8 research outputs found

    Intégration de la modélisation comportementale dans la conception par points de vue

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    View-based modeling is the main subject of this thesis. It is a variant of the object oriented modeling approach for the analysis and design of complex systems, focusing on the actors that use the system and decomposing the specification according to their needs. With this prospect, our team developed a UML profile named VUML (View based UML), which allows the elaboration of a unique and sharable model accessible according to the view of each of the system's actors. However the achieved work on the VUML profile does not tackle the behavior aspects of the modeling process. The VUML approach address the structural aspects related to the composition of views and to the sharing of data without dealing with the way these views will react, or how to be able to synchronize them in order to obtain the behavior of multiple-view objects (instances of a multi-view class). The achieved work in this thesis aims to fill this gap by providing new mechanism to the VUML profile that allows expressing the behavioral needs of a system. We will focus on describing the individual behavior of multi-view objects by state-machines that require adjustments of UML modeling concepts. To achieve this objective we introduced the concept of event probes, which allow to specify implicit communication between the view-objects via event observation. This allows decoupling the view specifications that are a priori strongly interconnected, and therefore allows them to be designed separately, in agreement with the VUML method recommendations, and then to be integrated without the need of making modifications. We first define the concept of event monitoring and identified the different types of probes and the appropriate parameters that characterize them. We also define a set of concepts that can extend and manipulate probes. Then we propose a UML-compatible representation of the introduced concepts in form of a profile named VxUML (extension of VUML). In addition to defining the profile elements (stereotypes, tagged value, predefined library classes), we have developed rules for proper formation of the static semantics using OCL to reduce ambiguity in the specification of such concepts. Afterwards, to demonstrate the usefulness of the concepts introduced, we developed a case study through which we sought to provide a full view-based model, addressing both structural and behavioral aspects. At the end, to concretely validate our approach in a model driven engineering setting, we developed a code generator that takes as input a specification developed in VxUML profile. This generator uses the techniques of model transformation related to the code generation, including transformation of platform independent models (PIM) to platform specific models (PSM), and transformation of PSMs to code; the current target language is Java. Finally, another contribution of this thesis is a process associated with VxUML. It is an approach that complements the approach associated with VUML (which deal only with structural aspects) to be able to use in methodical manner the new mechanisms dedicated to behavioral treatment. Now, the VxUML development process offers a complete view based modeling, that is, dealing with both structural and behavioral aspects. Keywords: View based modeling, VUML profile, VxUML profile, event observation, multi-view states machine, behavior composition.La modélisation par points de vue constitue la thématique générale de notre travail de thèse. C'est une approche de modélisation orientée objet, visant l'analyse et la conception des systèmes complexes avec une démarche centrée autour des acteurs interagissant avec le système. Notre équipe a ainsi développé un profil UML appelé VUML (View based UML), qui permet l'élaboration d'un modèle unique partageable à partir de vues associées aux points de vue des acteurs. Cependant, les travaux réalisés sur le profil VUML [Nassar, 05 ; Anwar, 09] ne couvrent pas les aspects comportementaux de la modélisation. En effet, – en proposant la notion de classe multivue – VUML traite les aspects structuraux liés à la composition des vues et au partage des données statiques sans prendre en compte la manière dont ces vues vont réagir, ni comment les synchroniser afin de représenter le comportement des objets multivue (instances d'une classe multivue). Les travaux effectués dans le cadre de cette thèse cherchent à combler ce manque en dotant le profil VUML de nouveaux mécanismes permettant d'exprimer le comportement d'un système. Nous nous sommes concentrés pour cela sur le comportement des objets multivue décrit par des machines à états qui nécessitent des adaptations des concepts de modélisation UML. Pour réaliser cet objectif nous avons introduit la notion de sonde d'événements, qui permet de spécifier des communications implicites entre les vues par observation d'événements. Ceci permet de découpler des spécifications qui sont a priori fortement interconnectées, de les concevoir séparément par points de vue, selon les préconisations de la méthode VUML, puis de les intégrer sans avoir à les modifier. Nous avons tout d'abord défini le concept de sonde d'événements, identifié les différents types de sondes avec les paramètres associés, puis défini un ensemble de concepts permettant d'enrichir et de manipuler les sondes. Nous avons ensuite proposé une représentation compatible avec VUML des concepts introduits sous forme d'un profil nommé VxUML (extension de VUML). En plus de la définition des éléments du profil (stéréotypes, valeurs marquées, classes de librairie prédéfinies), nous avons développé en OCL des règles de bonne formation (sémantique statique). Pour illustrer l'intérêt des concepts introduits, nous avons développé une étude de cas en proposant une modélisation par points de vue complète traitant à la fois les aspects structurel et comportemental. Pour valider concrètement notre approche, nous avons développé, selon une approche IDM, un générateur de code qui prend en entrée une spécification de système en VxUML. Ce générateur utilise les techniques de transformation de modèles liées à la génération de code, et notamment les transformations de modèles indépendants de plate-forme (PIM) vers des modèles spécifiques à une plate-forme (PSM), et des modèles PSM vers le code ; il a été développé dans un premier temps avec le langage cible Java. Sur le plan méthodologique, nous avons défini une démarche associée à VxUML, qui complète celle de VUML, en permettant d'utiliser d'une manière méthodique les mécanismes dédiés au traitement du comportement. Désormais, le processus de développement VxUML permet une modélisation par points de vue complète, traitant à la fois les aspects structurel et comportemental. Mots clés : Conception par points de vue, profil VUML, profil VxUML, sonde d'événements, machine à états multivue, composition du comportement

    Nouvelles applications de la réaction de Wittig

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    Texte intégral accessible uniquement aux membres de l'Université de LorraineNon disponible / Not availableLa première partie de ce travail présente la mise au point de deux nouvelles méthodes d'oléfination de lactones dérivées de sucres. La première utilise le cyanométhylènetriphényl-phosphorane pour transformer les lactones dérivées de sucres en des cyanométhylènes. La deuxième utilise le système bromure de bromométhyltriphénylphosphonium-tBuOK pour transformer les lactones et les cétones en des dibromooléfines. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, la réduction de la double liaison exocyclique des méthoxycarbométhylènes et des cyanométhylènes a donné un accés aisé à de nouveaux C-glycosides fonctionnalisables. Les méthoxycarbométhylènes ont également été utilisés pour la synthèse de [bêta]-amino-acides C-glycosylés, lesquels ensuite ont été utilisés dans des réactions de couplages peptidiques avec eux mêmes et avec d'autres amino-acides afin de préparer de nouveaux peptides. Enfin, l'addition de l'anion du nitrométhane sur les méthoxycarbométhylènes conduit à de nouveaux di-C-glycosides. La réduction du groupement nitro donne des [gamma]-amino-acides di-C-glycosylés et des spiro-lactames anomériques

    Intégration de la modélisation comportementale dans la conception par points de vue

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    TOULOUSE3-BU Sciences (315552104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    CVs Classification Using Neural Network Approaches Combined with BERT and Gensim: CVs of Moroccan Engineering Students

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    Deep learning (DL)-oriented document processing is widely used in different fields for extraction, recognition, and classification processes from raw corpus of data. The article examines the application of deep learning approaches, based on different neural network methods, including Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), long short-term memory (LSTM), and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The compared models were combined with two different word embedding techniques, namely: Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and Gensim Word2Vec. The models are designed to evaluate the performance of architectures based on neural network techniques for the classification of CVs of Moroccan engineering students at ENSAK (National School of Applied Sciences of Kenitra, Ibn Tofail University). The used dataset included CVs collected from engineering students at ENSAK in 2023 for a project on the employability of Moroccan engineers in which new approaches were applied, especially machine learning, deep learning, and big data. Accordingly, 867 resumes were collected from five specialties of study (Electrical Engineering (ELE), Networks and Systems Telecommunications (NST), Computer Engineering (CE), Automotive Mechatronics Engineering (AutoMec), Industrial Engineering (Indus)). The results showed that the proposed models based on the BERT embedding approach had more accuracy compared to models based on the Gensim Word2Vec embedding approach. Accordingly, the CNN-GRU/BERT model achieved slightly better accuracy with 0.9351 compared to other hybrid models. On the other hand, single learning models also have good metrics, especially based on BERT embedding architectures, where CNN has the best accuracy with 0.9188

    The role of social networks in personality analysis for recruitment of laureates: A systematic review and exploratory study

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    Today, the recruitment process has seen a drastic change in the measure of the personality aspect of the candidates. Accordingly, in the era of digitalization and the proliferation of the professional social network, the selection of valuable information provided from the candidate’s accounts has a primordial role in the selection of the profiles responding to job offers and to create a global vision on the personality and the capability of the job seekers from teamwork and leadership to meet the job requirements. The paper aims to discover the approaches applied in the personality analysis based on the professional networks. Beginning with a systematic review of previous works and exploratory analysis through interviews with stakeholders participated in the recruitment process

    Enhancing Conflict Resolution Mechanism for Automatic Model Composition

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    Despite the fact that model composition paradigm becomes very important and most commonly used, the support for their cooperation has not reached its full strength, especially in managing composition conflicts, because it’s often divided between and confused with other model composition features. This makes handling and dealing with these conflicts a crucial activity in the composition process. Models need to be put under version control in order to manage the probable conflicts, facilitate collaboration and control change. Therefore, a solution for detecting and resolving conflicts is needed. In this paper, we present a composition conflict resolver presented in the form of a repository that helps manage composition conflicts and analyse the model and operations performed on it

    Perceived Employability of Moroccan Engineering Students: a PLS-SEM Approach

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    This study aims to build an employability model on the skills of youngMoroccans, their perceptions of the competencies towards the labour market, andenhance the understanding of the employment landscape through an exploratorystudy based on the Conference Board of Canada (Employability Skills 2000+).Therefore, the competencies and skills under discussion are presented according tothe Employability Skills 2000+ model; comprising Fundamental skills (FS),Personal Management Skills (PMS), and Teamwork skills (TWS). Accordingly,the approach used the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the StructuralEquation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS software. The primary data wascollected through a survey of Moroccan engineering students from the ENSAK(National School of Applied Sciences of Kenitra in English) belonging to the IbnTofail University of Kenitra. The survey participants included 411 students fromsix departments, relying on the non-probability and voluntary response samplingmethodology. Finally, the results obtained revealed different perceptions regardingthe priorities of certain skills in the labor market; where Personal ManagementSkills (PMS), Teamwork Skills (TWS), and Work Safely (WS) were perceived ashighly demanded in the professional context with a medium effect on the model.Otherwise, the remains elements and features have a small effect and impact onthe model, especially the fundamental skills and its sub-constructs

    Data Lake Architecture for Smart Fish Farming Data-Driven Strategy

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    Thanks to continuously evolving data management solutions, data-driven strategies are considered the main success factor in many domains. These strategies consider data as the backbone, allowing advanced data analytics. However, in the agricultural field, and especially in fish farming, data-driven strategies have yet to be widely adopted. This research paper aims to demystify the situation of the fish farming domain in general by shedding light on big data generated in fish farms. The purpose is to propose a dedicated data lake functional architecture and extend it to a technical architecture to initiate a fish farming data-driven strategy. The research opted for an exploratory study to explore the existing big data technologies and to propose an architecture applicable to the fish farming data-driven strategy. The paper provides a review of how big data technologies offer multiple advantages for decision making and enabling prediction use cases. It also highlights different big data technologies and their use. Finally, the paper presents the proposed architecture to initiate a data-driven strategy in the fish farming domain