35 research outputs found

    Descripcion de una especie nueva de Amphimerus Barrer, 1911 (Trematoda: Opisthorchidae) de Costa Rica.

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    Ficha diagnostica del holotipo de Amphimerus costarricensis, especie descrita en este protologo

    Taxonom铆a e importancia ecol贸gica de las "sanguijuelas" (Annelida: Hirudinea) en tres embalses del estado de Tlaxcala

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    This is first taxonomical review about freshwater hirudinean annelids, which inhabit Atlangatepec, Apizaquito and Buenavista Reservoirs in Tlaxcala State, Mexico. Also are included some biological y ecological date about 4 identified species of them. Collected Ieeches were Erpobdella punetata and Moorobdella microstoma included in the Erpobdellidae family and Helobdella stagnalis and Helobdella triserialeis that belong to the Glossiphonidae family. Functional role of these organisms in explored aquatic communities are predation and ectoparasitium on other animal species. They feed on individuals and spawmns of several animal grups such as mollusks, crustaceans, insects larvae, briozoans, flatworms, anfibians and fishes among others. Leeches have influence on breeding potentiality and populations density of certain invertebrates such as Lymnaeidae, Physidae, Ancylidae and Planorbidae gastropods. They appear all year long but are abundant in spring and summer and autumn seasons, but decay in winter due to low temperatures and food deficiency. Among main leeches predators, were seen some aquatic birds and Coleoptera Dytiscidae insects

    A new dicrocoeliid (Digenea: Dicrocoeliinae) parasite of rodents from Tlaxcala, Mexico.

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    Caballerolecythus ibunami n. gen., n. sp. is described from the intestine of 2 species of rodents (Liomys irroratus [Gray, 1868] and Peromyscus difficilis [Allen, 1891]) from Pi帽onal, El Carmen Tequexquitla, Tlaxcala state, Mexico. These specimens represent a new genus and a new species of Dicrocoeliinae by possession of an extremely short ceca (ending at equatorial level of ovary); vitelline follicles that begin posterior to these structures, without overlapping; and a body that is long and slender (length/width ratio 1:1721). To the best of our knowledge, this combination of characters has not been reported in other genera of this subfamily (Athesmia Looss, 1899; Unilaterilecithum Oshmarin in Skrjabin and Evranova, 1952; and Pseudathesmia Travassos, 1942)

    Infeccion natural de Ptychophallus tristani (Crustacea: decapoda) con metacercarias de Paragonimus mexicanus (Trematoda) en Tabarcia de Mora, Costa Rica

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    Se determin贸 el grado de infecci贸n de los crust谩ceos Ptychophallus tristani presentes en una 谩rea end茅mica de Paragonimus mexicanus, encontr谩ndose que de un total de 182 cangrejos, 161 resultaron positivos (88,5%) por metacercarias. Al comparar la infecci贸n entre machos y hembras no se encontr贸 diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas y en relaci贸n a su tama帽o se observ贸 una relaci贸n directa entre tama帽o y porcentaje y grado de infecci贸n. Se estableci贸 que no existen diferencias significativas en relaci贸n a la 茅poca del a帽o en que los cangrejos fueron capturados lo que epidemiol贸gicamente es importante pues indica que las fuentes de infecci贸n permanecen potencialmente activas durante todo el a帽o

    Systematics of the genus Gnathostoma (Nematoda: Gnathostomatidae) in the Americas

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    To date, more than 20 species of the genus Gnathostoma have been described as parasites of mammals, 9 of them in the Americas. However, the taxonomic status of some of these species has been questioned. The main goal of this study is to clarify the validity of the American species included in the genus. In order to complete this objective, we analyze type and/or voucher specimens of all these species deposited in 6 scientific collections, through morphometric and ultrastructural studies. Based on diagnostic traits as host specificity, site of infection, body size, cuticular spines, presence of 1 or 2 bulges in the polar ends of eggs, as well as eggshell and caudal bursa morphology, we re-establish Gnathostoma socialis (Leidy, 1858) and confirm the validity of other 6 species: Gnathostoma turgidum Stossich, 1902, Gnathostoma americanum Travassos, 1925, Gnathostoma procyonis Chandler, 1942, Gnathostoma miyazakii Anderson, 1964, Gnathostoma binucleatum Almeyda-Artigas, 1991, and Gnathostoma lamothei Bertoni-Ruiz, Garc铆a-Prieto, Osorio-Sarabia and Le贸n-R猫gagnon, 2005. Gnathostoma didelphis Chandler, 1932 and Gnathostoma brasiliensis Ruiz, 1952 are considered synonyms of G. turgidum. Finally, based on a wide revision of specimens deposited in 6 American collections, we conclude that records of Gnathostoma spinigerum Owen, 1836 in the Americas are invalid.<br>A la fecha, se han descrito m谩s de 20 especies del g茅nero Gnathostoma par谩sitas de mam铆feros, 9 de ellas en America. Sin embargo, el estado taxon贸mico de algunas ha sido cuestionado. El objetivo de este estudio es aclarar la validez de las especies americanas incluidas en el g茅nero. Para ello, se analizaron ejemplares tipo o de referencia de todas las especies, depositados en 6 colecciones cient铆ficas, mediante estudios morfom茅tricos y ultraestructurales. Con base en rasgos diagn贸sticos como especificidad hospedatoria, sitio de infecci贸n, dimensiones corporales, espinas cuticulares (n煤mero de puntas, densidad, forma y distribuci贸n), presencia de uno 贸 dos tapones polares en los huevos, as铆 como morfolog铆a de la bursa, patr贸n papilar y de la cubierta de los huevos, se re-establece a Gnathostoma socialis (Leidy, 1858) y se confirma la validez de otras 6 especies: Gnathostoma turgidum Stossich, 1902, Gnathostoma americanum Travassos, 1925, Gnathostoma procyonis Chandler, 1942, Gnathostoma miyazakii Anderson, 1964, Gnathostoma binucleatum Almeyda-Artigas, 1991 y Gnathostoma lamothei Bertoni-Ruiz, Garc铆a-Prieto, Osorio Sarabia y Le贸n-R猫gagnon, 2005. Gnathostoma didelphis Chandler, 1932 y Gnathostoma brasiliensis Ruiz, 1952 son consideradas sin贸nimos de G. turgidum. Basados en una amplia revisi贸n de material depositado en 6 colecciones Americanas, se invalidan los registros de Gnathostoma spinigerum Owen, 1836 en America