6 research outputs found

    The future of aquaculture is now

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    <p>Aquaculture in South Africa is really taking off, with around 230 farms countrywide, cultivating a wide variety of fish and shellfish species. Most of these are freshwater farms, and it is the freshwater sector that is indeed growing the fastest, with species like tilapia and trout in increasing demand. However, in terms of tons of produce, the marine sector is much larger and represents double the output of freshwater farms, despite coming from less than 10% of the total number of farms. In 2018, marine aquaculture represented over 86% of the value of the industry as a whole.</p&gt

    The Fundamental Contribution of Phytoplankton Spectral Scattering to Ocean Colour: Implications for Satellite Detection of Phytoplankton Community Structure

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    There is increasing interdisciplinary interest in phytoplankton community dynamics as the growing environmental problems of water quality (particularly eutrophication) and climate change demand attention. This has led to a pressing need for improved biophysical and causal understanding of Phytoplankton Functional Type (PFT) optical signals, in order for satellite radiometry to be used to detect ecologically relevant phytoplankton assemblage changes. Biophysically and biogeochemically consistent phytoplankton Inherent Optical Property (IOP) models play an important role in achieving this understanding, as the optical effects of phytoplankton assemblage changes can be examined systematically in relation to the bulk optical water-leaving signal. The Equivalent Algal Populations (EAP) model is used here to investigate the source and magnitude of size- and pigment- driven PFT signals in the water-leaving reflectance, as well as the potential to detect these using satellite radiometry. This model places emphasis on the determination of biophysically consistent phytoplankton IOPs, with both absorption and scattering determined by mathematically cogent relationships to the particle complex refractive indices. All IOPs are integrated over an entire size distribution. A distinctive attribute is the model’s comprehensive handling of the spectral and angular character of phytoplankton scattering. Selected case studies and sensitivity analyses reveal that phytoplankton spectral scattering is most useful and the least ambiguous driver of the PFT signal. Key findings are that there is the most sensitivity in phytoplankton backscatter ( b b Ď• ) in the 1⁻6 μ m size range; the backscattering-driven signal in the 520 to 570 nm region is the critical PFT identifier at marginal biomass, and that, while PFT information does appear at blue wavelengths, absorption-driven signals are compromised by ambiguity due to biomass and non-algal absorption. Low signal in the red, due primarily to absorption by water, inhibits PFT detection here. The study highlights the need to quantitatively understand the constraints imposed by phytoplankton biomass and the IOP budget on the assemblage-related signal. A proportional phytoplankton contribution of approximately 40% to the total b b appears to a reasonable minimum threshold in terms of yielding a detectable optical change in R r s . We hope these findings will provide considerable insight into the next generation of PFT algorithms

    Simulated Inherent Optical Properties of Aquatic Particles using The Equivalent Algal Populations (EAP) model

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    Abstract Paired measurements of phytoplankton absorption and backscatter, the inherent optical properties central to the interpretation of ocean colour remote sensing data, are notoriously rare. We present a dataset of Chlorophyll a (Chl a) -specific phytoplankton absorption, scatter and backscatter for 17 different phytoplankton groups, derived from first principles using measured in vivo pigment absorption and a well-validated semi-analytical coated sphere model which simulates the full suite of biophysically consistent phytoplankton optical properties. The optical properties of each simulated phytoplankton cell are integrated over an entire size distribution and are provided at high spectral resolution. The model code is additionally included to enable user access to the complete set of wavelength-dependent, angularly resolved volume scattering functions. This optically coherent dataset of hyperspectral optical properties for a set of globally significant phytoplankton groups has potential for use in algorithm development towards the optimal exploitation of the new age of hyperspectral satellite radiometry

    Particle Size Distribution and Size-partitioned Phytoplankton Carbon Using a Two-Component Coated-Spheres Bio-optical Model: Monthly Global 4 km Imagery Based on the OC-CCI v5.0 Merged Ocean Color Satellite Data Set

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    Monthly global 4km satellite products spanning September 1997 to December 2020. The data contains Particle Size Distribution (PSD) parameters of an assumed power-law PSD, absolute and fractional size-partitioned phytoplankton carbon and associated variables such as particulate organic carbon (POC) and Chlorophyll-a as derived from the PSD algorithm. The retrieval is based on a backscattering bio-optical model using two particle populations and coated spheres for phytoplankton inherent optical properties (IOP) modeling, and a retrieval using spectral angle mapping (SAM - where satellite spectra are classified using a comparison to a collection of modeled end-member spectra, by treating spectra as vectors and using their dot product). Partial uncertainties are given as standard deviation and are estimated using a combination of Monte Carlo simulations and analytical error propagation. An empirical tuning factor is given for attaining more realistic estimated model concentrations of POC and Chlorophyll-a. The tuning factor is multiplicative, to be applied in linear space. This tuning factor has not been applied to the monthly data, users can choose whether or not to apply it to absolute carbon and Chlorophyll-a concentrations. The factor does not affect retrievals of fractional contributions of phytoplankton size classes to total phytoplankton carbon. Monthly climatologies files and an overall climatology file are also provided, and in those files, both untuned (tuning factor not applied) and tuned (tuning factor applied) variables are provided, for user convenience. Input remote-sensing reflectance data are v5.0 of the Ocean Colour -Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) of the European Space Agency. The OC-CCI general reference is Sathyendranath et al. (2019; doi:10.3390/s19194285), and for v5.0 of the dataset, the reference is Sathyendranath et al. (2021; doi:10.5285/1dbe7a109c0244aaad713e078fd3059a). More detailed metadata, including geospatial metadata, are given in the netCDF files. Variable names should be self-explanatory. Quick browse images are provided as well. Coastlines in these quick browse images are from v2.3.7 of the GSHHS data set - see Wessel and Smith (1996) (doi:10.1029/96JB00104). Modeling and data processing was done in MATLAB ®