8 research outputs found
Parent Training Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Aggressive Behavioral Problems
Children who display early disruptive and aggressive behavior are also at greater risk for delinquency, mood and anxiety disorders, and substance use in the long term. As is the case for many forms of childhood psychopathology, a number of factors are associated with the emergence of aggressive and disruptive behavior, including family factors. Indeed, conduct problems during childhood are usually associated with peculiar parenting practices, such as increasingly coercive cycles of harsh parenting and noncompliance exhibited by child; insensitive and nonresponsive parenting; inconsistent, severe discipline and vague commands and directions; lack of parental warmth and involvement; and absence of parental monitoring and supervision. That is why behavioral parent trainings (BPTs) represent one of the gold standard interventions for conduct problems. The main goal of BPT is to decrease coercive interchanges and, consequently, children aggressive problems by teaching parents strategies in order to apply a more effective discipline. Therefore, the putative mechanism for change in youth behavior in BPT is change in parent behavior. Some of the most employed parent training interventions for aggressive behavior problems are presented
Fairy tales, attatchment bonds and personal meanings organizations
El presente artículo se centra en analizar los distintos significados y formas narrativas que le brindan niños de distintas organizaciones de significado personal a los cuentos de hadas. Primariamente se analiza la estructura narrativa de los cuentos infantiles (carencia, partida y final feliz). Siguiendo una visión evolutiva y acorde con las teorías post-racionalista y del apego, se buscará evidenciar cómo un mismo cuento puede tener distintos significados de acuerdo a la organización de significado personal, o cómo al interior de la misma, distintos cuentos pueden tener un significado similar. Finalmente, se esbozan algunos de los posibles usos que en la práctica clínica pueden tener los cuentos infantiles.The present article analyzes the different meanings and narrative forms that children from different organizatinos of personal meaning give to fairy tales. The narrative structure of childhood tales (deficit, departure, and happy ending) is primarily analyzed. Following an evolutionary vision in keeping with post-racionalist and attachment theories, evidence is sought on how a fairy tale can have different meanings according to the organization of personal meaning, or how within the same organization, different tales can have similar meanings. Finally, some possible uses that fairy tales can serve within the clinical practice are outlined.
La dimensión moral en el desarrollo según la óptica cognitivo-constructivista y evolutiva: un modelo de tres ejes
El articulo propone un modelo de tres ejes del funcionamiento humano de tipo cognitivo-constructivista y evolutivo sobre cuya base trata de describir como la dimensión moral (tanto en sus implicaciones “normales” como psicopatológicas) encuentra sus raíces subjetivas en la configuración de identidad del individuo, es decir en su sistema organizado de significados personales, tal como se ha ido plasmando en el seno de los vínculos primarios de apego.The article proposes a three-axes model of human functioning, based on a constructivistic and developmental cognitive perspective and, on this bases, it tries to connect the subjective roots of moral dimension (both in its "normal" and psychopathological implications) to the individual identity structures, that is, to the organized personal meanings system, shaped within the primary attachment bonds
Cuentos, vínculos de apego y organizaciones de significado personal
El presente artículo se centra en analizar los distintos significados y formas narrativas que le brindan niños de distintas organizaciones de significado personal a los cuentos de hadas. Primariamente se analiza la estructura narrativa de los cuentos infantiles (carencia, partida y final feliz). Siguiendo una visión evolutiva y acorde con las teorías post-racionalista y del apego, se buscará evidenciar cómo un mismo cuento puede tener distintos significados de acuerdo a la organización de significado personal, o cómo al interior de la misma, distintos cuentos pueden tener un significado similar. Finalmente, se esbozan algunos de los posibles usos que en la práctica clínica pueden tener los cuentos infantiles
Cuentos, vínculos de apego y organizaciones de significado personal
The present article analyzes the different meanings and narrative forms that children from different organizatinos of personal meaning give to fairy tales. The narrative structure of childhood tales (deficit, departure, and happy ending) is primarily analyzed. Following an evolutionary vision in keeping with post-racionalist and attachment theories, evidence is sought on how a fairy tale can have different meanings according to the organization of personal meaning, or how within the same organization, different tales can have similar meanings. Finally, some possible uses that fairy tales can serve within the clinical practice are outlined. El presente artículo se centra en analizar los distintos significados y formas narrativas que le brindan niños de distintas organizaciones de significado personal a los cuentos de hadas. Primariamente se analiza la estructura narrativa de los cuentos infantiles (carencia, partida y final feliz). Siguiendo una visión evolutiva y acorde con las teorías post-racionalista y del apego, se buscará evidenciar cómo un mismo cuento puede tener distintos significados de acuerdo a la organización de significado personal, o cómo al interior de la misma, distintos cuentos pueden tener un significado similar. Finalmente, se esbozan algunos de los posibles usos que en la práctica clínica pueden tener los cuentos infantiles
La técnica de la moviola como método de reelaboración de las narrativas autobiográficas.
The "moviola" technique constitutes the core of the post–rationalist therapeutic methodology . This paper analyze the moviola technique in its most strictly technical and procedural components and then submit their application at a meeting conducted by Vittorio Guidano to an analysis method based on cognitive-conversational method.La técnica de la “moviola” constituye el núcleo central de la metodología terapéutica postracionalista. En el presente artículo se analiza la moviola en sus componentes más estrictamente técnico-procedimentales y posteriormente se somete su aplicación en una sesión llevada a cabo por el propio Vittorio Guidano a un análisis basado en el método cognitivo-conversacional
Centralidad de la óptica evolutiva en el cognitivismo clínico post-racionalista y nuevos argumentos explicativos de la psicopatología infantil
Inspired by the work of Vittorio Guidano and Patricia Crittenden this article develops clinical and therapeutic aplications of theory of attachment to children’s especific developmental problems.Inspirado en los trabajos de Vittorio Guidano y Patricia Crittenden este artículo desarrolla la teoría del apego en el ámbito de aplicación de la psicología y psicopatología infantiles
Six-year outcome for children with ODD or CD treated with the coping power program
: Children with severe aggressive behavioral problems are one of the groups most frequently referred to mental health clinics, and they engage in behaviors that put them at risk for substance use problems and a host of other negative outcomes. The present study aimed to assess the long-term outcome (six-year follow up) of the Coping Power Program delivered in a mental health hospital for children with behavioral disorders. We recruited one hundred and twenty children (mean age = 9.9, SD = 0.85), twenty-three patients were lost during the follow-ups. The sample of the current study included sixty-seven youths with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and thirty with Conduct Disorder. We used Child Behavior Check List, Inventory of Callous Unemotional traits and a youth survey to evaluate substance use. After the baseline evaluation they were allocated to Coping Power or to a generic multi-component treatment. Coping Power produced significant reduction in Callous Unemotional traits, relative to the control condition; Coping Power seems to be effective also in reducing the rate of substance use. However, no differences have been found in externalizing behavior reduction in the two groups. This study contributes to the successful dissemination of best-practice treatments in public mental health services for children