889 research outputs found

    Extending the Chemical Reach of the H3 Survey: Detailed Abundances of the Dwarf-galaxy Stellar Stream Wukong/LMS-1

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    We present the first detailed chemical-abundance analysis of stars from the dwarf-galaxy stellar stream Wukong/LMS-1 covering a wide metallicity range (3.5<[Fe/H]1.3-3.5 < \rm[Fe/H] \lesssim -1.3). We find abundance patterns that are effectively indistinguishable from the bulk of Indus and Jhelum, a pair of smaller stellar streams proposed to be dynamically associated with Wukong/LMS-1. We discovered a carbon-enhanced metal-poor star ([C/Fe]>+0.7\rm[C/Fe] > +0.7 and [Fe/H]2.9\rm[Fe/H] \sim -2.9) in Wukong/LMS-1 with strong enhancements in Sr, Y, and Zr, which is peculiar given its solar-level [Ba/Fe]. Wukong/LMS-1 stars have high abundances of α\alpha elements up to [Fe/H]2\rm[Fe/H] \gtrsim -2, which is expected for relatively massive dwarfs. Towards the high-metallicity end, Wukong/LMS-1 becomes α\alpha-poor, revealing that it probably experienced fairly standard chemical evolution. We identified a pair of N- and Na-rich stars in Wukong/LMS-1, reminiscent of multiple populations in globular clusters. This indicates that this dwarf galaxy contained at least one globular cluster that was completely disrupted in addition to two intact ones previously known to be associated with Wukong/LMS-1, which is possibly connected to similar evidence found in Indus. From these \geq3 globular clusters, we estimate the total mass of Wukong/LMS-1 to be 1010M{\approx}10^{10} M_\odot, representing 1{\sim}1% of the present-day Milky Way. Finally, the [Eu/Mg] ratio in Wukong/LMS-1 continuously increases with metallicity, making this the first example of a dwarf galaxy where the production of rr-process elements is clearly dominated by delayed sources, presumably neutron-star mergers.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. Comments are welcome

    Targeted massively parallel sequencing panel to diagnose genetic endocrine disorders in a tertiary hospital

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    Objectives: To analyze the efficiency of a multigenic targeted massively parallel sequencing panel related to endocrine disorders for molecular diagnosis of patients assisted in a tertiary hospital involved in the training of medical faculty. Material and methods: Retrospective analysis of the clinical diagnosis and genotype obtained from&nbsp;272&nbsp;patients in the Endocrine unit of a tertiary hospital was performed using a custom panel designed with&nbsp;653&nbsp;genes, most of them already associated with the phenotype (OMIM) and some candidate genes that englobes developmental, metabolic and adrenal diseases. The enriched DNA libraries were sequenced in NextSeq&nbsp;500. Variants found were then classified according to ACMG/AMP criteria, with Varsome and InterVar. Results: Three runs were performed; the mean coverage depth of the targeted regions in panel sequencing data was&nbsp;249×, with at least&nbsp;96.3% of the sequenced bases being covered more than&nbsp;20-fold. The authors identified&nbsp;66&nbsp;LP/P variants&nbsp;(24%) and 27&nbsp;VUS&nbsp;(10%). Considering the solved cases, 49&nbsp;have developmental diseases, 12&nbsp;have metabolic and 5&nbsp;have adrenal diseases. Conclusion: The application of a multigenic panel aids the training of medical faculty in an academic hospital by showing the picture of the molecular pathways behind each disorder. This may be particularly helpful in developmental disease cases. A precise genetic etiology provides an improvement in understanding the disease, guides decisions about prevention or treatment, and allows genetic counseling

    Flame retardant polyester by combination of organophosphorus compounds and an NOR radical forming agent

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    Polymer materials with different surface-to-volume ratios require different mechanisms of flame retardants regarding condensed phase and gas phase activity. The flame retardant formulations in poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) are investigated regarding a condensed phase and gas phase activity by using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), TG-mass spectrometry (MS), TG-Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), UL94, cone calorimeter and scanning electron microscopy–energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer measurements. The flame retardant formulations containing phosphates, phosphonates, and phosphinates as flame retardants are analyzed by using a simultaneous analysis consisting of a differential thermal analysis-TGA device which is in situ coupled to FTIR and MS. All analysis methods show a gas phase activity for the phosphonate (PCO 910), a condensed phase activity for the phosphate (3,9-bis(phenoxy)-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro-5,5-undecane-3,9-dioxide, (SPDPP) and a mixed condensed and gas phase activity for the new synthesized phosphate and 9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene 10-oxide containing flame retardant 3,9-bis(phenoxy)-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro-5,5-undecane-3,9-dioxide (SPDPDOM). The fire behavior of PCO 910 can be improved by adding O,O'-Terephthaloyl-bis-N,N'-naphthalimide ester as NOR radical-forming agent (NOR-RF) reaching a total amount of 3 wt % of both active agents for a UL94 V-0 classification in PET