206 research outputs found
Recent analysis of the ITER ion cyclotron antenna with the TOPICA code
Plasma heating in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies (ICRF) is adopted in most of the existing nuclear fusion experiments and is also one of the three auxiliary heating systems of ITER. Two identical ICRF antennas will be installed in ITER with the aim of delivering 10MW per antenna to the plasma for the baseline design configuration (upgradable to 20 MW/antenna). In order to optimize the feeding circuit and to evaluate and predict the overall performances of an ICRF launcher it is fundamental to perform radio-frequency simulations of the antenna detailed geometry loaded with a realistic plasma, and to extract the antenna input parameters, the electric current on conductors and the radiated field. In this work, we analyze the current ITER ICRF launcher, for the first time including the surrounding cavity between the port plug and the port extension, and a portion of the blanket tiles in the TOPICA code; the geometrical description of the antenna has reached an unprecedented level of accuracy. The ITER ICRF antennas have been the object of a comprehensive analysis, varying the working frequency, the plasma conditions and the poloidal and toroidal phasings between the feeding transmission lines. The performances of the antennas have been documented in terms of input parameters, power coupled to plasma and electric fields, for a reference set of ITER plasma equilibria and assuming a maximum voltage on the system
Réalisation d'un capteur d'images matriciel avec sortie numérique
Cet article présente un prototype de capteur d'images conçu au laboratoire LE2I du Creusot. Il est réalisé sous la forme d'un ASIC en technologie Cmos 1.0mm. Il est destiné à être utilisé en contrôle qualité par vision artificielle pour des scènes présentant de forts contrastes lumineux. Un procédé original de numérisation du niveau de gris permet de contourner la notion classique de temps d'exposition variable et de traiter aisément les problèmes d'éblouissement local. Il permet également d'ouvrir de larges perspectives dans le domaine des capteurs intelligents, en effet la numérisation de l'information au niveau même du photosite permet, à terme d'envisager l'intégration d'un classifieur dans le voisinage immédiat du pixel, et de fournir une décision binaire en sortie du capteur
Recent modeling for the ITER ion cyclotron range of frequency antennas with the TOPICA code
This paper documents the analysis of the ITER ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRF) launcher using the TOPICA code, throughout recent years' design activities. The ability to simulate the detailed geometry of an ICRF antenna in front of a realistic plasma and to obtain the antenna input parameters, the electric currents on conductors and the radiated field distribution next to the antenna is of significant importance to evaluate and predict the overall system performances. Starting from a reference geometry, we first investigated the impact of some geometrical and numerical factors, such as the Faraday Screen geometry or the mesh quality. Then a final geometry was the object of a comprehensive analysis, varying the working frequency, the plasma conditions and the poloidal and toroidal phasings between the feeding lines. The performance of the antenna has been documented in terms of input parameters, power coupled to plasma and electric fields. Eventually, the four-port junction has also been included in TOPICA models
Control of neoclassical tearing modes by Sawtooth control
The onset of a neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) depends on the existence of a large enough seed island. It is shown in the Joint European Torus that NTMs can be readily destabilized by long-period sawteeth, such as obtained by sawtooth stabilization from ion-cyclotron heating or current drive. This has important implications for burning plasma scenarios, as alpha particles strongly stabilize the sawteeth. It is also shown that, by adding heating and current drive just outside the inversion radius, sawteeth are destabilized, resulting in shorter sawtooth periods and larger beta values being obtained without NTMs
Heating, current drive and energetic particle studies on JET in preparation of ITER operation
This paper summarizes the recent work on JET in the three areas of heating, current drive and energetic particles. The achievements have extended the possibilities of JET, have a direct connection to ITER operation and provide new and interesting physics. Toroidal rotation profiles of plasmas heated far off axis with little or no refuelling or momentum input are hollow with only small differences on whether the power deposition is located on the low field side or on the high field side. With LH current drive the magnetic shear was varied from slightly positive to negative. The improved coupling (through the use of plasma shaping and CD4) allowed up to 3.4 MW of PLH in internal transport barrier (ITB) plasmas with more than 15 MW of combined NBI and ICRF heating. The q-profile with negative magnetic shear and the ITB could be maintained for the duration of the high heating pulse (8 s). Fast ions have been produced in JET with ICRF to simulate alpha particles: by using third harmonic 4He heating, beam injected 4He at 120 kV were accelerated to energies above 2 MeV, taking advantage of the unique capability of JET to use NBI with 4He and to confine MeV class ions. ICRF heating was used to replicate the dynamics of alpha heating and the control of an equivalent Q = 10 `burn' was simulated
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