2,172 research outputs found

    Jupiter radio emission probability tool

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    Jupiter is a source of intense radio emissions in the decametric wavelength range observable from ground (above ∼10 MHz) and from space (down to a few kHz). The strong anisotropy of the Jovian radio sources results in characteristic shapes in the temporal-spectral domain, which can be used to identified the various types of Jovian radio components. The Jupiter Probability Tool provides users with Jovian radio emission observability predictions, depending on the observers location, and the radio emission class. The application can be used for observation planning or data analysis for ground or space observations

    Radio emission from satellite-Jupiter interactions (especially Ganymede)

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    Analyzing a database of 26 years of observations of Jupiter from the Nan\c{c}ay Decameter Array, we study the occurrence of Io-independent emissions as a function of the orbital phase of the other Galilean satellites and Amalthea. We identify unambiguously the emissions induced by Ganymede and characterize their intervals of occurrence in CML and Ganymede phase and longitude. We also find hints of emissions induced by Europa and, surprisingly, by Amalthea. The signature of Callisto-induced emissions is more tenuous.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko and P. Zarka eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, in press, 201

    The properties of asteroid (2867) Steins from Spitzer observations and OSIRIS shape reconstruction

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    We report on the thermal properties and composition of asteroid (2867) Steins derived from an analysis of new Spitzer Space Telescope (SST) observations performed in March 2008, in addition to previously published SST observations performed in November 2005. We consider the three-dimensional shape model and photometric properties derived from OSIRIS images obtained during the flyby of the Rosetta spacecraft in September 2008, which we combine with a thermal model to properly interpret the observed SST thermal light curve and spectral energy distributions. We obtain a thermal inertia in the range 100\pm50 JK-1m-2s-1/2 and a beaming factor (roughness) in the range 0.7-1.0. We confirm that the infrared emissivity of Steins is consistent with an enstatite composition. The November 2005 SST thermal light curve is most reliably interpreted by assuming inhomogeneities in the thermal properties of the surface, with two different regions of slightly different roughness, as observed on other small bodies, such as the nucleus of comet 9P/Tempel 1. Our results emphasize that the shape model is important to an accurate determination of the thermal inertia and roughness. Finally, we present temperature maps of Steins, as seen by Rosetta during its flyby, and discuss the interpretation of the observations performed by the VIRTIS and MIRO instruments

    The influence of ambipolarity on plasma confinement and the performace of ECRIS

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    International audienceCharge diffusion in an ECRIS discharge is usually characterized by non ambipolar behavior. While the ions are transported to the radial walls, electrons are lost axially from the magnetic trap. Global neutrality is maintained via compensating currents in the conducting walls of the vacuum chamber. It is assumed that this behavior reduces the ion breeding times compared to a truly ambipolar plasma. We have carried out a series of dedicated experiments in which the ambipolarity of the ECRIS plasma was influenced by inserting special metal-dielectric structures (MD layers) into the plasma chamber of the Frankfurt 14GHz ECRIS. The measurements demonstrate the positive influence on the source performance when the ECR plasma is changed towards more ambipolar behavior

    Hemossiderose Pulmonar: Revisão Casuística da Consulta de Hematologia Pediátrica do Hospital de Dona Estefânia Durante o Período 1976-1994

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    Os autores fazem uma análise retrospectiva dos processos de crianças com hemossiderose pulmonar (HP) inscritas na Consulta de Hematologia Pediátrica do Hospital de Dona Estefânia no período de 1976 a 1994. Foram caracterizados o sexo e a raça dos doentes, a idade de aparecimento da sintomatologia inicial, o período que decorreu entre esta e a confirmação do diagnóstico e os aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e radiológicos respeitantes ao diagnóstico, terapêutica e evolução clínica. A propósito desta entidade nosológica, é feita uma revisão bibliográfica. Confirma-se que a HP é uma doença rara, que inicialmente se apresenta com um quadro de anemia ferropénica arrastada com ou sem sintomatologia respiratória. O diagnóstico faz-se pelo achado de hemossiderófagos no lavado gástrico ou bronco-alvéolar. A etiopatogenia mantém-se desconhecida e a corticoterapia continua a ser a terapêutica mais eficaz no controlo da hemorragia pulmonar. A doença tem uma evolução inconstante, persistente ou intermitente, com um prognóstico variável, geralmente grave

    O Valor dos Indices Plaquetários na Púrpura Trombocitopénica Imune e Leucémia Linfo e Mieloblástica Aguda. Bases Clínico-Laboratoriais no Contributo para o Diagnóstico Diferencial Entre Estas Duas Patologias

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    Os autores apresentam um trabalho onde se pretende avaliar a utilidade dos índices plaquetários — volume plaquetário médio (VPM) e o coeficiente de variação do diâmetro plaquetário (CVDP ou PDW = Platelet Distribution Width) — e do número de plaquetas (PLAQ) no diagnóstico diferencial da trombocitopénia na púrpura trombocitopénica aguda (PTI) e na leucémia linfoblástica ou mieloblástica aguda (LLAULMA). Do mesmo modo, estudam comparativamente os dados clínicos e laboratoriais nestes dois grupos de doentes. Caracterizam 59 casos de doentes em idade pediátrica com PTI e 19 casos com LLA/LMA, seguidos na Unidade de Hematologia Infantil do Hospital de Dona Estefânia. Concluem não existir diferenças significativas entre as variáveis VPM e PDW entre os dois grupos de doentes. Com base nas três variáveis (VPM, PDW, PLAQ) foi construída uma regra de discriminação que fornece uma boa separação entre os grupos. Da caracterização clínico-laboratorial ressaltaram diferenças significativas entre as duas entidades nosológicas, o que permitiria prescindir a realização do mielograma para exclusão do diagnóstico de LLA/LMA numa criança com trombocitopénia significativa isolada

    Intravenous ibandronate in men with osteoporosis: An open pilot study over 2 years

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    In the treatment of osteoporosis, the tolerance of oral bisphosphonates is often low. The high potency of ibandronate allows iv bolus injections that can be repeated every 2 to 3 months. However, the best dose and time interval of the treatment with iv ibandronate is still debated. Efficacy of 2-mg ibandronate injected every 3 months was tested in men with osteoporosis over 2 yr, in a prospective, open study. Fourteen men with primary osteoporosis, mean age 57±12 yr (range: 40-73), received 2-mg ibandronate iv every 3 months over 2 yr. All got 1 g/day calcium and 880 UI/day vitamin D for 2 yr. Bone mineral density (BMD) increased after 2 yr by 6.7±1.5% (mean change±SEM) at lumbar spine (p<0.001), by 3.2±08% at trochanter (p<0.001) and by 1.4±1.1% at femoral neck (ns). Serum ß-crosslaps and osteocalcin decreased significantly by 30-45 and 30%, respectively, during the 2 yr of treatment. Serum calcium increased from the lower to the middle tertile of the normal range during the 2 yr of the study. The observed decrease of bone remodelling and the increase of BMD are of the same magnitude as those described with oral bisphosphonates. The increase of plasma calcium confirms the positive effect of the supplementation with calcium and vitamin D. These results suggest that 3 months are a good interval between two doses of iv ibandronate, when 2 mg are give