27 research outputs found

    The Rheology behind Stress-Induced Solidification in Native Silk Feedstocks.

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    The mechanism by which native silk feedstocks are converted to solid fibres in nature has attracted much interest. To address this question, the present work used rheology to investigate the gelation of Bombyx mori native silk feedstock. Exceeding a critical shear stress appeared to be more important than shear rate, during flow-induced initiation. Compositional changes (salts, pH etc.,) were not required, although their possible role in vivo is not excluded. Moreover, after successful initiation, gel strength continued to increase over a considerable time under effectively quiescent conditions, without requiring further application of the initial stimulus. Gelation by elevated temperature or freezing was also observed. Prior to gelation, literature suggests that silk protein adopts a random coil configuration, which argued against the conventional explanation of gelation, based on hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions. Instead, a new hypothesis is presented, based on entropically-driven loss of hydration, which appears to explain the apparently diverse methods by which silk feedstocks can be gelled

    Thermo-rheological behaviour of native silk feedstocks

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    The rheology of native silk protein feedstock specimens was characterised by shear and oscillatory measurements, over the temperature range from 2 to 55 �C, producing no evidence of thermally-driven phase change behaviour. All specimens exhibited flow characteristics typical of a concentrated polymer solution, with visco-elastic behaviour dominated by two main relaxation modes exhibiting time constants around 0.44 and 0.055 s at 25 �C. The specimens showed well-behaved temperature dependence following the Arrhenius equation, consistent with the kinetics being governed by an activation energy of flow, which ranged from 30.9 to 55.4 kJ mol�1 based on oscillatory data. Consequently, for the first time, it was possible to compile master-curves for native silk feedstock specimens following the principles of time-temperature superposition, using oscillatory data demonstrating visco-elastic behaviour typical of a polymer solution across a wide temperature range. Our work has highlighted the processing range of natural silks and furthered our stance on the molecular mechanisms governing the flow behaviour of these interesting and important material

    Native Silk Feedstock as a Model Biopolymer: A Rheological Perspective.

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    Variability in silk's rheology is often regarded as an impediment to understanding or successfully copying the natural spinning process. We have previously reported such variability in unspun native silk extracted straight from the gland of the domesticated silkworm Bombyx mori and discounted classical explanations such as differences in molecular weight and concentration. We now report that variability in oscillatory measurements can be reduced onto a simple master-curve through normalizing with respect to the crossover. This remarkable result suggests that differences between silk feedstocks are rheologically simple and not as complex as originally thought. By comparison, solutions of poly(ethylene-oxide) and hydroxypropyl-methyl-cellulose showed similar normalization behavior; however, the resulting curves were broader than for silk, suggesting greater polydispersity in the (semi)synthetic materials. Thus, we conclude Nature may in fact produce polymer feedstocks that are more consistent than typical man-made counterparts as a model for future rheological investigations

    The influence of metal ions on native silk rheology

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    Whilst flow is the basis for silk fibre formation, subtle changes in a silk feedstocks’ chemical environment may serve to increase both energetic efficiency and control hierarchical structure development during spinning. Despite the role of pH being largely understood, the influence of metal ions is not, only being inferred by correlative work and observations. Through a combination of rheology and microscopy, we provide a causative study of how the most abundant metal ions in the silk feedstock, Ca2+ and K+, affect its flow properties and structure. Our results show that Ca2+ ions increase viscosity and prevent molecular alignment and aggregation, providing ideal storage conditions for unspun silk. In contrast, the addition of K+ ions promotes molecular alignment and aggregation and therefore seems to transfer the silk feedstock into a spinning state which confirms recent ‘sticky reptation’ modelling hypotheses. Additionally, we characterised the influence of the ubiquitous kosmotropic agent Li+, used to prepare regenerated silk solutions, and find that it promotes molecular alignment and prevents aggregation which may permit a range of interesting artificial silk processing techniques to be developed. In summary, our results provide a clearer picture of how metal ions co-ordinate, control and thus contribute towards silk protein self-assembly which in turn can inspire structuring approaches in other biopolymer systems

    Seeking solvation: exploring the role of protein hydration in silk gelation

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    The mechanism by which arthropods (e.g., spiders and many insects) can produce silk fibres from an aqueous protein (fibroin) solution has remained elusive, despite much scientific investigation. In this work, we used several techniques to explore the role of a hydration shell bound to the fibroin in native silk feedstock (NSF) from Bombyx mori silkworms. Small angle X-ray and dynamic light scattering (SAXS and DLS) revealed a coil size (radius of gyration or hydrodynamic radius) around 12 nm, providing considerable scope for hydration. Aggregation in dilute aqueous solution was observed above 65 °C, matching the gelation temperature of more concentrated solutions and suggesting that the strength of interaction with the solvent (i.e., water) was the dominant factor. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy indicated decreasing hydration as the temperature was raised, with similar changes in hydration following gelation by freezing or heating. It was found that the solubility of fibroin in water or aqueous salt solutions could be described well by a relatively simple thermodynamic model for the stability of the protein hydration shell, which suggests that the affected water is enthalpically favoured but entropically penalised, due to its reduced (vibrational or translational) dynamics. Moreover, while the majority of this investigation used fibroin from B. mori, comparisons with published work on silk proteins from other silkworms and spiders, globular proteins and peptide model systems suggest that our findings may be of much wider significance

    Extensional flow behaviour and spinnability of native silk

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    Silk fibres are assembled via flow. While changes in the physiological environment of the gland as well as the shear rheology of silk are largely understood, the effect of extensional flow fields on native silk proteins is almost completely unknown. Here we demonstrate that filament stretching on a conventional tensile tester is a suitable technique to assess silk's extensional flow properties and its ability to form fibres under extensional conditions characteristic of natural spinning. We report that native Bombyx mori silk responds differently to extensional flow fields when compared to synthetic linear polymers, as evidenced by a higher Trouton ratio which we attribute to silk's increased interchain interactions. Finally, we show that native silk proteins can only be spun into stable fibres at low extension rates as a result of dehydration, suggesting that extensional fields alone are unable to induce natural fibre formation

    Flow-induced protein chain deformation, segmental orientation, and phase separation in native silk feedstock

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    The ability of many arthropods to spin silk and its many uses bear testament to its importance in Nature. Despite over a century of research, however, the spinning process is still not fully understood. While it is widely accepted that flow and chain alignment may be involved, the link to protein gelation remains obscure. Using combinations of rheology, polarized light imaging, and infrared spectroscopy to probe different length scales, this work explored flow-induced gelation of native silk feedstock from Bombyx mori larvae. Protein chain deformation, orientation, and microphase separation were observed, culminating in the formation of antiparallel β-sheet structures while the work rate during flow appeared as an important criterion. Moreover, infrared spectroscopy provided direct observations suggesting a loss of protein hydration during flow-induced gelation of fibroin in native silk feedstock, which is consistent with recently reported hypotheses

    Native-like flow properties of an artificial spider silk dope

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    Recombinant spider silk has emerged as a biomaterial that can circumvent problems associated with synthetic and naturally derived polymers, while still fulfilling the potential of the native material. The artificial spider silk protein NT2RepCT can be produced and spun into fibers without the use of harsh chemicals and here we evaluate key properties of NT2RepCT dope at native-like concentrations. We show that NT2RepCT recapitulates not only the overall secondary structure content of a native silk dope but also emulates its viscoelastic rheological properties. We propose that these properties are key to biomimetic spinning and that optimization of rheological properties could facilitate successful spinning of artificial dopes into fibers

    Thermodynamics of clay – Drug complex dispersions: Isothermal titration calorimetry and high-performance liquid chromatography

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    An understanding of the thermodynamics of the complexation process utilized in sustaining drug release in clay matrices is of great importance. Several characterisation techniques as well as isothermal calorimetry were utilized in investigating the adsorption process of a model cationic drug (diltiazem hydrochloride, DIL) onto a pharmaceutical clay system (magnesium aluminium silicate, MAS). X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and optical microscopy confirmed the successful formation of the DIL-MAS complexes. Drug quantification from the complexes demonstrated variable behaviour in the differing media used with DIL degrading to desacetyl diltiazem hydrochloride (DC-DIL) in the 2 M HCl media. Here also, the authors report for the first time two binding processes that occurred for DIL and MAS. A competitor binding model was thus proposed and the thermodynamics obtained suggested their binding processes to be enthalpy driven and entropically unfavourable. This information is of great importance for a formulator as care and consideration should be given with appropriate media selection as well as the nature of binding in complexes

    Real time calorimetric characterisation of clay – drug complex dispersions and particles

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    Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) along with attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were employed to investigate the process of adsorption of propranolol hydrochloride (PPN) onto magnesium aluminium silicate (MAS) and to characterise the MAS-PPN particles formed upon complexation. The composition of MAS was confirmed by infrared (IR) spectroscopy and a calcimeter. The calorimetric results confirmed the binding between PPN and MAS at various pHs and temperatures. The overall change in enthalpy was found to be exothermic with a comparatively small entropic contribution to the total change in Gibbs free energy. These findings suggest that the binding process was enthalpically driven and entropically unfavourable (lower affinity) suggesting hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions dominating the interaction. The variation of pH and temperature did not have a great impact on the thermodynamics of the binding process, as observed from the similarity in enthalpy (ΔH), entropy (ΔS) or Gibbs free energy (ΔG). A slight reduction in the binding affinity (Ka) with varing pH and temperature was however observed. SEM/EDX studies showed the occurrence of changes in the microstructural properties of MAS following complexation which may explain the potential of MAS-PPN complexes for controlled drug release promoting pharmaceutical innovation