9 research outputs found

    Particle’s Trajectory – Implementation in Maritime Traffic

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    The paper addresses the application of the mathematical definition of a particle’s trajectory in maritime traffic. After the introductory definition of the concept of a particle’s trajectory, it goes on to provide a definition of the concept necessary for the understanding of the issues in question: the concept of the manoeuverability. Next, an example is given which defines the concept of a wave particle’s trajectory and the method of ship manoeuvring along a trajectory. Finally, there is a definition of the trajectory error and the method how to calculate it. There is also following the description of block scheme which depicts the way of steering a ship along a given trajectory with corresponding transfer functions. At the end, there is a conclusion


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    Onečišćenje zraka šteti zdravlju ljudi i okolišu, a klimatske su promjene veliki aktualan problem čovječanstva. Jedan od glavnih uzroka klimatskim promjenama su emisije stakleničkih plinova, čemu dijelom pridonosi i proizvodnja električne energije. Zbog toga se teži upotrebi ekološki prihvatljivih energetskih izvora kao što su energija vjetra i energija sunca. Cilj ovog rada je opisati upotrebu energije vjetra i sunčeve energije na primjeru brodice koja u ljetnim mjesecima plovi južnim Jadranom. Opisani su scenariji upotrebe vjetroagregata i instaliranih fotonaponskih panela i oni pune akumulator iz kojeg se napajaju trošila električne energije na brodici. Definirani su ekološki prihvatljivi izvori električne energije i naznačene su vrste obnovljivih izvora energije. Posebna je pozornost na energiji vjetra i solarnoj energiji jer su to dva najpopularnija “zelena” načina proizvodnje električne energije; oni pridonose očuvanju okoliša smanjenjem emisije CO2 i drugih štetnih plinova u atmosferu


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    Onečišćenje zraka šteti zdravlju ljudi i okolišu, a klimatske su promjene veliki aktualan problem čovječanstva. Jedan od glavnih uzroka klimatskim promjenama su emisije stakleničkih plinova, čemu dijelom pridonosi i proizvodnja električne energije. Zbog toga se teži upotrebi ekološki prihvatljivih energetskih izvora kao što su energija vjetra i energija sunca. Cilj ovog rada je opisati upotrebu energije vjetra i sunčeve energije na primjeru brodice koja u ljetnim mjesecima plovi južnim Jadranom. Opisani su scenariji upotrebe vjetroagregata i instaliranih fotonaponskih panela i oni pune akumulator iz kojeg se napajaju trošila električne energije na brodici. Definirani su ekološki prihvatljivi izvori električne energije i naznačene su vrste obnovljivih izvora energije. Posebna je pozornost na energiji vjetra i solarnoj energiji jer su to dva najpopularnija “zelena” načina proizvodnje električne energije; oni pridonose očuvanju okoliša smanjenjem emisije CO2 i drugih štetnih plinova u atmosferu

    Primjena Bayesove mreže u analizama rizika u pomorstvu

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    Rad počinje definicijom analize rizika i nužnosti njezine primjene u svakodnevnom životu. Nastavlja definiranjem Bayesovih mreža, njihovim osnovnim i općenitim značajkama, te se posebno ističe Bayesov teorem. Nakon toga slijede primjene Bayesovih mreža u pomorstvu. Najprije je primjer nesreće na brodu koja je analizirana uz pomoć BN-a. Potom se pobliže opisuje SARGOS sustav koji je inovativni sustav zaštite offshore naftnih konstrukcija od pomorskog piratstva koji je postao sve veći problem u pomorskom svijetu. Na kraju se opisuje pet različitih primjeraa korištenja Bayesovih mreža u gospodarskoj grani pomorstva

    The Influence of Electromagnetic Field on Viability of Marine Microalgae Tetraselmis Suecica and Bacteria Escherichia Coli and Enterococcus Faecalis

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    The objective of this study was to determine whether the use of the electromagnetic field (EMF) of 50 Hz frequency and magnetic induction of 0.25 T could make for successful inactivation of a phytoplankton species, namely, marine microalgae Tetraselmis suecica and two bacteria strains; Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis. A number of laboratory electromagnetic field tolerance experiments with the selected organisms was performed; each microorganism was treated for various lengths of time; 1, 5 and 10 minutes, and in three various media with special regards to the conductivity. Bacteria were exposed to high, moderate and extremely low conductivity media, and the microalgae to high, low and extremely low conductivity media. The microbial viability was checked by counting the bacterial colony forming units, as well as alive and dead stained microalgae cells. It was found that the time of exposure to the EMF had a profound effect on the viability of T. suecica only in the extremely low conductivity media, and that it did not affect the viability of E. coli or E. faecalis at all

    A picture of medically assisted reproduction activities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe

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    STUDY QUESTION: How did coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) impact on medically assisted reproduction (MAR) services in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic (March to May 2020)? SUMMARY ANSWER: MAR services, and hence treatments for infertile couples, were stopped in most European countries for a mean of 7 weeks. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: With the outbreak of COVID-19 in Europe, non-urgent medical care was reduced by local authorities to preserve health resources and maintain social distancing. Furthermore, ESHRE and other societies recommended to postpone ART pregnancies as of 14 March 2020. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: A structured questionnaire was distributed in April among the ESHRE Committee of National Representatives, followed by further information collection through email. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: The information was collected through the questionnaire and afterwards summarised and aligned with data from the European Centre for Disease Control on the number of COVID-19 cases per country. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: By aligning the data for each country with respective epidemiological data, we show a large variation in the time and the phase in the epidemic in the curve when MAR/ART treatments were suspended and restarted. Similarly, the duration of interruption varied. Fertility preservation treatments and patient supportive care for patients remained available during the pandemic. LARGE SCALE DATA: N/A. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: Data collection was prone to misinterpretation of the questions and replies, and required further follow-up to check the accuracy. Some representatives reported that they, themselves, were not always aware of the situation throughout the country or reported difficulties with providing single generalised replies, for instance when there were regional differences within their country. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: The current article provides a basis for further research of the different strategies developed in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Such conclusions will be invaluable for health authorities and healthcare professionals with respect to future similar situations.peer-reviewe

    Estimation of nuclear fuel supply sufficiency in the case of significant nuclear energy contribution to the solution of the global warming problem.

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    Globalno zatopljenje i klimatske promjene iz godine u godinu postaju sve veći problem te je emisije stakleničkih plinova potrebno reducirati prema preporukama IPCC-ja. Jedno od mogućih rješenja za redukciju emisije stakleničkih plinova je značajno povećati udio nuklearnih elektrana u svijetu do kraja stoljeća. Cilj ovog rada bio je razviti proračunski model za procjenu potrebnih količina nuklearnog goriva pomoću kojeg su se procijenile potrebne količine nuklearnog goriva (urana i torija) u slučaju značajnog udjela nuklearnih elektrana u svijetu do kraja stoljeća. Navedene su poznate zalihe urana i torija. Izračunate su potrebne količine primarne i električne energije u svijetu do 2100. god. Koristeći proračunski model analizirana su se dva scenarija. Scenarij 1 ima umjereno povećanje udjela nuklearne energije u svijetu te se dijeli, ovisno o tome koji će se tip nuklearnih elektrana upotrebljavati u budućnosti, na podscenarij 1a (isključivo PWR), podscenarij 1b (PWR i FBR) i podscenarij 1c (PWR i MSTR). Scenarij 2 ima značajno povećanje udjela nuklearne energije u budućnosti na globalnoj razini. Scenarij 2 dijeli se, jednako kao i scenarij 1, na podscenarij 2a (PWR), podscenarij 2b (PWR i FBR) i podscenarij 2c (PWR i MSTR). Za navedene scenarije procijenjena je dostatnost poznatih zaliha urana i torija te izračunata emisija stakleničkih plinova iz nuklearnih izvora. Zalihe urana su većinom dovoljne za sve scenarije, dok su zalihe torija i više nego dovoljne za sve scenarije koje koriste torijev gorivni ciklus. Došlo se do zaključka da svi scenariji uvelike doprinose redukciji emisija stakleničkih plinova. Na kraju su svi scenariji uspoređeni s gledišta proizvedenog radioaktivnog otpada, a najpovoljniji su scenariji koji koriste MSTR elektrane uz PWR elektrane.Global warming and climate change are becoming a growing problem, and greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced as recommended by the IPCC. One possible solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is to significantly increase the share of nuclear power plants in the world by the end of the century. The aim of this paper was to develop a model for estimating the amount of nuclear fuel needed to estimate the amount of nuclear fuel (uranium and thorium) required in the event of a significant proportion of nuclear power plants worldwide by the end of the century. Current stocks of uranium and thorium are listed. The required quantities of primary energy and electricity in the world by 2100 have been calculated. Six scenarios were analyzed using the developed model. For these scenarios, the sufficiency of current uranium and thorium reserves was estimated and the emission of greenhouse gases was calculated. Uranium supplies are generally sufficient for all scenarios, while thorium supplies are more than sufficient for all scenarios using thorium fuel cycle. All six scenarios are contributing greatly to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In the end, all scenarios are compared due to the radioactive waste produced, and the most favorable scenarios are those that use MSTR power plants in addition to PWR power plants. A model has been developed to calculate the sufficiency of nuclear fuel sufficiency in the case of different scenarios of nuclear energy use in the world by the end of the century. The described scenarios are compared due to carbon dioxide emission savings and radioactive waste produced

    Estimation of nuclear fuel supply sufficiency in the case of significant nuclear energy contribution to the solution of the global warming problem.

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    Globalno zatopljenje i klimatske promjene iz godine u godinu postaju sve veći problem te je emisije stakleničkih plinova potrebno reducirati prema preporukama IPCC-ja. Jedno od mogućih rješenja za redukciju emisije stakleničkih plinova je značajno povećati udio nuklearnih elektrana u svijetu do kraja stoljeća. Cilj ovog rada bio je razviti proračunski model za procjenu potrebnih količina nuklearnog goriva pomoću kojeg su se procijenile potrebne količine nuklearnog goriva (urana i torija) u slučaju značajnog udjela nuklearnih elektrana u svijetu do kraja stoljeća. Navedene su poznate zalihe urana i torija. Izračunate su potrebne količine primarne i električne energije u svijetu do 2100. god. Koristeći proračunski model analizirana su se dva scenarija. Scenarij 1 ima umjereno povećanje udjela nuklearne energije u svijetu te se dijeli, ovisno o tome koji će se tip nuklearnih elektrana upotrebljavati u budućnosti, na podscenarij 1a (isključivo PWR), podscenarij 1b (PWR i FBR) i podscenarij 1c (PWR i MSTR). Scenarij 2 ima značajno povećanje udjela nuklearne energije u budućnosti na globalnoj razini. Scenarij 2 dijeli se, jednako kao i scenarij 1, na podscenarij 2a (PWR), podscenarij 2b (PWR i FBR) i podscenarij 2c (PWR i MSTR). Za navedene scenarije procijenjena je dostatnost poznatih zaliha urana i torija te izračunata emisija stakleničkih plinova iz nuklearnih izvora. Zalihe urana su većinom dovoljne za sve scenarije, dok su zalihe torija i više nego dovoljne za sve scenarije koje koriste torijev gorivni ciklus. Došlo se do zaključka da svi scenariji uvelike doprinose redukciji emisija stakleničkih plinova. Na kraju su svi scenariji uspoređeni s gledišta proizvedenog radioaktivnog otpada, a najpovoljniji su scenariji koji koriste MSTR elektrane uz PWR elektrane.Global warming and climate change are becoming a growing problem, and greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced as recommended by the IPCC. One possible solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is to significantly increase the share of nuclear power plants in the world by the end of the century. The aim of this paper was to develop a model for estimating the amount of nuclear fuel needed to estimate the amount of nuclear fuel (uranium and thorium) required in the event of a significant proportion of nuclear power plants worldwide by the end of the century. Current stocks of uranium and thorium are listed. The required quantities of primary energy and electricity in the world by 2100 have been calculated. Six scenarios were analyzed using the developed model. For these scenarios, the sufficiency of current uranium and thorium reserves was estimated and the emission of greenhouse gases was calculated. Uranium supplies are generally sufficient for all scenarios, while thorium supplies are more than sufficient for all scenarios using thorium fuel cycle. All six scenarios are contributing greatly to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In the end, all scenarios are compared due to the radioactive waste produced, and the most favorable scenarios are those that use MSTR power plants in addition to PWR power plants. A model has been developed to calculate the sufficiency of nuclear fuel sufficiency in the case of different scenarios of nuclear energy use in the world by the end of the century. The described scenarios are compared due to carbon dioxide emission savings and radioactive waste produced

    Estimation of nuclear fuel supply sufficiency in the case of significant nuclear energy contribution to the solution of the global warming problem.

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    Globalno zatopljenje i klimatske promjene iz godine u godinu postaju sve veći problem te je emisije stakleničkih plinova potrebno reducirati prema preporukama IPCC-ja. Jedno od mogućih rješenja za redukciju emisije stakleničkih plinova je značajno povećati udio nuklearnih elektrana u svijetu do kraja stoljeća. Cilj ovog rada bio je razviti proračunski model za procjenu potrebnih količina nuklearnog goriva pomoću kojeg su se procijenile potrebne količine nuklearnog goriva (urana i torija) u slučaju značajnog udjela nuklearnih elektrana u svijetu do kraja stoljeća. Navedene su poznate zalihe urana i torija. Izračunate su potrebne količine primarne i električne energije u svijetu do 2100. god. Koristeći proračunski model analizirana su se dva scenarija. Scenarij 1 ima umjereno povećanje udjela nuklearne energije u svijetu te se dijeli, ovisno o tome koji će se tip nuklearnih elektrana upotrebljavati u budućnosti, na podscenarij 1a (isključivo PWR), podscenarij 1b (PWR i FBR) i podscenarij 1c (PWR i MSTR). Scenarij 2 ima značajno povećanje udjela nuklearne energije u budućnosti na globalnoj razini. Scenarij 2 dijeli se, jednako kao i scenarij 1, na podscenarij 2a (PWR), podscenarij 2b (PWR i FBR) i podscenarij 2c (PWR i MSTR). Za navedene scenarije procijenjena je dostatnost poznatih zaliha urana i torija te izračunata emisija stakleničkih plinova iz nuklearnih izvora. Zalihe urana su većinom dovoljne za sve scenarije, dok su zalihe torija i više nego dovoljne za sve scenarije koje koriste torijev gorivni ciklus. Došlo se do zaključka da svi scenariji uvelike doprinose redukciji emisija stakleničkih plinova. Na kraju su svi scenariji uspoređeni s gledišta proizvedenog radioaktivnog otpada, a najpovoljniji su scenariji koji koriste MSTR elektrane uz PWR elektrane.Global warming and climate change are becoming a growing problem, and greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced as recommended by the IPCC. One possible solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is to significantly increase the share of nuclear power plants in the world by the end of the century. The aim of this paper was to develop a model for estimating the amount of nuclear fuel needed to estimate the amount of nuclear fuel (uranium and thorium) required in the event of a significant proportion of nuclear power plants worldwide by the end of the century. Current stocks of uranium and thorium are listed. The required quantities of primary energy and electricity in the world by 2100 have been calculated. Six scenarios were analyzed using the developed model. For these scenarios, the sufficiency of current uranium and thorium reserves was estimated and the emission of greenhouse gases was calculated. Uranium supplies are generally sufficient for all scenarios, while thorium supplies are more than sufficient for all scenarios using thorium fuel cycle. All six scenarios are contributing greatly to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In the end, all scenarios are compared due to the radioactive waste produced, and the most favorable scenarios are those that use MSTR power plants in addition to PWR power plants. A model has been developed to calculate the sufficiency of nuclear fuel sufficiency in the case of different scenarios of nuclear energy use in the world by the end of the century. The described scenarios are compared due to carbon dioxide emission savings and radioactive waste produced