2,145 research outputs found

    Self-Assembly of Monatomic Complex Crystals and Quasicrystals with a Double-Well Interaction Potential

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    For the study of crystal formation and dynamics we introduce a simple two-dimensional monatomic model system with a parametrized interaction potential. We find in molecular dynamics simulations that a surprising variety of crystals, a decagonal and a dodecagonal quasicrystal are self-assembled. In the case of the quasicrystals the particles reorder by phason flips at elevated temperatures. During annealing the entropically stabilized decagonal quasicrystal undergoes a reversible phase transition at 65% of the melting temperature into an approximant, which is monitored by the rotation of the de Bruijn surface in hyperspace.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. Physical Review Letters, in Press (April 2007

    Evidence for biquadratic exchange in the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet FePS3_3

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    FePS3_3 is a van der Waals compound with a honeycomb lattice that is a good example of a two-dimensional antiferromagnet with Ising-like anisotropy. Neutron spectroscopy data from FePS3 were previously analysed using a straight-forward Heisenberg Hamiltonian with a single-ion anisotropy. The analysis captured most of the elements of the data, however some significant discrepancies remained. The discrepancies were most obvious at the Brillouin zone boundaries. The data are subsequently reanalysed allowing for unequal exchange between nominally equivalent nearest-neighbours, which resolves the discrepancies. The source of the unequal exchange is attributed to a biquadratic exchange term in the Hamiltonian which most probably arises from a strong magnetolattice coupling. The new parameters show that there are features consistent with Dirac magnon nodal lines along certain Brillouin zone boundaries.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. The following article has been accepted by the Journal of Applied Physics. After it is published, it will be found at (https://publishing.aip.org/resources/librarians/products/journals/). The article was submitted as part of a special topic edition (https://publishing.aip.org/publications/journals/special-topics/jap/2d-quantum-materials-magnetism-and-superconductivity/

    Analysing star cluster populations with stochastic models: the HST/WFC3 sample of clusters in M83

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    The majority of clusters in the Universe have masses well below 10^5 Msun. Hence their integrated fluxes and colors can be affected by the random presence of a few bright stars introduced by stochastic sampling of the stellar mass function. Specific methods are being developed to extend the analysis of cluster SEDs into the low-mass regime. In this paper, we apply such a method to observations of star clusters, in the nearby spiral galaxy M83. We reassess ages and masses of a sample of 1242 objects for which UBVIHalpha fluxes were obtained with the HST/WFC3 images. Synthetic clusters with known properties are used to characterize the limitations of the method. The ensemble of color predictions of the discrete cluster models are in good agreement with the distribution of observed colors. We emphasize the important role of the Halpha data in the assessment of the fraction of young objects, particularly in breaking the age-extinction degeneracy that hampers an analysis based on UBVI only. We find the mass distribution of the cluster sample to follow a power-law of index -2.1 +/-0.2, and the distribution of ages a power-law of index -1.0 +/-0.2 for M > 10^3.5 Msun and ages between 10^7 and 10^9 yr. An extension of our main method, that makes full use of the probability distributions of age and mass of the individual clusters, is explored. It produces similar power-law slopes and will deserve further investigation. Although the properties derived for individual clusters significantly differ from those obtained with traditional, non-stochastic models in ~30% of the objects, the first order aspect of the age and mass distributions are similar to those obtained previously for this M83 sample in the range of overlap of the studies. We extend the power-law description to lower masses with better mass and age resolution and without most of the artifacts produced by the classical method.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ, 29 pages, 20 figure

    The X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL): I. DR1. Near-ultraviolet through optical spectra from the first year of the survey

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    We present the first release of XSL, the X-Shooter Spectral Library. This release contains 237 stars spanning the wavelengths 3000--10200 \AA\ observed at a resolving power Rλ/Δλ10000R \equiv \lambda / \Delta\lambda \sim 10000. The spectra were obtained at ESO's 8-m Very Large Telescope (VLT). The sample contains O -- M, long-period variable (LPV), C and S stars. The spectra are flux-calibrated and telluric-corrected. We describe a new technique for the telluric correction. The wavelength coverage, spectral resolution and spectral type of this library make it well suited to stellar population synthesis of galaxies and clusters, kinematical investigation of stellar systems and studying the physics of cool stars.Comment: 41 pages, 38 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A. Webpage: http://xsl.u-strasbg.fr


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    The M/L ratio of massive young clusters

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    We point out a strong time-evolution of the mass-to-light conversion factor \eta commonly used to estimate masses of dense star clusters from observed cluster radii and stellar velocity dispersions. We use a gas-dynamical model coupled with the Cambridge stellar evolution tracks to compute line-of-sight velocity dispersions and half-light radii weighted by the luminosity. Stars at birth are assumed to follow the Salpeter mass function in the range [0.15--17 M_\sun]. We find that η\eta, and hence the estimated cluster mass, increases by factors as large as 3 over time-scales of 20 million years. Increasing the upper mass limit to 50 M_\sun leads to a sharp rise of similar amplitude but in as little as 10 million years. Fitting truncated isothermal (Michie-King) models to the projected light profile leads to over-estimates of the concentration par ameter c of δc0.3\delta c\approx 0.3 compared to the same functional fit applied to the proj ected mass density.Comment: Draft version of an ApJ lette

    Strain and correlation of self-organized Ge_(1-x)Mn_x nanocolumns embedded in Ge (001)

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    We report on the structural properties of Ge_(1-x)Mn_x layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy. In these layers, nanocolumns with a high Mn content are embedded in an almost-pure Ge matrix. We have used grazing-incidence X-ray scattering, atomic force and transmission electron microscopy to study the structural properties of the columns. We demonstrate how the elastic deformation of the matrix (as calculated using atomistic simulations) around the columns, as well as the average inter-column distance can account for the shape of the diffusion around Bragg peaks.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure