1,689 research outputs found

    The Cost of Increasing Adoption of Beneficial Nutrient-Management Practices

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    We estimate the cost of offsets tied to reductions in the use of nitrogen on U.S. cornfields under the proposed American Clean Energy and Security Act.offsets, nitrogen, corn, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Performance of a Native Butterfly and Introduced Moth on Native and Introduced Lineages of Phragmites australis

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    This study examined the performance of Poanes viator (Edwards) (Hesperiidae), a native North American skipper, and Rhizedra lutosa (Hübner) (Noctuidae), an introduced moth, reared on native and non-native, invasive lineages of Phragmites australis. Poanes viator is a generalist on monocots and larvae were also fed leaves of Zizania aquatica, a native macrophyte that the skipper commonly uses as a host plant. Larval survival and duration, pupal weight, and pupation time were compared for P. viator feeding on leaf tissue and R. lutosa feeding on rhizomes of either native or introduced plants. We also tested an artificial diet supplemented with P. australis rhizome powder as a potential food for rearing other stalk and rhizome boring Lepidoptera. In experiments using excised plant tissues, some individuals of both species fed and developed to the pupal stage on native and introduced plants, but overall, larval survival rates were low. Plant species/haplotype identity did not cause strong differences in larval survival for either species. However, P. viator larvae only pupated when feeding on native plants (Zizania aquatica and native P. australis haplotypes), whereas R. lutosa successfully pupated on both native and introduced P. australis. Although larval survival was low, 100% of P. viator and 95% of R. lutosa that reached the pupal stage emerged as adults. Rhizedra lutosa larvae fed an artificial diet supplemented with P. australis rhizome powder had significantly greater survival and pupal weights, and shorter pupation times than larvae fed rhizomes only. Several specialist Lepidopteran species are being considered for approval as biological control agents for the non-native P. australis haplotype, and the convenience and increased larval performance make this artificial diet a good alternative for rearing organisms

    Association between allergen component sensitisation and clinical allergic disease in children

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    Background: Allergen component sensitisation testing is becoming increasingly important in the diagnosis of peanut allergy. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between sensitisation and symptoms of allergic disease in children by testing a large panel of inhalants, food allergens, and allergen components. Methods: For 287 children visiting our laboratory for allergy testing, symptoms of allergic disease were recorded by standardised validated questionnaires. Specific IgE to 11 whole allergens was assessed by ImmunoCAP, and to 112 allergen components by ISAC ImmunoCAP assay. We used latent class analysis (LCA) to distinguish clinical phenotypes. Results: Inhalant and food allergen sensitisation was common, irrespective of the children's allergic symptom type. Less than 10% of the variance in symptom scores was explained by variations in the number of allergens (components) that the child was sensitised to. In LCA, 135 children (50.2%) had mild allergy, with few symptoms and sensitisation to no or few allergens, 74 children (27.5%) had more symptoms and sensitisation to inhalant allergens (respiratory allergy) and 60 children (22.3%) showed polysensitisation to a median of six allergens and had more severe symptoms of different organ systems. Adding allergen component test results to LCA failed to result in identifiable classes of allergic disease in children. Conclusions: In this group of children with allergic symptoms, referred for allergy testing by their physician, broad screening for allergen component sensitisation did not contribute to distinguishing phenotypes of allergic disease. (C) 2022 Codon Publications. Published by Codon Publications

    Multibeam Phased-Array Antennas Developed and Characterized

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    Fixed-formation microsatellites have been proposed for future NASA missions to lower costs and improve data collection and reliability. Achieving seamless connectivity communications between these satellites requires the use of multibeam array antennas. As a result of NASA Glenn Research Center s collaborative efforts with the University of Colorado and Texas A&M University, two prototype multibeam array antennas have been developed and demonstrated at Ka-band frequencies. These arrays are designed to be dual-beam, dual-frequency arrays, with two fixed scan beams at around +/- 30 . They can be used in both ground and space systems for transmit and receive functions

    Antenna Near-Field Probe Station Scanner

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    A miniaturized antenna system is characterized non-destructively through the use of a scanner that measures its near-field radiated power performance. When taking measurements, the scanner can be moved linearly along the x, y and z axis, as well as rotationally relative to the antenna. The data obtained from the characterization are processed to determine the far-field properties of the system and to optimize the system. Each antenna is excited using a probe station system while a scanning probe scans the space above the antenna to measure the near field signals. Upon completion of the scan, the near-field patterns are transformed into far-field patterns. Along with taking data, this system also allows for extensive graphing and analysis of both the near-field and far-field data. The details of the probe station as well as the procedures for setting up a test, conducting a test, and analyzing the resulting data are also described

    Synthesis of the elements in stars: forty years of progress

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    Forty years ago Burbidge, Burbidge, Fowler, and Hoyle combined what we would now call fragmentary evidence from nuclear physics, stellar evolution and the abundances of elements and isotopes in the solar system as well as a few stars into a synthesis of remarkable ingenuity. Their review provided a foundation for forty years of research in all of the aspects of low energy nuclear experiments and theory, stellar modeling over a wide range of mass and composition, and abundance studies of many hundreds of stars, many of which have shown distinct evidence of the processes suggested by B2FH. In this review we summarize progress in each of these fields with emphasis on the most recent developments

    The Molecular Ecology of the Extinct New Zealand Huia

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    The extinct Huia (Heteralocha acutirostris) of New Zealand represents the most extreme example of beak dimorphism known in birds. We used a combination of nuclear genotyping methods, molecular sexing, and morphometric analyses of museum specimens collected in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to quantify the sexual dimorphism and population structure of this extraordinary species. We report that the classical description of Huia as having distinctive sex-linked morphologies is not universally correct. Four Huia, sexed as females had short beaks and, on this basis, were indistinguishable from males. Hence, we suggest it is likely that Huia males and females were indistinguishable as juveniles and that the well-known beak dimorphism is the result of differential beak growth rates in males and females. Furthermore, we tested the prediction that the social organisation and limited powers of flight of Huia resulted in high levels of population genetic structure. Using a suite of microsatellite DNA loci, we report high levels of genetic diversity in Huia, and we detected no significant population genetic structure. In addition, using mitochondrial hypervariable region sequences, and likely mutation rates and generation times, we estimated that the census population size of Huia was moderately high. We conclude that the social organization and limited powers of flight did not result in a highly structured population