313 research outputs found

    Surprisingly Little O VI Emission Arises in the Local Bubble

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    This paper reports the first study of the O VI resonance line emission (1032, 1038 Angstroms) originating in the Local Bubble (or Local Hot Bubble) surrounding the solar neighborhood. In spite of the fact that O VI absorption within the Local Bubble has been observed, no resonance line emission was detected during our 230 ksec Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer observation toward a ``shadowing'' filament in the southern Galactic hemisphere. As a result, tight 2 sigma upper limits are set on the intensities in the 1032 and 1038 Angstrom emission lines: 500 and 530 photons cm^{-2} s^{-1} sr^{-1}, respectively. These values place strict constraints on models and simulations. They suggest that the O VI-bearing plasma and the X-ray emissive plasma reside in distinct regions of the Local Bubble and are not mixed in a single plasma, whether in equilibrium with T ~ 10^6 K or highly overionized with T ~ 4 to 6 x 10^4 K. If the line of sight intersects multiple cool clouds within the Local Bubble, then the results also suggest that hot/cool transition zones differ from those in current simulations. With these intensity upper limits, we establish limits on the electron density, thermal pressure, pathlength, and cooling timescale of the O VI-bearing plasma in the Local Bubble. Furthermore, the intensity of O VI resonance line doublet photons originating in the Galactic thick disk and halo is determined (3500 to 4300 photons cm^{-2} s^{-1} sr^{-1}), and the electron density, thermal pressure, pathlength, and cooling timescale of its O VI-bearing plasma are calculated. The pressure in the Galactic halo's O VI-bearing plasma (3100 to 3800 K cm^{-3}) agrees with model predictions for the total pressure in the thick disk/lower halo. We also report the results of searches for other emission lines.Comment: accepted by ApJ, scheduled for May 2003, replacement astro-ph submission corrects typos and grammatical errors in original versio

    Microstructure of the Local Interstellar Cloud and the Identification of the Hyades Cloud

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    We analyze high-resolution UV spectra of the Mg II h and k lines for 18 members of the Hyades Cluster to study inhomogeneity along these proximate lines of sight. The observations were taken by the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) instrument on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Three distinct velocity components are observed. All 18 lines of sight show absorption by the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC), ten stars show absorption by an additional cloud, which we name the Hyades Cloud, and one star exhibits a third absorption component. The LIC absorption is observed at a lower radial velocity than predicted by the LIC velocity vector derived by Lallement & Bertin (1992) and Lallement et al. (1995), (v(predicted LIC) - v(observed LIC) = 2.9 +/- 0.7 km/s), which may indicate a compression or deceleration at the leading edge of the LIC. We propose an extention of the Hyades Cloud boundary based on previous HST observations of other stars in the general vicinity of the Hyades, as well as ground-based Ca II observations. We present our fits of the interstellar parameters for each absorption component. The availability of 18 similar lines of sight provides an excellent opportunity to study the inhomogeneity of the warm, partially ionized local interstellar medium (LISM). We find that these structures are roughly homogeneous. The measured Mg II column densities do not vary by more than a factor of 2 for angular separations of < 8 degrees, which at the outer edge of the LIC correspond to physical separations of < 0.6 pc.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, AASTEX v.5.0 plus EPSF extensions in mkfig.sty; accepted by Ap

    Distance to the northern high-latitude HI shells

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    A detailed 3D distribution of interstellar matter in the solar neighborhood is increasingly necessary. As part of a 3D mapping program, we aim at assigning a precise distance to the high-latitude HI gas in particular the northern part (b \geq 55^{circ}) of the shell associated with the conspicuous radio continuum Loop I. This shell is thought to be the expanding boundary of an interstellar bubble inflated and recently reheated by the strong stellar winds of the nearby Scorpius-Centaurus OB. We recorded high-resolution spectra of 30 A-type target stars located at various distances in the direction of the northern part of Loop I. Interstellar NaI 5889-5895 and CaII K-H 3934-3968 {\AA} are modeled and compared with the HI emission spectra from the LAB Survey. About two-thirds of our stellar spectra possess narrow interstellar lines. Narrow lines are located at the velocity of the main, low-velocity Loop 1 HI shell ([-6,+1] km/s in the LSR). Using Hipparcos distances to the target stars, we show that the closest boundary of the b geq+70^{\circ} part of this low-velocity Loop I arch is located at of 98 \pm 6 pc. The corresponding interval for the lower-latitude part (55^{\circ} \leq b \leq 70^{\circ}) is 95-157 pc. However, since the two structures are apparently connected, the lower limit is more likely. At variance with this shell, the second HI structure, which is characterized by LSR Doppler velocities centered at -30 km/s, is NOT detected in any of the optical spectra. It is located beyond 200 parsecs or totally depleted in NaI and CaII. We discuss these results in the light of spherical expanding shells and show that they are difficult to reconcile with simple geometries and a nearby shell center close to the Plane. Instead, this high-latitude gas seems to extend the inclined local chimney wall to high distances from the Plane.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A in press

    The Ionization of the Local Interstellar Medium, as Revealed by FUSE Observations of N, O and Ar toward White Dwarf Stars

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    FUSE spectra of the white dwarf stars G191-B2B, GD 394, WD 2211-495 and WD 2331-475 cover the absorption features out of the ground electronic states of N I, N II, N III, O I and Ar I in the far ultraviolet, providing new insights on the origin of the partial ionization of the Local Interstellar Medium (LISM), and for the case of G191-B2B, the interstellar cloud that immediately surrounds the solar system. Toward these targets the interstellar abundances of Ar I, and sometimes N I, are significantly below their cosmic abundances relative to H I. In the diffuse interstellar medium, these elements are not likely to be depleted onto dust grains. Generally, we expect that Ar should be more strongly ionized than H (and also O and N whose ionizations are coupled to that of H via charge exchange reactions) because the cross section for the photoionization of Ar I is very high. Our finding that Ar I/H I is low may help to explain the surprisingly high ionization of He in the LISM found by other investigators. Our result favors the interpretation that the ionization of the local medium is maintained by a strong EUV flux from nearby stars and hot gases, rather than an incomplete recovery from a past, more highly ionized condition.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. To appear in a special issue of the Astrophysical Journal Letters devoted to the first scientific results from the FUSE missio

    Deuterium Toward WD1634-573: Results from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) Mission

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    We use Far Ultraviolet Spectrocopic Explorer (FUSE) observations to study interstellar absorption along the line of sight to the white dwarf WD1634-573 (d=37.1+/-2.6 pc). Combining our measurement of D I with a measurement of H I from Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer data, we find a D/H ratio toward WD1634-573 of D/H=(1.6+/-0.5)e-5. In contrast, multiplying our measurements of D I/O I=0.035+/-0.006 and D I/N I=0.27+/-0.05 with published mean Galactic ISM gas phase O/H and N/H ratios yields D/H(O)=(1.2+/-0.2)e-5 and D/H(N)=(2.0+/-0.4)e-5, respectively. Note that all uncertainties quoted above are 2 sigma. The inconsistency between D/H(O) and D/H(N) suggests that either the O I/H I and/or the N I/H I ratio toward WD1634-573 must be different from the previously measured average ISM O/H and N/H values. The computation of D/H(N) from D I/N I is more suspect, since the relative N and H ionization states could conceivably vary within the LISM, while the O and H ionization states will be more tightly coupled by charge exchange.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures; AASTEX v5.0 plus EPSF extensions in mkfig.sty; accepted by ApJ Supplemen

    The Origin of Radio Scintillation In the Local Interstellar Medium

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    We study three quasar radio sources (B1257-326, B1519-273, and J1819+385) that show large amplitude intraday and annual scintillation variability produced by the Earth's motion relative to turbulent-scattering screens located within a few parsecs of the Sun. We find that the lines of sight to these sources pass through the edges of partially ionized warm interstellar clouds where two or more clouds may interact. From the gas flow vectors of these clouds, we find that the relative radial and transverse velocities of these clouds are large and could generate the turbulence that is responsible for the observed scintillation. For all three sight lines the flow velocities of nearby warm local interstellar clouds are consistent with the fits to the transverse flows of the radio scintillation signals.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures; Accepted for publication in Ap

    Local ISM 3D Distribution and Soft X-ray Background Inferences for Nearby Hot Gas

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    Three-dimensional (3D) interstellar medium (ISM) maps can be used to locate not only interstellar (IS) clouds, but also IS bubbles between the clouds that are blown by stellar winds and supernovae, and are filled by hot gas. To demonstrate this, and to derive a clearer picture of the local ISM, we compare our recent 3D IS dust distribution maps to the ROSAT diffuse Xray background maps after removal of heliospheric emission. In the Galactic plane, there is a good correspondence between the locations and extents of the mapped nearby cavities and the soft (0.25 keV) background emission distribution, showing that most of these nearby cavities contribute to this soft X-ray emission. Assuming a constant dust to gas ratio and homogeneous 106 K hot gas filling the cavities, we modeled in a simple way the 0.25 keV surface brightness along the Galactic plane as seen from the Sun, taking into account the absorption by the mapped clouds. The data-model comparison favors the existence of hot gas in the solar neighborhood, the so-called Local Bubble (LB). The inferred mean pressure in the local cavities is found to be approx.9,400/cu cm K, in agreement with previous studies, providing a validation test for the method. On the other hand, the model overestimates the emission from the huge cavities located in the third quadrant. Using CaII absorption data, we show that the dust to CaII ratio is very small in those regions, implying the presence of a large quantity of lower temperature (non-X-ray emitting) ionized gas and as a consequence a reduction of the volume filled by hot gas, explaining at least part of the discrepancy. In the meridian plane, the two main brightness enhancements coincide well with the LB's most elongated parts and chimneys connecting the LB to the halo, but no particular nearby cavity is found towards the enhancement in the direction of the bright North Polar Spur (NPS) at high latitude. We searched in the 3D maps for the source regions of the higher energy (0.75 keV) enhancements in the fourth and first quadrants. Tunnels and cavities are found to coincide with the main bright areas, however no tunnel nor cavity is found to match the low-latitude b > or approx. 8deg, brightest part of the NPS. In addition, the comparison between the 3D maps and published spectral data favors a NPS central source region location beyond 230 pc, i.e. at larger distance than usually considered. Those examples illustrate the potential use of more detailed 3D distributions of the nearby ISM for the interpretation of the diffuse soft X-ray background

    The Structure of the Local Interstellar Medium V: Electron Densities

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    We present a comprehensive survey of CII* absorption detections toward stars within 100 pc in order to measure the distribution of electron densities present in the local interstellar medium (LISM). Using high spectral resolution observations of nearby stars obtained by GHRS and STIS onboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we identify 13 sight lines with 23 individual CII* absorption components, which provide electron density measurements, the vast majority of which are new. We employ several strategies to determine more accurate CII column densities from the saturated CII resonance line, including, constraints of the line width from the optically thin CII* line, constraints from independent temperature measurements of the LISM gas based on line widths of other ions, and third, using measured SII column densities as a proxy for CII column densities. The sample of electron densities appears consistent with a log-normal distribution and an unweighted mean value of n_e(CII_SII) = 0.11^+0.10_-0.05 cm^-3. Seven individual sight lines probe the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC), and all present a similar value for the electron density, with a weighted mean of n_e(LIC) = 0.12 +/- 0.04 cm^-3. The Hyades Cloud, a decelerated cloud at the leading edge of the platoon of LISM clouds, has a significantly higher electron density than the LIC. Observed toward G191-B2B, the high electron density may be caused by the lack of shielding from such a strong radiation source. Given some simple assumptions, the range of observed electron densities translates into a range of thermal pressures, P/k = 3300^+5500_-1900 K cm^-3. This work greatly expands the number of electron density measurements and provides important constraints on the ionization, abundance, and evolutionary models of the local interstellar medium. (abridged)Comment: 41 pages, 9 figures; Accepted for publication in Ap
