36 research outputs found

    Development of Cyclic NGR Peptides with Thioether Linkage:Structure and Dynamics Determining Deamidation and Bioactivity

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    NGR peptides that recognize CD13 receptors in tumor neovasculature are of high interest, in particular due to their potential applications in drug targeting. Here we report the synthesis and structural analysis of novel thioether bond-linked cyclic NGR peptides. Our results show that their chemostability (resistance against spontaneous decomposition forming isoAsp and Asp derivatives) strongly depends on both sample handling conditions and structural properties. A significant correlation was found between chemostability and structural measures, such as NHGly−COAsn‑sc distances. The sidechain orientation of Asn is a key determining factor; if it is turned away from HNGly, the chemostability increases. Structure stabilizing factors (e.g., H-bonds) lower their internal dynamics, and thus biomolecules become even more resistant against spontaneous decomposition. The effect of cyclic NGR peptides on cell adhesion was examined in A2058 melanoma cell lines. It was found that some of the investigated peptides gradually increased cell adhesion with long-term characteristics, indicating time-dependent formation of integrin binding isoAsp derivatives that are responsible for the adhesion-inducing effect

    Critical role of extracellular vesicles in modulating the cellular effects of cytokines

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    Under physiological and pathological conditions, extracellular vesicles (EVs) are present in the extracellular compartment simultaneously with soluble mediators. We hypothesized that cytokine effects may be modulated by EVs, the recently recognized conveyors of intercellular messages. In order to test this hypothesis, human monocyte cells were incubated with CCRF acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line-derived EVs with or without the addition of recombinant human TNF, and global gene expression changes were analyzed. EVs alone regulated the expression of numerous genes related to inflammation and signaling. In combination, the effects of EVs and TNF were additive, antagonistic, or independent. The differential effects of EVs and TNF or their simultaneous presence were also validated by Taqman assays and ELISA, and by testing different populations of purified EVs. In the case of the paramount chemokine IL-8, we were able to demonstrate a synergistic upregulation by purified EVs and TNF. Our data suggest that neglecting the modulating role of EVs on the effects of soluble mediators may skew experimental results. On the other hand, considering the combined effects of cytokines and EVs may prove therapeutically useful by targeting both compartments at the same time

    Skin-homing CD8+ T cells preferentially express GPI-anchored peptidase inhibitor 16, an inhibitor of cathepsin K

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    This study sought to identify novel CD8+ T cell homing markers by studying acute graft versus host disease (aGvHD), typically involving increased T cell homing to the skin and gut. FACS-sorted skin-homing (CD8β+ /CLA+ ), gut-homing (CD8β+ /integrinβ7+ ), and reference (CD8β+ /CLA- /integrinβ7- ) T cells were compared in patients affected by cutaneous and/or gastrointestinal aGVHD. Microarray analysis, qPCR, and flow cytometry revealed increased expression of peptidase inhibitor 16 (PI16) in skin-homing CD8+ T cells. Robust association of PI16 with skin homing was confirmed in all types of aGvHD and in healthy controls, too. PI16 was not observed on CLA+ leukocytes other than T cells. Induction of PI16 expression on skin-homing T cells occurred independently of vitamin D3. Among skin-homing T cells, PI16 expression was most pronounced in memory-like CD45RO+ /CD127+ /CD25+ /CD69- /granzyme B- cells. PI16 was confined to the plasma membrane, was GPI-anchored, and was lost upon restimulation of memory CD8+ T cells. Loss of PI16 occurred by downregulation of PI16 transcription, and not by Phospholipase C (PLC)- or Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-mediated shedding, or by protein recycling. Inhibitor screening and pull-down experiments confirmed that PI16 inhibits cathepsin K, but may not bind to other skin proteases. These data link PI16 to skin-homing CD8+ T cells, and raise the possibility that PI16 may regulate cutaneous cathepsin K

    Effects of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) and Its Analogues on the Physiological Behaviors and Hormone Content of Tetrahymena pyriformis

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    The unicellular Tetrahymena distinguishes structure-related vertebrate hormones by its chemosensory reactions. In the present work, the selectivity of hormone receptors was evaluated by analyzing the effects of various gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogs (GnRH-I, GnRH-III) as well as truncated (Ac-SHDWKPG-NH2) and dimer derivatives ([GnRH-III(C)]2 and [GnRH-III(CGFLG)]2) of GnRH-III on (i) locomotory behaviors, (ii) cell proliferation, and (iii) intracellular hormone contents of Tetrahymena pyriformis. The migration, intracellular hormone content, and proliferation of Tetrahymena were investigated by microscope-assisted tracking analysis, flow cytometry, and a CASY TT cell counter, respectively. Depending on the length of linker sequence between the two GnRH-III monomers, the GnRH-III dimers had the opposite effect on Tetrahymena migration. [GnRH-III(CGFLG)]2 dimer had a slow, serpentine-like movement, while [GnRH-III(C)]2 dimer had a rather linear swimming pattern. All GnRH-III derivatives significantly induced cell growth after 6 h incubation. Endogenous histamine content was uniformly enhanced by Ac-SHDWKPG-NH2 and GnRH-III dimers, while some differences between the hormonal activities of GnRHs were manifested in their effects on intracellular levels of serotonin and endorphin. The GnRH peptides could directly affect Tetrahymena migration and proliferation in a structure-dependent manner, and they could indirectly regulate these reactions by paracrine/autocrine mechanisms. Present results support the theory that recognition ability and selectivity of mammalian hormone receptors can be deduced from a phylogenetically ancient level like the unicellular Tetrahymena

    Effect of glucose on the insulin production and insulin binding of Tetrahymena

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    As the unicellular ciliate, Tetrahymena has insulin receptors and produces insulin itself, which can regulate its glucose metabolism and other cell functions, in the present experiments the feed-back, the effect of glucose on the insulin binding and insulin production was studied. The cells were kept partly in tryptone-yeast medium, partly in Losina salt solution. The duration of treatment (in 0.1, 1.0, 10.0 mg/ml glucose) in the binding study was 10 min, in the hormone production study 30 min. FITC-insulin binding was significantly decreased only by 0.1 mg/ml glucose treatment in medium and by 10 mg/ml glucose in salt. The insulin production was significantly lower only in cells treated with 10 mg/ml glucose in medium. The insulin binding in salt was always higher and the insulin production always lower, than in medium. Earlier results demonstrated that the hormonal system (presence of hormones, receptors and signal pathways) of higher ranked animals can be deduced to a unicellular level, however, the feed-back mechanism is not really present here, only the traces can be observed in these protozoa

    Investigations on the triiodothyronine (T3)-specificity of thyrotropic (TSH) and gonadotropic (HCG) hormone in the unicellular Tetrahymena

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    In a previous experiment thyrotropin (TSH) increased the triiodothyronine (T3) production of Tetrahymena and chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) moderately overlapped the effect. At present the production of three amino acid type (histamine, serotonin, epinephrine) and one peptide (endorphin) hormones were studied under the effect of TSH or HCG, in tryptone-yeast (TY) or salt (Losina-Losinsky) medium. The duration of the effect was 10 min. TSH significantly (with almost 20%) decreased epinephrine production in TY medium and HCG similarly decreased epinephrine and increased histamine level. In salt solution TSH as well as HCG decreased the level of serotonin. The results show that at this low level of phylogeny TSH effect is not completely thyroxine-specific, however it is not general. HCG overlaps TSH effect on epinephrine and serotonin production, however its effect is broader. The experiments also demonstrate that the effect of pituitary trop-hormones can be bidirectional in Tetrahymena, as histamine level was increased and epinephrine level was decreased by HCG, in the same cells

    Hormonal effects on tetrahymena: Change in case of combined treatment

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    In order to approach their natural conditions, populations of Tetrahymena were kept in Losina-Losinky’s salt solution for 1 h, than in the tryptone+yeast medium. During this time they were treated with histamine, serotonin or insulin, or with the combinations of these hormones. Effect of the combined treatments on the production of serotonin (5HT), or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or triiodothyronine (T3) by the cells was compared to the effect of single-hormone treatments. Significant differences were seen between the results obtained following the single or combined treatments. There was no summation of the effects, however an elevation or diminution of the hormone production was observed after the combined treatment, as compared with the untreated controls or with the use of one of the hormones in the samples. The experiments demonstrate that there is a hormonal regulation between the Tetrahymena cells and the hormones influence each other’s effect

    Durable effect of heat-stress on the hormone production of Tetrahymena. Effect of insulin on the consequences of stress

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    The unicellular Tetrahymena pyriformis was stressed by 37°C heat for 1 h and its hormone (serotonin, histamine, triiodothyronine) content was measured by immunocytochemical flow cytometry in different time points (immediately after treatment and after 1, 2, 8, 16 weeks). The treatment increased each hormone level for two weeks, however, after 8 weeks the hormone concentration inside the cells decreased and in case of serotonin this was similar in the 16th week, while the other two hormones’ level was similar to the control. Insulin further increased the hormone production during treatment, but this effect was not durable. After one week the cells behave similar to those, subjected to heath shock only. The results show that a single stress causes deep and durable changes in the hormone household of Tetrahymena which is influenced by exogenously given insulin only in the acute phase