64 research outputs found

    Model of cybersecurity means financing with the procedure of additional data obtaining by the protection side

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    The article describes the model of cybersecurity means financing strategies of the information object with incomplete information about the financial resources of the attacking side. The proposed model is the core of the module of the developed decision support system in the problems of choosing rational investing variants for information protection and cybersecurity of various information objects. The model allows to find financial solutions using the tools of the theory of multistep games with several terminal surfaces. The authors proposed an approach that allows information security management to make a preliminary assessment of strategies for financing the effective cybersecurity systems. The model is distinguished by the assumption that the protection side does not have complete information, both about the financing strategies of the attacking side, and about its financial resources state aimed at overcoming cybersecurity lines of the information object. At the same time, the protection side has the opportunity to obtain additional information by the part of its financial resources. This makes it possible for the protection side to obtain a positive result for itself in the case when it can not be received without this procedure. The solution was found using a mathematical apparatus of a nonlinear multistep quality game with several terminal surfaces with alternate moves. In order to verify the adequacy of the model there was implemented a multivariate computational experiment. The results of this experiment are described in the article. © 2005 - ongoing JATIT & LL

    The phase-separated states in antiferromagnetic semiconductors with polarizable lattice

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    The possibility of the slab or stripe phase separation (alternating ferromagnetic highly- conductive and insulating antiferromagnetic layers) is proved for isotropic degenerate antiferromagnetic semiconductors. This type of phase separation competes with the droplet phase separation (ferromagnetic droplets in the antiferromagnetic host or vice versa). The interaction of electrons with optical phonons alone cannot cause phase-separated state with alternating highly-conductive and insulating regions but it stabilizes the magnetic phase separation. The magnetostriction deformation of the lattice in the phase-separated state is investigated.Comment: 17 Pages, 1 EPS Figur

    Development of a conceptual model of adaptive access rights management with using the apparatus of Petri nets

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    The paper describes the conceptual model of adaptive control of cyber protection of the informatization object (IO). Petri's Networks were used as a mathematical device to solve the problem of adaptive control of user access rights. The simulation model is proposed and the simulation in PIPE v4.3.0 package is performed. The possibility of automating the procedures for adjusting the user profile to minimize or neutralize cyber threats in the objects of informatization is shown. The model of distribution of user tasks in computer networks of IO is proposed. The model, unlike the existing, is based on the mathematical apparatus of Petri's Networks and contains variables that allow reducing the power of the state space. Access control method (ACM) is added. The addenda touched upon aspects of reconciliation of access rights that are requested by the task and requirements of the security policy and the degree of consistency of tasks and access to the IO nodes. Adjustment of rules and security metrics for new tasks or redistributable tasks is described in the notation of Petri nets

    Mетод раціонального керування системами кіберзахисту та забезпечення гарантоздатності радіотехнічних систем

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    The urgent problem of creating a method for the rational choice of means and subsystems of cyber protection or ensuring the reliability of radio engineering (also, information) systems, optimizing the management of appropriate means in the context of the implementation of anthropogenic or technogenic threats is investigated. The article studies the possibility of using a modified genetic algorithm to solve the problem of rational choice of information security means (ISM) and dynamic configuration management of such means on various security segments of reliable radio engineering systems (RRS), as well as information systems (IS).The scientific novelty of the study is the use in the genetic algorithm as criteria for optimizing the configuration (composition) of the ISM total amount of risks of breach of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information resources, as well as the cost characteristics of the respective ISM. The genetic algorithm in the problem of optimizing the choice of ISM configuration for RRS (IS) and dynamic resource management of the cybersecurity subsystem is considered as a variant of solving the multi-choice problem. In this formulation, the problem of rational placement of ISM at the boundaries (levels) of RRS (IS) protection is considered as a variant of solving the NP-complete combinatorial optimization problem of backpacking (Knapsack problems). The proposed approach provides an opportunity, on the one hand, to perform rapid testing of different sets of ISM and options for their application in ISM, on the other hand, this creates prerequisites for combining the proposed algorithm with existing methods, models and algorithms to optimize the boundaries of RRS (IS) cybersecurity and dynamic management of cybersecurity resources for various objects of information activities. This combination of methods, models and algorithms creates the preconditions for a rapid change in the settings of the RRS (IS) protection subsystem, changing its configuration to take into account new threats and cyberattacks.Исследуется актуальная задача создания метода рационального выбора средств и подсистем киберзащиты или обеспечения гарантоспособности радиотехнических (также, информационных) систем, оптимизации управления соответствующими средствами в условиях реализации угроз антропогенного или техногенного характера. В статье изучается возможность применения модифицированного генетического алгоритма для решения задачи рационального выбора средств защиты информации (СЗИ) и динамического управления конфигурациями таких средств в различных сегментах безопасности гарантоспособных радиотехнических систем (ГРС), а также информационных систем (ИС). Научная новизна исследования заключается в применении в генетическом алгоритме в качестве критериев оптимизации конфигурации (состава) СЗИ суммарной величины рисков от нарушения конфиденциальности, целостности и доступности информационного ресурса, а также стоимостные характеристики соответствующих СЗИ. Генетический алгоритм в задаче оптимизации выбора конфигурации СЗИ для ГРС (ИС) и динамического управления ресурсами подсистемы кибербезопасности рассматривается как вариант решения задачи мультивибору. В такой постановке задачи рационального размещения СЗИ на рубежах (уровнях) защиты ГРС (ИС) рассматривается как вариант решения NP-полной комбинаторной задачи оптимизации про укладку рюкзака (Knapsack problems). Предложенный подход обеспечивает возможность, с одной стороны, выполнить быстрое опробование различных наборов СЗИ и вариантов их применения в ГРС (ИС), с другой стороны, это создает предпосылки для объединения предложенного алгоритма с уже существующими методами, моделями и алгоритмами для оптимизации состава рубежей киберзащиты ГРС (ИС) и динамического управления ресурсами кибербезопасности для различных объектов информационной деятельности. Такое сочетание методов, моделей и алгоритмов создает предпосылки для быстрого изменения настроек подсистемы защиты ГРС (ИС), изменяя ее конфигурацию с учетом новых угроз и кибератак.Досліджується актуальне завдання створення методу раціонального вибору засобів і підсистем кіберзахисту або забезпечення гарантоздатності радіотехнічних (також, інформаційних) систем, оптимізації управління відповідними засобами в умовах реалізації загроз антропогенного або техногенного характеру. В статті вивчається можливість застосування модифікованого генетичного алгоритму для розв’язку задачі раціонального вибору апаратно-програмних засобів захисту інформації (ЗЗІ) і динамічному керуванню конфігураціями засобів на рубіжах (рівнях) безпеки гарантоздатних радіотехнічних систем (ГРС), а також інформаційних систем (ІС). Наукова новизна дослідження полягає у застосуванні в генетичному алгоритмі в якості критеріїв оптимізації конфігурації (складу) ЗЗІ сумарної величини ризиків від порушення конфіденційності, цілісності та доступності інформаційного ресурсу, а також вартісні характеристики відповідних ЗЗІ. Генетичний алгоритм в задачі оптимізації вибору конфігурації ЗЗІ для ГРС (ІС) і динамічного управління ресурсами підсистеми кибербезпеки розглядається як варіант розв’язку задачі мультівибору. В такій постановці завдання раціонального розміщення ЗЗІ на рубіжах (рівнях) захисту ГРС (ІС) розглядається як варіант розв’язку NP-повної комбінаторної задачі оптимізації про укладку рюкзака (Knapsack problems). Запропонований підхід забезпечує можливість, з одного боку, виконати швидке опробування різних наборів ЗЗІ та варіантів  їх застосування в ГРС (ІС), з іншого боку, це утворює передумови для об’єднання запропонованого алгоритму з вже існуючими методами, моделями і алгоритмами для оптимізації складу рубіжей кіберзахисту ГРС (ІС) і динамічного управління ресурсами кибербезпеки для різних об’єктів інформаційної діяльності. Таке поєднання методів, моделей та алгоритмів створює передумови для швидкої зміни налаштування підсистеми захисту ГРС (ІС), змінюючи її конфігурацію з урахуванням нових загроз і кібератак

    Magnetic polarons in weakly doped high-Tc superconductors

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    We consider a spin Hamiltonian describing dd-dd exchange interactions between localized spins dd of a finite antiferromagnet as well as pp-dd interactions between a conducting hole (pp) and localized spins. The spin Hamiltonian is solved numerically with use of Lanczos method of diagonalization. We conclude that pp-dd exchange interaction leads to localization of magnetic polarons. Quantum fluctuations of the antiferromagnet strengthen this effect and make the formation of polarons localized in one site possible even for weak pp-dd coupling. Total energy calculations, including the kinetic energy, do not change essentially the phase diagram of magnetic polarons formation. For parameters reasonable for high-TcT_c superconductors either a polaron localized on one lattice cell or a small ferron can form. For reasonable values of the dielectric function and pp-dd coupling, the contributions of magnetic and phonon terms in the formation of a polaron in weakly doped high-TcT_c materials are comparable.Comment: revised, revtex-4, 12 pages 8 eps figure

    On the Thermodynamic Equilibrium Distribution of a Charge in a Homogeneous Chain with a Defect

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    Based on the semi-classical Holstein Hamiltonian we consider charge transfer along a DNA chain of sites at different thermostat temperatures. Recently, using the computer simulation, it has been shown that the charge distribution in homogeneous chains in thermodynamic equilibrium depends not only on the temperature, but also on the length of the chain. We have studied numerically the case of polyadenine fragments with a defect site in the middle of the chain. The results demonstrate qualitatively similar behavior of thermodynamic equilibrium quantities in the case of the homogeneous chain and of the chain with a defect. Insertion of a trap-site enhances the stability of polaron states

    Application of Game Theory, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks for Assessing Risks and Forecasting Rates of Digital Currency

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    In this scientific work is aimed to obtain mathematical tools for solving the problem of finding optimal investment strategies in digital cryptocurrencies (hereinafter referred to as the CX) or a CX set from the side of investor/investors were proposed. The solution was found on the basis of the application of the games theory, the theory of fuzzy sets and artificial neural networks (ANN). The developed model, which allows one to obtain an algorithm for the success forecast assessment of the investment procedure in the CX by the investor, which can be then implemented in one of the modules of the intellectual information system for the CX rates forecasting. The scientific novelty of the results is that for the first time to solve the problem of the CX market evaluation in the context of the CX investment problem, gaming approaches based on solving a bilinear quality game in fuzzy production, as well as ANN were used

    Vibrational Enhancement of the Effective Donor - Acceptor Coupling

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    The paper deals with a simple three sites model for charge transfer phenomena in an one-dimensional donor (D) - bridge (B) - acceptor (A) system coupled with vibrational dynamics of the B site. It is found that in a certain range of parameters the vibrational coupling leads to an enhancement of the effective donor - acceptor electronic coupling as a result of the formation of the polaron on the B site. This enhancement of the charge transfer efficiency is maximum at the resonance, where the effective energy of the fluctuating B site coincides with the donor (acceptor) energy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Application of a Convolutional Neural Network with a Module of Elementary Graphic Primitive Classifiers in the Problems of Recognition of Drawing Documentation and Transformation of 2d to 3d Models

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    his paper presents the results of the research related to the design of a convolutional neural network with a module of graphic primitives elementary classifiers (EC) in the tasks of drawing documentation recognition and transformation of the 2D into 3D models. An architecture of a convolutional neural network with an elementary classifiers module of graphic primitives was proposed for solving the drawing recognition and 2 → 3 transformation problem. A graphic image classifier model based on covered classes and elementary primitive classifiers has been developed to increase the effectiveness of CNN training

    Development of a mobile automated air quality monitoring system for use in places of technogenic accidents on railway transport

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    A mobile air quality monitoring system (MAQMS) has been designed and implemented at railway infrastructure facilities. The system (or MAQMS) consists of two main parts: a single data processing server and information collection devices. The transmitter is based on the ATmega328 microcontroller. For component devices of MAQMS, the operation of which depends on Wi-Fi, a transmitter based on an ESP8266 microcontroller is used, which ensures stable communication according to the 802.11n standard. This standard is the main data transfer protocol between environmental data collection devices and the MQTT server. In the implemented MAQMS, the data processing server receives information via the MQTT protocol from all devices about the status of each sensor and the location of the device at the site of a railway accident accompanied by environmental pollution. All data with a certain periodicity is written to the database on the server in the appropriate format with timestamps. To access the stored data, a WEB interface is used, which allows you to administer the MAQMS from all devices that have a web browser