239 research outputs found

    Selection criteria for preoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography before laparoscopic cholecystectomy and endoscopic treatment of bile duct stones. Results of a retrospective; single center study between 1996-2002

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    AIM: The optimal treatment for bile duct stones (in terms of cost, complications and accuracy) is unclear. The aim of our study was to determine the predictive factors for preoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). METHODS: Patients undergoing preoperative ERCP (= 8 mm) and/or stone at US examination, coexisting acute pancreatitis and/or acute pancreatitis or jaundice in patient's history. Suspected prognostic factors and the combination of factors were compared to the result of ERCP. RESULTS: Two hundred and six preoperative ERCPs were performed during the observed period. The rate of successful cannulation for ERC was (97.1%). Bile duct stones were detected in 81 patients (39.3%), and successfully removed in 79 (97.5%). The number of prognostic factors correlated with the presence of bile duct stones. The positive predictive value for one prognostic factor was 1.2%, for two 43%, for three 72.5%, for four or more 91.4%. CONCLUSION: Based on our data preoperative ERCP is highly recommended in patients with three or more positive factors (high risk patients). In contrast, ERCP is not indicated in patients with zero or one factor (low risk patients). Preoperative ERCP should be offered to patients with two positive factors (moderate risk patients), however the practice should also be based on the local conditions (e.g. skill of the endoscopist, other diagnostic tools)

    Striking elevation in the incidence and prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in a province of Western Hungary between 1977-2001

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    AIM: An investigation into inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer in Veszprem Province was conducted from 1977 to 2001. METHODS: Both hospital and outpatient records were collected and reviewed comprehensively. The majority of patients were followed up regularly. RESULTS: The population of the province was decreased from 386,000 to 376,000 during the period. Five hundred sixty new cases of ulcerative colitis (UC), 212 of Crohn's disease (CD), and 40 of indeterminate colitis (IC) were diagnosed. The incidence rates increased from 1.66 to 11.01 cases per 100,000 persons for UC, from 0.41 to 4.68 for CD and from 0.26 to 0.74 for IC. The prevalence rate at the end of 2001 was 142.6 for UC and 52.9 cases per 100,000 persons for CD. The peak onset age in UC patients was between 30 and 40 years, in CD between 20 and 30 years. A family history of IBD was present in 3.4 % in UC and 9.9 % in CD patients. Smoking increased the risk for CD (OR=1.98) while it decreased the risk for UC (OR=0.25). Twelve colorectal carcinomas were observed in this cohort, the cumulative colorectal cancer risk after 10 years in UC was 2%, after 20 years 8.8%, after 30 years 13.3%. CONCLUSION: The incidence and prevalence rates of IBD have increased steadily in Veszprem Province, now equivalent to that in Western European countries. Rapid increase in incidence rates supports a probable role for environmental factors. The rate of colorectal cancers in IBD is similar to that observed in Western countries

    Relationship between serum calcium and CA 19-9 levels in colorectal cancer

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    AIM: To examine the calcium metabolism of colorectal cancer (CRC) in patients with colorectal cancer and control patients. METHODS: Seventy newly diagnosed CRC patients were included. The healthy control group was age and gender matched (n=32). Particular attention was devoted to the relationship between serum calcium of patients, and levels of AFP, CEA, carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) (that could be considered as prognostic factors). Furthermore, the Ca-sensing receptor (CaSR) gene A986S polymorphism was investigated in these patients, as well as the relationship between different CaSR genotypes and the data stated above. RESULTS: A lower level of ionized calcium (also corrected for albumin) was found in the serum of CRC patients with normal 25(OH) vitamin D levels. The ionized calcium concentration was inversely correlated with the serum level of CA 19-9. There was no difference in the distribution of CaSR genotypes, between CRC patients and general population. The genotypes did not correlate with other data examined. CONCLUSION: Based on these results, lower levels of serum calcium might be a pathogenic and prognostic factor in colorectal cancer

    Zsigmondkori Oklevéltár XIII. (1426)

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    Probiotikumok emésztőszervi betegségekben = Probiotics in gastrointestinal disorders

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    A probiotikumok a szervezet számára előnyös tulajdonságú, élő mikroorganizmust tartalmazó készítmények. A tápcsatorna baktériumflórájának megváltoztatása kedvező hatású lehet számos emésztőszervi betegség kezelésében. Bár a probiotikumok pontos hatása nem egyértelmű, alkalmazásuk széles körben elterjedt a világ számos országában. Az egyes probiotikumokkal, illetve kombinációkkal kapcsolatos eredmények nem általánosíthatók. Nem tisztázott a kezelés ajánlott dózisa sem. Bár a probiotikumokat általában biztonságos szereknek tekintik, óvatosság indokolt a készítmények rutinszerű alkalmazásával kapcsolatban, mivel a kezelés mellékhatásaként súlyos szövődmények jelenhetnek meg. Összefoglalónkban az emésztőszervi betegségekben alkalmazott probiotikumokkal szerzett tapasztalatokat ismertetjük. | Probiotics are preparations containing viable microorganisms that confer potential health benefits for the host. Alteration of bacterial flora both in terms of specific content and concentration may be beneficial in many gastrointestinal disorders. Probiotics are widely used for the management of these conditions in many countries. However, mechanisms of probiotics are incompletely understood. Benefits observed clinically with one species or combinations of species can not be generalized. The optimal dose of treatment has to be determined. Although probiotics are generally regarded safe, caution is needed when using these supplements routinely. It has been proved, that severe adverse events can occur as a complication of probiotic treatment. This review summarizes the recent knowledge concerning the use of probiotics in gastrointestinal disorders

    A hasnyálmirigyrák epidemiológiája = The epidemiology of pancreatic cancer

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    A hasnyálmirigyrák ugyan ritka betegség, jelentős halálozási aránya miatt azonban a daganatos eredetű halálozás gyakori oka. Hatékony szűrőmódszer nem áll rendelkezésre. A hasnyálmirigyrák döntően az idős emberek betegsége, előfordulása gyakoribb férfiakban, mint nőkben. A daganat gyakorisága változó a különböző országokban, ami a környezeti tényezők fontosságát sejteti a betegség kialakulásának hátterében. A dohányzás a betegség ismert kockázati tényezője, az étrendi tényezők szerepe kisebb jelentőségű. A rák kialakulásának esélyét fokozza továbbá az idült hasnyálmirigy-gyulladás és az elhízás. A cukorbetegség szerepe nem egyértelmű. Számos öröklött csírasejt-mutációt hoztak összefüggésbe a hasnyálmirigyrák kialakulásával. A legnagyobb kockázatot a herediter pancreatitis fennállása jelenti, míg a BRCA2 gén eltérései a leggyakoribbak. Úgy tűnik, hogy a genetikai polimorfizmus szerepe a betegség kialakulásában igen jelentős. Orv. Hetil., 2010, 44, 1816–1822. | Pancreatic cancer is a relatively uncommon tumor, but even with early diagnosis, mortality rates are high, explaining why this form of cancer has now become a common cause of cancer mortality. There are no screening tests for early detection of pancreatic cancer. It is more common in men than women and is predominantly a disease of elderly people. There is wide variation in the incidence of pancreatic cancer around the world, suggesting that environmental factors are important in the pathogenesis. Smoking is the major known risk factor for pancreatic cancer, while dietary factors seem to be less important. Other possible risk factors include chronic pancreatitis, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Numerous inherited germ line mutations are associated with pancreatic cancer. Of these, hereditary pancreatitis confers the greatest risk, while BRCA2 mutations are the commonest inherited disorder. Polymorphisms in genes that control detoxification of environmental carcinogens and metabolic pathways may alter the risk of pancreatic cancer. Orv. Hetil., 2010, 44, 1816–1822