289 research outputs found

    Global Governance: Lessons from Europe

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    This paper provides the (English translation) of the text of the Gunnar Myrdal Lecture presented at the U.N. Palais des Nations in 2005. The lecture provides a framework for attempting to determine the level and type of governance needed for a world that is increasingly globalized. It is argued that global governance should be based upon the principle of subsidiarity and thus limited to only those cases where a more regional approach would be ineffective. The experience of European integration is used as the basis for understanding the need for global governance. European integration rests upon three necessary conditions, a shared political will to integrate, an agreement on the goals to be sought, and the presence of a set of institutions which are able to deliver the desired outcome. Based upon the comparisons of European and global governance, five lessons are discussed. Overall the general theme is that no shared governance is possible without the underpinnings of shared values.Global governance, Myrdal, institutions, European Union, integration

    The future of the multilateral trading system

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    This 12-page transcript of the Australian lecture discussing the future of the multilateral trading system in the present era of global economic uncertainty

    Electrochemical characterization of YSZ thick films deposited by dip-coating process

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    Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ, 8% Y2O3) thick films were coated on dense alumina substrates by a dip-coating process. The suspension was obtained by addition of a polymeric matrix in a stable suspension of commercial YSZ (Tosoh) powders dispersed in an azeotropic mixture MEK–EtOH. The suspension composition was improved by the addition of YSZ Tosoh particles encapsulated by zirconium alkoxide sol containing yttrium nitrate which are the precursors of the 8-YSZ oxide. This optimal formulation allowed preparing, via a dip-coating process, thick films which were, after thermal treatment, homogeneous, dense and crack-free. A specific method was performed to measure the electrical conductivity, i.e. to determine the ionic conductivity of the film: it uses the four-point probe technique combined with ac impedance spectroscopy. The good agreement between the classical two-electrode measurements performed on YSZ pellets and the four-electrode ones performed on YSZ films allows concluding that this method is relevant for characterizing the transport properties of thick films

    Do not forget the electrochemical characteristics of the membrane electrode assembly when designing a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell stack

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    International audienceThe membrane electrode assembly (MEA) is the key component of a PEMFC stack. Conventional MEAs are composed of catalyzed electrodes loaded with 0.1-0.4 mgPt cm−2 pressed against a Nafion® membrane, leading to cell performance close to 0.8 W cm−2 at 0.6 V. Due to their limited stability at high temperatures, the cost of platinum catalysts and that of proton exchange membranes, the recycling problems and material availability, the MEA components do not match the requirements for large scale development of PEMCFs at a low cost, particularly for automotive applications. Novel approaches to medium and high temperature membranes are described in this work, and a composite polybenzimidazole-poly(vinylphosphonic) acid membrane, stable up to 190 ◦C, led to a power density of 0.5 W cm−2 at 160 ◦C under 3 bar abs with hydrogen and air. Concerning the preparation of efficient electrocatalysts supported on a Vulcan XC72 carbon powder, the Bönnemann colloidal method and above all plasma sputtering allowed preparing bimetallic platinum-based electrocatalysts with a low Pt loading. In the case of plasma deposition of Pt nanoclusters, Pt loadings as low as 10 g cm−2 were achieved, leading to a very high mass power density of ca. 20 kW g−1 Pt . Finally characterization of the MEA electrical properties by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) based on a theoretical model of mass and charge transport inside the active and gas diffusion layers, together with the optimization of the operating parameters (cell temperature, humidity, flow rate and pressure) allowed obtaining electrical performance greater than 1.2 W cm−2 using an homemade MEA with a rather low Pt loading

    SIAMESE-RELATED1 Is Regulated Posttranslationally and Participates in Repression of Leaf Growth under Moderate Drought.

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    The plant cell cycle is tightly regulated by factors that integrate endogenous cues and environmental signals to adapt plant growth to changing conditions. Under drought, cell division in young leaves is blocked by an active mechanism, reducing the evaporative surface and conserving energy resources. The molecular function of cyclin-dependent kinase-inhibitory proteins (CKIs) in regulating the cell cycle has already been well studied, but little is known about their involvement in cell cycle regulation under adverse growth conditions. In this study, we show that the transcript of the CKI gene SIAMESE-RELATED1 (SMR1) is quickly induced under moderate drought in young Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. Functional characterization further revealed that SMR1 inhibits cell division and affects meristem activity, thereby restricting the growth of leaves and roots. Moreover, we demonstrate that SMR1 is a short-lived protein that is degraded by the 26S proteasome after being ubiquitinated by a Cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase. Consequently, overexpression of a more stable variant of the SMR1 protein leads to a much stronger phenotype than overexpression of the native SMR1. Under moderate drought, both the SMR1 transcript and SMR1 protein accumulate. Despite this induction, smr1 mutants do not show overall tolerance to drought stress but do show less growth inhibition of young leaves under drought. Surprisingly, the growth-repressive hormone ethylene promotes SMR1 induction, but the classical drought hormone abscisic acid does not

    Egyenlőtlen Európa

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    A „Szociális Unió” témáján dolgozó magas szintű szakértő csoport zárójelentése 2015. tavasz, Brüsszel

    Foisonnement de l'innovation agricole : quelques exemples d'initiatives en élevage herbivore

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    Les témoignages rassemblés pour illustrer le foisonnement des innovations agricoles émanent d'acteurs différents (agriculteurs, recherche, développement) mais sont tous caractérisés par des approches plutôt systémiques et des dynamiques de co-conception. Les thèmes abordés concernent la production (valorisation des surfaces avec des cultures dérobées, sélection d'espèce prairiales locales), l'appropriation de résultats de recherche (amélioration de la gestion des prairies), la conception d'itinéraires techniques (solutions pour limiter les pertes d'azote en rotation prairie - prairie), l'évaluation de systèmes (repérer des pratiques innovantes en mobilisant des principes de l'agroécologie) mais aussi l'amélioration des conditions de travail et la formation (communication « intergénérationnelle » entre des paysans herbagers et des élèves)