15 research outputs found

    Quantitative microscopy of functional HIV post-entry complexes reveals association of replication with the viral capsid

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    Abstract The steps from HIV-1 cytoplasmic entry until integration of the reverse transcribed genome are currently enigmatic. They occur in ill-defined reverse-transcription-and pre-integrationcomplexes (RTC, PIC) with various host and viral proteins implicated. In this study, we report quantitative detection of functional RTC/PIC by labeling nascent DNA combined with detection of viral integrase. We show that the viral CA (capsid) protein remains associated with cytoplasmic RTC/PIC but is lost on nuclear PIC in a HeLa-derived cell line. In contrast, nuclear PIC were almost always CA-positive in primary human macrophages, indicating nuclear import of capsids or capsidlike structures. We further show that the CA-targeted inhibitor PF74 exhibits a bimodal mechanism, blocking RTC/PIC association with the host factor CPSF6 and nuclear entry at low, and abrogating reverse transcription at high concentrations. The newly developed system is ideally suited for studying retroviral post-entry events and the roles of host factors including DNA sensors and signaling molecules

    The FDA-Approved Drug Cobicistat Synergizes with Remdesivir To Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Replication In Vitro and Decreases Viral Titers and Disease Progression in Syrian Hamsters

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    Combinations of direct-acting antivirals are needed to minimize drug resistance mutations and stably suppress replication of RNA viruses. Currently, there are limited therapeutic options against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and testing of a number of drug regimens has led to conflicting results. Here, we show that cobicistat, which is an FDA-approved drug booster that blocks the activity of the drug-metabolizing proteins cytochrome P450-3As (CYP3As) and P-glycoprotein (P-gp), inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication. Two independent cell-to-cell membrane fusion assays showed that the antiviral effect of cobicistat is exerted through inhibition of spike protein-mediated membrane fusion. In line with this, incubation with low-micromolar concentrations of cobicistat decreased viral replication in three different cell lines including cells of lung and gut origin. When cobicistat was used in combination with remdesivir, a synergistic effect on the inhibition of viral replication was observed in cell lines and in a primary human colon organoid. This was consistent with the effects of cobicistat on two of its known targets, CYP3A4 and P-gp, the silencing of which boosted the in vitro antiviral activity of remdesivir in a cobicistat-like manner. When administered in vivo to Syrian hamsters at a high dose, cobicistat decreased viral load and mitigated clinical progression. These data highlight cobicistat as a therapeutic candidate for treating SARS-CoV-2 infection and as a potential building block of combination therapies for COVID-19

    Analysis of CA Content and CPSF6 Dependence of Early HIV-1 Replication Complexes in SupT1-R5 Cells

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    The HIV-1 capsid performs essential functions during early viral replication and is an interesting target for novel antivirals. Thus, understanding molecular and structural details of capsid function will be important for elucidating early HIV-1 (and retroviral in general) replication in relevant target cells and may also aid antiviral development. Here, we show that HIV-1 capsids stay largely intact during transport to the nucleus of infected T cells but appear to uncoat upon entry into the nucleoplasm. These results support the hypothesis that capsids protect the HIV-1 genome from cytoplasmic defense mechanisms and target the genome toward the nucleus. A protective role of the capsid could be a paradigm that also applies to other viruses. Our findings raise the question of how reverse transcription of the HIV-1 genome is accomplished in the context of the capsid structure and whether the process is completed before the capsid is uncoated at the nuclear pore.HIV-1 infects host cells by fusion at the plasma membrane, leading to cytoplasmic entry of the viral capsid encasing the genome and replication machinery. The capsid eventually needs to disassemble, but time and location of uncoating are not fully characterized and may vary depending on the host cell. To study the fate of the capsid by fluorescence and superresolution (STED) microscopy, we established an experimental system that allows discrimination of subviral structures in the cytosol from intact virions at the plasma membrane or in endosomes without genetic modification of the virus. Quantitative microscopy of infected SupT1-R5 cells revealed that the CA signal on cytosolic HIV-1 complexes corresponded to ∌50% of that found in virions at the cell surface, in agreement with dissociation of nonassembled CA molecules from entering capsids after membrane fusion. The relative amount of CA in postfusion complexes remained stable until they reached the nuclear pore complex, while subviral structures in the nucleus of infected cells lacked detectable CA. An HIV-1 variant defective in binding of the host protein cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor 6 (CPSF6) exhibited accumulation of CA-positive subviral complexes close to the nuclear envelope without loss of infectivity; STED microscopy revealed direct association of these complexes with nuclear pores. These results support previous observations indicating capsid uncoating at the nuclear pore in infected T-cell lines. They suggest that largely intact HIV-1 capsids dock at the nuclear pore in infected SupT1-R5 cells, with CPSF6 being a facilitator of nucleoplasmic entry in this cell type, as has been observed for infected macrophages

    Relevance of Assembly-Activating Protein for Adeno-associated Virus Vector Production and Capsid Protein Stability in Mammalian and Insect Cells

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    International audienceThe discovery that adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2) encodes an eighth protein, called assembly-activating protein (AAP), transformed our understanding of wild-type AAV biology. Concurrently, it raised questions about the role of AAP during production of recombinant vectors based on natural or molecularly engineered AAV capsids. Here, we show that AAP is indeed essential for generation of functional recombinant AAV2 vectors in both mammalian and insect cell-based vector production systems. Surprisingly, we observed that AAV2 capsid proteins VP1 to -3 are unstable in the absence of AAP2, likely due to rapid proteasomal degradation. Inhibition of the proteasome led to an increase of intracellular VP1 to -3 but neither triggered assembly of functional capsids nor promoted nuclear localization of the capsid proteins. Together, this underscores the crucial and unique role of AAP in the AAV life cycle, where it rapidly chaperones capsid assembly, thus preventing degradation of free capsid proteins. An expanded analysis comprising nine alternative AAV serotypes (1, 3 to 9, and rh10) showed that vector production always depends on the presence of AAP, with the exceptions of AAV4 and AAV5, which exhibited AAP-independent, albeit low-level, particle assembly. Interestingly, AAPs from all 10 serotypes could cross-complement AAP-depleted helper plasmids during vector production, despite there being distinct intracellular AAP localization patterns. These were most pronounced for AAP4 and AAP5, congruent with their inability to rescue an AAV2/AAP2 knockout. We conclude that AAP is key for assembly of genuine capsids from at least 10 different AAV serotypes, which has implications for vectors derived from wild-type or synthetic AAV capsids.IMPORTANCE Assembly of adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2) is regulated by the assembly-activating protein (AAP), whose open reading frame overlaps with that of the viral capsid proteins. As the majority of evidence was obtained using virus-like particles composed solely of the major capsid protein VP3, AAP's role in and relevance for assembly of genuine AAV capsids have remained largely unclear. Thus, we established a trans-complementation assay permitting assessment of AAP functionality during production of recombinant vectors based on complete AAV capsids and derived from any serotype. We find that AAP is indeed a critical factor not only for AAV2, but also for generation of vectors derived from nine other AAV serotypes. Moreover, we identify a new role of AAP in maintaining capsid protein stability in mammalian and insect cells. Thereby, our study expands our current understanding of AAV/AAP biology, and it concomitantly provides insights into the importance of AAP for AAV vector production

    Passage of the HIV capsid cracks the nuclear pore

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    Upon infection, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) releases its cone-shaped capsid into the cytoplasm of infected T-cells and macrophages. As its largest known cargo, the capsid enters the nuclear pore complex (NPC), driven by interactions with numerous FG-repeat nucleoporins (FG-Nups). Whether NPCs structurally adapt to capsid passage and whether capsids are modified during passage remains unknown, however. Here, we combined super-resolution and correlative microscopy with cryo electron tomography and molecular simulations to study nuclear entry of HIV-1 capsids in primary human macrophages. We found that cytosolically bound cyclophilin A is stripped off capsids entering the NPC, and the capsid hexagonal lattice remains largely intact inside and beyond the central channel. Strikingly, the NPC scaffold rings frequently crack during capsid passage, consistent with computer simulations indicating the need for NPC widening. The unique cone shape of the HIV-1 capsid facilitates its entry into NPCs and helps to crack their rings

    Advanced Light Microscopy Core Facilities : Balancing Service, Science and Career

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    Core Facilitys fĂŒr hochentwickelte Lichtmikroskopie (ALM-CFs, Advanced Light Microscopy Core Facilities) sind fĂŒr die Lebenswissenschaften unentbehrliche Forschungsinfrastrukturen. Sie können sich je nach TrĂ€gerinstitution zwar in ihrer Organisation und der technisch-apparativen Ausstattung unterscheiden, ĂŒbernehmen aber sehr Ă€hnliche Aufgaben und bieten vergleichbare Dienste an. Daher sind aus der Wissenschaftlergemeinschaft der ALM-CFs in ganz Europa Netzwerke entstanden, um den Informations- und Wissensaustausch zu fördern und ĂŒber Best-Practice-Modelle zu diskutieren. In diesem Beitrag stellen wir Empfehlungen fĂŒr den Betrieb von ALM-CFs vor, die von den Arbeitsgruppen des deutschen Netzwerkes fĂŒr Mikroskopie, German BioImaging (GerBI), erarbeitet wurden. Wir behandeln technische Gesichtspunkte der ALM-CF-Planung und der Instrumentenwartung, formulieren RatschlĂ€ge zu Organisation und Management einer ALM-CF, schlagen ein Trainingsmodell fĂŒr CF-Nutzerinnen und -Nutzer vor und geben einen Überblick ĂŒber das gegenwĂ€rtige Ressourcenangebot fĂŒr Bildverarbeitung und -analyse. DarĂŒber hinaus befassen wir uns mit den neuen Herausforderungen und Perspektiven fĂŒr die berufliche Entwicklung und die akademische Karriere, die durch CFs entstehen. WĂ€hrend einige Informationen sich spezifisch auf das deutsche akademische System beziehen, ist der Großteil des Inhalts dieses Artikels von allgemeinem Interesse fĂŒr CFs in den Lebenswissenschaften.publishe

    Alterations of redox and iron metabolism accompany the development of HIV latency

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    HIV-1 persists in a latent form during antiretroviral therapy, mainly in CD4(+) T cells, thus hampering efforts for a cure. HIV-1 infection is accompanied by metabolic alterations, such as oxidative stress, but the effect of cellular antioxidant responses on viral replication and latency is unknown. Here, we show that cells survive retroviral replication, both in vitro and in vivo in SIVmac-infected macaques, by upregulating antioxidant pathways and the intertwined iron import pathway. These changes are associated with remodeling of promyelocytic leukemia protein nuclear bodies (PML NBs), an important constituent of nuclear architecture and a marker of HIV-1 latency. We found that PML NBs are hyper-SUMOylated and that PML protein is degraded via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in productively infected cells, before latency establishment and after reactivation. Conversely, normal numbers of PML NBs were restored upon transition to latency or by decreasing oxidative stress or iron content. Our results highlight antioxidant and iron import pathways as determinants of HIV-1 latency and support their pharmacologic inhibition as tools to regulate PML stability and impair latency establishment