8 research outputs found

    Identification et description de nouvelles causes génétiques et moléculaires responsables des immunodéficiences primaires : mutations de RELA sont associés au déficit immunitaire commun variable et au lupus érythémateux disséminé

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    Beyond the clinical benefit for diagnosis, the study of patients with primary immunodeficiency (PID) has also largely contributed to the deciphering of the complex molecular mechanisms involved in the human adaptive response against pathogens. Still, a large number of PIDs, especially common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), are genetically not defined. During my thesis, I aimed to identify and characterize novel molecular causes of PIDs based on human natural mutants as a research model (1). By whole-exome sequencing of DNA from patients presenting either with pediatric or familial form of CVID and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), we identified three distinct heterozygous single nucleotide variations predicted deleterious in a CVID patient (RELAY306X), a pediatric SLE patient (RELAR329X) and familial SLE patients (RELAH86N). To better understand how the identified mutations may impact the role of RELA in the NF-kB pathway, we confirmed that the two nonsense RELA mutations led to the expression of truncated forms of the protein, while the missense mutation led to the expression of mutated forms of the protein. By immunoblotting of nuclear protein extracts and cellular immunofluorescence, we demonstrated that the two truncated forms of RELA can translocate into the nucleus. Then, using a labeled NF-κB consensus oligonucleotide, we demonstrated that the two truncated forms of RELA were able to bind to DNA. All three mutated RELA proteins, when expressed ectopically, had an impaired transcriptional activity. Finally, we showed by immunoprecipitation that all three ectopically expressed mutated RELA proteins are able to interact with protein partners and form homodimers. As a whole, our results indicate that mutations affecting the transcription factor RELA can be associated with CVID or SLE. Given the previous cases associating RELA haploinsufficiency to autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome with autoimmune cytopenia and to TNF-dependent mucocutaneous ulceration and inflammatory intestinal disease, our work widens the spectrum of disease and clinical phenotypes associated with RELA dysfunction and suggests that different RELA mutations lead to different functional consequences.Au-delà du bénéfice clinique du diagnostic, l'étude des patients atteints de déficits immunitaires héréditaires a aussi largement contribué à la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires complexes impliqués dans la réponse adaptative humaine contre les pathogènes. Cependant, un grand nombre d’immunodéficiences primaires n’a pas encore été génétiquement défini, en particulier le déficit immunitaire commun variable (ou CVID en anglais). Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai cherché à identifier et caractériser de nouvelles causes moléculaires aux immunodéficiences primaires en me basant sur des mutants naturels humains comme modèle de recherche. Par séquençage entier de l'ADN de patients présentant une forme pédiatrique ou familiale de lupus érythémateux disséminé (ou SLE en anglais) et CVID, nous avons identifié trois variations hétérozygotes distinctes prédites comme délétères chez un patient atteint de CVID (RELAWT/Y306X), un patient pédiatrique SLE (RELAWT/R329X) et les patients atteints de SLE (RELAWT/H86N). Afin de comprendre comment les mutations identifiées peuvent affecter le rôle de RELA dans la voie NF-kB, nous avons confirmé que les deux mutations non-sens de RELA entraînent l'expression de formes tronquées de la protéine, tandis que la mutation faux-sens menait à l'expression de formes mutées de la protéine. Par immunoblot des protéines nucléaires et par immunofluorescence cellulaire, nous avons démontré que les deux formes tronquées de RELA peuvent entrer dans le noyau. Ensuite, en utilisant un oligonucléotide consensus NF-κB marqué, nous avons démontré que les deux formes tronquées de RELA étaient capables de se lier à l'ADN. Les trois protéines RELA mutées, lorsqu'elles étaient exprimées de manière ectopique, présentaient une altération de l'activité transcriptionnelle. Enfin, nous avons montré par co-immunoprécipitation que les trois protéines RELA mutées exprimées de manière ectopique sont capables d'interagir avec ses partenaires protéiques et de former des homodimères. En conclusion, nos résultats indiquent que des mutations affectant le facteur de transcription RELA peuvent être associées à des CVID ou des SLE. Étant donnés les cas précédents décrivant des haploinsuffisances de RELA liées à un syndrome lymphoprolifératif avec auto-immunité associé à une cytopénie auto-immune ainsi qu’aux ulcérations cutanéo-muqueuses TNF-dépendantes associées à des inflammations intestinales, notre travail élargit le spectre des maladies et des phénotypes cliniques liés à un dysfonctionnement de la protéine RELA et suggère que différentes mutations du gène RELA entraînent diverses conséquences fonctionnelles

    Heterozygous RELA mutations cause early-onset systemic lupus erythematosus by hijacking the NF-ÎşB pathway towards transcriptional activation of type-I Interferon genes

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    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune and inflammatory disease characterized by uncontrolled production of autoantibodies and inflammatory cytokines such as the type-I interferons. Due to the lack of precise pathophysiological mechanisms, treatments are based on broad unspecific immunossupression. To identify genetic factors associated with SLE we performed whole exome sequencing and identified two RELA heterozygous activating mutations in 3 early-onset and familial SLE cases. The corresponding RELA/p65 mutant were abundant in the nucleus but poorly activate transcription of genes controlled by NF-κB consensus sequences. The co-expression of the mutant and wild-type RELA/p65 strongly activated the expression of genes controlled by the IFNα-consensus sequences. These molecular mechanisms lead to the overproduction of type-I IFN in the patients’ cells. Our findings highlight a novel mechanism of autoimmunity where these new RELA mutants are transactivating the type-I IFN genes and are thus promoting type-I interferon production and early-onset SLE, thereby paving the way to the identification of new and specific therapeutic targets

    Clinical and immunologic phenotype associated with activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ syndrome 2: A cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ syndrome (APDS) 2 (p110δ-activating mutations causing senescent T cells, lymphadenopathy, and immunodeficiency [PASLI]-R1), a recently described primary immunodeficiency, results from autosomal dominant mutations in PIK3R1, the gene encoding the regulatory subunit (p85α, p55α, and p50α) of class IA phosphoinositide 3-kinases. OBJECTIVES: We sought to review the clinical, immunologic, and histopathologic phenotypes of APDS2 in a genetically defined international patient cohort. METHODS: The medical and biological records of 36 patients with genetically diagnosed APDS2 were collected and reviewed. RESULTS: Mutations within splice acceptor and donor sites of exon 11 of the PIK3R1 gene lead to APDS2. Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections (100%), pneumonitis (71%), and chronic lymphoproliferation (89%, including adenopathy [75%], splenomegaly [43%], and upper respiratory tract lymphoid hyperplasia [48%]) were the most common features. Growth retardation was frequently noticed (45%). Other complications were mild neurodevelopmental delay (31%); malignant diseases (28%), most of them being B-cell lymphomas; autoimmunity (17%); bronchiectasis (18%); and chronic diarrhea (24%). Decreased serum IgA and IgG levels (87%), increased IgM levels (58%), B-cell lymphopenia (88%) associated with an increased frequency of transitional B cells (93%), and decreased numbers of naive CD4 and naive CD8 cells but increased numbers of CD8 effector/memory T cells were predominant immunologic features. The majority of patients (89%) received immunoglobulin replacement; 3 patients were treated with rituximab, and 6 were treated with rapamycin initiated after diagnosis of APDS2. Five patients died from APDS2-related complications. CONCLUSION: APDS2 is a combined immunodeficiency with a variable clinical phenotype. Complications are frequent, such as severe bacterial and viral infections, lymphoproliferation, and lymphoma similar to APDS1/PASLI-CD. Immunoglobulin replacement therapy, rapamycin, and, likely in the near future, selective phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ inhibitors are possible treatment options