180 research outputs found

    A horse of a different colour: Do patients with semantic dementia recognise different versions of the same object as the same?

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    Ten patients with semantic dementia resulting from bilateral anterior temporal lobe atrophy, and 10 matched controls, were tested on an object recognition task in which they were invited to choose (from a four-item array) the picture representing “the same thing” as an object picture that they had just inspected and attempted to name. The target in the response array was never physically identical to the studied picture but differed from it – in the various conditions – in size, angle of view, colour or exemplar (e.g. a different breed of dog). In one test block for each patient, the response array was presented immediately after the studied picture was removed; in another block, a 2 min filled delay was inserted between study and test. The patients performed relatively well when the studied object and target response differed only in the size of the picture on the page, but were significantly impaired as a group in the other three type-of-change conditions, even with no delay between study and test. The five patients whose structural brain imaging revealed major right-temporal atrophy were more impaired overall, and also more affected by the 2 min delay, than the five patients with an asymmetric pattern characterised by predominant left-sided atrophy. These results are interpreted in terms of a hypothesis that successful classification of an object token as an object type is not a pre-semantic ability but rather results from interaction of perceptual and conceptual processing

    Analyse Du Rebut Des Cliches Radiographiques Dans Le Service De Radiologie Et Imagerie Médicale Du Chu Campus De Lomé Au Togo

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    Purpose: To analyze the waste factors of rejected X-rays films. Methodology: Descriptive and analytical prospective study from 1 January to 30 June 2017 carried out in the department of radiology and medical imaging of the Campus University Hospital of LomĂ© in Togo. Results: 4912 patients had received 5630 radiographic incidences, including 3288 (58.4%) on the analogy and 2342 (41.5%) on the digital. The reject rate was 12.5%. The vast majority of the X-rays films, 682 (96.9%) were rejected by the radiographers themselves just after development. The resumption frequency ranged from one repeat (550 X-rays films, or 78%) to 4 repeats (8 X-rays films, or 1%). Almost all of the rejected films, 702 (99.7%) came from the analogical room. Chest X-ray was the incidence with more rejection in 33.9% followed by pelvic and lower limb incidences in 21% of cases. More than 2/3 of the rejected films, 473 (67.2%), came from the students' act. The causes of the rejection were mainly centering (25.5%), underexposure (20.17%) and overexposure (12.93). The financial loss caused by the scrap of X-rays films amounted to about 418800F CFA or 638.5 €. Conclusion: Strengthening communication between radiographers and radiologists is necessary to avoid unnecessary repeats of patient’s radiographs

    'Pre-semantic' cognition in semantic dementia: Six deficits in search of an explanation.

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    ‘‘Oh, sir, you must be well aware that life is full of endless absurdities which do not even have to appear plausible, since they are true.’’ —From Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Luigi Pirandello (1921) & On the basis of a theory about the role of semantic knowl-edge in the recognition and production of familiar words and objects, we predicted that patients with semantic dementia would reveal a specific pattern of impairment on six different tasks typically considered ‘‘pre-’ ’ or ‘‘non-’ ’ semantic: reading aloud, writing to dictation, inflecting verbs, lexical decision, object decision, and delayed copy drawing. The prediction was that all tasks would reveal a frequency-by-typicality interaction, with patients performing especially poorly on lower-frequency items with atypical structure (e.g., words with an atypical spelling-to-sound relationship; objects with an atypical feature for their class, such as the hump on a camel, etc). Of 84 critical observations (14 patients performing 6 tasks), this prediction was correct in 84/84 cases; and a single component in a factor analysis accounted for 87 % of the variance across seven mea-sures: each patient’s degree of impairment on atypical items in the six experimental tasks and a separate composite score re-f lecting his or her degree of semantic impairment. Errors also consistently conformed to the predicted pattern for both ex-pressive and receptive tasks, with responses reflecting residual knowledge about the typical surface structure of each domain. We argue that these results cannot be explained as associated but unrelated deficits but instead are a principled consequence of a primary semantic impairment. &amp

    On staying grounded and avoiding Quixotic dead ends

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    The 15 articles in this special issue on The Representation of Concepts illustrate the rich variety of theoretical positions and supporting research that characterize the area. Although much agreement exists among contributors, much disagreement exists as well, especially about the roles of grounding and abstraction in conceptual processing. I first review theoretical approaches raised in these articles that I believe are Quixotic dead ends, namely, approaches that are principled and inspired but likely to fail. In the process, I review various theories of amodal symbols, their distortions of grounded theories, and fallacies in the evidence used to support them. Incorporating further contributions across articles, I then sketch a theoretical approach that I believe is likely to be successful, which includes grounding, abstraction, flexibility, explaining classic conceptual phenomena, and making contact with real-world situations. This account further proposes that (1) a key element of grounding is neural reuse, (2) abstraction takes the forms of multimodal compression, distilled abstraction, and distributed linguistic representation (but not amodal symbols), and (3) flexible context-dependent representations are a hallmark of conceptual processing
