4,434 research outputs found

    Flux of nutrients from Russian rivers to the Arctic Ocean: Can we establish a baseline against which to judge future changes?

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    Climate models predict significant warming in the Arctic in the 21st century, which will impact the functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems as well as alter land‐ocean interactions in the Arctic. Because river discharge and nutrient flux integrate large‐scale processes, they should be sensitive indicators of change, but detection of future changes requires knowledge of current conditions. Our objective in this paper is to evaluate the current state of affairs with respect to estimating nutrient flux to the Arctic Ocean from Russian rivers. To this end we provide estimates of contemporary (1970s–1990s) nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate fluxes to the Arctic Ocean for 15 large Russian rivers. We rely primarily on the extensive data archives of the former Soviet Union and current Russian Federation and compare these values to other estimates and to model predictions. Large discrepancies exist among the various estimates. These uncertainties must be resolved so that the scientific community will have reliable data with which to calibrate Arctic biogeochemical models and so that we will have a baseline against which to judge future changes (either natural or anthropogenic) in the Arctic watershed

    Non-iatrogenic nephro-pleural fistula in a child

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    Background: A fistula between kidney and pleura is a rare entity, particularly in children. Fistulation is mostly iatrogenic, following percutaneous nephrolithotomy and has a reported incidence of <1%. In the absence of recent renal surgery the diagnosis may be hampered by a lack of suspicion. However, in Case of pyelonephritis with ipsilateral pulmonary symptoms fistulation between kidney and pleura should be considered.We present a pediatric case of a nephro-pleural fistula due to chronic pyelonephritis, as well as a review of the literature. We highlight that the etiology of the fistula may impact the effectivity of the treatment. Conclusions: Surgery-related fistulas mostly heal spontaneously with optimal drainage of urine combined with antibiotic treatment. In contrast, pyelonephritis-related fistulas (most common xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis) frequently require additional debridement by (partial) nephrectomy

    Gain spectroscopy of a type-II VECSEL chip

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    Using optical pump-white light probe spectroscopy the gain dynamics is investigated for a VECSEL chip which is based on a type-II heterostructure. The active region the chip consists of a GaAs/(GaIn)As/Ga(AsSb)/(GaIn)As/GaAs multiple quantum well. For this structure, a fully microscopic theory predicts a modal room temperature gain at a wavelength of 1170 nm, which is confirmed by experimental spectra. The results show a gain buildup on the type-II chip which is delayed relative to that of a type-I chip. This slower gain dynamics is attributed to a diminished cooling rate arising from reduced electron-hole scattering.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Glaciers and small ice caps in the macro-scale hydrological cycle: an assessment of present conditions and future changes

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    Glacier and small ice cap melt water contributions to the global hydrologic cycle are an important component of human water supply and for sea level rise. This melt water is used in many arid and semi-arid parts of the world for direct human consumption as well as indirect consumption by irrigation for crops, serving as frozen reservoirs of water that supplement runoff during warm and dry periods of summer when it is needed the most. Additionally, this melt water reaching the oceans represents a direct input to sea level rise and therefore accurate estimates of this contribution have profound economic and geopolitical implications. It has been demonstrated that, on the scale of glacierized river catchments, land surface hydrological models can successfully simulate glacier contribution to streamflow. However, at global scales, the implementation of glacier melt in hydrological models has been rudimentary or non-existent. In this study, a global glacier mass balance model is coupled with the University of New Hampshire Water Balance/Transport Model (WBM) to assess recent and projected future glacier contributions to the hydrological cycle over the global land surface (excluding the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica). For instance, results of WBM simulations indicate that seasonal glacier melt water in many arid climate watersheds comprises 40 % or more of their discharge. Implicitly coupled glacier and WBM models compute monthly glacier mass changes and resulting runoff at the glacier terminus for each individual glacier from the globally complete Randolph Glacier Inventory including over 200 000 glaciers. The time series of glacier runoff is aggregated over each hydrological modeling unit and delivered to the hydrological model for routing downstream and mixing with non-glacial contribution of runoff to each drainage basin outlet. WBM tracks and uses glacial and non-glacial components of the in-stream water for filling reservoirs, transfers of water between drainage basins (inter-basin hydrological transfers), and irrigation along the global system of rivers with net discharge to the ocean. Climate scenarios from global climate models prepared for IPCC AR5 are used to explore an expected range of possible future glacier outflow variability to estimate the impacts on human use of these valuable waters and their poorly understood net contribution to sea level change

    Autophagy lipidation machinery regulates axonal microtubule dynamics but is dispensable for survival of mammalian neurons.

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    Neurons maintain axonal homeostasis via employing a unique organization of the microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton, which supports axonal morphology and provides tracks for intracellular transport. Abnormal MT-based trafficking hallmarks the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases, but the exact mechanism regulating MT dynamics in axons remains enigmatic. Here we report on a regulation of MT dynamics by AuTophaGy(ATG)-related proteins, which previously have been linked to the autophagy pathway. We find that ATG proteins required for LC3 lipid conjugation are dispensable for survival of excitatory neurons and instead regulate MT stability via controlling the abundance of the MT-binding protein CLASP2. This function of ATGs is independent of their role in autophagy and requires the active zone protein ELKS1. Our results highlight a non-canonical role of ATG proteins in neurons and suggest that pharmacological activation of autophagy may not only promote the degradation of cytoplasmic material, but also impair axonal integrity via altering MT stability

    Gliadin induces neutrophil migration via engagement of the formyl peptide receptor, FPR1

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    Background Gliadin, the immunogenic component within gluten and trigger of celiac disease, is known to induce the production of Interleukin-8, a potent neutrophil-Activating and chemoattractant chemokine.We sought to study the involvement of neutrophils in the early immunological changes following gliadin exposure. Methods Utilizing immunofluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry, the redistribution of major tight junction protein, Zonula occludens (ZO)-1, and neutrophil recruitment were assessed in duodenal tissues of gliadin-gavaged C57BL/6 wild-Type and Lys-GFP reporter mice, respectively. Intravital microscopy with Lys-GFP mice allowed monitoring of neutrophil recruitment in response to luminal gliadin exposure in real time. In vitro chemotaxis assays were used to study murine and human neutrophil chemotaxis to gliadin, synthetic alpha-gliadin peptides and the neutrophil chemoattractant, fMet-Leu-Phe, in the presence or absence of a specific inhibitor of the fMet-Leu-Phe receptor-1 (FPR1), cyclosporine H. An irrelevant protein, zein, served as a control. Results Redistribution of ZO-1 and an influx of CD11b+Lys6G+ cells in the lamina propria of the small intestine were observed upon oral gavage of gliadin. In vivo intravital microscopy revealed a slowing down of GFP+ cells within the vessels and influx in the mucosal tissue within 2 hours after challenge. In vitro chemotaxis assays showed that gliadin strongly induced neutrophil migration, similar to fMet-Leu-Phe.We identified thirteen synthetic gliadin peptide motifs that induced cell migration. Blocking of FPR1 completely abrogated the fMet-Leu-Phe-, gliadin- and synthetic peptide-induced migration. Conclusions Gliadin possesses neutrophil chemoattractant properties similar to the classical neutrophil chemoattractant, fMet-Leu-Phe, and likewise uses FPR1 in the process. Copyright

    Variations of atmospheric methane supply from the Sea of Okhotsk unduced by the seasonal in cover

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    Measurements of dissolved methane in the surface waters of the western Sea of Okhotsk are evaluated in terms of methane exchange rates and are used to assess the magnitude of seasonal variations of methane fluxes from the ocean to the atmosphere in this area. Methane concentrations northeast of Sakhalin were observed to range from 385 nmol L−1 under the ice cover in winter to 6 nmol L−1 in the icefree midsummer season. The magnitude of supersaturations indicates that this part of the Okhotsk Sea is a significant source for atmospheric methane. From the seasonal variation of the supersaturations in the surface waters it is evident that the air-sea exchange is interrupted during the winter and methane from sedimentary sources accumulates under the ice cover. According to our measurements an initial early summer methane pulse into the atmosphere of the order of 560 mol km−2 d−1 can be expected when the supersaturated surface waters are exposed by the retreating ice. The methane flux in July is approximately 150 mol km−2 d−1 which is of the order of the average annual flux in the survey area. The magnitude of the seasonal CH4 flux variation northeast of Sakhalin corresponds to an amount of 7.3 × 105 g km−2 whereby 74% or 5.4 × 105 g km−2 are supplied to the atmosphere between April and July. For the whole Sea of Okhotsk the annual methane flux is roughly 0.13 × 1012 g (terragrams), based on the assumption that 15% of the entire area emit methane. Variations of long-term data of atmospheric methane which are recorded at the same latitude adjacent to areas with seasonal ice cover show a regional methane pulse between April and July. The large-scale level of atmospheric methane in the northern hemisphere undergoes an amplitudinal variation of about 25 parts per billion by volume (ppbv) which translates into approximately 36 Tg. Thus the estimated 0.6 Tg of ice-induced methane dynamics in northern latitudes can hardly explain this seasonal signal. However, the effects of seasonal ice cover on pulsed release of methane appear strong enough to contribute, in concert with other seasonal sources, to characteristic short-term wobbles in the atmospheric methane budget which are observed between 50°N and 60°N
