37 research outputs found

    Impact of nutritional status and pulmonary manifestations on anxiety and depression in adult patients with cystic fibrosis

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    Cistična fibroza nasljedna je, autosomno recesivna bolest koja zahvaća brojne organe i organske sustave. Osnovno obilježje cistične fibroze jest stvaranje gustog, ljepljivog sekreta na svim mjestima gdje ima žlijezda s vanjskim izlučivanjem, a to je najviÅ”e izraženo u diÅ”nim putovima, guÅ”terači, crijevu, žučnom sustavu, reproduktivnom sustavu i znojnim žlijezdama. Bolest je progresivnog tijeka i zahvaća praktički sve organe u tijelu, a može dovesti i do značajnog skraćenja životnog vijeka. Danas bolesnici doživljavaju drugo i treće desetljeće, a životni vijek određen je kroničnom plućnom bolesti. Zahvaljujući uvođenju cijelog niza intervencija u samom tijeku bolesti, posljednjih desetljeća postignut je veliki napredak u produljenju životnog vijeka bolesnika tako da je danas prosječni život vijek bolesnika 41 godina prema podacima europskog i američkog registra. Prije uvođenja metoda suvremenog liječenja glavna klinička manifestacija cistične fibroze očitovala se preko poremećaja u probavnom traktu. Razvijanjem različitih terapijskih pristupa navedeni problemi koji se tiču probavnog puta s vremenom su postali kontrolirani, a mjesto glavnog vodećeg kliničkog problema preuzima progresivni gubitak plućne funkcije, pogorÅ”anje nutritivnog statusa uz problem adherencije prema lijekovima. Dugoročnim sustavnim praćenjem bolesnika primjećene su visoke korelacije stupnja pothranjenosti s mrÅ”avljenjem i padom plućne funkcije. MrÅ”avljenje i pothranjenost značajni su prediktori dužine života neovisno o plućnoj funkciji. U ovom radu prikazana je sva kompleksnost skrbi bolesnika sa cističnom fibrozom sa naglaskom sa nutritivni status bolesnika i njegov utjecaj na plućne manifestacije bolesti, kao i njihov utjecaj na anksioznost, depresiju i adherenciju kod bolesnika s CF. Zbrinjavanje bolesnika nije moguće bez multidisciplinarnoga tima u kojem medicinska sestra ima izuzetno važnu ulogu.Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary, autosomal recessive disease that affects many organs and organic systems. The main feature of cystic fibrosis is the formation of a thick, sticky secretion in all sites where the gland has external excretion, most notably in the airways, the pancreas, the intestine, the gall bladder, the reproductive system, and the sweat glands. Disease is a progressive course and affects virtually all organs in the body, and can lead to significant shortening of life span. Today, patients experience the second and third decades, and life expectancy is determined by chronic lung disease. Today, patients experience the second and third decades, and life expectancy is determined by chronic lung disease. Thanks to the introduction of a whole series of interventions in the course of the disease, significant progress has been made in the last decades in prolonging the lifespan of patients, so that the average life expectancy for patients is 41 years, according to European and American records. Prior to the introduction of modern treatment methods, the main clinical manifestation of cystic fibrosis manifested through disorders in the digestive tract. By developing different therapeutic approaches, the problems related to the digestive tract over time have become controlled, and the site of the leading clinical problem takes over the progressive loss of lung function, deteriorating nutritional status with the drug adherence problem. Long-term systemic monitoring of patients showed high correlations in the degree of malnutrition with weight loss and pulmonary function decrease. Weight loss and malnutrition are significant lifelong predictors independent of pulmonary function. This paper presents all the complexity of the care of patients with cystic fibrosis with emphasis on the nutritional status of the patient and its effect on lung manifestations of the disease as well as their influence on anxiety, depression and adhesion in patients with CF. Disposal of a patient is not possible without a multidisciplinary team where a nurse has an extremely important role

    Zdravstvena njega trudnica s EPH gestozama

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    Znanstveno, do danas nije točno razjaÅ”njena patofi ziologija nastanka gestoza. Gestoza se nekada smatrala ā€žtrudničkim otrovomā€œ, ali danas je bolest koja se može kontrolirati i spriječiti. EPH gestoza označava sindrom koji se javlja u trudnoći, a čiji su glavni simptomi nakupljanje tekućine [edem], pojava bjelančevina u urinu [proteinurija] i poviÅ”en krvni tlak [hipertenzija], a u najtežim slučajevima konvulzije i koma. Gestoze su poremećaj koji u osnovi zahvaća mlade žene tijekom prve trudnoće, ali je utvrđeno da je učestalija kod žena starijih od 40 godina. Dva su oblika gestoze: rane i kasne gestoze. Rane gestoze javljaju se u ranoj trudnoći, obično tijekom prvog tromjesečja. Obuhvaćaju prekomjerno lučenje sline [ptyalismus] i prekomjerno povraćanje u trudnoći [emesis, hyperemesis]. U kasne gestoze ubrajaju se EPH gestoza i eklampsija te se javljaju prije 24. tjedna trudnoće i 48 sati nakon porođaja. Učestalost je kasnih gestoza 3ā€“10% svih trudnoća. Podaci o učestalosti bolesti neujednačeni su. U literaturi iz posljednjeg desetljeća učestalost varira od 0,5 do 15,0% svih trudnoća. Tolike razlike ne mogu se pripisati samo geografskim, klimatskim ili socijalno-ekonomskim činiteljima. One su, uglavnom, posljedica neujednačenosti u procjeni i razdiobi pojedinih simptoma bolesti. U radu su prikazana etiologija, patogeneza i simptomatologija gestoza. Važno je educirati studente i trudnice kako prevenirati nastanak gestoza te koliko je bitna uporaba terapeutskih metoda/postupaka


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    Zooplankton communities were investigated in a turbid shallow lake with an aim to analyze (i) relationships between ecological conditions and the communities and (ii) trophic state inferred from abiotic and biotic indicators. According to results emerged littoral vegetated zone increased diversity (30 taxa) in comparison to the pelagial (17 taxa). Rotifers dominated in terms of diversity and abundance in littoral and pelagial, 15 and 27 taxa, 58 and 71%, respectively. Thus, they were chosen for approximation of the system trophic level according to their feeding preferences exhibited as guild ratio. Mean guild ratios in littoral (ā€“ 0.36) and pelagial (ā€“ 0.31) suggested the prevalence of microfagous rotifers. They fed mostly on bacteria and detritus suspension, thus together with environmental parameters indicated high trophic level of the lake. It is supposed that turbidity resulted from anthropogenic eutrophication has affected biocoenosis assemblage, not only zooplankton but also the primary producers and the fishes

    Sugar Beet Tolerance to Drought: Physiological and Molecular Aspects

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    Drought often reduces sugar beet yield in the Balkan agroecological region. Climate forecasts indicate that this negative trend of drought periods will continue. Tolerance to drought is a complex trait, which comprises involvement of both physiological and molecular mechanisms in plants. This research was conducted on 11 sugar beet genotypes, which showed different tolerance to drought in the field. Experiment had three parts: water deficiency caused by cessation of watering conducted in the greenhouse, water deficiency imposed by different concentrations of polyethylene glycol on plants grown in tissue culture, and analysis of alterations in gene expression under drought. Plants exposed to stress in greenhouse had on average three leaves less, 4% lower water content, and seven-fold higher proline content. Classification of genotypes with respect to the level of tolerance to water deficiency on the basis of concentration of free proline, assessed in the experiment in vitro, corresponded to the result of the observation test in the field. Changes in the expression of candidate genes under drought suggest that one of them might be used for further development as a DNA-based marker. These results can be applied in sugar beet breeding aimed at increasing tolerance to water deficiency

    The Blunt Tool: Inappropriateness of the Concept of Transition for the Analyses of Democratic Consolidation

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    U članku se nastoji pokazati kako je konceptualni aparat ā€œklasičneā€ tranzicijske teorije u nekim važnim aspektima neprimjeren za znanstvenu analizu procesa tranzicije, poglavito konsolidacije demokracije u suvremenim postkomunističkim druÅ”tvima, uključujući hrvatsko. Primjenom toga aparata ne mogu se valjano objasniti velike političke i druÅ”tvene promjene koje se odvijaju u tim druÅ”tvima, poglavito u posljednjem razdoblju. Autori sažeto iznose neke karakteristične primjere ā€œotupjelostiā€, odnosno neprimjerenosti pojmova i koncepta tranzicijske teorije, propitujući ponajprije problematiku konsolidacije demokracije, njezinih temeljnih sociostrukturnih i sociokulturnih pretpostavki te značenja nekih bitnih pojmova vezanih uz to. U članku se razmatra problematika različitih interpretacija tranzicijskih faza u odnosu prema rascjepu između formalno-institucionalne konstitucije demokratskog poretka i demokratskog deficita postkomunističkih sustava. Upućuje se na potrebu renoviranja pojmovnog i konceptualnog aparata tranzicijske teorije, ali pritom se ne smatra da treba stvoriti novi aparat, nego da treba nadograditi postojeći tako da se prilagodi promijenjenom druÅ”tvenom i političkom kontekstu postkomunističkih druÅ”tava u XXI. stoljeću i drukčijoj prirodi tranzicijskih promjena u njima.The article is analyzing the inappropriateness of the ā€œclassicalā€ theories of transition for the analyses of democratic consolidation in the contemporary post-communist societies, including the Croatian one. The authors are claiming that the aforementioned theories are insufficient for a subtle explanation of the recent ongoing major political and social changes in the post-communist societies. The article is stressing the most characteristic examples of the ā€œbluntnessā€, i.e. of the inappropriateness of the transition theory basic concepts for the analyses of democratic consolidation, as well as of the socio-cultural and socio-structural assumptions and other important concepts related to the post-communist transition phenomenon. Furthermore, the article is exposing the problems connected with various interpretations of the phases of the transition period in relation to the cleavage between the institutional constitution of the democratic system and the democratic deficit characteristic of the post-communist states. Finally, the article is bolding the necessity of re-conceptualization of the basic concepts of the theory of transition; however, not towards the construction of a new theory, but rather towards the adaptation of the existing theory to the recent social and political processes in the contemporaneous post-communist societies

    The Blunt Tool: Inappropriateness of the Concept of Transition for the Analyses of Democratic Consolidation

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    U članku se nastoji pokazati kako je konceptualni aparat ā€œklasičneā€ tranzicijske teorije u nekim važnim aspektima neprimjeren za znanstvenu analizu procesa tranzicije, poglavito konsolidacije demokracije u suvremenim postkomunističkim druÅ”tvima, uključujući hrvatsko. Primjenom toga aparata ne mogu se valjano objasniti velike političke i druÅ”tvene promjene koje se odvijaju u tim druÅ”tvima, poglavito u posljednjem razdoblju. Autori sažeto iznose neke karakteristične primjere ā€œotupjelostiā€, odnosno neprimjerenosti pojmova i koncepta tranzicijske teorije, propitujući ponajprije problematiku konsolidacije demokracije, njezinih temeljnih sociostrukturnih i sociokulturnih pretpostavki te značenja nekih bitnih pojmova vezanih uz to. U članku se razmatra problematika različitih interpretacija tranzicijskih faza u odnosu prema rascjepu između formalno-institucionalne konstitucije demokratskog poretka i demokratskog deficita postkomunističkih sustava. Upućuje se na potrebu renoviranja pojmovnog i konceptualnog aparata tranzicijske teorije, ali pritom se ne smatra da treba stvoriti novi aparat, nego da treba nadograditi postojeći tako da se prilagodi promijenjenom druÅ”tvenom i političkom kontekstu postkomunističkih druÅ”tava u XXI. stoljeću i drukčijoj prirodi tranzicijskih promjena u njima.The article is analyzing the inappropriateness of the ā€œclassicalā€ theories of transition for the analyses of democratic consolidation in the contemporary post-communist societies, including the Croatian one. The authors are claiming that the aforementioned theories are insufficient for a subtle explanation of the recent ongoing major political and social changes in the post-communist societies. The article is stressing the most characteristic examples of the ā€œbluntnessā€, i.e. of the inappropriateness of the transition theory basic concepts for the analyses of democratic consolidation, as well as of the socio-cultural and socio-structural assumptions and other important concepts related to the post-communist transition phenomenon. Furthermore, the article is exposing the problems connected with various interpretations of the phases of the transition period in relation to the cleavage between the institutional constitution of the democratic system and the democratic deficit characteristic of the post-communist states. Finally, the article is bolding the necessity of re-conceptualization of the basic concepts of the theory of transition; however, not towards the construction of a new theory, but rather towards the adaptation of the existing theory to the recent social and political processes in the contemporaneous post-communist societies


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    Zooplankton communities were investigated in a turbid shallow lake with an aim to analyze (i) relationships between ecological conditions and the communities and (ii) trophic state inferred from abiotic and biotic indicators. According to results emerged littoral vegetated zone increased diversity (30 taxa) in comparison to the pelagial (17 taxa). Rotifers dominated in terms of diversity and abundance in littoral and pelagial, 15 and 27 taxa, 58 and 71%, respectively. Thus, they were chosen for approximation of the system trophic level according to their feeding preferences exhibited as guild ratio. Mean guild ratios in littoral (ā€“ 0.36) and pelagial (ā€“ 0.31) suggested the prevalence of microfagous rotifers. They fed mostly on bacteria and detritus suspension, thus together with environmental parameters indicated high trophic level of the lake. It is supposed that turbidity resulted from anthropogenic eutrophication has affected biocoenosis assemblage, not only zooplankton but also the primary producers and the fishes

    Učenička autonomija i interpersonalni stil nastavnika u teoriji samodeterminacije

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    Starting from psychological needs that are considered basic within self-determination theory (autonomy, competence and relatedness), the importance of encouraging students' autonomy in school context is particularly emphasised. Appreciation of students' autonomy has a stimulating effect on school achievement, conceptual understanding, creativity development, strengthening of self-esteem, and students adapt better to school system and demonstrate a larger degree of internalisation of school rules and intrinsic motivation. Teachers' behavioural style largely determines the degree of students' autonomy in school life and work. Self-determination theory implies the necessity of agreement between the developmental need for autonomy in children and the level of adult control and distinguishes between two styles of interpersonal behavior of teachers: (a) those who offer support to students' autonomy by their behavior and (b) those that are predominantly inclined to control students' behavior. This paper also points out to different strategies that can be applied by teachers in working with students in school, which also contribute to the development of students' autonomy. What is especially encouraging is the fact that it is possible to learn and to develop 'appreciation of students' autonomy' as teacher's interpersonal style.Polazeći od psiholoÅ”kih potreba koje se u okviru teorije samodeterminacije shvataju kao osnovne (autonomija, kompetentnost i bliska povezanost sa drugim osobama), posebno se ističe značaj podsticanja učeničke autonomije u Å”kolskom kontekstu. Uvažavanje učeničke autonomije podsticajno deluje na Å”kolsko postignuće, pojmovno razumevanje, razvijanje kreativnosti, jačanje samopouzdanja, učenici se bolje prilagođavaju Å”kolskom sistemu, pokazuju veći stepen internalizacije Å”kolskih pravila i intrinzične motivacije. Stil ponaÅ”anja nastavnika u mnogome određuje stepen autonomije učenika u Å”kolskom životu i radu. Teorija samodeterminacije implicira neophodnost saglasja između razvojne potrebe za autonomijom kod dece i nivoa kontrole odraslih i razlikuje dva stila interpersonalnog ponaÅ”anja nastavnika: (a) oni koji svojim ponaÅ”anjem pružaju podrÅ”ku autonomiji učenika i (b) oni koji su pretežno skloni kontroli učeničkog ponaÅ”anja. Ovaj članak ukazuje i na različite strategije koje nastavnici mogu da primene u radu sa učenicima u Å”koli, a koje doprinose razvijanju učeničke autonomije. Posebno ohrabruje činjenica da je 'uvažavanje učeničke autonomije' kao interpersonalni stil nastavnika moguće učiti i razvijati

    Utjecaj esencijalnog ulja čajevca (Melaleuca alternifolia) kao dodatka prehrani na proizvodna svojstva, oksidacijski status krvi i liječenje kokcidioze u kokoŔi nesilica

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    Aim of this experiment was to investigate the effect of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) essential oil in the nutrition of laying hens on table egg production, antioxidant activity and potential as a natural anticoccidial drug. A total of 360 Lohmann Brown laying hens aged 54 weeks were divided into 3 different treatment diets, supplemented with 0 (T1), 40 (T2) and 80 mg/kg (T3) tea tree essential oil, respectively. Each treatment was replicated 4 times with 30 birds each. The experiment lasted 56 days in total (55 to 62 weeks of hen age). The 56 day experimental period was divided into 2 periods of 28 days duration each: period 1 (55 to 58 weeks of hens age) and period 2 (59 to 62 weeks of hens age). The hensā€™ blood oxidative status, including glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA), and the anticoccidial effects of tea tree on Eimeria spp. compared to the unsupplemented control treatment, were evaluated. With the diet supplemented with tea tree essential oil, hen-day egg production improved significantly (P0.05). The anticoccidial activity of tea tree essential oil caused a significant (P 0,05). Antikokcidijalna aktivnost esencijalnog ulja čajevca utjecala je na znakovito smanjenje (P < 0,05) broja oocista Eimeria spp. po kokoÅ”i. Na temelju rezultata ovoga istraživanja može se zaključiti da je dodatak esencijalnog ulja čajevca povećao dnevnu proizvodnju jaja i smanjio formiranje oocista, stoga se ono može upotrijebiti kao profilaktički dodatak prehrani kokoÅ”i nesilica. Također se pokazalo da je ulje čajevca važno u aktivaciji antioksidacijskog zaÅ”titnog sustava u kokoÅ”i

    The Role of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor in the Function of Intestinal Barrier.

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    Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a multifunctional protein that is involved in the development of gut-related inflammation. To investigate the role of MIF in the function of the intestinal barrier, we have explored intestinal permeability and gut-associated immune response in MIF-deficient (MIF-KO) mice. The absence of MIF provoked impairment of tight and adherens epithelial junctions in the colon through the disturbance of E-cadherin, zonula occludens-1, occludin and claudin-2 expression, which lead to the increase of intestinal barrier permeability. In these circumstances the diversity and content of gut microbiota in MIF-KO mice was considerably different compared to wild type mice. This change in microbiota was accompanied by an increased intestinal IgA concentration and a higher production of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF and IFN-Ī³ in mesenteric lymph nodes of MIF-KO mice. The forced changes of microbiota executed by antibiotics prevented the "leakage" of the barrier in MIF-KO mice, probably through up-regulation of occludin expression and normalization of cellular pore diameters. In addition, cytokine secretion was normalized after the treatment with antibiotics. These results suggest that MIF participates in the maintenance of physiological microbiota diversity and immunosurveillance, which in turn enables the proper intestinal barrier function