60 research outputs found

    Kontekstualisasi (Pendidikan) Antropologi Indonesia

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    Dunia pendidikan Indonesia saat ini berada dalam kondisi yang ambivalen. Pendidikan yang seharusnya dapat secara positif membekali manusia dengan modal pengetahuan praktis maupun substantif yang berguna justru mempunyai potensi yang sebaliknya, yaitu menjadi kendala bagi pembangunan berkelanjutan karena tuntutan-tuntutan praktis, khusus, dan sesaat yang dikehendaki oleh kepentingan-kepentingan ekonomi, politik, dan sosial yang selalu berubah. Fakta tersebut menjadi latar belakang penulisan artikel ini yang bertujuan mengajukan sebuah wacana tentang kontekstualisasi pendidikan Antropologi di Indonesia agar pendidikan dapat berfungsi sebagaimana idealnya. Setelah melakukan pengamatan terhadap fakta yang ada dengan menggunakan analisis berbasis teori-teori Antropologi dan ilmu sosial, diperoleh beberapa kesimpulan, diantaranya, kontekstualisasi pendidikan Antropologi Indonesia harus diupayakan untuk mengisi nasionalisme Indonesia dengan jiwa baru untuk menghadapi krisis akulturasi akibat sistem komunikasi global. Dalam pendidikan antropologi, para peserta didik secara total mestinya diberi kesempatan mengembangkan daya apresiasi, empati/afektif dan kognitifnya sesuai dengan pengalaman hidupnya untuk berwacana dengan subyek yang dipelajarinya. Untuk mewujudkan hal itu salah satu pendekatan yang sesuai adalah pendekatan reflektif partisipatoris agar dapat menjangkau ranah kognitif dan simbolik suatu identitas sosial budaya yang sedang berubah, sehingga akan sampai pada hasil yang lebih bersifat pengetahuan reflektif dan apresiatif, yaitu pada penemuan eksistensi manusia itu sendiri. Education in Indonesia is currently in an ambivalent state. Education should positively equip people with practical and substantive knowledge capital that has the potential to be useful, instead of becoming an obstacle to sustainable development because of the practical, specific, and momentary demand of the ever-changing economic, political, and social interests. The fact has encouraged the authors to write this article which aims to propose a discourse about the contextualization of educational anthropology in Indonesia in order that education can serve its fundamental purposes. After observing the fact by using analysis involving the theories of anthropology and social sciences, it is obtained several conclusions, among them is that contextualization of Indonesian Anthropology education should be made to fill the new spirit of Indonesian nationalism with acculturation to deal with the crisis caused by global communication system. In anthropology education, the learners in total should be given the opportunity to develop the appreciation, empathy / affective and cognitive experience of his life according to a learned discourse on the subject. To realize that, one appropriate approach is reflective participatory approach in order to reach the cognitive and symbolic discourse of a changing socio-cultural identity, so it will create more reflective and appreciative knowledge, namely the discovery of human existence itself

    The Adat Contributions for the Villages to Develop Independently: Cases From the Kei Islands, Southeast Maluku Regency

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    Eventhough the district government has somehow acknowledged the failure of its own initiatives to empower its people, there must have been certain creativities or custom-related wisdom which seem to be able to independently respond to any development initiative. Precisely this article is trying to track creative moments when the customs and people writhing on the “bottom” of formal structures to contribute for a self modernization. Data from a short ethnographic study in the Kei Islands in mid 2016 shows the complicated moments of how indigenous communities survive while appropriating opportunities (friction) that is open due to failure of both the government and the market penetration to radically change the identity of indigenous local communities. Hence, modernization does not happen in a vacuum culture. Through their primordial taste, i.e. their identity, traditional leaders, businessmen and ordinary citizens creatively appropriating moments linkage to the world to declare local social differences

    Aplikasi Pembelajaran Dasar Bahasa Jepang Berbasis Android

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    Utilization of smartphone technology can help people in learning a language with Android-based applications. Japan is one country in Asia that has a unique and interesting culture including language culture. One of the fundamental problems in Japanese is a need to study Japanese script, which has many types of characters are used: Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. Besides Japanese characters also have ordinances order written on each character. Japanese language learning mobile applicatiois very easy for someone to learn Japanese. In this research, the Japanese language learning applications designed using the Android 4.0.1 (Ice Cream Sandwith). The method used in the search vocabulary of the Japanese language support using brute force algorithm. The results of this research is Japanese learning application that provides an introduction material katakana, hiragana, using voice and vocabulary quiz question

    Menelusuri Citra Orang Madura: Tracing the Image of Madurese

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    This paper is concerned with the image of Madurese in Dayak Kanayatn people\u27s mind. This study is dealing with cultural cognition and cultural behavior that applies the perspective of hermeneutic-phenomenology with thick description procedure. It is completed with life history approach. This investigation focuses on knowledge, attitude and practice of the Dayak Kanayatn people in its relation with the Madurese. Knowledge, attitude and practice are the result of cultural processes which are caused by social interaction that signed by contact and communication (compare to Gilin & Gilin via Poerwanto, 1997:40). About the image, Boulding (1972:41-51) writes that image is what one believes to be true (subjective knowledge), includes image of fact and value. The behavior of an individual depends on his images. The image will be changed by the time depends on the reached messages. Not only individual, but every society forms its collective images, that is the shared cultural knowledge. Sontag (1995:7 via Riomandha, 2000:35) emphasizes that the image is a representatior that assumed has distance with the reality. Imaging the Madurese in Dayak Kanayatn people\u27s mind are traced by Dayak Kanayatn people\u27s experiences in their relation with the Madurese. The image emerges, fade, compete and influence the Dayak Kanayatn people\u27s attitude and practice. Specific violence of Madurese\u27s (carok) and conflicts influenced the relation between them, also create the Dayak Kanayatn people are terrified. The image of Madurese apt to do violence is accepted and caused the Dayak Kanayatn people escaped, terrorized themselves, directly debated and figthed to the Madurese. Although there is a good image of Madurese, but it tends to fade. The Dayak and Madurese conflict in 1997 at Salatiga is the climax interaction between them that caused the Madurese has been driven out of the Salatiga and the interaction among them is void. In paradoxical reality, the Dayak Kanayatn people of Salatiga are still terrified because of Madurese\u27s lands and rights are still there as Madurese\u27s representation. Moreover, the government supports this matter. Also, the Dayaks-Madurese conflict in 1997 justifies the image of Madurese apt to do violence because the Madurese are iewed ready to take serious risks for facing the lethal war (baparakng babunuh) rhich is helped by the spirits (kamang). But now, there is no kamang again. Lfter the Dayaks-Madurese conflict in 1997, the Dayak Kanayatn people are till spreading the terror among their members through keeping some idioms at exploit the Madurese\u27s violence (carok), although they conscious that hey are also the possessors of the violence. They are also murderer. But, the eflection of violence experiences on themselves emerges pity and regret that .nable the Dayak Kanayatn people to lead to reconciliation with the Madurese. (ey Words: Knowledge (pengetahuan) â Attitude (sikap) â Practice (tindakan) -- Image (citra) Conflict (konflik)

    Daya Ikat Air, Kadar Air, Dan Protein Nugget Ayam Yang Disubstitusi Dengan Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus Ostreatus)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai daya ikat air, kadar air, dan protein nugget ayam yang disubstitusi dengan jamur tiram putih. Data hasil penelitian diolah secara statistik menggunakan analisis ragam pada taraf signifikansi 5% dan apabila terdapat pengaruh nyata terhadap nilai daya ikat air, kadar air dan kadar protein dilanjutkan dengan Uji Wilayah Ganda Duncan. Perlakuan yang diterapkan (T) adalah nugget ayam yang disubstitusi jamur tiram putih meliputi T0=0%, T1=20%, T2=30%, T3=40%, dan T4= 50%. Berdasarkan analisis ragam diketahui bahwa substitusi nugget ayam dengan jamur tiram putih memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05) pada kadar protein, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) pada daya ikat air dan kadar air

    Improved Efficiency of Inductive Power Transfer in Misalignment Conditions with Multi Coil Design

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    In charging process of electric vehicle, a misalignment between the transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) coupling  structure decreases the efficiency of the wireless power transfer. In inductive power transfer system, misalignment reduces the effective coupling between the Tx and Rx coils. In this work, based on previous multiple coil structures, a new multi coil design in proposed to increase the efficiency of the power transfer. Here, a multi coil structure with two rectangular and four spiral coils is designed with the overall dimension of the coil structure 26.5 cm x 36.5 cm. The measurement shows, that for coil distance below 10.3 cm and a lateral misalignment of maximal 10 cm (27.4%), the efficiency of the designed multi coil structure is better compared to previous coil structures. However for larger coil distance or larger misalignment, the efficiency of the new coil structure deteriorates significantly

    Model validation for a knowledge and practices survey towards prevention of soil-transmitted helminth infections in rural villages in Indonesia

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    The rate of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infection is estimated to be around 20% in Indonesia. Health promotion and health education are cost-effective strategies to supplement STH prevention and control programs. Existing studies suggest that quantitative tools for knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) are important to monitor effective community-based STH interventions. However, evidence is limited regarding the applicability of such tools. This study aims to identify the socio-demographic predictors for STH-related knowledge and practices and validate the quantitative tools in population use. A cross-sectional study design was conducted among residents of 16 villages in Central Java, Indonesia. Adult and child respondents were interviewed to assess general knowledge and practices in relation to STH. Two mixed effects models identified the significant factors in predicting knowledge and practice scores. The model predicted knowledge and practice scores were compared with the observed scores to validate the quantitative measurements developed in this study. Participants' socio-demographic variables were significant in predicting an individual's STH-related knowledge level and their hand washing and hygiene practices, taking into account household-level variability. Model validation results confirmed that the quantitative measurement tools were suitable for assessing STH associated knowledge and behaviour. The questionnaire developed in this study can be used to support school- and community-based health education interventions to maximize the effect of STH prevention and control programs

    Perencanaan Berbasis Bukti Untuk Menjawab Kebutuhan Kesehatan Anak Dan Jaminan Sosial Bidang Kesehatan: Studi Kasus Tasikmalaya Dan Jayawijaya

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    Millennium Development Goal acceleration has called for innovations in health. One of the innovations is the Evidence-Based Planning (EBP) for maternal, neonatal and child health (MNCH). The Evidence-Based planning and budgeting approach is a rational approach, and put forward the scale-up of interventions that have been proven to be effective in reducing women and children deaths globally. The evidence- based interventions package for MNCH was published based on systematic review of over than 190 health interventions (Kerber, 2007) and is part of the Lancet series in maternal and child survival. The EBP was designed to improve sub-national MNCH planning and to be used at the district level, by the district health office and District hospital, as well as other healthrelevant offices/departments. In terms of social protection and health insurance, the regulation No. 24/2011 on BPJS (Social Security Managing Organization) and the President decree No. 12/2011 on Health Insurance have instructed that health care providers, including hospitals, have to provide comprehensive health services for poor and near-poor population

    Interferon-induced Transmembrane Protein 1 restricts replication of virus that enter cells via the plasma membrane

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    The acute anti-viral response is mediated by a family of interferon stimulated genes (ISG), providing cell-intrinsic immunity. Mutations in genes encoding these proteins are often associated with increased susceptibility to viral infections. One family of ISGs with anti-viral function are the interferon-inducible transmembrane proteins (IFITM) of which IFITM3 has been studied extensively. By contrast, IFITM1 has not been studied in detail. Since IFITM1 can localise to the plasma membrane, we investigated its function with a range of enveloped viruses thought to infect cells by fusion with the plasma membrane. Overexpression of IFITM1 prevented infection by a number of Paramyxoviridae and Pneumoviridae, including Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), mumps virus and human metapneumovirus (HMPV). IFITM1 also restricted infection with an enveloped DNA virus that can enter via the plasma membrane, herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). To test the importance of plasma membrane localisation for IFITM1 function, we identified blocks of amino acids in the conserved intracellular loop (CIL) domain that altered the subcellular localisation of the protein and reduced anti-viral activity. Screening published datasets, twelve rare non-synonymous SNPs were identified in human IFITM1, some of which are in the CIL domain. Using an Ifitm1-/- knock-out mouse we show that RSV infection was more severe, thereby extending the range of viruses restricted in vivo by IFITM proteins and suggesting overall that IFITM1 is broadly anti-viral and this anti-viral function is associated with cell surface localisation.IMPORTANCE Host susceptibility to viral infection is multifactorial, but early control of viruses not previously encountered is predominantly mediated by the interferon stimulated gene (ISG) family. There are upwards of 300 of these genes, the majority of which do not have a clearly defined function or mechanism of action. The cellular location of these proteins may have an important effect on their function. One ISG located at the plasma membrane is Interferon inducible transmembrane protein 1 (IFITM1). Here we demonstrate that IFITM1 can restrict a range of viruses that enter via the plasma membrane. Mutant IFITM1 proteins that were unable to localise to the plasma membrane did not restrict viral infection. We also observed for the first time that IFITM1 plays a role in vivo, Ifitm1-/- knock-out mice were more susceptible to viral lung infection. This data contributes to our understanding of how ISG prevent viral infections
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