1,548 research outputs found

    Nonlinear transport and oscillating magnetoresistance in double quantum wells

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    We study the evolution of low-temperature magnetoresistance in double quantum wells in the region below 1 Tesla as the applied current density increases. A flip of the magneto-intersubband oscillation peaks, which occurs as a result of the current-induced inversion of the quantum component of resistivity, is observed. We also see splitting of these peaks as another manifestation of nonlinear behavior, specific for the two-subband electron systems. The experimental results are quantitatively explained by the theory based on the kinetic equation for the isotropic non-equilibrium part of electron distribution function. The inelastic scattering time is determined from the dependence of the inversion magnetic field on the current.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Measurement of miniband parameters of a doped superlattice by photoluminescence in high magnetic fields

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    We have studied a 50/50\AA superlattice of GaAs/Al0.21_{0.21}Ga0.79_{0.79}As composition, modulation-doped with Si, to produce n=1.4×1012n=1.4\times 10^{12} cm−2^{-2} electrons per superlattice period. The modulation-doping was tailored to avoid the formation of Tamm states, and photoluminescence due to interband transitions from extended superlattice states was detected. By studying the effects of a quantizing magnetic field on the superlattice photoluminescence, the miniband energy width, the reduced effective mass of the electron-hole pair, and the band gap renormalization could be deduced.Comment: minor typing errors (minus sign in eq. (5)

    Resonance oscillations of magnetoresistance in double quantum wells

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    We present experimental and theoretical studies of the magnetoresistance oscillations induced by resonance transitions of electrons between tunnel-coupled states in double quantum wells. The suppression of these oscillations with increasing temperature is irrelevant to the thermal broadening of the Fermi distribution and reflects the temperature dependence of the quantum lifetime of electrons. The gate control of the period and amplitude of the oscillations is demonstrated.Comment: 5 pages 4 figures, to be published in the Physical Review

    Nonlinear transport and oscillating magnetoresistance in double quantum wells

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    The nonlinear regime of low-temperature magnetoresistance of double quantum wells in the region of magnetic fields below 1 T is studied both experimentally and theoretically. The observed inversion of the magnetointersubband oscillation peaks with increasing electric current and splitting of these peaks are described by the theory based on the kinetic equation for the isotropic nonequilibrium part of electron distribution function. The inelastic-scattering time of electrons is determined from the current dependence of the inversion field

    Performance of a multigap RPC prototype for the LHCb muon system

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    Several technologies are under consideration for the muon system of the LHCb experiment. Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) are one of the favourite candidates for the outer areas where the particle fluxes are expected to be at most some kHz/cm/sup 2/. This work describes the results obtained with a multigap RPC prototype under various beam conditions at the CERN facilities. (9 refs)

    Field-driven femtosecond magnetization dynamics induced by ultrastrong coupling to THz transients

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    Controlling ultrafast magnetization dynamics by a femtosecond laser is attracting interest both in fundamental science and industry because of the potential to achieve magnetic domain switching at ever advanced speed. Here we report experiments illustrating the ultrastrong and fully coherent light-matter coupling of a high-field single-cycle THz transient to the magnetization vector in a ferromagnetic thin film. We could visualize magnetization dynamics which occur on a timescale of the THz laser cycle and two orders of magnitude faster than the natural precession response of electrons to an external magnetic field, given by the Larmor frequency. We show that for one particular scattering geometry the strong coherent optical coupling can be described within the framework of a renormalized Landau Lifshitz equation. In addition to fundamentally new insights to ultrafast magnetization dynamics the coherent interaction allows for retrieving the complex time-frequency magnetic properties and points out new opportunities in data storage technology towards significantly higher storage speed.Comment: 25 page

    Multi-photon, multi-mode polarization entanglement in parametric down-conversion

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    We study the quantum properties of the polarization of the light produced in type II spontaneous parametric down-conversion in the framework of a multi-mode model valid in any gain regime. We show that the the microscopic polarization entanglement of photon pairs survives in the high gain regime (multi-photon regime), in the form of nonclassical correlation of all the Stokes operators describing polarization degrees of freedom

    Quantum Hall ferromagnet in a parabolic well

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    We report the observation of an anomalous magnetoresistance peak in a tilted magnetic field corresponding to filling factor of 2 in several parabolic wells of different width. This phenomenon is due to the unpolarizedferromagnetic transitions in quantum Hall ferromagnets. The domain formation induced by the random impurity potential is responsible for this magnetoresistance peak. The shift of the peak position with the tilt angle is attributed to the magnetic-field dependence of the exchange-correlation energy across the transition

    Long distance quantum teleportation of qubits from photons at 1300 nm to photons at 1550 nm wavelength

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    Elementary 2-dimensional quantum states (qubits) encoded in 1300 nm wavelength photons are teleported onto 1550 nm photons. The use of telecommunication wavelengths enables to take advantage of standard optical fibre and permits to teleport from one lab to a distant one, 55 m away, connected by 2 km of fibre. A teleportation fidelity of 81.2 % is reported. This is large enough to demonstrate the principles of quantum teleportation, in particular that entanglement is exploited. This experiment constitutes a first step towards a quantum repeater.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Extended version of Nature lette
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