80 research outputs found

    Tweet Your Shared Adventure: An (Un)Continuous E-Lit Jam

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    ABOUT: For this virtual engagement session of ELOrlando, participants will create and play a collaborative work of e-lit on Twitter, modeled after Choose Your Own Adventure-style hypertext fiction. This e-lit jam will run the course of the conference, from Thursday July 16-July 19, on the hashtag #TYSA (T[weet] Y[our] S[hared] A[dventure]). All Twitter users in the ELO community are invited to join. HOW THIS JAM WILL JAM: On the first day of the conference, the session’s organizer (Sarah Whitcomb Laiola, @DrSarathena192 on both Twitter and Discord) will tweet out on #ELOrlando and #TYSA the beginning of an adventure story. This story will be accompanied by: A poll where players / readers may vote on the next course of action in the story, to collaboratively participate in narrative play (the majority choice will be followed); The Twitter handle of another member of the ELOrlando conference community, who, through this tag, is nominated to provide the next stage of the story. The nominated contributor, will then have two choices. They may (1) join the e-lit jam, and continue the story by REPLYing to the previous tweet with the next piece of the adventure, another poll of choices, and another nominee from the ELOrlando community to continue the story (and of course, the #TYSA tag); or (2) they may opt out, and REPLY instead by simply nominating another ELO community member to take on the narrative. The e-lit jam will continue in this way, with each tagged member contributing, through REPLYs, the next phase of the story and the next set of choice-based polls, so that by the end of the conference we will have a Twitter Thread containing the narrative. As an example of what this might look like when it is done, see Kelly Hayes’ (@MsKellyMHayes) Choose Your Own Adventure style Twitter thread, which begins here: (https://twitter.com/MsKellyMHayes/status/1088487963997192192). The key difference between Hayes’ and ours, is that ours will be collaboratively authored as well as collaboratively played over the course of the conference. SOME ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES: To keep this going smoothly, please be cognizant of the following: If you are nominated, please take care to REPLY to the previous tweet (the tweet containing your nomination) rather than Quote-Tweeting, in order to keep the Thread going. This will ensure that users who are nominated, but who may not have been following the story, will be able to “catch up” to the narrative easily and contribute accordingly. Though the original tweet to start the narrative jam will be in English, if you are nominated, you may continue the narrative in any language. Polls may run for any amount of time but 1-2 hours is generally recommended. Be aware of the time zones in which you are tagging / contributing, and any other events that may be going on in the ELOrlando conference program. While this narrative jam may run asynchronously through any time zone, keep in mind the official conference time zone is US Eastern Time (EDT), so there will likely be more participants and traffic around polls and nominees during EDT “business hours.” If you are nominated, please contribute or opt out in a timely manner so that the narrative game may go on. Please feel free to reach out to the organizer (@DrSarathena192 on Twitter and Discord) via tag or direct message, who will act as moderator over the course of the narrative jam, if anything goes wrong. Please note: like Orlando, she is located in the US Eastern Time Zone. Please remember to include the dedicated #TYSA hashtag on each contribution. Download the final story using the full text link


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    All’interno del programma di ricerca “Validation of combustion modelling for practical combustion systems”, l’IFRF ha iniziato tutta una serie di tests su scala semi – industriale. Le prove sono iniziate nel 2006 con tests su profili di velocità, temperature, composizione di gas e distribuzione di solidi sia in fiamma sia lungo la fornace. I vari tests sono stati eseguiti con bruciatori e combustibili diversi. Parallelamente a questi esperimenti, l’IFRF ha ripreso l’attività di costruire e testare la maggior parte delle sonde progettate dalla stessa IFRF usate negli ultimi decenni in tutto il mondo. Uno step fondamentale di questo programma, per ciò che riguarda l’acquisizione di dati sperimentali, lo sviluppo della strumentazione e lo studio di modelli matematici, è proprio il riferimento alla conoscenza ed esperienza attuale consultando i lavori IFRF in modo da comprendere come muoversi per sviluppi futuri. All’interno di questo programma di ricerca si inserisce questo lavoro di tesi che consiste nello studio non solo del bruciatore AASB “Aerodynamically Air Staged Burner” (par.3.1), un bruciatore Low-NOx studiato approfonditamente, per comprenderne le potenzialità in termini di riduzione delle emissioni inquinanti con fiamma a carbone e gas ma anche del bruciatore TEA – C (par.3.3) per l’oxy-combustion di gas e carbone. A tal fine si analizza il sistema bruciatore-fornace studiando i dati ottenuti di temperature, campi di moto e produzione di inquinanti per stabilirne le prestazioni. La sperimentazione viene eseguita su scala semi – industriale, presso l’area sperimentale ENEL di Livorno, in modo da avere una riproducibilità delle reali condizioni di funzionamento. In particolare, gli obiettivi del lavoro di tesi sono: • studio dei bruciatori AASB e TEA – C; • esecuzione dei test a freddo (caratterizzazione aerodinamica del bruciatore) a. misure di velocità (AASB burner) • esecuzione test di combustione a carbone e gas: a. profili di temperatura; b. profili di concentrazione di specie gassose; c. misure di flusso termico totale • confrontare i risultati con lavori precedenti dell’IFRF • esecuzione test in oxy – combustion a gas e carbone: a. profili di temperatura; b. profili di concentrazione di specie gassose Sviluppi futuri: • Convalidare modelli matematici della fornace e del bruciatore con i dati sperimentali Il testo è organizzato come segue: nel secondo capitolo viene illustrato il sistema sperimentale. Si presenta la Fornace Sperimentale, Fo.Sper. e il terzo capitolo spiega i bruciatori utilizzati durante le campagne sperimentali, bruciatori AASB e TEA – C e i rispettivi sistemi di swirler; nel quarto capitolo viene presentata tutta la strumentazione utilizzata nelle prove sperimentali, principi di funzionamento e realizzazione ( il Pitot a 5 fori, pirometro ad aspirazione, sampling probe). Attenzione particolare è rivolta all’heat flux meter di cui viene mostrato una procedura dettagliata della calibrazione; nel quinto capitolo vengono spiegati i bilanci termici e materiali effettuati in caldaia, si presentano le principali reazioni che avvengono e vengono eseguite verifiche sui parametri principali della combustione; il sesto capitolo presenta uno degli argomenti più innovativi che riguardano la combustione, cioè OXY-COMBUSTION. Contiene lo stato dell’arte della tecnologia, gli studi eseguiti su alcuni impianti pilota soffermandosi su Fo.Sper. e le modifiche impiantistiche effettuate, quindi il problema del retrofitting ; il settimo capitolo contiene tutte le prove sperimentali effettuate nelle due campagne sperimentali e spiega i risultati ottenuti: prove a freddo per la caratterizzazione aerodinamica del bruciatore AASB, combustione del carbone in aria con AASB, combustione di gas e carbone in aria con TEA – C e la combustione con ossigeno; gli allegati contengono tutti i risultati ottenuti e i dati di tutte le prove sperimentali

    The "rural houses" in Torviscosa (Udine, Italy): from construction to abandonment.

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    The paper provides a detailed study of the rural houses in the surroundings of Torviscosa, company-town of the XX century, a tool for possible processes of enhancement, restoration and retrofitting. | L'articolo fornisce uno studio dettagliato delle case agricolenei dintorni di Torviscosa, citt\ue0-societ\ue0 del XX secolo, strumento per possibili processi di valorizzazione, restauro e riqualificazione

    Socially-Aware Multimedia Authoring

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    Bulterman, D.C.A. [Promotor]Cesar, P.S. [Copromotor

    A comparative study of technology-mediated learning strategies for teaching people with intellectual disability

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    In this paper, we report on our experiences investigating the role of digital technology in face-to-face instruction of students with intellectual disability. In this process, we used a multi-method approach and our findings integrate results from focus groups, interviews, observations, iterative prototyping, and user evaluation. Ultimately, we hope that our work can motivate future research efforts and bring to light opportunities to be considered in the development of mobile-based education solutions.Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia do sob o contrato de nº. FINEP 03.11.0371.00

    Investigating the collaborative process of subtitles creation and sharing for videos on the Web

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    In this paper we concentrate on the study of the collaborative practices of enthusiasts that create and share subtitles for third party videos. Based on preliminary results from interviews with some volunteers, we formalize the subtitles creation and sharing process using a business process management model and compare it with other collaborative and crowdsourcing models. We expect that our initial observations can bring a new understanding of the process and, thus, help in the design of next generation video enriching tools

    Why do people subtitle movies? A survey research of the subtitler motivations and practices

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    In this paper we investigate the reasons why enthusiasts dedicate time and effort to create subtitles for third-party videos shared on-line. Based on results obtained from a survey research with a community of Brazilian subtitlers, we highlight basic features of these enthusiasts as well as their motivations and main objectives. Our observations suggest that this is a volunteering and collaborative activity after all.CNPq (#312148/2014-3); FAPES (#67927378/2015


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    Il lavoro di ricerca si colloca all\u2019interno del quadro generale della tutela, conservazione e valorizzazione degli edifici del Movimento Moderno. Dagli inizi del \u2018900 fino alla Seconda guerra Mondiale, l\u2019architettura sperimenta idee innovative nella concezione formale, nello studio e nella realizzazione degli elementi costruttivi, concetti a cui si associa comunemente il termine \u201cMovimento Moderno\u201d / \u201cModerno\u201d. Il caso studio analizza l\u2019\u201cedilizia ripetuta\u201d del territorio della citt\ue0-fabbrica di Torviscosa, localit\ue0 situata nella zona sud del Friuli-Venezia Giulia. A partire dal 1937, Franco Marinotti, figura di rilievo nel panorama dell\u2019imprenditoria della prima met\ue0 del \u2018900, realizza una citt\ue0-fabbrica per lo sfruttamento della cellulosa a Torre di Zuino, in seguito Torviscosa. In relazione al caso studio in esame, per approfondire gli argomenti specifici dell\u2019architettura del Moderno, supporto essenziale sono stati i testi monografici, la consultazione di riviste del periodo e le informazioni recepite dalle Esposizioni universali, dalle mostre e dalle fiere, con la finalit\ue0 di ampliare le conoscenze concernenti materiali e tecniche costruttive. Gli studi focalizzati sulla questione delle abitazioni popolari hanno messo in evidenza come le numerose inchieste a carattere igienico-sanitario, in Italia e in Europa, abbiano reso necessario l\u2019approvazione di leggi specifiche, al fine di costruire, per i lavoratori, alloggi adeguati, comodi e salubri. La bibliografia riferita alle citt\ue0 industriali, dalla seconda met\ue0 dell\u2019Ottocento, ha fornito riferimenti utili alla conoscenza di centri legati alla nascita di industrie tessili e minerarie. Successivamente, nel periodo compreso tra le due guerre, le \u201ccitt\ue0 di fondazione\u201d, realizzate in Italia per volere del regime fascista, hanno saputo conciliare il lavoro nei centri \u201cproduttivi\u201d alle esigenze di svago e di vita quotidiana, mettendo a punto, con la costruzione di edifici pubblici e residenze, caratterizzate da tipologie edilizie ripetute, specifici criteri costruttivi e una conformazione urbanistica semplice e regolare, con un modello insediativo a bassa densit\ue0. Nella citt\ue0-fabbrica di Torviscosa, infatti, l'insediamento industriale e l'attivit\ue0 in campagna, con l\u2019impiego di circa 5000 persone, ha portato alla realizzazione di un\u2019\u201cedilizia ripetuta\u201d, per alloggiare lavoratori e famiglie, e che oggi necessita di un piano di intervento articolato rispettoso delle sue specificit\ue0. Gli interventi di manutenzione, dopo gli anni \u201970, hanno alterato l\u2019immagine originale dei fabbricati a causa della sostituzione degli elementi costruttivi con prodotti ritenuti maggiormente performanti proposti dal mercato dell\u2019edilizia. Il lavoro di ricerca si \ue8 concentrato sulla fase di conoscenza dello stato di fatto di quattro tipologie d\u2019interesse - \u201cle case degli impiegati\u201d, \u201cle case operaie 4-4bis\u201d, \u201cle case operaie 01M\u201d e \u201cle case dei funzionari\u201d \u2013 che attraverso la consultazione della documentazione d\u2019archivio, i sopralluoghi ripetuti e la comparazione tra la documentazione fotografica originale e attuale, ha consentito di individuare i componenti originali di facciata e le trasformazioni subite negli anni, che in alcuni casi, hanno contribuito ad alterare l\u2019immagine iniziale. Il lavoro di ricerca, quindi, vuole essere uno strumento di \u201creintegrazione dell\u2019immagine\u201d che, partendo dal delicato e approfondito processo di conoscenza, pone le basi per definire interventi coerenti e indirizzare azioni di conservazione del patrimonio costruito. L\u2019obiettivo del lavoro di ricerca \ue8 la redazione di \u201cLinee Guida\u201d per il recupero, la conservazione e la riqualificazione dell'edilizia residenziale \u201cripetuta\u201d del territorio della citt\ue0-fabbrica di Torviscosa, per la salvaguardia e la tutela di un patrimonio di estrema importanza per il territorio del Friuli-Venezia Giulia.The present research work is set within the general framework of protection, preservation and enhancement of the Modern Movement buildings. From the early 20th century until the Second World War, architecture experimented innovative ideas in the formal conception as well as in the choice of materials, in the study and in the realization of building elements, which, as a whole, is usually identified as "Modern Movement" / "Modern". The case study analyses the "repeated buildings\u201d of the town-factory area of Torviscosa, located in the southern part of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. From 1937 to the following decades of the 20th century, Franco Marinotti, an important figure in the business world of the time, created a town-factory for the exploitation of cellulose at Torre di Zuino, which later became known as Torviscosa. For the current case study, monographic texts, magazines of the period together with information from Universal Expositions, exhibitions and fairs have been essential to widen the knowledge of materials and the building techniques specifically connected to the Modern Movement architecture. Studies focusing on the issue of council housing have underlined the necessity to approve specific laws to build suitable, comfortable and healthy accommodation for workers in line with hygiene and health enquiries carried out in Italy and Europe. From the second half of the 19th century onwards, the bibliography referring to company towns has provided useful references to identify places related to the birth of textile and mining industries. Later, between the two world wars, the \u201cfoundation towns\u201d, which were built in Italy at the behest of the Fascist regime, managed to conciliate the work in \u201cproductive\u201d centres with the needs of leisure and daily life. So, those towns featured public and residential buildings, which were characterised by repeated building types according to specific construction criteria and a simple regular urban layout, in a low-density settlement model. Indeed, in the factory town of Torviscosa, the industrial settlement and the rural activity, which together employed about 5000 people, led to the creation of "repeated buildings\u201d, to house workers and families. Today, those buildings need an intervention plan in line with their specific features. The maintenance work carried out after the 1970s have altered the original image of the buildings because the former construction elements have been replaced with more performing products offered by the construction market. After consulting the archive documentation, after repeated visits and following the comparison between the original and current photographic documentation, the research work has focused on the knowledge of the state of affairs of four types of interest - "the employees' houses", "the workers' houses 4-4bis", "the workers' houses 01M" and "the civil servants' houses" - which has allowed to identify the original components of the fa\ue7ade and the transformations it has undergone through the years and which, in some cases, have contributed to alter its initial image. The research work, therefore, aims to provide a tool for "image reintegration". It lays the foundations for the definition of coherent interventions and actions as well as for the conservation of the built heritage starting from the delicate and in-depth process of knowledge. The ultimate aim of the research work is to draw up the "Guidelines" for the recovery, conservation and redevelopment of "repeated" residential buildings in the Torviscosa city-factory area, in order to safeguard and protect a heritage of pivotal importance for the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region

    Pedagogies of E-literary Practice for (Un)continuous Times: Lightning Talks

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    In response to Debbie Chacra’s charge to “celebrate and foster education, maintenance, analysis, critique, and, above all, caregiving” in maker cultures, this roundtable imagines pedagogies of e-literary practice that combine creation and caregiving in ways restorative to the ongoing tradition(s) of e-lit (“Beyond Making”). E-lit regularly confronts theoretical, cultural, and material challenges endemic to the field, as genres of previously accessible work are being lost to technological obsolescence and new developments are moving increasingly off the screen and out of practical reach. One way to counter such challenges of these (un)continuous times is through an integrated, applied, practice-based model of e-lit pedagogy. Participants discuss ways of teaching electronic literature that incorporates hands-on work like critical-creative making and procedural performance as pedagogical responses to rapid technological changes that blot out e-literature’s past and blackbox its future

    On human-in-the-loop CPS in healthcare: a cloud-enabled mobility assistance service

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    Despite recent advancements on cloud-enabled and human-in-the-loop cyber-physical systems, there is still a lack of understanding of how infrastructure-related quality of service (QoS) issues affect user-perceived quality of experience (QoE). This work presents a pilot experiment over a cloud-enabled mobility assistive device providing a guidance service and investigates the relationship between QoS and QoE in such a system. In our pilot experiment, we employed the CloudWalker, a system linking smart walkers and cloud platforms, to physically interact with users. Different QoS conditions were emulated to represent an architecture in which control algorithms are performed remotely. Results point out that users report satisfactory interaction with the system even under unfavorable QoS conditions. We also found statistically significant data linking QoE degradation to poor QoS conditions. We finalize discussing the interplay between QoS requirements, the human-in-the-loop effect, and the perceived QoE in healthcare applications
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