed in terms of the rotation frequency and radius of the emitting source. For the background we adopt a Kerr spacetime geometry. We derive the equations of motion for test particles influenced by such radiation field, recovering the classical and weak-field approximation for slow rotation. We concentrate on solutions consisting of particles orbiting along circular orbits off and parallel to the equatorial plane, which are stabilized by the balance between gravitational attraction, radiation force and PR drag. Such solutions are found to lie on a critical hypersurface, whose shape may morph from prolate to oblate depending on the Kerr spin parameter and the luminosity, rotation and radius of the radiating sphere. For selected parameter ranges, the critical hypersurface intersects the radiating sphere giving rise to a bulging equatorial region or, alternatively, two lobes above the poles. We calculate the trajectories of test particles in the close vicinity of the critical hypersurface for a selected set of initial parameters and analyze the spatial and angular velocity of test particles captured on the critical hypersurface