259 research outputs found

    Kékülést okozó gombák jelentősége hazai fenyvesekben = The significance of blue stain fungi in the Hungarian coniferous forest

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    Az elvégzett vizsgálataink során a három hazai fő fenyő fafajon a következő kékülést okozó gombákat mutattuk ki: Lucfenyőn: Ceratocystis polonica, Ophiostoma ainoae, Ophiostoma bicolor, Ophiostoma piceae, Grosmannia piceaperda, Grosmannia penicillata, Graphium fimbriisporum. Az Ophiostoma piceae nevű fajt leszámítva a többi gombafaj magyarországi előfordulásáról nem volt a szakirodalomban említés. Erdeifenyőn: Ceratocystis polonica, Ceratocystis coerulescens, Ophiostoma brunneo-ciliatum, Ophiostoma canum, Ophiostoma minus, Ophiostoma picea, Ophiostoma piliferum, Graphium pseudormiticum. Az Ophiostoma piceae fajt leszámítva a többi kékülést okozó gomba magyarországi előfordulásáról nem volt a szakirodalomban fellelhető adat. Feketefenyő esetében megkezdett vizsgálatok még jelenleg is folynak, de a minták döntő többségében csak a Sphaeropsis sapinea jelenlétét tudtuk kimutatni. | The following blue stain fungi have been identified during our investigation on the three main Hungarian coniferous tree species: Norway spruce (Picea abies): Ceratocystis polonica, Ophiostoma ainoae, Ophiostoma bicolor, Ophiostoma piceae, Grosmannia piceaperda, Grosmannia penicillata, Graphium fimbriisporum. All of these species - except of Ophiostoma piceae -are new reports for Hungary. Scotch pine (Pinus silvestris): Ceratocystis polonica, Ceratocystis coerulescens, Ophiostoma brunneo-ciliatum, Ophiostoma canum, Ophiostoma minus, Ophiostoma picea, Ophiostoma piliferum, Graphium pseudormiticum. All of hese species - except of Ophiostoma piceae - are new reports for Hungary. Black pine (Pinus nigra): The investigations are still running, however we were able to isolate only Sphaeropsis sapinea from the selected samples

    Erdei fákon kórokozó Phytophthora fajok molekuláris azonosítása = Molecular identification of Phytophthora species pathogenic on forest trees

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    Előző kutatásaink során beteg és pusztuló erdei fákról több mint 300 Phytophthora izolátumot tartalmazó törzsgyűjteményt hoztunk létre. Az izolátumok morfológiai azonosítása nem minden esetben vezetett eredményre. A molekuláris azonosítást a riboszomális RNS-t kódoló gén (rDNS) ITS1 és ITS2 szakaszainak nukleotid sorrendje alapján végeztük el a következők szerint: DNS kivonása a micéliumból, PCR amplifikáció specifikus indítószekvenciák alkalmazásával, a PCR termék szekvenálása, összehaonlítása a GenBank adatbázisban levő ismert szekvenciákkal, statisztikai elemzés. Hat Phytophthora fajt határoztunk meg, továbbá öt olyan haplotípust különítettünk el, amelyek még le nem írt taxonokat képviselnek. A meghatározott fajok és gazdanövényeik a következők: Phytophthora alni: Alnus glutinosa Phytophthora cactorum: Juglans nigra Phytophthora citricola: Alnus glutinosa, Juglans nigra, Quercus cerris, Quercus petraea Phytophthora gonapodyides: Alnus glutinosa, Quercus petraea Phytophthora inundata: Alnus glutinosa Phytophthora megasperma: Alnus glutinosa Eredményeink e Phytophthora fajok izolálásának és azonosításának első magyarországi adatai. A megvizsgált hazai izolátumok az ITS szekvenciákra épült filogenetikai törzsfa négy fő ágához tartoznak. A P. citricola és a P. gonapodyides esetében nagy fajon belüli változékonyságot mutattunk ki. | A collection of more than 300 isolates of Phytophthora spp. was established previously from symptomatic forest trees in several locations of Hungary. The identification of the isolates presented difficulties because of the insufficiency of adequate morphological characters. Molecular identification was performed by sequencing the ITS1 and ITS2 regions of the ribosomal DNA and comparing with the known Phytophthora sequences accessible in GenBank. Six Phytophthora species have been determined and further five haplotypes delimited representing undescribed, potentially new taxa. The list of the identified species and their hosts: Phytophthora alni - Alnus glutinosa Phytophthora cactorum - Juglans nigra Phytophthora citricola - Alnus glutinosa, Juglans nigra, Quercus cerris, Q. petraea Phytophthora gonapodyides -Alnus glutinosa, Quercus petraea Phytophthora inundata - Alnus glutinosa Phytophthora megasperma - Alnus glutinosa These are the first data of isolation and determination of Phytophthora species in forest trees in Hungary. The statistical processing showed that the investigated Hungarian isolates belong to four major clada of the phylogenetic tree built on the ITS sequences. Large intraspecific variability was found in P. citricola and P. gonapodyides

    Gene polymorphisms in primary biliary cirrhosis: association with the disease and hepatic osteopathy

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    Genetic factors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis, a common disorder in primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). Estrogen receptor-alpha gene (ER-�), vitamin-D-receptor gene (VDR) and IL-1-receptor-antagonist gene (IL-1RN) are all attractive candidates for osteoporosis susceptibility. Furthermore insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) gene microsatellite repeat polymorphism was found to be associated with osteoporosis in some studies and collagen-I�1 (COLIA1) Sp1 s allele was associated with lower bone mineral density (BMD) in one study in PBC. IGF-I treatment restored osteopenia and reduced fibrogenesis in experimental cirrhosis. In this study we summarize our results on polymorphisms of the above genes and bone disease in Hungarian PBC patients. Patients and methods: 70 female patients with PBC were enrolled (age:57.6yrs, range:37-76yrs, each AMA-M2 positive, stage II-IV). 139 age-matched female subjects served as controls (age: 55.9 yrs, range:43-72 yrs). COLIA1 Sp1 and IGF-I microsatellite polymorphisms were determined by PCR in all patients and controls. VDR BsmI, IL-1RN variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) and ER-� PvuII and XbaI polymorphisms were detected in 33 patients and controls. BMD was measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (Lunar,Prodigy,USA) in lumbar spine (LS) and femoral neck (FN). Results: There was no difference in IGF-I microsatellite repeat polymorphism (192/192=34.2%, 194/192=28.6%, other=37.2%) and COLIA1 Sp1 polymorphism (SS=72.9%, Ss=22.8% and ss=4.3%) and IL-1 VNTR polymorphism between PBC patients and controls, however, the COLIA1 Sp1 s allele was significantly less frequent in patients with PBC (p=0.038). The genotype frequency of VDR BsmI (BB=57.5%, Bb=33.3%, bb=9.1%, p=0.01) and ER-a PvuII (PP=18.2%, Pp=75.6%, pp=6.2%, p=0.03) and XbaI (XX=9.1%, Xx=90.9%, xx=0%, p=0.0003) of the patients was different from that of the control group, with higher frequency of the BB, Pp and Xx genotypes in PBC. Osteoporosis (t score<-2.5) was detected in 22 patients (31.4%). Osteoporotic patients were elder and had longer disease history (p=0.01 for both). An association was found between the IGF-I genotypes and ODM data, the 192/192 genotype was associated with higher FN Z-score compared to other genotypes (p=0.036). Conclusions: In contrast to previous studies the COLIA1 Sp1 s allele was less frequent in patients with PBC, and its presence was not associated with BMD. We confirmed previous findings on higher frequency of VDR BsmI BB genotype in patients with PBC. The ER-α PvuII and XbaI Pp and Xx genotypes were more frequent in PBC patients, while IL-1RN VNTR and IGF-I microsatellite repeat polymorphism was not different. Since IGF-I polymorphism was associated to BMD, it may be hypothesized that not COLIA1 but IGF-I together with other genetic and environmental factors may be involved in the complex regulation of BMD in PBC

    Occurence and Diversity of Soilborne Phytophthoras in a Declining Black Walnut Stand in Hungary

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    Abstract The paper reports on the occurrence and impact of Phytophthora species in a declining eastern black walnut (Juglans nigra) stand in West Hungary. The health condition of the trees was investigated and soil samples were taken from the rhizosphere of the trees two times per year in 2011 and 2012 in order to isolate Phytophthora species. Altogether 20 trees were selected for investigations. The species identity of the isolates was determined by morphological and molecular methods. Phytophthora cactorum and Phytophthora plurivora were found as supposedly responsible for the decline of the trees. The abundance of the two species was changing at the different sampling times, presumably due to the different weather conditions. The intraspecific diversity of both species was estimated based on the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences of the isolates.</jats:p

    Post-epidemic Situation of a Previously Phytophthora alni-infected Common Alder Stand

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    This paper reports on the current situation of the Phytophthora species occurring in a declining common alder ( Alnus glutinosa ) stand in North - West Hungary . The stand w as affected by a severe epidemic caused by Phytophthora alni in the late 1990s. The a uthors evaluated the health condition of the forest stand and collected soil samples from the rhizosphere of twenty selected trees two times per year in 2011 and in 2012 in order to isolate Phytophthora species . A diverse Phytophtho ra community was found in the soil consisting of eight species with different aggressiveness and with different ecological demands . Pathogenicity tests confirmed the role of the collected strains in the decline of the alder stand

    Possible Applications of Quantum Computing, Especially in Vehicle Technology: A Review Article

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    Given the current trend in the development of quantum computing, it can be expected that it will revolutionize many areas of science, including vehicle technology. In this review, we present the current research results of quantum computing technology and its possible application potential in the field of vehicle technology and structural simulation. In addition, we provide an overview of the current challenges, difficulties, and future of quantum computing