70 research outputs found

    L’effet des interventions policières sur les violences reliées aux bandes criminelles

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    Objectifs. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’améliorer les connaissances quant à l’effet des interventions policières sur la violence imputable aux bandes criminelles. À travers l’évaluation des cinq plus importantes opérations policières réalisées entre 1991 et 2008 au Québec, trois modèles conceptuels sont confrontés : 1) celui du marché qui prévoit une hausse des affrontements entres bandes rivales dont le but est de prendre possession d’un marché criminel maintenant disponible en raison du retrait d’un joueur clé, 2) celui de la dissuasion qui prévoit une baisse des violences criminelles, et 3) celui de l’attrition qui envisage une baisse des violences en raison de l’essoufflement des bandes. Méthodologie. Les données de cette étude proviennent de l’Enquête générale sur les homicides de Statistique Canada. Différents taux d’homicides furent agrégés sur une base annuelle pour différentes provinces et régions métropolitaines de recensement. Des analyses de séries chronologiques interrompues furent ensuite réalisées pour estimer l’effet des interventions policières. Résultats. L’opération Printemps 2001 est la seule intervention policière à être associée à une baisse significative des homicides reliés aux bandes criminelles. « Sans-Frontière », « Colisée » et les deux escouades Carcajou de Montréal et de Québec, n’ont produit aucun effet préventif notable. Au contraire, Carcajou Montréal et Québec ont été associées à une hausse des homicides liés aux gangs. Conclusion. Les présents résultats appuient davantage la thèse de la dissuasion que celles du marché ou de l’attrition. Afin de produire un effet de dissuasion, les résultats suggèrent que l’intervention policière doit : 1) cibler un nombre important de membres de l’organisation criminelle, 2) s’attaquer aux têtes dirigeantes, 3) assurer la neutralisation des membres de l’organisation, et 4) assurer la diffusion du message pénal auprès des délinquants concernés. D’autres études sont toutefois nécessaires pour estimer l’effet des interventions policières dans d’autres contextes.Objectives. The objective of this dissertation is to further our understanding about the effects of police interventions on gang-related violence. Using the five most importance police strikes conducted in the Province of Quebec between 1991 and 2008, the relevance of three conceptual frameworks is compared: (1) the market thesis that predicts an increase in gang-related violence for the possession of illicit markets, following the withdrawal of a key player, (2) the deterrence/neutralization model that predicts a decrease in gang-related violence, and (3) the attrition model which predicts a gradual decline in violence (due to losses suffered by each party during a conflict). Methodology. Data come from the Homicide Surveys conducted by Statistics Canada. Various homicide rates were aggregated on an annual basis for different Canadian Provinces and metropolitan census areas. Pooled time series analyses were then conducted to estimate effects of police interventions. Results. Operation “Printemps 2001” is the sole police intervention to be associated with a significant decline in gang-related homicides. “Sans-Frontières”, “Colisée”, and both Wolverine squads, launched in the cities of Quebec and Montreal, did not produce any noticeable preventive effect. On the opposite, Wolverine Quebec was associated with an increase in gang-related homicides. Conclusion. The present results rather support the deterrence thesis than the market and attrition models. In order to produce deterrence, police interventions have to: (1) target a significant fraction of the members of the criminal organization, (2) target the leaders, (3) neutralize members of the organization, and (4) make sure that likely sanctions are known by potential offenders. Other studies are, however, required to estimate the impact of police interventions in other settings

    What does the Covid-19 crisis reveal about economics and the economy? Introduction to this issue

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    Just a year after it was announced that a new virus had been discovered in the city of Wuhan, China, the world is no longer the same. The transformations wrought by the pandemic and the collective responses to it (lockdown of populations, drastic cuts in the movement of goods and more widely in economic and social activity) will entail structural effects. However, it is difficult to get a handle on the scope and nature of those effects. The Revue de la régulation posted a call for papers to j..

    Roles of Major Facilitator Superfamily Transporters in Phosphate Response in Drosophila

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    The major facilitator superfamily (MFS) transporter Pho84 and the type III transporter Pho89 are responsible for metabolic effects of inorganic phosphate in yeast. While the Pho89 ortholog Pit1 was also shown to be involved in phosphate-activated MAPK in mammalian cells, it is currently unknown, whether orthologs of Pho84 have a role in phosphate-sensing in metazoan species. We show here that the activation of MAPK by phosphate observed in mammals is conserved in Drosophila cells, and used this assay to characterize the roles of putative phosphate transporters. Surprisingly, while we found that RNAi-mediated knockdown of the fly Pho89 ortholog dPit had little effect on the activation of MAPK in Drosophila S2R+ cells by phosphate, two Pho84/SLC17A1–9 MFS orthologs (MFS10 and MFS13) specifically inhibited this response. Further, using a Xenopus oocyte assay, we show that MSF13 mediates uptake of [³³P]-orthophosphate in a sodium-dependent fashion. Consistent with a role in phosphate physiology, MSF13 is expressed highest in the Drosophila crop, midgut, Malpighian tubule, and hindgut. Altogether, our findings provide the first evidence that Pho84 orthologs mediate cellular effects of phosphate in metazoan cells. Finally, while phosphate is essential for Drosophila larval development, loss of MFS13 activity is compatible with viability indicating redundancy at the levels of the transporters.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIDDK 5K08DK078361)Harvard Catalys

    The giant Ruatoria debris avalanche on the northern Hikurangi margin, New Zealand: Result of oblique seamount subduction

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    Despite convergent margins being unstable systems, most reports of huge submarine slope failure have come from oceanic volcanoes and passive margins. Swath bathymetry and seismic profiles of the northern Hikurangi subduction system, New Zealand, show a tapering 65–30 km wide by 65 km deep margin indentation, with a giant, 3150±630 km3, blocky, debris avalanche deposit projecting 40 km out across horizontal trench fill, and a debris flow deposit projecting over 100 km. Slide blocks are well‐bedded, up to 18 km across and 1.2 km high, the largest being at the avalanche deposit's leading edge. Samples dredged from them are mainly Miocene shelf calc‐mudstones similar to those outcropping around the indentation. Cores from cover beds suggest that failure occurred ∼170±40 ka, possibly synchronously with a major extension collapse in the upper indentation. However, the northern part of the indentation is much older. The steep, straight northern wall is close to the direction of plate convergence and probably formed around 2.0–0.16 Ma as a large seamount subducted, leaving in its wake a deep groove obliquely across the margin and an unstable triangle of fractured rock in the 60° angle between groove and oversteepened margin front. The triangle collapsed as a blocky avalanche, leaving a scalloped southern wall and probably causing a large tsunami. Tentative calculations of compacted volumes suggest that the indentation is over 600 km3 larger than the avalanche, supporting a two‐stage origin that includes subduction erosion. Since failure, convergence has carried the deposits ∼9 km back toward the margin, causing internal compression. The eventual subduction/accretion of the Ruatoria avalanche explains the scarcity of such features on active margins and perhaps the nature of olistostromes in fold belts

    Crossing Boundaries: Towards Cultural Political Economy

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    Bob Jessop is Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University, United Kingdom. He has worked for many years on theories of the state and state power, critical political economy (including the régulation theory), critical realism, critical discourse analysis, and questions of governance and governance failure. He currently holds a 3-year professorial research fellowship from the Economic and Social Research Council (UK) to study the crisis of crisis-management in relation to the N..

    Entretiens avec deux économistes atterrés, Philippe Askénazy et André Orléan

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    RR : La responsabilité des économistes en tant que profession, ou collectif, a été parfois avancée dans cette période de crise. Comment percevez-vous cette critique ? Et en quoi les économistes atterrés y répondent-t-ils dans le fond ? Comment assumer collectivement cette critique (on pense par exemple à la lettre à la Reine d’Angleterre, mais bien d’autres réponses existent) ? P. Askénazy : Roger Guesnerie a écrit récemment un texte éclairant sur le sujet. Fondamentalement, la science écono..

    Seasonal metrics and anomaly detection based on spot-vegetation archive in Europe

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    Vegetation phenology, by controlling the seasonal activity of vegetation on the land surface, plays a fundamental role in regulating photosynthesis and other ecosystem processes, as well as competitive interactions and feedbacks to the climate system [1]. Assessing how environmental changes affect the distribution and dynamics of vegetation and animal populations is becoming increasingly important for terrestrial ecologists to enable better predictions of the effects of global warming, biodiversity reduction or habitat degradation[2]. However, despite the existence of long term Earth Observation time series, phenology information is not easily accessible to all scientists. The European Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, LifeWatch, provides a set of distributed services to the scientific community in biodiversity research. In this study, we present the development of indices of the vegetation seasonality that are related to ecosystem functioning and animal life traits. These indices aim at describing the average vegetation cycle using a small set of metrics and detecting the anomalies in these cycles in near real-time

    Covid-19 - L’économie dévoilée par la crise pandémique (dossier thématique)

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    International audience"Un an seulement après l’annonce de la découverte d’un nouveau virus dans la ville de Wuhan, en Chine, le monde n’est plus le même. Les transformations que la pandémie a provoquées et les réponses collectives qui y sont apportées (confinement des personnes, réduction drastique de la circulation des biens et plus largement de l’activité économique et sociale) auront des effets structurels. Toutefois, l’ampleur et la nature de ces effets sont difficiles à concevoir.La Revue de la régulation a lancé un appel à contributions pour engager le débat au-delà de l’actualité immédiate et mettre en valeur les compétences des chercheuses et chercheurs qui s’inscrivent dans la filiation des travaux hétérodoxes et pluralistes en sciences économiques et sociales – des compétences trop peu visibles sous les feux de la rampe médiatique." (source éditeur