2,660 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mengetahui bagaimana meningkatkan keaktifan siswa menggunakan media pembelajaran digital program Adobe Professional Flash cs3 selama proses pembelajaran standar kompetensi mengelas dengan proses las busur metal manual di SMK N 2 Pengasih Kulon Progo, (2) mengetahui prestasi belajar siswa selama proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran digital program Adobe Professional Flash cs3 pada standar kompetensi mengelas dengan proses las busur metal manual di SMK N 2 Pengasih Kulon Progo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan model Kemmis & Taggart. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga kali putaran (siklus). Setiap pertemuan menggunakan langkah-langkah: perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Jumlah siswa yang menjadi subjek penelitian 32 orang. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi dan tes hasil belajar. Data tentang keaktifan siswa diperoleh melalui observasi kelas dan dianalisis untuk membandingkan tingkat keaktifan siswa pada setiap siklus. Data tentang prestasi belajar diperoleh melalui ujian dan dianalisis untuk membandingkan hasil ujian pada setiap siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran standar kompetensi mengelas dengan proses las busur metal manual dengan menggunakan media digital program Adobe Professional Flash cs3 dapat meningkatkan keaktifan dan prestasi belajar siswa selama proses pembelajaran, dengan peningkatan skor rata-rata keaktifan: 2,5 (kurang) pada siklus I, menjadi 3,25 (cukup baik) pada siklus II, dan 3,75 (baik) pada siklus III. Peningkatan nilai rata-rata kelas: 73,0 pada siklus I dengan jumlah siswa yang memperoleh nilai kurang dari 70,0 sebanyak 5 siswa (15,62%), menjadi 81,0 pada siklus II dengan jumlah siswa yang memperoleh nilai kurang dari 70,0 sebanyak 3 siswa (9,37%), dan 82,6 pada siklus III dengan tidak terdapat lagi siswa yang memperoleh nilai kurang dari 70,0


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    The aim of the first year research is: to predict a complex surface formation between chitosan and metal ions. This prediction is according to the plot adsorptive capacity and the bonding tendency between chitosan and some metals. Chitosan as adsorbent isolated from Green Crab’s shell. Metal ions used in this research are Cr(III), Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II), Fe(II) and Pb(II). The subject of this research is green crab’s shell (Scylla serata) and the object is the adsorptive capacity chitosan to some metal ions. Chitosan was prepared in three steps: deproteination, demineralization and deacetylation. This chitosan are impurities by 20 %- 30%kitin. The adsorption experiment was carried out at room temperature for 24 hours. A half gram of chitosan was added into 50 mL of various metals solution at pH system 5. This experiment was performed in two methods. An each ion metal was adsorbed by chitosan and some metal ions i.e: Cr(III), Cu(II), and Ni(II) (1:1:1) were adsorbed simultaneous. Chitosan was characterized by FTIR. Metal ions concentration before and after adsorption was measured by by AAS. Adsorptive capacity is defined as differences of metal ion concentration due to the adsorption per gram chitosan. Then the obtained data was plotted through Langmuir isotherm and Freundlich isotherm equations. The result of this work concludes that adsorptive capacity of chitosan in order for some metals ion are Cr(III) > Fe(II)> pb(II) = Zn(II)> Ni(II) = Cu(II). The interaction chitosan with metal ions is indicated complex surface formation by -NH2 groups or –OH groups. A multilayer are formatted by active site chitosan and metal ion interactions, but the interaction of chitosan to copper(II) is prefer a monolayer formation. Key words: chitosan, adsorption, multilay FMIPA, 2006 (PEND. KIMIA

    The Stereotype of American Bikers as reflected in Poison’s “Ride the Wind” and Twisted Sister’s “Ride to Live, Live to Ride”

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    Bikers are often considered as brutal, unlawful and unoccupied group of people disrupting the order of society. In some cases, they belong to certain gangs committing serious crime. Yet, there are also bikers riding their motorcycles in order to experience ultimate freedom; the freedom of chasing the wind and living outdoor close to nature. The idea of American Dream puts a solid basis on the two phenomena previously mentioned. The short article reveals the stereotype of American bikers by analyzing the lyrics of Ride the Wind and Ride to live, Live to Ride. The argumentative analysis is developed and elaborated through several elements of the lyrics, sociological point of view and historical perspectives. Hence, a comprehensive discussion can be developed and acquired.                                            Keywords: Stereotype, Bikers, American Dream, Gangs, Freedo

    Paradox of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness in Guns N’ Roses “Civil War”

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    The United States of America has long been known as the pioneer of freedom and democracy. The country promotes the idea of acquiring self-fulfillment without interfering others.  Man can have his freedom upon life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness given to him ever since he was born. The long history of the United States of America recorded events and tumults testing the loftiness of American Dream. One of the American rock bands portraying the aforementioned situation is Guns N’ Roses. The lyric of “Civil War” clearly describes the paradox of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Protest against war was increasing. Thus, the waves of strike and demonstration occurred as critics toward Government policy. At this point, rock bands also have important roles in accommodating people’s hopes and wishes. By using several elements of poetry, an argumentative analysis is developed and elaborated in order to reveal the attitude of people regarding government policy on war..                             Keywords: Paradox; War, Government policy; Guns N’ Roses

    The Paradox of Native Americans in Black Elk Speaks

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    Black Elk Speaks is a book describing the spirituality and social life of Native Americans. It contains values of living in balance with nature and the respect towards the Great Spirit. Black Elk himself is a prominent figure believed by Native Americans or the Indian as having vision of the future. The book is the words of Black Elk as told through John G. Neihardt (Flamming Rainbow). By reading the book, we learn how Native Americans survive in the land that does not belong to their tribes. The pain and sorrow of watching relatives and family vanished in the war. Yet, the identity of Native Americans remains among the uproar of social changes in the history of America. The purification of mind and soul in viewing modern life is in line with the American individualism. Furthermore, the study of Native American literature will enrich the spiritual journey of individuals in interpreting life in a multicultural society. Here, I would like to explore the paradox of living in the Indian reservation and the facts faced by Native Americans as told in Black Elk Speaks. Keywords: Black Elk, vision, spirituality, paradox, Native American