41 research outputs found

    Représentations sociales et opérations discursives en politique : enjeux de spectacularisation

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    Cette thĂšse porte sur les reprĂ©sentations sociales. Fruit d’un bricolage conceptuel, ces reprĂ©sentations s’inspirent en partie des travaux de Serge Moscovici et de certains auteurs plus contemporains qui s’inscrivent dans son prolongement, dits de l’école française des reprĂ©sentations sociales, ainsi que d’auteurs anglo-saxons qui travaillent Ă  partir de ce concept. Les Ă©crits d’autres chercheurs, dont Stuart Hall, Richard Dyer et Jean-Michel Berthelot, qui adoptent dans des perspectives plus particuliĂšrement liĂ©es aux Cultural Studies et Ă  la sociologie ont Ă©galement aidĂ© Ă  prĂ©ciser notre façon d’envisager les reprĂ©sentations sociales et d’apprĂ©hender leur fonctionnement. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, Ă  la suite de Jodelet (1989), nous envisageons les reprĂ©sentations comme des « formes de connaissances socialement Ă©laborĂ©es et partagĂ©es, ayant une visĂ©e pratique et concourant Ă  la construction d’une rĂ©alitĂ© commune Ă  un ensemble social » (p. 36). Ces reprĂ©sentations possĂšdent Ă©galement d’autres particularitĂ©s. Elles sont, d’aprĂšs nous, constitutives ainsi que formĂ©es par des procĂ©dĂ©s langagiers qui rendent possibles des opĂ©rations. Ce concept nous permet d’étudier les reprĂ©sentations du point de vue de leur effectivitĂ©, soit de leur capacitĂ© Ă  influencer les significations, Ă  apporter un changement dans la maniĂšre d’interprĂ©ter une situation et, ce faisant, d’affecter les pratiques et d’induire une diffĂ©rence dans le monde. Ce questionnement au sujet des reprĂ©sentations se dĂ©ploie sur un terrain qui nous semblait particuliĂšrement riche pour en Ă©tudier le fonctionnement, soit celui de la politique qui, par ailleurs, se dĂ©roule actuellement dans un contexte de spectacularisation. PrĂ©sentĂ© comme un brouillage des genres entre divertissement et politique, ce phĂ©nomĂšne est Ă©galement liĂ© Ă  l’avĂšnement de la celebrity politics, Ă  la personnalisation et Ă  l’évaluation, Ă  l’importance prise par le style en politique ainsi qu’à la dramatisation, la fragmentation et la normalisation. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, nous Ă©tudions les reprĂ©sentations dans un contexte de spectacularisation Ă  partir de trois corpus documentant des Ă©vĂ©nements aussi distincts que les fusions municipales en 2001, la montĂ©e en popularitĂ© de Mario Dumont et de l’ADQ en 2002 et 2003 ainsi que la sĂ©rie Bunker, le cirque, diffusĂ©e Ă  la tĂ©lĂ©vision de Radio-Canada Ă  l’automne 2002. Ces corpus regroupent des textes de sources et de format variĂ©s, des textes de loi aux Ă©ditoriaux en passant par des dramatiques tĂ©lĂ©visuelles et des forums Ă©lectroniques. Nous y avons effectuĂ© une analyse itĂ©rative et transversale des discours afin de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des reprĂ©sentations dans un contexte de spectacularisation. Nos analyses ont dĂ©montrĂ© la variĂ©tĂ© des procĂ©dĂ©s et des opĂ©rations, telles que l’incontestabilisation, la projection, la localisation, l’amplification, la rĂ©duction et l’évaluation, qui permettent de modifier le sens et les enjeux des Ă©vĂ©nements discutĂ©s. Les analyses ont Ă©galement permis d’illustrer que les procĂ©dĂ©s et les opĂ©rations qu’ils rendent possibles balisent les frontiĂšres de l’objet et offrent un systĂšme classificateur.This doctoral dissertation deals with social representations. Resulting from a conceptual bricolage, these representations are inspired, among others, by the work of Serge Moscovici and a number of more contemporary followers, also known as the French school of social representations, as well as some English authors exploring the same concept. The writings of other researchers, such as Stuart Hall, Richard Dyer and Jean-Michel Berthelot, which are rooted in a perspective related to Cultural Studies and to sociology, have also helped us define our own approach to social representations, and understand how they operate. More specifically, we consider representations, based on Jodelet (1989), as “socially constructed and shared forms of knowledge, having a practical goal and contributing to the production of a common reality for a social group” (p. 36). These representations also possess other characteristics. They are, according to us, constitutive, as well as shaped by language processes, which make possible a number of operations. This concept allows us to study representations from the perspective of their effectivity, meaning their capacity of influencing significations, of changing the way in which a situation is interpreted and, ultimately, of modifying practices and making a difference in the world. These questions with regards to representations unfold in a research field, politics in a context of spectacularization, which appeared to us especially rich for studying how they work. Presented as a confusion of genre between entertainment and politics, this phenomenon is also related to the advent of celebrity politics, to personalization and to assessment, to the growing place taken by style in politics, as well as to dramatization, fragmentation and normalization. More specifically, we have studied those representations in a context of spectacularization based on three corpuses documenting events as different from each other as city amalgamations in Quebec in 2001, the rise of Mario Dumont and the ADQ in 2002 and 2003, and the show Bunker, le cirque broadcasted on Radio-Canada television in the fall of 2002. These corpuses include texts of different formats coming from various sources, such as Acts, editorials, TV dramas and websites. We have conducted an iterative, inductive and cross-corpuses discourse analysis in order to better understand how representations work in a context of spectacularization. This analysis has demonstrated the variety of processes and operations, such as incontestabilization, projection, localization, amplification, reduction and assessment, which modify the meaning and stakes of the events selected. The analysis allowed us to illustrate that processes and operations made by representations define the limits of an object and offer a system of classification

    "School Strike 4 Climate": Social Media and the International Youth Protest on Climate Change

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    Beginning in 2018, youth across the globe participated in protest activities aimed at encouraging government action on climate change. This activism was initiated and led by Swedish teenager, Greta Thunberg. Like other contemporary movements, the School Strike 4 Climate used social media. For this article, we use Twitter trace data to examine the global dynamics of the student strike on March 15, 2019. We offer a nuanced analysis of 993 tweets, employing a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Like other movements, the primary function of these tweets was to share information, but we highlight a unique type of information shared in these tweets - documentation of local events across the globe. We also examine opinions shared about youth, the tactic (protest/strike), and climate change, as well as the assignment of blame on government and other institutions for their inaction and compliance in the climate crisis. This global climate strike reflects a trend in international protest events, which are connected through social media and other digital media tools. More broadly, it allows us to rethink how social media platforms are transforming political engagement by offering actors - especially the younger generation - agency through the ability to voice their concerns to a global audience

    Gender Parity in Cabinets

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    This article focuses on the media coverage of gender parity in cabinets in Canada and three of its provinces. It paints a portrait of the Canadian discourse on women's political representation issues and reveals the way in which the arguments put forward focus both on the ideal of parity and on the rules for its implementation, gender quotas. The study is based on an argumentative analysis of the media discourse (Amossy, 2018) of ten cabinets. Our results show that media coverage is generally favorable, although counterarguments are more numerous when the novelty of parity has faded. Analysis of the results at the premium of media coverage provides a better understanding of how media coverage could influence political parties and their leaders to appoint more women to cabinet.

    « Brisées par leur travail! OU Au bout du rouleau » : réflexion critique sur les modes managériaux en santé

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    After introducing and describing managerial health practices, the authors critically reflect on four ethical issues that arise from these practices. Copyright © Marie-Josée Drolet, Mireille Lalancette and Marie-Ève Caty, 202

    Advocacy et nouveaux modes managériaux : le rÎle politique de deux ordres professionnels de la santé = Advocacy and new managerial modes: the political role of two health professional associations

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    This article discusses the rhetoric deployed by two professional orders, the Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec and the Ordre des orthophonistes et des audiologistes du Québec, when they are called upon to contribute to public debates on various social issues. What rationalities do they promote and how are these rationalities are in tension with those articulated by the government? To answer this question, we analyzed 10 recent briefs tabled at the National Assembly of Quebec. Our analyses reveal four rationalities: Political, economic, scientific and ethical. By revealing these rationalities, we highlight the tensions between bureaucratic and professional logic. This article thus helps to demystify a little-known political communication exercise. © 2020 Communiquer. Revue de communication sociale et publique. All rights reserved

    Allons-nous vers une société plus responsable grùce à la pandémie de Covid-19 ?

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    La question traitĂ©e dans cet article porte sur le monde d’aprĂšs la pandĂ©mie... ReprĂ©sente-t-elle un moment dĂ©cisif qui va nous faire basculer vers une sociĂ©tĂ© plus responsable sur les plans sociaux et environnementaux ? De nouvelles habitudes et de nouveaux comportements responsables vont-ils se mettre en place de maniĂšre durable ? Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ces enjeux, cet article mobilise des thĂ©ories plurielles associĂ©es aux changements d’habitudes. Des prĂ©conisations s’adressant autant aux entreprises, qu’aux dĂ©cideurs publics ou citoyens sont proposĂ©es pour dessiner les contours d’un aprĂšs-Covid-19 socialement et Ă©cologiquement plus acceptable

    Les « web-mises en scÚne » des candidats aux élections québécoises de 2012 : entre discrétion et confession

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    Cet article aborde les stratĂ©gies de personnalisation politique utilisĂ©es par les partis et leurs candidats sur le web lors de la campagne Ă©lectorale lĂ©gislative quĂ©bĂ©coise de 2012. La personnalisation est souvent Ă©tudiĂ©e du point de vue des pratiques mĂ©diatiques et critiquĂ©e pour ses possibles effets pervers. Elle a cependant peu Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e du point de vue de la communication de campagne jusqu’à maintenant. Cette Ă©tude vise donc Ă  faire ressortir les caractĂ©ristiques propres Ă  la construction de l’éthos des politiciens en contexte Ă©lectoral, Ă  l’ùre d’Internet. L’objectif poursuivi est de mieux comprendre comment les partis font la promotion de leurs candidats et de leur chef et comment ils mettent en rĂ©cit leur parcours, leur personnalitĂ© et leurs compĂ©tences. L’accent sera-t-il mis sur les rĂ©alisations du candidat, sur sa vie privĂ©e ? Qu’est-ce que les partis choisiront de rĂ©vĂ©ler Ă  travers leurs discours ? Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions, une analyse de contenu quantitative et qualitative des pages biographiques disponibles sur les sites web officiels des principaux partis dans la course lors de l’élection lĂ©gislative quĂ©bĂ©coise de 2012 a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e afin de mettre en valeur les diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies utilisĂ©es par les partis politiques. Nos analyses rĂ©vĂšlent notamment que la maniĂšre de se mettre en scĂšne sur le web pour se faire valoir varie selon les partis et leur idĂ©ologie. Nous illustrerons l’influence de la personnalisation sur la mise en rĂ©cit du parcours politique et de la vie privĂ©e. Au final, les rĂ©sultats liĂ©s Ă  cette recherche sur les stratĂ©gies de personnalisation rejoignent les Ă©tudes sur le web politique et d’autres sur la personnalisation en ligne, qui illustrent le peu d’innovation ainsi que l’accent sur l’information unidirectionnelle diffusĂ©e par les partis sur leur site web, rĂ©vĂ©lant plus d’information sur la carriĂšre professionnelle que sur la vie privĂ©e.This article discusses the web personalization strategies used by political parties and their candidates during the 2012 electoral campaign in Quebec. Personalization is often studied via mediatization practices and often criticized for its potential negative effects on politics. It has seldom been studied from the campaign point of view. This study fills that gap by highlighting the political ethos construction on the Internet in an electoral context. The objective is to offer a better understanding of how personalities and skills are used in the promotional and storytelling strategies of the candidates and party leaders. Will the emphasis be placed on the candidate’s achievements or his/her private life? What aspects of the candidate’s life will be revealed in discourses? To answer these questions, we analyzed the qualitative and quantitative contents of the biographical pages available on the main parties’ official websites during the 2012 electoral campaign in Quebec. Our analysis reveals that the self-promotion of candidates and leaders differed, and that the parties’ ideologies played a role in that presentation. We will show that personalization has effects on the storytelling and the uses of the political experience and private life information. Finally, the results of our research on personalization strategies echo those of similar studies on the political web and self-promotional strategies. These studies have shown that innovation was not the path taken by the parties on their websites. Their presentation was mostly centred on professional information, and private life was not often mobilized to construct the political ethos of the candidates and their leaders

    « C’est la faute aux mĂ©dias ! »

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    Ce qu’il faut faire avec les faits banals, c’est dĂ©couvrir — ou du moins essayer de dĂ©couvrir — quel problĂšme spĂ©cifique et peut-ĂȘtre original s’y rattache (Michel Foucault, 1982b : 224). À ce jour, les recherches en communication politique s’intĂ©ressent surtout aux pratiques de la politique et une grande partie de ces Ă©tudes porte sur le lien entre les mĂ©dias et la vie politique. Les mĂ©dias sont habituellement dĂ©peints comme Ă©tant partie prenante au processus politique. Comme le rĂ©sume Gingr..

    Enthousiasme et désenchantement

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    En contraste avec la littĂ©rature qui concentre son attention sur l’usage des technologies numĂ©riques par les politiques, la prĂ©sente Ă©tude adopte la perspective des citoyens engagĂ©s dans les campagnes. Elle examine leurs attentes et leur Ă©valuation des campagnes numĂ©riques des partis Ă  l’occasion de l’élection quĂ©bĂ©coise de 2012. La mĂ©thodologie combine les rĂ©sultats d’un sondage en ligne et l’analyse qualitative de groupes de discussion. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent non seulement que la motivation informationnelle est prĂ©dominante, mais aussi que les citoyens Ă©prouvent un dĂ©senchantement par rapport Ă  l’usage que les partis et les candidats font des technologies, en particulier le manque de dialogue et d’authenticitĂ©.Unlike the literature that focuses on the use politicians make of digital technology, this study adopts the perspective of the citizens targeted by their campaigns. It examines their expectations and their assessment of the digital campaigns led by QuĂ©bec’s political parties in the run‑up to the province’s 2012 election. The study combines the results of an online survey with a qualitative analysis of focus groups. The results point to the existence of a predominantly informational motivation and a disillusionment on the part of citizens regarding the use parties and candidates make of digital technologies, particularly the lack of dialogue and authenticity.En contraste con la literatura que centra su atenciĂłn en el empleo de las tecnologĂ­as digitales por parte de los polĂ­ticos, este estudio adopta la perspectiva de los ciudadanos comprometidos en las campañas. El estudio analiza las expectativas y evaluaciĂłn de las campañas digitales de los partidos en el momento de la elecciĂłn de 2012 en Quebec. La metodologĂ­a combina los resultados de un sondeo en lĂ­nea y el anĂĄlisis cualitativo de los grupos de discusiÙ•Ăłn. Los resultados indican no solamente que la motivaciĂłn informacional es predominante, sino que tambiĂ©n los ciudadanos sienten desencanto con respecto al uso que hacen de la tecnologĂ­a los partidos y candidatos, particularmente la ausencia de diĂĄlogo y autenticidad