18,961 research outputs found

    High efficiency coherent optical memory with warm rubidium vapour

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    By harnessing aspects of quantum mechanics, communication and information processing could be radically transformed. Promising forms of quantum information technology include optical quantum cryptographic systems and computing using photons for quantum logic operations. As with current information processing systems, some form of memory will be required. Quantum repeaters, which are required for long distance quantum key distribution, require optical memory as do deterministic logic gates for optical quantum computing. In this paper we present results from a coherent optical memory based on warm rubidium vapour and show 87% efficient recall of light pulses, the highest efficiency measured to date for any coherent optical memory. We also show storage recall of up to 20 pulses from our system. These results show that simple warm atomic vapour systems have clear potential as a platform for quantum memory

    An AC Stark Gradient Echo Memory in Cold Atoms

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    The burgeoning fields of quantum computing and quantum key distribution have created a demand for a quantum memory. The gradient echo memory scheme is a quantum memory candidate for light storage that can boast efficiencies approaching unity, as well as the flexibility to work with either two or three level atoms. The key to this scheme is the frequency gradient that is placed across the memory. Currently the three level implementation uses a Zeeman gradient and warm atoms. In this paper we model a new gradient creation mechanism - the ac Stark effect - to provide an improvement in the flexibility of gradient creation and field switching times. We propose this scheme in concert with a move to cold atoms (~1 mK). These temperatures would increase the storage times possible, and the small ensemble volumes would enable large ac Stark shifts with reasonable laser power. We find that memory bandwidths on the order of MHz can be produced with experimentally achievable laser powers and trapping volumes, with high precision in gradient creation and switching times on the order of nanoseconds possible. By looking at the different decoherence mechanisms present in this system we determine that coherence times on the order of 10s of milliseconds are possible, as are delay-bandwidth products of approximately 50 and efficiencies over 90%

    Storage and Manipulation of Light Using a Raman Gradient Echo Process

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    The Gradient Echo Memory (GEM) scheme has potential to be a suitable protocol for storage and retrieval of optical quantum information. In this paper, we review the properties of the Λ\Lambda-GEM method that stores information in the ground states of three-level atomic ensembles via Raman coupling. The scheme is versatile in that it can store and re-sequence multiple pulses of light. To date, this scheme has been implemented using warm rubidium gas cells. There are different phenomena that can influence the performance of these atomic systems. We investigate the impact of atomic motion and four-wave mixing and present experiments that show how parasitic four-wave mixing can be mitigated. We also use the memory to demonstrate preservation of pulse shape and the backward retrieval of pulses.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    Quantum Cloning of Continuous Variable Entangled States

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    We consider the quantum cloning of continuous variable entangled states. This is achieved by introducing two symmetric entanglement cloning machines (or e-cloners): a local e-cloner and a global e-cloner; where we look at the preservation of entanglement in the clones under the condition that the fidelity of the clones is maximized. These cloning machines are implemented using simple linear optical elements such as beam splitters and homodyne detection along with squeeze gates. We show that the global e-cloner out-performs the local e-cloner both in terms of the fidelity of the cloned states as well as the strength of the entanglement of the clones. There is a minimum strength of entanglement (3dB for the inseparability criterion and 5.7dB for the EPR paradox criterion) of the input state of the global e-cloner that is required to preserve the entanglement in the clones.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    A Scalable, Self-Analyzing Digital Locking System for use on Quantum Optics Experiments

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    Digital control of optics experiments has many advantages over analog control systems, specifically in terms of scalability, cost, flexibility, and the integration of system information into one location. We present a digital control system, freely available for download online, specifically designed for quantum optics experiments that allows for automatic and sequential re-locking of optical components. We show how the inbuilt locking analysis tools, including a white-noise network analyzer, can be used to help optimize individual locks, and verify the long term stability of the digital system. Finally, we present an example of the benefits of digital locking for quantum optics by applying the code to a specific experiment used to characterize optical Schrodinger cat states.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Generalized Background-Field Method

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    The graphical method discussed previously can be used to create new gauges not reachable by the path-integral formalism. By this means a new gauge is designed for more efficient two-loop QCD calculations. It is related to but simpler than the ordinary background-field gauge, in that even the triple-gluon vertices for internal lines contain only four terms, not the usual six. This reduction simplifies the calculation inspite of the necessity to include other vertices for compensation. Like the ordinary background-field gauge, this generalized background-field gauge also preserves gauge invariance of the external particles. As a check of the result and an illustration for the reduction in labour, an explicit calculation of the two-loop QCD β\beta-function is carried out in this new gauge. It results in a saving of 45% of computation compared to the ordinary background-field gauge.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, 18 figures in Postscrip

    Configurable unitary transformations and linear logic gates using quantum memories

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    We show that a set of optical memories can act as a configurable linear optical network operating on frequency-multiplexed optical states. Our protocol is applicable to any quantum memories that employ off-resonant Raman transitions to store optical information in atomic spins. In addition to the configurability, the protocol also offers favourable scaling with an increasing number of modes where N memories can be configured to implement an arbitrary N-mode unitary operations during storage and readout. We demonstrate the versatility of this protocol by showing an example where cascaded memories are used to implement a conditional CZ gate.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Array concepts for solid-state and vacuum microelectronics millimeter-wave generation

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    The authors have proposed that the increasing demand for contact watt-level coherent sources in the millimeter- and submillimeter-wave region can be satisfied by fabricating two-dimensional grids loaded with oscillators and multipliers for quasi-optical coherent spatial combining of the outputs of large numbers of low-power devices. This was first demonstrated through the successful fabrication of monolithic arrays with 2000 Schottky diodes. Watt-level power outputs were obtained in doubling to 66 GHz. In addition, a simple transmission-line model was verified with a quasi-optical reflectometer that measured the array impedance. This multiplier array work is being extended to novel tripler configurations using blocking barrier devices. The technique has also been extended to oscillator configurations where the grid structure is loaded with negative-resistance devices. This was first demonstrated using Gunn devices. More recently, a 25-element MESFET grid oscillating at 10 GHz exhibited power combining and self-locking. Currently, this approach is being extended to a 100-element monolithic array of Gunn diodes. This same approach should be applicable to planar vacuum electron devices such as the submillimeter-wave BWO (backward wave oscillator) and vacuum FET

    Time- and frequency-domain polariton interference

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    We present experimental observations of interference between an atomic spin coherence and an optical field in a {\Lambda}-type gradient echo memory. The interference is mediated by a strong classical field that couples a weak probe field to the atomic coherence through a resonant Raman transition. Interference can be observed between a prepared spin coherence and another propagating optical field, or between multiple {\Lambda} transitions driving a single spin coherence. In principle, the interference in each scheme can yield a near unity visibility.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Biased EPR entanglement and its application to teleportation

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    We consider pure continuous variable entanglement with non-equal correlations between orthogonal quadratures. We introduce a simple protocol which equates these correlations and in the process transforms the entanglement onto a state with the minimum allowed number of photons. As an example we show that our protocol transforms, through unitary local operations, a single squeezed beam split on a beam splitter into the same entanglement that is produced when two squeezed beams are mixed orthogonally. We demonstrate that this technique can in principle facilitate perfect teleportation utilising only one squeezed beam.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure