398 research outputs found

    Značilnosti sodobne družbe

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    Dependence Theory

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Social Studies of Bard College

    Upotreba vremensko frekvencijske analize za rano otkrivanje pukotina na jednostupanjskim zupčastim pogonima

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    The relationships between the existence of gear teeth cracks as a cause and symptoms emerging as housing vibrations that can be detected with signals measured was investigated numerically and experimentally. Experimental measurements on one-stage gear drives have been carried out involving gears built in with different notch length in tooth root. Signals measured as accelerations on gear box house have been analysed with STFT. A new computer programme DSP_Studio has been developed for detecting and measuring the diagnostic signals, and simultaneously for analysing the effect of crack in tooth root. Numerical simulation model of simple gear pair, which incorporates simulation of crack presence in altered tooth stiffness, has been conducted to confirm experimentally obtained results. The experimental results corroborate with the numerical results. The results derived represent an important contribution to early crack detection on one-stage gear drives.Sljedeći rad raspravlja o istraživanju povezanosti pukotine u korijenu zuba, kao uzrok, i simptomima koji se pojavljuju u obliku vibracija na kućištu te ih je moguće očitavati u izmjerenim signalima. U tu svrhu su bila obavljena eksperimentalna mjerenja na izrađenom jednostupanjskom zupčastom pogonu u kom su bili ugrađeni zupčanici sa različito dugim pukotinama u korijenu zuba. Signali, izmjereni u obliku ubrzavanja na kućištu pogona, bili su analizirani u vremenskom, frekvencijskom, kepstralnom te vremensko-frekvencijskom prostoru. Da bi obuhvatili dijagnostičke signale i analizu utjecaja pukotine zuba izradili smo vlastiti kompleksan računalni program DSP_studio, koji predstavlja novost i važan doprinos na području tehničke dijagnostike. Da bi potvrdili rezultate dobivene eksperimentima, izveli smo numeričku simulaciju modela jednostavnog zupčanog para u kojem je bila simulirana prisutnost pukotine u promijenjenom slijedu krutosti zuba. Ustanovili smo dobro slaganje eksperimentalno i numeričko dobivenih rezultata. Dobiveni rezultati predstavljaju doprinos k ranom otkrivanju pukotina na zupčastim pogonima

    Dva nova roda i vrste afenopsoidnih kornjaša iz Hrvatske i Crne Gore (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae)

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    Two new genera of cave-dwelling aphaenopsoid Trechini beetles, Jalzicaphaenops gen. nov. poljaki sp. nov. from Dumenčića špilja (cave) near Rakovica (central Croatia) and Acheroniotes gen. nov. mlejneki sp. nov. from pits on Prekornica mountain range (central Montenegro) are described and illustrated. Both new genera are characterized by the presence of posterior pronotal setae, Jalzicaphaenops gen. nov. also by the presence of a pair of setae on pronotal disc. The key to the identification of all hitherto known aphaenopsoid Trechini genera from Dinarids is given. Data on the distribution and ecology of these remarkable genera, complemented with descriptions of the type localities are also provided.U radu se opisuju i ilustriraju dva nova roda špiljskih afenopsoidnih kornjaša iz skupine Trechini, Jalzicaphaenops gen. nov. poljaki sp. nov. iz Dumenčića špilje kraj Rakovice (središnja Croatia) i Acheroniotes gen. nov. mlejneki sp. nov. iz jama s masiva Prekornice (središnja Crna Gora). Oba roda značajna su po posteriornim pronotalnim čekinjama, a Jalzicaphaenops gen. nov. također i po paru čekinja na pronotalnom disku. Daje se ključ za determinaciju svih dosad poznatih rodova trehina s Dinarida. Također se daju podaci o rasprostranjenosti i ekologiji ovih izuzetnih rodova, uz opise tipskih lokaliteta

    Nova vrsta špiljskoga roda Machaerites Miller, 1855 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae) iz Hrvatske

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    Machaerites udrzali sp. nov., a new cavernicolous species of the tribe Bythinini from Croatia, Plitvice, Rodićeva pećina is described and illustrated; the systematic position of the species is discussed.U radu se opisuje nova špiljska vrsta Machaerites udrzali sp. nov. iz skupine Bythinini iz Hrvatske (Plitvice, Rodićeva pećina); raspravlja se o položaju vrste u sistematici

    The Radiated Field Generated by a Monopole Source in a Short, Rigid, Rectangular Duct

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    This thesis develops a method to model the acoustic field generated by a monopole source placed in a moving rectangular duct. The walls of the duct are assumed to be infinitesimally thin and the source is placed at the center of the duct. The total acoustic pressure is written in terms of the free-space pressure, or incident pressure, and the scattered pressure. The scattered pressure is the augmentation to the incident pressure due to the presence of the duct. It satisfies a homogeneous wave equation and is discontinuous across the duct walls. Utilizing an integral representation of the scattered pressure, a set of singular boundary integral equations governing the unknown jump in scattered pressure is derived. This equation is solved by the method of collocation after representing the jump in pressure as a double series of shape functions. The solution obtained is then substituted back into the integral representation to determine the scattered pressure, and the total acoustic pressure at any point in the field. A few examples are included to illustrate the influence of various geometric and kinematic parameters on the radiated sound field

    Maternal and Infant Attributes and Antecedents of Breastfeeding

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    Abstract Background: The Center for Disease Control (CDC) claim that breastfeeding rates are increasing in the United States. Surveys show that 81.1% of newborn infants started to breastfeed in 2013 (2016). Unfortunately, breastfeeding duration did not meet the recommended length and of the infants born in 2013, 51.8% were breastfeeding at 6 months and 30.7% at 12 months (CDC, 2016). Breastfeeding offers various health benefits to the mother and child, which is why the identification of antecedents and attributes to breastfeeding need to be addressed in order to impact mothers and infants. Objectives: The goal of this study is to identify the positive and negative attributes and antecedents to breastfeeding for the mother and infant for the identification of strategies and interventions to promote breastfeeding within the United States. Methods:A computer was used to search the databases CINAHL Complete, PubMed, PsychINFO, and ProQuest, yielding 9 articles for review. Theses studies contain the positive and negative attributes and antecedents of breastfeeding that will be organized in a systematic matrix. Design: An integrative literature review. Conclusion: This integrative literature review aims to develop and present a clear picture of the current evidence regarding antecedents and attributes to breastfeeding in order to properly disclose these issues. Keywords: breastfeeding, breast feeding, breast-feeding, socioeconomic, attitudes, attitude, beliefs, and belie

    Utjecaj parenja na lomljenje oraha (Juglans regia L.)

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    The influence of hot steam vaporization of the walnut (Juglans regia L.) cultivar \u27Franquette\u27 on the required force for deformation (breaking) and the energy required to fracture the shell with the centrifugal breaking machine was studied under the laboratory conditions. The maximum force (248.04 N) was used for breaking nuts, which were vaporized for 5 minutes and 171.35 N for 15 minutes vaporized samples of nuts. The shortest deformation (1.3 mm) was measured for breaking 0 minute vaporized nuts, and the maximum deformation (4.15 mm) for 15 minutes vaporization samples. The largest percent of the whole kernels (74.62 %), was measured on 15 minutes vaporized nuts and the lowest on 0 minutes vaporized sample (28.47 %).U pokusu usporedbe morfoloških i fizikalnih svojstava ploda oraha (Juglans regia L.) sorte \u27Franquette\u27 proučavan je utjecaj parenja vručom parom na potrebnu silu za deformaciju (lomljenje) ploda te potrebnu energiju za lom ljuske ploda pomoću centrifugalnog stroja za lomljenja. Maksimalna sila (248,04 N) za lomljenje oraha izmjerena je kod 5 minuta parenih uzoraka, a najmanja kod 15 minuta parenja (171,35 N). Najmanja deformacija (1,3 mm) izmjerena je kod lomljenja suhih oraha, a najveća kod 15 minuta parenih (4,15 mm). Najveći dio celih jezgri (74,62 %), dobiven je kod lomljenja 15 minuta parenih oraha a najmanji kod 0 minuta parenja (28,47 %.)

    Taksonomske i ekološke bilješke o rodu Scotoplanetes Absolon, s opisom nove vrste iz Crne Gore (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechini)

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    Scotoplanetes aquacultor n. sp. from the »Vodna jama« pit (Dragaljsko polje near Grahovo, southwest Montenegro), second known species of the genus is described, illustrated and compared with the congeneric species Scotoplanetes arenstorffianus Absolon, 1913. Based on the examination of the holotype, Scotoplanetes arenstorffianus weiratherianus Noesske, 1928 is reconsidered in synonymy to Scotoplanetes arenstorffianus. Data about the taxonomy of this remarkable genus, complemented with the description of habitat and the bionomy are given.U radu se opisuje i ilustrira Scotoplanetes aquacultor n. sp. iz »Vodne jame« (Dragaljsko polje kod Grahova, jugozapadna Crna Gora), druga poznata vrsta tog roda te se uspoređuje s vrstom iz istog roda Scotoplanetes arenstorffianus Absolon, 1913. Na temelju holotipa se Scotoplanetes arenstorffianus weiratherianus Noesske, 1928 razmatra kao sinonim Scotoplanetes arenstorffianus. Daju se podaci o taksonomiji ovog izuzetnog roda, kao i opis staništa i bionomija