191 research outputs found
Synchronised firing patterns in a random network of adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuron model
Acknowledgements This study was possible by partial financial support from the following Brazilian government agencies: CNPq, CAPES, and FAPESP (2011/19296-1 and 2015/07311-7). We also wish thank Newton Fund and COFAP.Peer reviewedPostprin
The present academic essay has as its theme the good Public Administration, arising from the effective applicability of the administrative disciplinary process. It establishes general lines on the model of Public Administration considered currently in force in the Brazilian system, besides the importance of the State in the provision of public services and the consequent collective insecurity of its administered when they are not provided with promptness. However, it is clear from the analysis that, in the current Brazilian organizational context, it is essential that there be a state intervention through a disciplinary administrative process (in a balanced way), with the purpose of improving the provision of public services, with the aim of strengthening the (and even for the Administration itself) and carry out, in effect, a good Administration.O presente trabalho tem como temática a boa Administração Pública, oriunda da aplicabilidade eficaz do processo administrativo disciplinar. Estabelece linhas gerais sobre o modelo de Administração Pública considerado atualmente vigente no sistema brasileiro, além da importância do Estado na prestação dos serviços públicos e a consequente insegurança coletiva dos seus administrados quando os mesmos não são prestados com presteza. Todavia, depreende-se, pelo analisado, que na atual conjuntura organizacional brasileira, é primordial que haja uma intervenção estatal, via processo administrativo disciplinar (de forma equilibrada), com fins à melhoria da prestação dos serviços públicos, com o intuito de fortalecer os direitos de seus administrados, trazer segurança aos mesmos (e até mesmo para a própria Administração) e realizar, a valer, uma boa Administração
Education ICT assemblage: encounters of discourses, emotions, affects, subjects, and their productive forces
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is part of everyday life. It is not different in the education field. However, its use has implications for what it means to teach and learn effectively in contemporary education. When ICT is used in the classroom, things happen through divergent forces, components, and mechanisms, according to different contexts, and evidencing a complex environment. The purpose of this study is to show how complex the use of ICT in education is by analysing different components and their productive forces. Assemblage ethnography is the methodology adopted and a range of data collection tools are used. The thesis explores five case studies generated from different settings: Primary, Secondary and Post-secondary education.
The analysis offered shows how discourse, policy-making, budget, and CPD are not enough to account for all of the ICT-related situations that happen on a daily basis inside schools. ICT in education evidences a diverse and fragmented field of policy, money, and practice, pedagogy and many other elements.
This study concludes that there are three main productive forces emerging from the education ICT assemblage which: evidenced unsolved issues of the schooling process, enhanced or made emotions emerge; opened possibilities for other subjectivities to happen
Complementary action of chemical and electrical synapses to perception
Acknowledgements This study was possible by partial financial support from the following agencies: Fundação Araucária, EPSRC-EP/I032606/1, CNPq No. 441553/2014-1, CAPES No. 17656-12-5 and Science Without Borders Program— Process Nos. 17656125, 99999.010583/2013-00 and 245377/2012-3.Peer reviewedPostprin
A educação física como possibilidade de análise de documentos médicos do brasil do final do século XIX
In this paper I argue the hypothesis that physical education understood as an expression of epoch is the most appropriate way to treat medical documentation on physical education in Brazil in the final years of the nineteenth century. I argue that this perspective is only possible from the empirical work with the historical documentation and the constant dialogue between the questions raised in the present with historical vestiges represented by documentation.En este articulo sostengo la hipótesis de que la educación física entendida como una expresión del tiempo es la forma más adecuada para el tratamiento de la documentación médica sobre la educación física en Brasil en los últimos años del siglo XIX. Insistimos en que este punto de vista sólo es posible desde el trabajo empírico con la documentación histórica y el diálogo constante entre las cuestiones planteadas en el presente con los restos históricos representados por la documentación.Neste artigo defendo a hipótese de que a educação física entendida como uma expressão de época é a forma mais adequada para tratar a documentação médica sobre educação física no Brasil dos anos finais do século XIX. Defendo que essa perspectiva só é possível a partir do trabalho empírico com a documentação histórica e no diálogo constante entre as perguntas formuladas no presente com os vestígios históricos representados pela documentação
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