866 research outputs found

    Oscillatory behaviour of nonlinear differential equations with deviating arguments

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    Ilmaisten videopelien kaupallistaminen

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkimus kuvaili erilaisia ilmaisten videopelien kaupallistamisen muotoja sekä kaupallistamisen muotoihin liittyviä tapauksia perustuen aiemmin julkaistuihin tieteellisiin aineistoihin. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, minkälaisia kaupallistamisen muotoja ilmaisilla videopeleillä on ja löytyikö kaupallistamisen vaihtoehdoissa asioita, joita tulisi ottaa huomioon ilmaisten videopelien kehityksen aikana. Tutkimuksessa esiteltiin eri kaupallistamisen muodot omina alaotsikoinaan auttaakseen selventämään ilmaispelien kaupallistamisen muodot omina teemoinaan. Kaupallistamisen muodoissa käytiin läpi se, mitä eri kaupallistamisen muodot ovat sekä mitä niistä tulisi ottaa huomioon. Kaupallistamisen muotoina löytyi muun muassa mainokset, tilaukset, battle pass, loot boxit, mikrotransaktiot, sponsorointi sekä oheistuotteet. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selville, kuinka videopelinkehittäjien kannattaisi käyttää eri kaupallistamisen tapoja sekä mitä heidän kannattaisi välttää. Videopelien käyttäjät suhtautuivat kaupallistamiseen positiivisesti, kun kaupallistaminen oli tehty harkiten ja hyvin. Kaupallistaminen nähdään neutraalina asiana, kun sillä ei ole vaikutusta videopelien pelattavuuteen. Videopelien käyttäjät kuitenkin saattoivat katsoa kaupallistamista huonona, jos käyttäjille tarjottiin etulyöntiasemia oikeaa rahaa kohden.Monetization of free-to-play video games. Abstract. The study described various forms of commercialiation of free-to-play video games and it’s related cases of commercialization based on previously published scientific literature. The purpose of the research was to identify the different forms of commercialization free-to-play video games have and to explore their aspects that should be considered during the development of free-to-play video games. The study presented different commercialization forms in their own separate subsections in order to clarify the commercialization of free-to-play video games. The commercialization forms discussed in the study include advertisements, subscriptions, battle pass, lootx boxes, microtransactions, sponsorships, and merchandise. The study revealed how game developers should use different commercialization methods and what they should avoid. Users of video games viewed commercialization positively when it was implemented thoughtfully and effectively. Commercialization was seen as neutral aspect when it did not impact the gameplay of free-to-play video games. However, users may perceive commercialization negatively if it provided pay-to-win advantages for real money

    Oscillation theorems for second order nonlinear differential equations with deviating arguments

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    New oscillation criteria for the oscillatory behaviour of the differential (a(t)x·(t)) ·+p(t)x·(t)+q(t)f(x[g(t)])=0                ,( · =ddt) and (a(t)ψ(x(t))x·(t)) ·+p(t)x·(t)+q(t)f(x[g(t)])=0, are establishe

    Simultaneous Continuation of Infinitely Many Sinks Near a Quadratic Homoclinic Tangency

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    We prove that the C3C^3 diffeomorphisms on surfaces, exhibiting infinitely many sinksnear the generic unfolding of a quadratic homoclinic tangency of a dissipative saddle, can be perturbed along an infinite dimensional manifold of C3C^3 diffeomorphisms such that infinitely many sinks persist simultaneously. On the other hand, if they are perturbed along one-parameter families that unfold generically the quadratic tangencies, then at most a finite number of those sinks have continuation

    Cms gem detector material study for the hl-lhc

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    A study on the Gaseous Electron Multiplier (GEM) foil material is performed to determine the moisture diffusion rate, moisture saturation level and the effects on its mechanical properties. The study is focused on the foil contact with ambient air and moisture to determine the value of the diffusion coefficient of water in the foil material. The presence of water inside the detector foil can determine the changes in its mechanical and electrical properties. A simulated model is developed with COMSOL Multiphysics v. 4.3 [1] by taking into account the real GEM foil (hole dimensions, shapes and material), which describes the adsorption of water. This work describes the model, its experimental verification, the water diffusion within the entire sheet geometry of the GEM foil, thus gaining concentration profiles and the time required to saturate the system and the effects on the mechanical properties

    Bifunctional Paramagnetic and Luminescent Clays Obtained by Incorporation of Gd3+and Eu3+Ions in the Saponite Framework

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    A novel bifunctional saponite clay incorporating gadolinium (Gd3+) and europium (Eu3+) in the inorganic framework was prepared by one-pot hydrothermal synthesis. The material exhibited interesting luminescent and paramagnetic features derived from the co-presence of the lanthanide ions in equivalent structural positions. Relaxometry and photoluminescence spectroscopy shed light on the chemical environment surrounding the metal sites, the emission properties of Eu3+, and the dynamics of interactions between Gd3+ and the inner-sphere water placed in the saponite gallery. The optical and paramagnetic properties of this solid make it an attractive nanoplatform for bimodal diagnostic applications

    Characterization of the water diffusion in GEM foil material

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    Systematic studies on the GEM foil material are performed to measure the moisture diffusion rate and saturation level.These studies are important because the presence of this compound inside the detector’s foil can possibly change its mechanical and electrical properties,and in such a way,the detector performance can be affected.To understand this phenomenon,a model is developed with COMSOL Multiphysicsv.4.3 which described the adsorption and diffusion within the geometry of GEM foil,the concentration profiles and the time required to saturate the foil.The COMSOL model is verified by experimental observations on a GEM foil sample.This note will describe the model and its experimental verification results