22 research outputs found

    New method of electron beam transverse size measurement by angular distribution of emission in a thin crystal

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    A technique is proposed for determining beam dimensions on a target by measuring two-dimensional angular distributions of the radiation for two distances between the crystal where the radiation is generated and a coordinate detector. The dimensions are determined from the results of a least squares method procedure with varying parameters, where the adjustable function is the distribution for a shorter distance and the fitting function is the convolution of the angular distribution at a greater distance with a twodimensional Gaussian distribution whose parameters are uniquely related to the beam dimensions on the target and the distances between the crystal and the detecto

    Influence of real photon diffraction on parametric X-ray radiation angular distribution in thin perfect crystals

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    Using the previously proposed method of calculating diffracted photon yields in thin perfect crystals, analyzed a relative contribution of parametric X-ray radiation and diffracted photons in thin crystals. It is shown that for average energy of electrons and the center of the PXR spot diffracted real photon contribution is comparable to the yield of parametric X-ray radiation and determines the shape of the angular distribution of the total emission in this range of observation angle


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    The results of the study of the composition of volatile compounds of rennet cheeses are presented. Sample preparation was performed using Supelco’s solid-phase microextractor, including a special fiber material coated with a layer of divinylbenzene-carboxene-polydimethylsiloxane «DVB / Carboxen / PDMS StableFlesh ™». Using gas chromatography with mass-selective detection, about 400 aroma-forming components were detected, among which 39 compounds were identified, which form the basis of the flavor profile of cheeses. The main flavor descriptors for all cheeses are: propionic, butyric, and caproic acids, acetoin, methyl amyl ketone, 2-nonanone, and limonene. It has been established that the profile of volatile components for cheeses various ripening periods, has significant differences. Thus, for semi-hard cheeses made using propionic acid microorganisms, the most characteristic components are acids — propionic and butyric, as well as compounds of the terpene series o-cymene and β-pinene. For semi-hard cheeses of the Dutch group (formed from the layer), with maturities from 20 days to 3 months, the terpene compounds and esters are the most significant, whereas for superhard cheeses with a maturity of more than a year, the main components affecting the aromatic profile are butyric and caproic acids, 2-heptanone and limonene. Semi-hard and hard cheeses with ripening periods from 3 to 6 months are characterized by a high content of caproic and butyric acids, as well as by the presence of such aromatic substances as limonene and acetic acid ethyl acetate (hexyl acetate). Semi-hard cheeses, which are molded in bulk, with maturities from 10 days to 3 months contain acetoin, caproic acid, as well as significant quantities of the same limonene and hexylacetate.Представлены результаты исследования компонентного состава летучих соединений сычужных сыров. Пробоподготовку выполняли, используя твердофазный микроэкстрактор фирмы Supelco, включающий специальный волоконный материал покрытый слоем дивинилбензол-карбоксен-полидиметилсилоксана «DVB/Carboxen/PDMS StableFlesh™». Методом газовой хроматографии с масс-селективным детектированием было обнаружено около 400 ароматобразующих компонентов, среди которых идентифицировано 39 соединений, составляющих основу вкусоароматического профиля сыров. Основными дескрипторами аромата для всех сыров являются: пропионовая, масляная и капроновая кислоты, ацетоин, метиламилкетон, 2-нонанон, лимонен. Установлено, что профиль летучих компонентов для сыров, различного срока созревания имеет существенные отличия. Так, для полутвердых сыров, изготовленных с использованием пропионовокислых микроорганизмов наиболее характерными компонентами являются кислоты — пропионовая и масляная, а также соединения терпенового ряда о-цимен и β-пинен. Для полутвердых сыров голландской группы (формуемых из пласта), со сроками созревания от 20 суток до 3 месяцев, наиболее значимыми являются терпеновые соединения и эфиры, тогда как для сверхтвердых сыров со сроком созревания более года основными компонентами, влияющими на ароматических профиль являются масляная и капроновая кислоты, 2-гептанон и лимонен. Полутвердые и твердые сыры со сроками созревания от 3 до 6 месяцев характеризуются повышенным содержанием кислот — капроновой и масляной, а также наличием таких ароматных веществ, как лимонен и уксусный эфир гексиловой кислоты (гексилацетат). Полутвердые сыры, формуемые насыпью, со сроками созревания от 10 суток до 3 месяцев содержат ацетоин, капроновую кислоту, а также в значительных количествах тот же лимонен и гексилацетат


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    В статье приводится анализ образа прародителя бурятского племени булагат – божества Буха-нойон. Буха-нойон один из основных тотемических культов имеющий развитые мифологические сюжеты, систему обрядов и культовое место. Анализ мифологических сюжетов, посвященных Буха-нойону, раскрывает значение тотемических культов в традиционной культуре бурят.The article provides an analysis of the image of the ancestor of the Buryat tribe bulagat – the deity Bukha-noyon. Bukha-noyon is one of the main totemic cults with developed mythological plots, a system of rituals and a cult place. Analysis of mythological stories dedicated to Bukha-noyon reveals the significance of totemic cults in the traditional culture of the Buryats

    Surgical Treatment of Uterine Leiomyomas from 2016-2022 in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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    Background: Due to the transition to a mandatory health insurance system (MHIS) and also taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the surgical treatment of uterine leiomyoma in Kazakhstan in recent years, taking into account the ratio of uterine-preserving surgery (UPS) and hysterectomy. Methods and Results: This epidemiological study was carried out upon the request of the Republican E-Health Center (RCEZ) to assess the dynamics of surgical treatment of uterine leiomyomas (UL) in Almaty at the expense of the Republican budget from 2016 to 2022. Since 2016, by 2022 there was a decrease in the total number of treated cases of UL at the expense of the Republican budget (from 1,478 to 1,063). From 2016 to 2019, there were statistically significantly more hysterectomies, whereas from 2020 to 2022 the number of uterine-preserving surgeries increased statistically significantly. The number of laparoscopic myomectomy and hysteroscopic myomectomy for treating submucous leiomyomas increased statistically significantly from 2016 to 2019. However, there were no statistical differences in the number of treated cases with this technique from 2020 to 2022. Conclusion: Although high-tech fibroid surgery has been performed more frequently in recent years, these numbers are insufficient today, which justifies the need to train more specialists in advanced technologies

    Will neo-adjuvant immunotherapy become a new paradigm in the treatment of lung cancer patients

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    Nowadays neoadjuvant immunotherapy is one of the main research areas in oncology. This interest is supported by the success of check-point inhibitors in treatment of advanced and metastatic lung cancer. The postulate that neoadjuvant immunotherapy achieves tumor devitalization before surgery is confirmed by a morphological assessment of surgical material with a gradation of the antitumor effect. In addition to affecting directly to the tumor, it also affects at potential micrometastases. A morphological assessment  with a gradation of the antitumor effect (MPR – a major pathomorphological response, CPR – a complete pathomorphological response) provides a unique opportunity to identify predictors of effectiveness and adjust the treatment tactic. A major morphological response (MPR – less than 10% of viable tumor cells in the tumor tissue) is associated with better overall survival. Currently, there is evidence that the appointment of neoadjuvant immunotherapy in mono mode allows you to achieve MPR in 18–45%, and the use of a combination of immunotherapy with chemotherapy increases it to 32–92%. Neoadjuvant immunotherapy or combination with chemotherapy does not postpone surgical treatment but allows us to achieve the better result

    Covid-19 affects taste independent of taste-smell confusions: results from a combined chemosensory home test and online survey from a large global cohort

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    International audiencePeople often confuse smell loss with taste loss, so it is unclear how much gustatory function is reduced in patients self-reporting taste loss. Our pre-registered cross-sectional study design included an online survey in 12 languages with instructions for self-administering chemosensory tests with ten household items. Between June 2020 and March 2021, 10,953 individuals participated. Of these, 5,225 self-reported a respiratory illness and were grouped based on their reported COVID test results: COVID-positive (COVID+, N=3,356), COVID-negative (COVID-, N=602), and COVID unknown for those waiting for a test result (COVID?, N=1,267). The participants who reported no respiratory illness were grouped by symptoms: sudden smell/taste changes (STC, N=4,445), other symptoms excluding smell or taste loss (OthS, N=832), and no symptoms (NoS, N=416). Taste, smell, and oral irritation intensities and self-assessed abilities were rated on visual analog scales. Compared to the NoS group, COVID+ was associated with a 21% reduction in taste (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 15-28%), 47% in smell (95%-CI: 37-56%), and 17% in oral irritation (95%-CI: 10-25%) intensity. In all groups, the perceived intensity of smell (r=0.84), taste (r=0.68), and oral irritation (r=0.37) was correlated. Our study demonstrates that COVID-19 positive individuals report taste dysfunction when self-tested with stimuli that have little to none olfactory components. Assessing the smell and taste intensity of household items is a promising, cost-effective screening tool that complements self-reports and may help to disentangle taste loss from smell loss. However, it does not replace standardized validated psychophysical tests