8 research outputs found


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    The aim of this research was to examine the influence of the addition of cocoa shell, xanthan gum, guar gum, gum arabic, and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), as well as drying procedures on the properties of instant cocoa beverages. The cocoa shell was separated from the cocoa bean after roasting, milled, and after milling a fraction smaller than 71 μm was separated by sieving, and used in production. Instant powders were produced by agglomeration and drying (freeze-drying and oven-drying at 40 °C). The results showed that higher content of cocoa shell in instant cocoa beverages increased the wetting time, while the colour of the oven-dried powders was lighter compared to the freeze-dried samples. The bulk density of the powder was higher in samples with a higher content of shell. In samples with a higher amount of cocoa shell, the content of total polyphenols decreased compared to the samples without cocoa shell


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    The aim of this research was to examine the influence of the addition of cocoa shell, xanthan gum, guar gum, gum arabic, and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), as well as drying procedures on the properties of instant cocoa beverages. The cocoa shell was separated from the cocoa bean after roasting, milled, and after milling a fraction smaller than 71 μm was separated by sieving, and used in production. Instant powders were produced by agglomeration and drying (freeze-drying and oven-drying at 40 °C). The results showed that higher content of cocoa shell in instant cocoa beverages increased the wetting time, while the colour of the oven-dried powders was lighter compared to the freeze-dried samples. The bulk density of the powder was higher in samples with a higher content of shell. In samples with a higher amount of cocoa shell, the content of total polyphenols decreased compared to the samples without cocoa shell

    Application of Different Types of Carboxymethyl Cellulose on the Properties of Instant Cocoa Beverages with Added Cocoa Shell

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je ispitati utjecaj dodatka kakaove ljuske, karboksimetil celuloze i postupaka sušenja na svojstva instant kakao napitaka. Kakaova ljuska za proizvodnju pripremljena je tako da je odvojena od kakaovog zrna nakon prženja, samljevena te se nakon mljevenja prosijavanjem izdvojila frakcija manja od 71 μm koja se koristila u proizvodnji. Instant prahovi su se proizvodili aglomeracijom i sušenjem (liofilizacija i konvekcijsko sušenje u sušioniku pri 40 °C). Kakaova ljuska se dodavala u udjelima od 5, 10 i 15 %. Karboksimetil celuloza koja se koristila za proizvodnju bila je u praškastom i tekućem obliku. Nakon proizvodnje instant prahova određena je boja, vlažljivost, specifični volumen, nasipna gustoća i udio ukupnih polifenola prema modificiranoj Folin-Ciocalteu metodi. Rezultati su pokazali da se povećanjem udjela kakaove ljuske u instant kakao napitcima povećavalo vrijeme vlaženja, a boja prahova sušenih konvekcijskim sušenjem bila je svjetlija u usporedbi s uzorcima sušenim liofilizacijom. Nasipna gustoća praha bila je veća kod uzoraka s većim udjelom ljuske. Kod uzoraka s većim udjelom kakaove ljuske, udio ukupnih polifenola bio je manji u usporedbi s uzorcima bez kakaove ljuske.The aim of this thesis was to examine the influence of the addition of cocoa husk, carboxymethyl cellulose and drying procedures on the properties of instant cocoa beverages. The cocoa shell was prepared for production by being separated from the cocoa bean after roasting, milled, and after milling a fraction smaller than 71 μm was separated by sieving, which was used in production. Instant powders were produced by agglomeration and drying (freeze-drying and convection drying in an oven at 40 °C). Cocoa husk was added in proportions of 5, 10 and 15 %. The carboxymethyl cellulose used for production was in powder and liquid form. After the production of instant powders, the colour, wettability, specific volume, bulk density and content of total polyphenols according to the modified Folin-Ciocalteu method were determined. The results showed that increasing the content of cocoa shell in instant cocoa beverages increased the wetting time, and the colour of the convection-dried powders was lighter compared to the freeze-dried samples. The bulk density of the powder was higher in samples with a higher content of shell. In samples with a higher proportion of cocoa shell, the content of total polyphenols decreased compared to the samples without added cocoa shell

    Application of Different Types of Carboxymethyl Cellulose on the Properties of Instant Cocoa Beverages with Added Cocoa Shell

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je ispitati utjecaj dodatka kakaove ljuske, karboksimetil celuloze i postupaka sušenja na svojstva instant kakao napitaka. Kakaova ljuska za proizvodnju pripremljena je tako da je odvojena od kakaovog zrna nakon prženja, samljevena te se nakon mljevenja prosijavanjem izdvojila frakcija manja od 71 μm koja se koristila u proizvodnji. Instant prahovi su se proizvodili aglomeracijom i sušenjem (liofilizacija i konvekcijsko sušenje u sušioniku pri 40 °C). Kakaova ljuska se dodavala u udjelima od 5, 10 i 15 %. Karboksimetil celuloza koja se koristila za proizvodnju bila je u praškastom i tekućem obliku. Nakon proizvodnje instant prahova određena je boja, vlažljivost, specifični volumen, nasipna gustoća i udio ukupnih polifenola prema modificiranoj Folin-Ciocalteu metodi. Rezultati su pokazali da se povećanjem udjela kakaove ljuske u instant kakao napitcima povećavalo vrijeme vlaženja, a boja prahova sušenih konvekcijskim sušenjem bila je svjetlija u usporedbi s uzorcima sušenim liofilizacijom. Nasipna gustoća praha bila je veća kod uzoraka s većim udjelom ljuske. Kod uzoraka s većim udjelom kakaove ljuske, udio ukupnih polifenola bio je manji u usporedbi s uzorcima bez kakaove ljuske.The aim of this thesis was to examine the influence of the addition of cocoa husk, carboxymethyl cellulose and drying procedures on the properties of instant cocoa beverages. The cocoa shell was prepared for production by being separated from the cocoa bean after roasting, milled, and after milling a fraction smaller than 71 μm was separated by sieving, which was used in production. Instant powders were produced by agglomeration and drying (freeze-drying and convection drying in an oven at 40 °C). Cocoa husk was added in proportions of 5, 10 and 15 %. The carboxymethyl cellulose used for production was in powder and liquid form. After the production of instant powders, the colour, wettability, specific volume, bulk density and content of total polyphenols according to the modified Folin-Ciocalteu method were determined. The results showed that increasing the content of cocoa shell in instant cocoa beverages increased the wetting time, and the colour of the convection-dried powders was lighter compared to the freeze-dried samples. The bulk density of the powder was higher in samples with a higher content of shell. In samples with a higher proportion of cocoa shell, the content of total polyphenols decreased compared to the samples without added cocoa shell

    Antimicrobial Packaging for Fruit

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    U današnje vrijeme potrošači zahtijevaju namirnice visoke kvalitete koje su zadržale senzorska svojstva i koje su zdravstveno sigurne. U osiguravanju kvalitete namirnica, vrlo važnu ulogu ima ambalaža. Stoga se pronalaze novi ambalažni materijali i načini pakiranja kako bi se udovoljili sve rigorozniji zahtjevi kupaca. Jedan od novih načina pakiranja je pakiranje u aktivnu ambalažu u što spada antimikrobna ambalaža kao jedan od oblika aktivne ambalaže. Antimikrobna ambalaža za cilj ima inhibiciju rasta mikroorganizama te održavanje kvalitete i zdravstvene ispravnosti proizvoda. Za antimikrobnu ambalažu se koriste razne aktivne tvari koje djeluju kao inhibitori. Cilj ovog rada je opisati antimikrobnu ambalažu, objasniti upotrebu antimikrobne ambalaže za pakiranje voća te prikazati najnovije smjernice za razvoj antimikrobne ambalaže za pakiranje voća.Nowadays, consumers demand high-quality foods that have retained sensory properties and are safe. Packaging plays a very important role in ensuring the quality of food. Therefore, new packaging materials and packaging methods are being found to meet the increasingly rigorous requirements of customers. One of the new ways of packaging is active packaging, which includes antimicrobial packaging as one of the forms of active packaging. Antimicrobial packaging aims to inhibit the growth of microorganisms and maintain the quality of the products. Various active substances that act as inhibitors are used for antimicrobial packaging. The aim of this work is to define antimicrobial packaging, explain the use of antimicrobial packaging for fruit packing and present the latest guidelines for the development of antimicrobial packaging for fruit

    Antimicrobial Packaging for Fruit

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    U današnje vrijeme potrošači zahtijevaju namirnice visoke kvalitete koje su zadržale senzorska svojstva i koje su zdravstveno sigurne. U osiguravanju kvalitete namirnica, vrlo važnu ulogu ima ambalaža. Stoga se pronalaze novi ambalažni materijali i načini pakiranja kako bi se udovoljili sve rigorozniji zahtjevi kupaca. Jedan od novih načina pakiranja je pakiranje u aktivnu ambalažu u što spada antimikrobna ambalaža kao jedan od oblika aktivne ambalaže. Antimikrobna ambalaža za cilj ima inhibiciju rasta mikroorganizama te održavanje kvalitete i zdravstvene ispravnosti proizvoda. Za antimikrobnu ambalažu se koriste razne aktivne tvari koje djeluju kao inhibitori. Cilj ovog rada je opisati antimikrobnu ambalažu, objasniti upotrebu antimikrobne ambalaže za pakiranje voća te prikazati najnovije smjernice za razvoj antimikrobne ambalaže za pakiranje voća.Nowadays, consumers demand high-quality foods that have retained sensory properties and are safe. Packaging plays a very important role in ensuring the quality of food. Therefore, new packaging materials and packaging methods are being found to meet the increasingly rigorous requirements of customers. One of the new ways of packaging is active packaging, which includes antimicrobial packaging as one of the forms of active packaging. Antimicrobial packaging aims to inhibit the growth of microorganisms and maintain the quality of the products. Various active substances that act as inhibitors are used for antimicrobial packaging. The aim of this work is to define antimicrobial packaging, explain the use of antimicrobial packaging for fruit packing and present the latest guidelines for the development of antimicrobial packaging for fruit