173 research outputs found

    Obstetric and neonatal outcome in multiple pregnancy in rural India: a prospective study

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    Background: The objective is to study the obstetric and perinatal outcome in multiple pregnancy.Methods: A prospective study of 100 cases of multiple pregnancy was conducted between October 2013 to July 2016. Incidence of relevant factors, complications, characteristic of multiple pregnancy and sequelae of these complications on obstetric and perinatal outcome were analyzed.Results: Incidence of multiple pregnancy was 2%, anaemia was 22%, preterm labour in 62%, severe preeclampsia in 34%, postpartum haemorrhage in 16%’ PPROM in 14%, abortion in 8%, eclampsia in 2%. Incidence of perinatal mortality rate was 240 per 1000 live births and maternal mortality rates was 2000/ 1 lakh live births which was 10 times more compared to singleton pregnancy.Conclusions: Regular antenatal care, prolonging period of gestation near to term, early admission and care will go a long way in reducing maternal and perinatal mortality

    Particle In Cell Simulation of Combustion Synthesis of TiC Nanoparticles

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    A coupled continuum-discrete numerical model is presented to study the synthesis of TiC nanosized aggregates during a self-propagating combustion synthesis (SHS) process. The overall model describes the transient of the basic mechanisms governing the SHS process in a two-dimensional micrometer size geometry system. At each time step, the continuum (micrometer scale) model computes the current temperature field according to the prescribed boundary conditions. The overall system domain is discretized with a desired number of uniform computational cells. Each cell contains a convenient number of computation particles which represent the actual particles mixture. The particle-in-cell (discrete) model maps the temperature field from the (continuum) cells to the respective internal particles. Depending on the temperature reached by the cell, the titanium particles may undergo a solid-liquid transformation. If the distance between the carbon particle and the liquid titanium particles is within a certain tolerance they will react and a TiC particle will be formed in the cell. Accordingly, the molecular dynamic method will update the location of all particles in the cell and the amount of transformation heat accounted by the cell will be entered into the source term of the (continuum) heat conduction equation. The new temperature distribution will progress depending on the cells which will time-by-time undergo the chemical reaction. As a demonstration of the effectiveness of the overall model some paradigmatic examples are shown.Comment: submitted to Computer Physics Communication

    Coupled h-m fracture interaction using fem with zero-thickness interface elements

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    Intensive hydraulic fracturing is a procedure employed for low permeability reservoir stimulation. This technique consists of generating a sequence of regularly spaced parallel fractures (multi-stage fracturing). The generation of a fracture involves the modification of the local stress state, and therefore, in the case of multi-stage fracturing, the propagation of a certain fracture can be affected by the injection sequence, as it has been observed with microseismicity monitoring [1]. This paper describes a study of this technique by means of the Finite Element Method with zero-thickness interface elements for the geo-mechanical modelling of discontinuities [2]. The technique consists in inserting interface elements in between standard elements to allow jumps in the displacement solution fields. For the mechanical problem, their kinematic constitutive variables are relative displacements, and the corresponding static variables are stress tractions. The relationship between variables is controlled via a fracture-based constitutive law with elasto-plastic structure [3]. Concerning the hydraulic problem, the interface formulation includes both the longitudinal flow (with a longitudinal conductivity parameter strongly dependent on the fracture aperture), as well as and the transversal flow across the element [4]. Previous work by the authors focused on the validation of the method, the analysis a single fracture plane problem [5, 6]. In this case the method is extended to allow free propagation of fractures in any direction, by means of inserting interface elements between all continuum elements. The results presented in this paper analyse the effect of material properties, in particular fracture characterization, in the propagation and the effect of different major to minor principal horizontal stress ratio, on the trajectory and interaction of the fractures

    Efficacy of vaginal Misoprostol versus transcervical Foley’s catheter and vaginal Misoprostol in induction of labor

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    Background: The objective is to compare the efficacy of vaginal Misoprostol versus transcervical Foley’s catheter and vaginal Misoprostol.Methods: A prospective study analyzing the comparative efficacy of intravaginal instillation of Misoprostol in two groups (tablet Misoprostol 50mg alone and combination of intracervical Foley’s catheter and tablet Misoprostol 50mg) carried out in the labour room on 300 subjects (150 subjects in each group), from May 2013 to November 2015.Results: The common gestational age at the time of induction was 36-40 weeks and the most common indication was premature rupture of membrane. In both the groups, most of the cases delivered within 12 hours. present results show that statistically significant number of cases delivered vaginally within 12 hours with the group using Misoprostol plus Foley’s catheter as compared to the group using Misoprostol alone. Cesarean section rate was 12.67% in Misoprostol group and 10.67% in Misoprostol plus Foley’s catheter group. Incidence of failure of induction was similar in both the groups. The incidence of babies with Apgar score less than 8/10 at 5 minutes and incidence of early neonatal death were similar in both the groups.Conclusions: Addition of intracervical Foley’s catheter to vaginal Misoprostol for induction of labor in subjects with unfavorable cervices reduces the Induction-Delivery interval without added side effects or complications to the mother and fetus

    Optical, physical and structural studies of vanadium doped P 2O5-BaO-Li2O glasses

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    Glasses in the compositions (Li2O)25–(BaO)25–(P2O5)50−x–(V2O5)x (with x=0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5, and 3.0 mol%) have been prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. X-ray powder diffractrogram show broad peaks which conforms glassy nature of the sample. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermograms show characteristic glass transition temperature (Tg) and it increases with increasing substitution of V2O5 for P2O5. The measured physical parameters like density, refractive index, ionic concentration and electronic polarizability are found to vary linearly with increasing x. Infrared spectra exhibits few bands, which are attributed to (P=O)AS, (P=O)S, (V=O), (P–O–P)AS,P–O–V, (P–O–P)AS and O–P–O vibrations. The optical absorption spectra of VO2+ ions in these glasses show three bands and are assigned to the 2B2→ 2E,2B2→ 2B1 and 2B2→ 2A1 transitions. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of all the glass samples exhibit resonance signals characteristic of VO2+ ions. The values of Spin-Hamiltonian parameters indicate that the VO2+ ions are present in octahedral sites with tetragonal compression and belong to C4V symmetry

    Characterization and structural studies of lithium doped lead zinc phosphate glass system

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    Glasses in the system (PbO) 30(P 2O 5) 40(ZnO) 30-x(Li 2O) x (where x = 0, 15, 20, 25, 30 mol) and (PbO) 30(P 2O 5) 50(ZnO) 20-x(Li 2O) x (where x = 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 mol) were prepared by conventional melt quenching technique. XRD and DSC measurements were performed to confirm their amorphous nature. Thermal stability factor (S) has been evaluated using the values of T g and T c. The refractive indices of these glasses lie in the range of 1.40-1.45. IR spectra of these glasses show absorption peaks in the range 1233-1247 cm -1, 1076-1087 cm -1, 905-894 cm -1, 735-731 cm -1 and 531-556 cm -1 corresponding to PO, PO -, (POP) AS, (POP) S and OPO vibrations respectively. The peak corresponding to PO, shows red shift with increasing Li 2O content indicating depolymerization of phosphate network. © 2012 Elsevier B.V

    Status of Learner's Satisfaction in Journalism and Media Education in Changing Times: A Study on the UG & PG Students of the Journalism and Mass Communication with Regard to Bangalore University Syllabus

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    Higher education in India, like in any other developing country is facing sharp criticism for its apparent inability to provide education, relevant to the needs and aspirations of the knowledge seekers apart from providing employability. The phenomenon of ever escalating unemployment in the area of educational interest has further aggravated the problem of Higher Education. Interestingly the statement made as early as 1985 “the whole process of higher education has become warped, dysfunctional, producing a number of unemployable young women and men” (The challenge of Education) holds well till date. Unlike any of the professional courses in India, Journalism & Communication and Media Education has never been considered to garner the professional status. The course originates way back in 1948 when Aligarh University launched its Diploma course in Journalism, has seen massive change sprouting out to the under-graduate and master degree courses by various Universities and its affiliated college. This has made the institutions offering media and journalism courses, toddle for placements. It seems the present approved curriculum for BA Journalism & Communication and Media Education courses in particular, the Universities by itself does not offer any scope for employment on one end, while an attempt never made to study focusing the attention on students satisfaction who have joined these courses are on the other adds to it.The locale of the study is carried out in aided and private colleges affiliated to Bangalore University. The research study outlines targets the policy makers of University to rejuvenate the skill component which leads to innovative thoughts and knowledge based research in teaching courses of Journalism & Communication and Media Education. At this juncture the study was undertaken to critically analyze the present status of curriculum in terms of learners’ satisfaction, with that to examine the perception of available skills in the present trainers by the student

    Experimental and theoretical analysis of cracking in drying soils

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    The thesis focuses on the experimental and theoretical aspects of the process of cracking in drying soils. The results and conclusions were drawn from an exhaustive experimental campaign characterised by innovative multidisciplinary aspects incorporating Fracture Mechanics and classical Soil mechanics, aided with image analysis techniques. A detailed study of the previous works on the topic showed the absence of large scale fully monitored laboratory tests, while the existing studies were performed on already cracked soil, rather than focusing on the process of cracking. Also, the absence of a multidisciplinary approach was strongly felt. The soil used in the present work is a Barcelona silty clay, extensively studied previously for its Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) behaviour. Tensile strength and fracture toughness are two important fracture parameters that were not characterized previously and which were determined for the soil used in the investigation. The effect of moisture content on tensile strength and fracture toughness was established. The variation of tensile strength with the degree of saturation was theoretically explored considering the concept of unsaturated cohesion, while the concepts of activation energy and rate process theory were used to explain the relation between the fracture toughness and moisture content. Preliminary desiccation tests were conducted to gain basic knowledge of the cracking behaviour of Barcelona soil. Further experiments were conducted in a controlled laboratory environment with rectangular holding trays of similar geometry with five different surface areas. Crack initiation, temporal evolution of cracks resulting in the final crack pattern, meeting and bifurcation of cracks resulting in intersections, etc. were studied in detail. One of the objectives of the desiccation tests with similar geometry was to check the applicability of fracture mechanics. The results of the experiments showed existence of size-effect in soil cracking, thus justifying the use of fracture mechanics as a framework to model crack propagation. A novel equipment capable of simulating the different combinations of climatic conditions with monitoring by sensors and a digital camera was designed and constructed. This enivironmental chamber can hold large specimens up to 80 cm in diameter and 20 cm thick. The results from experiments carried out with the environmental chamber have provided new knowledge about the process and mechanisms of desiccation cracking. Some observations made during the experiments prompted more detailed experiments on some aspects of crack formation. The morphology of cracks, fissures, and the presence of spiral and ripple-like cracks on the bottom surface demanded to explore a different theoretical point of view into the mechanism of cracking in soils. The possibility of using a theory based on either classical or unsaturated soil mechanics is critically examined, with emphasis on the importance of surrounding ambient conditions and seasonal variations. Finally, detailed macro-morphology analysis of the crack patterns was performed. A theory was developed based on the morphology of crack patterns to explain the crack formation as a result of successive domain divisions or hierarchical nature of crack formation. To test the proposed theory, temporal evolution of cracks and crack pattern were studied in detail, showing the existence of hierarchy very clearly. An attempt has been made to explore a new way of analysing the cracking in soils as a process in transition from a disordered (at crack initiation) to a deterministic behaviour (at the end of drying resulting in a complex pattern). Finally, the possible mechanisms for the formation of cracks at the bottom of the specimens were examined, with emphasis on curling and synaeresis processes.La tesis se centra en los aspectos teóricos y experimentales del proceso de agrietamiento de suelos por desecación. Los resultados y las conclusiones fueron extraídos de una exhaustiva campaña de experimentación caracterizada por su aspecto multidisciplinario, incorporando las bases de la mecánica de fractura y la mecánica del suelo con la ayuda de técnicas de análisis de imagen. Un estudio detallado de los trabajos anteriores sobre el tema puso de manifiesto la ausencia de experimentos a gran escala monitorizados en el laboratorio. Los estudios existentes se han realizado sobre suelos agrietados en lugar de centrarse en suelos en proceso de agrietamiento. Es remarcable, además, la ausencia de un enfoque multidisciplinario. El suelo utilizado en el presente trabajo es una arcilla limosa de Barcelona, ampliamente estudiada por su comportamiento Termo-Hidro-Mecánico (THM). Se recopilaron las características geológicas y geotécnicas reportadas en anteriores tesis doctorales y se determinaron dos nuevos importantes parámetros de fractura tales como la resistencia a tracción y la tenacidad de fractura del suelo estudiado. Fueron utilizados equipos específicos para cada parámetro. Se estableció el efecto del contenido de humedad en el suelo sobre la resistencia a tracción y tenacidad de fractura. Se estudió de forma teórica la variación de la resistencia a tracción con el grado de saturación, teniendo en cuenta el concepto de cohesión no saturada. Los conceptos de energía de activación y teoría de tasa de proceso se utilizaron para explicar la relación entre la tenacidad de fractura y el contenido de humedad. Para conocer el comportamiento del suelo estudiado en cuanto a desecación y agrietamiento se realizaron unos ensayos preliminares. Adicionalmente, se realizó otra serie de experimentos con bandejas de geometría similar pero con diferente superficie, estudiando con precisión detalles como la iniciación y la evolución temporal de las grietas, sus intersecciones y el patrón final de agrietamiento. En general los resultados de los ensayos de desecación confirmaron los datos conocidos, excepto algunas observaciones que no correspondían a ningún resultado de estudios previos publicados. Uno de los objetivos de los ensayos de desecación con geometrías similares fue el de estudiar la aplicabilidad de la teoría de Mecánica de Fractura. Los experimentos demostraron la existencia del efecto del tamaño en el agrietamiento del suelo, justificando el uso de la mecánica de fractura como marco teórico de referencia para modelar el proceso de propagación de las fisuras en suelos. Se diseñó y construyó un nuevo equipo especial para el estudio del fenómeno del agrietamiento por desecación, la cámara ambiental, capaz de simular las diferentes combinaciones de condiciones climáticas con control por sensores y una cámara fotográfica digital integrada. En ella se pudieron estudiar muestras de gran tamaño, hasta 80 cm de diámetro y 20 cm de espesor. Algunas observaciones llevadas a cabo durante los experimentos mostraron la necesidad de realizar estudios ms detallados y de cambiar el punto de vista teórico del mecanismo de agrietamiento de suelos. Especialmente, teniendo en cuenta la presencia de grietas en forma de espiral en la superficie inferior de la muestra. La posibilidad de utilizar teorías basadas tanto en la mecánica de suelos clásica como en la no saturada fue examinada desde un punto de vista crítico, con énfasis en la importancia de las condiciones ambientales y las variaciones estacionales. Por último, se llevó a cabo un estudio sobre la macro-morfología detallada del patrón de agrietamiento. Una teoría basada en la morfología de las grietas fue desarrollada para explicar la formación de las grietas como resultado de las sucesivas divisiones de áreas integrales o de la naturaleza jerárquica de la formación de grietas. Para probar la nueva teoría, se estudió la evolución temporal de las grietas y el patrón de fisuras en detalle y los resultados mostraron la existencia de una jerarquía clara. Se realizó un intento de explorar una nueva forma de enfocar el agrietamiento de suelos como una conducta desordenada o determinista. Finalmente, los posibles mecanismos para la formación de grietas en la parte inferior de la muestra fueron examinados, dando importancia a los fenómenos de deformación por flexión y sinéresis.La tesis es centra en els aspectes teòrics i experimentals del procés d’esquerdament en sòls per dessecació. Els resultats i les conclusions varen ser extretes d’una exhaustiva campanya d’experimentació caracteritzada pel seu aspecte multidisciplinari, incorporant les bases de la mecànica de fractura i la mecànica del sòl amb l’ajuda de tècniques d’anàlisis d’imatge. Un estudi detallat dels treballs anteriors sobre el tema va posar de manifest l’absència d’experiments a gran escala monitoritzats al laboratori. Els estudis existents s’han realitzat sobre sols esquerdats en comptes de centrar-se en sòls en procés d’esquerdament. És remarcable, a més, l’absència d’un enfocament multidisciplinar. El sòl utilitzat en el present treball és una argila llimosa de Barcelona, àmpliament estudiada pel seu comportament Termo-Hidro-Mecànic (THM). Es varen recopilar les característiques geològiques i geotècniques descrites en anteriors treballs i es varen determinar dos nous importants paràmetres de fractura tals com la resistència a tracció i la tenacitat de fractura del sòl estudiat. Van ser necessaris equips específics per a cada un dels paràmetres. Es va establir l’efecte del contingut d’humitat del sòl sobre la resistència a tracció i la tenacitat de fractura. Es va explorar de forma teòrica la variació de la resistència a tracció amb el grau de saturació, tenint en compte el concepte de cohesió no saturada. Els conceptes d’energia d’activació i la teoria de velocitat dels processos es varen utilitzar per a explicar la relació entre la tenacitat de fractura i el contingut d’humitat. Per a conèixer el comportament del sòl estudiat en quan a dessecació i esquerdament es varen realitzar uns assaigs preliminars. Addicionalment, es varen realitzar una altra sèrie d’experiments amb safates de geometria similar però amb diferents superfícies, estudiant amb precisió detalls com l’inici i l’evolució temporal de les esquerdes, llurs interseccions i el patró final d’esquerdament. En general els resultats dels assaigs de dessecació varen confirmar les dades conegudes, exceptuant algunes observacions que no corresponien a cap resultat d’estudis previs publicats. Un dels objectius dels assaigs de dessecació amb geometries similars va ser el d’estudiar l’aplicabilitat de la teoria de mecànica de fractura. Els experiments varen demostrar l’existència del efecte del tamany en l’esquerdament de sòls, justificant l’ús de la teoria de la mecànica de fractura com a marc de referència per a un model teòric de propagació d’esquerdes en sòls. Es va dissenyar i construir un nou equip especial per a l’estudi del fenomen d’esquerdament per dessecació, la cambra ambiental, capaç de simular diferents combinacions de condicions climàtiques amb control per sensors i una càmera digital integrada. Amb ella es varen poder estudiar mostres de gran tamany, fins a 80 cm de diàmetre i 20 cm d’espessor. Algunes observacions dutes a terme durant els experiments varen mostrar la necessitat de realitzar estudis més detallats i de canviar el punt de vista teòric del mecanisme de d’esquerdament en sòls. Especialment, tenint en compte la presència d’esquerdes en forma d’espiral a la superfície inferior de la mostra. La possibilitat d’utilitzar teories basades tant en la mecànica de sòls clàssica com en la no saturada va ser examinada des d’un punt de vista crític, emfatitzant la importància de les condicions ambientals i les variacions estacionals. Per últim, es va estudiar la macro-morfologia detallada del patró d’esquerdament. Una teoria basada en la morfologia de les esquerdes va ser desenvolupada per explicar la formació de les esquerdes com a resultat de les successives divisions d’àrees integrals o de la naturalesa jeràrquica de la formació d’esquerdes. Per a provar la nova teoria, es va estudiar l’evolució temporal de les esquerdes i el patró d’esquerdament en detall i les resultats varen mostrar l’existència d’una jerarquia clara. Es va realitzar un intent d’explorar una nova manera d’observar l’esquerdament de sòls com una conducta desordenada o determinista. Finalment, els possibles mecanismes per a la formació d’esquerdes a la part inferior de la mostra varen ser examinats, donant importància als fenòmens de deformació per flexió i la sinèresi

    Further developments in stress initialization in geomechanics via FEM and a two-step procedure involving airy functions

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    The in-situ stress field in rock masses is a key aspect when a numerical analysis of a rock mass is carried out in any area of geo-engineering, such as civil, mining, or Oil & Gas. A method for the numerical generation of the in-situ stress state in the FE context, based on Airy stress functions was previously introduced. It involves two steps: 1) an estimate of the stress state at each Gauss point is generated, and 2) global equilibrium is verified and re-balancing nodal forces are applied as needed. In this paper, new developments towards improving the accuracy of the stress proposal are discussed. A real application example has been used to illustrate the results achieved with the new implementation

    Boundary effects in the desiccation of soil layers with controlled environmental conditions

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    This article presents the results of an experimental research carried to investigate the mechanics of cracking of soil layers under drying conditions. The tests were conducted under controlled laboratory conditions and in an environmental chamber with circular and rectangular specimens to investigate the effect of the boundary conditions (size, shape, and aspect ratio of the specimens and containers) on the process of initiation and propagation of cracks and on the final crack pattern at the end of desiccation. The tests in the environmental chamber were conducted with imposed temperature and relative humidity and provided new insight into the mechanics of the formation of cracks in a drying soil, and they showed that cracks can initiate either at the top, bottom, or at both surfaces of the drying specimen. The results also reveal how the crack patterns are controlled by the existing mechanical and hydraulic boundary conditions. The cracks seem to form sequentially in patterns that can be explained by three key factors: stresses higher than the tensile strength, the direction of the generated stresses, and the stress redistribution in the vicinity or inside the newly formed domain. In order to substantiate the sequential nature of the crack pattern formation, experimental evidences showing the existence of a cracking sequence during the laboratory desiccation experiments are presented and analyzed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version