21 research outputs found

    Leishmania (Viannia) spp. dissemination and tissue tropism in naturally infected dogs (Canis familiaris).

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    First evidence is presented for Leishmania (Viannia) spp. dissemination and tissue tropism in the domestic dog. Using PCR and histology, parasites were detected in the conjunctiva, lung, lymph nodes and ovaries of 2 naturally infected Peruvian dogs. The detection of parasites in the blood indicates that parasite dissemination to those organs may have been haematogenous

    Dependence on a variable residue limits the breadth of an HIV MPER neutralizing antibody, despite convergent evolution with broadly neutralizing antibodies

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    Broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) that target the membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of HIV gp41 envelope, such as 4E10, VRC42.01 and PGZL1, can neutralize \u3e 80 % of viruses. These three MPER-directed monoclonal antibodies share germline antibody genes (IGHV1 - 69 and IGKV3 - 20) and form a bNAb epitope class. Furthermore, convergent evolution within these two lineages towards a 111.2GW111.3 motif in the CDRH3 is known to enhance neutralization potency. We have previously isolated an MPER neutralizing antibody, CAP206 - CH12, that uses these same germline heavy and light chain genes but lacks breadth (neutralizing only 6 % of heterologous viruses). Longitudinal sequencing of the CAP206-CH12 lineage over three years revealed similar convergent evolution towards 111.2GW111.3 among some lineage members. Mutagenesis of CAP206-CH12 from 111.2GL111.3 to 111.2GW111.3 and the introduction of the double GWGW motif into CAP206-CH12 modestly improved neutralization potency (2.5 3 -fold) but did not reach the levels of potency of VRC42.01, 4E10 or PGZL1. To explore the lack of potency/breadth, viral mutagenesis was performed to map the CAP206-CH12 epitope. This indicated that CAP206-CH12 is dependent on D674, a highly variable residue at the solvent-exposed elbow of MPER. In contrast, VRC42.01, PGZL1 and 4E10 were dependent on highly conserved residues (W672, F673, T676, andW680) facing the hydrophobic patch of the MPER. Therefore, while CAP206-CH12, VRC42.01, PGZL1 and 4E10 share germline genes and show some evidence of convergent evolution, their dependence on different amino acids, which impacts orientation of binding to the MPER, result in differences in breadth and potency. These data have implications for the design of HIV vaccines directed at the MPER epitope

    South African HIV-1 Subtype C Transmitted Variants With A Specific V2 Motif Show Higher Dependence On aα4β7 For Replication

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    Background: The integrin aα4β7 mediates the trafficking of immune cells to the gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) and is an attachment factor for the HIV gp120 envelope glycoprotein. We developed a viral replication inhibition assay to more clearly evaluate the role of aα4β7 in HIV infection and the contribution of viral and host factors. Results: Replication of 60 HIV-1 subtype C viruses collected over time from 11 individuals in the CAPRISA cohort were partially inhibited by antibodies targeting aα4β7. However, dependence on aα4β7 for replication varied substantially among viral isolates from different individuals as well as over time in some individuals. Among 8 transmitted/founder (T/F) viruses, aα4β7 reactivity was highest for viruses having P/SDI/V tri-peptide binding motifs. Mutation of T/F viruses that had LDI/L motifs to P/SDI/V resulted in greater aα4β7 reactivity, whereas mutating P/SDI/V to LDI/L motifs was associated with reduced aα4β7 binding. P/SDI/V motifs were more common among South African HIV subtype C viruses (35%) compared to subtype C viruses from other regions of Africa

    Shared N417-dependent epitope on the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron, Beta, and Delta Plus variants

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    As severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continues to evolve, several variants of concern (VOCs) have arisen which are defined by multiple mutations in their spike proteins. These VOCs have shown variable escape from antibody responses and have been shown to trigger qualitatively different antibody responses during infection. By studying plasma from individuals infected with either the original D614G, Beta, or Delta variants, we showed that the Beta and Delta variants elicit antibody responses that are overall more cross-reactive than those triggered by D614G. Patterns of cross-reactivity varied, and the Beta and Delta variants did not elicit cross-reactive responses to each other. However, Beta-elicited plasma was highly cross-reactive against Delta Plus (Delta+), which differs from Delta by a single K417N mutation in the receptor binding domain, suggesting that the plasma response targets the N417 residue. To probe this further, we isolated monoclonal antibodies from a Beta-infected individual with plasma responses against Beta, Delta+, and Omicron, which all possess the N417 residue. We isolated an N417-dependent antibody, 084-7D, which showed similar neutralization breadth to the plasma. The 084-7D MAb utilized the IGHV3-23*01 germ line gene and had somatic hypermutations similar to those of previously described public antibodies which target the 417 residue. Thus, we have identified a novel antibody which targets a shared epitope found on three distinct VOCs, enabling their cross-neutralization. Understanding antibodies targeting escape mutations, such as K417N, which repeatedly emerge through convergent evolution in SARS-CoV-2 variants, may aid in the development of next-generation antibody therapeutics and vaccines. IMPORTANCE : The evolution of SARS-CoV-2 has resulted in variants of concern (VOCs) with distinct spike mutations conferring various immune escape profiles. These variable mutations also influence the cross-reactivity of the antibody response mounted by individuals infected with each of these variants. This study sought to understand the antibody responses elicited by different SARS-CoV-2 variants and to define shared epitopes. We show that Beta and Delta infections resulted in antibody responses that were more cross-reactive than the original D614G variant, but they had differing patterns of cross-reactivity. We further isolated an antibody from Beta infection which targeted the N417 site, enabling cross-neutralization of Beta, Delta+, and Omicron, all of which possess this residue. The discovery of antibodies which target escape mutations common to multiple variants highlights conserved epitopes to target in future vaccines and therapeutics.The South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation, the National Research Foundation of South Africa, the SA Medical Research Council SHIP program and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, through the Global Immunology and Immune Sequencing for Epidemic Response (GIISER) program.https://journals.asm.org/journal/jvihj2023ImmunologyInternal Medicin

    Cross-reactive neutralizing antibody responses elicited by SARS-CoV-2 501Y.V2 (B.1.351)

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    No abstract available.The South African Medical Research Council, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the ELMA South Africa Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, the Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health, the FLAIR Fellowship program, the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership 2 of the European Union Horizon 2020 program, the South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation and the National Research Foundation.http://www.nejm.orgam2022Internal Medicin

    Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron sub-lineages is reduced in convalescent sera regardless of infecting variant

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 variants caused major waves of infections. Here, we assess the sensitivity of BA.4 to binding, neutralization, and antibodydependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) potential, measured by FcgRIIIa signaling, in convalescent donors infected with four previous variants of SARS-CoV-2, as well as in post-vaccination breakthrough infections (BTIs) caused by Delta or BA.1. We confirm that BA.4 shows high-level neutralization resistance regardless of the infecting variant. However, BTIs retain activity against BA.4, albeit at reduced titers. BA.4 sensitivity to ADCC is reduced compared with other variants but with smaller fold losses compared with neutralization and similar patterns of cross-reactivity. Overall, the high neutralization resistance of BA.4, even to antibodies from BA.1 infection, provides an immunological mechanism for the rapid spread of BA.4 immediately after a BA.1-dominated wave. Furthermore, although ADCC potential against BA.4 is reduced, residual activity may contribute to observed protection from severe disease.The South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation and National Research Foundation of South Africa, the South African Medical Research Council SHIP program, the European Union-Africa Concerted Action on SAR-CoV-2 Virus Variant and Immunological Surveillance (CoVICIS) consortium, and the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through the Global Immunology and Immune Sequencing for Epidemic Response (GIISER) program.https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/homeam2024ImmunologyInternal MedicineSDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein

    SARS-CoV-2 Omicron triggers cross-reactive neutralization and Fc effector functions in previously vaccinated, but not unvaccinated, individuals

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    The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant escapes neutralizing antibodies elicited by vaccines or infection. However, whether Omicron triggers cross-reactive humoral responses to other variants of concern (VOCs) remains unknown. We used plasma from 20 unvaccinated and 7 vaccinated individuals infected by Omicron BA.1 to test binding, Fc effector function, and neutralization against VOCs. In unvaccinated individuals, Fc effector function and binding antibodies targeted Omicron and other VOCs at comparable levels. However, Omicron BA.1- triggered neutralization was not extensively cross-reactive for VOCs (14- to 31-fold titer reduction), and we observed 4-fold decreased titers against Omicron BA.2. In contrast, vaccination followed by breakthrough Omicron infection associated with improved cross-neutralization of VOCs with titers exceeding 1:2,100. This has important implications for the vulnerability of unvaccinated Omicron-infected individuals to reinfection by circulating and emerging VOCs. Although Omicron-based immunogens might be adequate boosters, they are unlikely to be superior to existing vaccines for priming in SARS-CoV-2-naive individuals.The South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation, the National Research Foundation of South Africa, the South African Medical Research Council Strategic Health Innovation Partnerships (SHIP) program, the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through the Global Immunology and Immune Sequencing for Epidemic Response (GIISER) program and L’Oreal/UNESCO Women in Science South Africa Young Talents award.http://www.cell.com/cell-host-microbe/homeam2023ImmunologyMedical Virolog

    Limited Neutralizing Antibody Specificities Drive Neutralization Escape in Early HIV-1 Subtype C Infection

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    We previously showed that HIV-1 subtype C viruses elicit potent but highly type-specific neutralizing antibodies (nAb) within the first year of infection. In order to determine the specificity and evolution of these autologous nAbs, we examined neutralization escape in four individuals whose responses against the earliest envelope differed in magnitude and potency. Neutralization escape occurred in all participants, with later viruses showing decreased sensitivity to contemporaneous sera, although they retained sensitivity to new nAb responses. Early nAb responses were very restricted, occurring sequentially and targeting only two regions of the envelope. In V1V2, limited amino acid changes often involving indels or glycans, mediated partial or complete escape, with nAbs targeting the V1V2 region directly in 2 cases. The alpha-2 helix of C3 was also a nAb target, with neutralization escape associated with changes to positively charged residues. In one individual, relatively high titers of anti-C3 nAbs were required to drive genetic escape, taking up to 7 weeks for the resistant variant to predominate. Thereafter titers waned but were still measurable. Development of this single anti-C3 nAb specificity was associated with a 7-fold drop in HIV-1 viral load and a 4-fold rebound as the escape mutation emerged. Overall, our data suggest the development of a very limited number of neutralizing antibody specificities during the early stages of HIV-1 subtype C infection, with temporal fluctuations in specificities as escape occurs. While the mechanism of neutralization escape appears to vary between individuals, the involvement of limited regions suggests there might be common vulnerabilities in the HIV-1 subtype C transmitted envelope

    Mannose-rich glycosylation patterns on HIV-1 subtype C gp120 and sensitivity to the lectins, Griffithsin, Cyanovirin-N and Scytovirin.

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    Griffithsin (GRFT), Cyanovirin-N (CV-N) and Scytovirin (SVN) are lectins that inhibit HIV-1 infection by binding to multiple mannose-rich glycans on the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Env). Here we show that these lectins neutralize subtype C primary virus isolates in addition to Env-pseudotyped viruses obtained from plasma and cervical vaginal lavages. Among 15 subtype C pseudoviruses, the median IC50 values were 0.4, 1.8 and 20.1 nM for GRFT, CV-N and SVN, respectively, similar to what was found for subtype B and A. Analysis of Env sequences suggested that concomitant lack of glycans at positions 234 and 295 resulted in natural resistance to these compounds, which was confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis. Furthermore, the binding sites for these lectins overlapped that of the 2G12 monoclonal antibody epitope, which is generally absent on subtype C Env. This data support further research on these lectins as potential microbicides in the context of HIV-1 subtype C infection

    Neutralization profiles of HIV-1 viruses from the VRC01 Antibody Mediated Prevention (AMP) trials

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    The VRC01 Antibody Mediated Prevention (AMP) efficacy trials conducted between 2016 and 2020 showed for the first time that passively administered broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) could prevent HIV-1 acquisition against bnAb-sensitive viruses. HIV-1 viruses isolated from AMP participants who acquired infection during the study in the sub-Saharan African (HVTN 703/HPTN 081) and the Americas/European (HVTN 704/HPTN 085) trials represent a panel of currently circulating strains of HIV-1 and offer a unique opportunity to investigate the sensitivity of the virus to broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) being considered for clinical development. Pseudoviruses were constructed using envelope sequences from 218 individuals. The majority of viruses identified were clade B and C; with clades A, D, F and G and recombinants AC and BF detected at lower frequencies. We tested eight bnAbs in clinical development (VRC01, VRC07-523LS, 3BNC117, CAP256.25, PGDM1400, PGT121, 10–1074 and 10E8v4) for neutralization against all AMP placebo viruses (n = 76). Compared to older clade C viruses (1998–2010), the HVTN703/HPTN081 clade C viruses showed increased resistance to VRC07-523LS and CAP256.25. At a concentration of 1μg/ml (IC80), predictive modeling identified the triple combination of V3/V2-glycan/CD4bs-targeting bnAbs (10-1074/PGDM1400/VRC07-523LS) as the best against clade C viruses and a combination of MPER/V3/CD4bs-targeting bnAbs (10E8v4/10-1074/VRC07-523LS) as the best against clade B viruses, due to low coverage of V2-glycan directed bnAbs against clade B viruses. Overall, the AMP placebo viruses represent a valuable resource for defining the sensitivity of contemporaneous circulating viral strains to bnAbs and highlight the need to update reference panels regularly. Our data also suggests that combining bnAbs in passive immunization trials would improve coverage of global viruses