549 research outputs found

    De slaap vatten

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    Oratie uitgesproken door Prof.dr. Gert Jan Lammers bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar Slaapstoornissen, in het bijzonder narcolepsie en verwante vigilantiestoornissen aan de Universiteit Leiden op vrijdag 20 mei 2022Oratie uitgesproken door Prof.dr. Gert Jan Lammers bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar Slaapstoornissen, in het bijzonder narcolepsie en verwante vigilantiestoornissen aan de Universiteit Leiden op vrijdag 20 mei 2022LUMC / Geneeskund

    Vigilance: discussion of related concepts and proposal for a definition

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    We reviewed current definitions of vigilance to propose a definition, applicable in sleep medicine. As previous definitions contained terms such as attention, alertness, and arousal, we addressed these concepts too. We defined alertness as a quantitative measure of the mind state governing sensitivity to stimuli. Arousal comprises a stimulus-induced upward change in alertness, irrespective of the subsequent duration of the increased level of alertness. Vigilance is defined as the capability to be sensitive to potential changes in one's environment, ie the capability to reach a level of alertness above a threshold for a certain period of time rather than the state of alertness itself. It has quantitative and temporal dimensions. Attention adds direction towards a stimulus to alertness, requiring cognitive control: it involves being prepared to process stimuli coming from an expected direction. Sustained attention corresponds to a state in which some level of attention is purposefully maintained, adding a time factor to the definition of attention. Vigilance differs from sustained attention in that the latter in addition implies a direction to which attention is cognitively directed as well as a specification of duration. Attempts to measure vigilance, however, are often in fact measurements of sustained attention. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Paroxysmal Cerebral Disorder

    Does modafinil enhance activity of patients with myotonic dystrophy?: A double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study

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    We performed a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study in 13 patients with myotonic dystrophy to address the question whether modafinil, known to improve hypersomnolence in myotonic dystrophy, may improve levels of activity as well. We used the Epworth Sleepiness Scale as a measure of hypersomnolence and a structured interview of the patient and the partner or housemate as a measure of activity. We additionally used a restricted form of the RAND-36 to relate a possible improvement of activity to perceived general health. We confirmed earlier positive findings of modafinil regarding reduced somnolence (p = 0.015), but no significant effects were seen regarding activity levels (p = 0.2 for patients’ self-reports and 0.5 for partners’ reports)

    Understanding the association between sleep, shift work and COVID-19 vaccine immune response efficacy: protocol of the S-CORE study

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    This protocol describes an innovative study to investigate the relationship between sleep, shift work and the immune response to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2; coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID-19]) vaccination. As the COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis with devastating health, social and economic impacts, there is a pressing need for effective vaccination programmes. Previous influenza and hepatitis vaccination studies suggest that lack of sleep can negatively alter immune responsiveness, while circadian misalignment most likely may also play an important role in the immune response to vaccination. Our present study will be the first to address this question in actual shift workers and in relation to COVID-19 vaccination. We hypothesise that the occurrence of recent night shifts and diminished sleep will negatively alter the immune response to vaccination in shift workers compared to dayworkers. We aim to recruit 50 shift workers and 50 dayworkers. Participants will receive an mRNA-based vaccination, through the Dutch vaccination programme. To assess immune responsiveness, blood will be drawn at baseline (before first vaccination), 10 days after first vaccination, the day prior to the second vaccination; and 28 days, 6 and 12 months after the second vaccination. Actigraphy and daily sleep e-diaries will be implemented for 7 days around each vaccination to assess sleep. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index will be used to monitor sleep in the long term. Optimising the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines is of outmost importance and results of this study could provide insights to develop sleep and circadian-based interventions to enhance vaccination immunity, and thereby improve global health.Paroxysmal Cerebral Disorder

    Comparing objective wakefulness and vigilance tests to on-the-road driving performance in narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia

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    Patients with narcolepsy or idiopathic hypersomnia (IH) are at increased risk of driving accidents. Both excessive daytime sleepiness, i.e. unwanted sleep episodes during the day, and disturbed vigilance are core features of these disorders. We tested on-the-road driving performance of patients with narcolepsy or IH coming in for a routine driving fitness evaluation and examined: (1) correlations between driving performance and the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT), Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART) and Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) as objective tests; (2) the predictive power of the MWT and SART for increased risk of impaired driving; (3) the best set of objective predictors for increased risk of impaired driving. Participants were 44 patients (aged 18-75 years) with narcolepsy type 1 (NT1), type 2 (NT2) or IH. They completed the MWT, SART, PVT, a subjective sleepiness questionnaire, and a standardised on-the-road driving test. The standard deviation of the lateral position (SDLP) was used as outcome measure of driving performance. The MWT had low correlation with the SDLP (rho = -0.41 to -0.49, p < 0.01). The SART and PVT had low correlations with SDLP (rho = 0.30 and rho = 0.39, respectively, both p < 0.05). The predictive power of MWT for an increased risk of impaired driving was significant, but low (area under the curve = 0.273, p = 0.012), and non-significant for SART. We conclude that in our present group, none of the tests had adequate ability to predict impaired driving, questioning their use for clinical driving fitness evaluation in narcolepsy and IH. Real-time monitoring of sleepiness while driving seems more promising in these patients.Paroxysmal Cerebral Disorder

    Народное образование крымских татар в конце XIX - начале XX вв.: история и опыт в свете модернизации высшего образования Украины

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    Процесс модернизации высшего образования Украины проходит параллельно с процессом интеграции крымскотатарского населения в гражданское общество Украины.Процес модернізації вищого утворення України проходить паралельно з процесом інтеграції кримськотатарського населення в цивільне суспільство України

    Pandemic influenza vaccine & narcolepsy: Simulations on the potential impact of bias

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    Several studies have identified an association between PandemrixTM, an AS03 adjuvanted pandemic influenza A(H1N1) vaccine, and narcolepsy, a rare and under-diagnosed sleep disorder with a median onset-to-diagnosis interval of ten years. This paper reviews potential sources of bias in published studies and aims to provide, through simulation, methodological recommendations for assessment of vaccine safety signals. Our simulation study showed that in the absence of an association between the vaccine and the outcome, presence of detection bias and differential exposure misclassification could account for elevated risk estimates. These may play a major role, particularly in alert situations when observation times are limited and the disease has a long latency period. Estimates from the case-control design were less inflated than those from the cohort design when these biases were present. Overall, these simulations provide useful insights for the design and interpretation of future studies

    H1N1 hemagglutinin-specific HLA-DQ6-restricted CD4+ T cells can be readily detected in narcolepsy type 1 patients and healthy controls

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    Following the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, an increased risk of narcolepsy type 1 was observed. Homology between an H1N1 hemagglutinin and two hypocretin sequences has been reported. T cell reactivity to these peptides was assessed in 81 narcolepsy type 1 patients and 19 HLA-DQ6-matched healthy controls. HLA-DQ6-restricted H1N1 hemagglutinin-specific T cell responses were detected in 28.4% of patients and 15.8% of controls. Despite structural homology between HLA-DQ6-hypocretin and -H1N1 peptide complexes, T cell cross-reactivity was not detected. These results indicate that it is unlikely that cross-reactivity between H1N1 hemagglutinin and hypocretin peptides presented by HLA-DQ6 is involved in the development of narcolepsy

    Unusual C35 to C38 alkenones in mid-Holocene sediments from a restricted estuary (Charlotte Harbor, Florida)

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    Unusual C35 to C38 alkenones were identified in mid-Holocene (8-3.5kyr BP) sediments from a restricted estuary in southwest Florida (Charlotte Harbor). The distribution was dominated by a C36 diunsaturated (ω15,20) ethyl ketone, identical to the one present in Black Sea Unit 2 sediments. Other unus ual alkenones were tentatively assigned as a C35:2 (ω15,20) methyl ketone, a C37:2 (ω17,22) methyl ketone and a C38:2 (ω17,22) ethyl ketone. In late Holocene sediments<3.5kyr BP, the common C37 to C39 alkenones were found. Compound-specific 14C, 13C, and D isotope measurements were used to constrain the possible origin of the alkenones. Conventional radiocarbon ages of alkenones and higher plant-derived long chain n-alcohols indicated no significant difference in age between mid-Holocene alkenones and higher plant n-alcohols. Both alcohols and alkenones were offset vs. calibrated ages of shell fragments in the same sediment core, which suggests they were pre-aged by 500-800yr, implying resuspension and redistribution of the fine-grained sedimentary particles with which they are associated. The hydrogen isotopic (δD) composition (-190‰ to -200‰) of the C37 and C38 alkenones in the late Holocene sediments is in line with values for coastal haptophytes in brackish water. However, the unusual C36 and C38 alkenones from the mid Holocene sediments were enriched in D (by ca. 100‰) vs. the late Holocene alkenones. Also, δ13C values of mid-Holocene alkenones were consistently offset compared with late Holocene alkenones (-21‰ to -22‰ and -22‰ to -23‰, respectively). We suggest that the alkenones in Charlotte Harbor were produced by unknown alkenone-producing haptophyte