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    Efforts to implement the principles of good governance or often known as Good Corporate Government in the implementation of institution tasks and/or government bureaucracy is an integral part of the desired bureaucracy reformation. Yet the effort to realize good governance has not yet supported by the institution and the bureaucracy. For this reason, the government concerns on the commitment to implement the good governance. Majene District is one of the districts included in the new province of West Sulawesi, the expansion of South Sulawesi Province. Majene District has been preparing LAKIP since 2006 for each institution in district level. Based on the report of performance accountability of each government institution, it is expected that any improvement of goverment performance will be monitored yearly by assessing the achievement of the conducted activities/programs. In LAKIP, however, there are things which are implemented differently (not in accordance with) the field. Therefore, a study of the process of LAKIP formulation in Majene District is important. The goal of this research is to study the process of LAKIP formulation in Majene District. Based on the background conditions and existing problems, this research has the objective to review the implementation of performance reports, processes/procedures of LAKIP preparation, to examines the causes that affect the result in Majene District, and to formulate recommendations regarding the direction related with LAKIP preparation in Majene District. This study uses a qualitative approach with case study research methods and by involving data collection techniques which are used to interview informants. Primary data collection is based on interviews in which informants are directly involved in the process of preparation of performance reports. The analysis technique used is explanation building with a diagram of thematic analysis. This study finds that Majene District has not yet implemented optimally because LAKIP only concerns on the outputs not on benefits and the support system implementation is not yet optimal so it does not result as it is expected. Moreover, the procedure of LAKIP implementation is formal so it does not touch the main purposes and objectives. Recommendations from this research are that in order to have better LAKIP implementation the committee or team involved do not only concern documents alone, but must do direct assesment at the field. The assessment of achievement will be not subjective so it may avoid different interpretations from every person who reads it. Quality and quantity improvement as well as human resource competitiveness are needed. Moreover, community trustk also needed to be improved as well as the process of LAKIP formulation which needs to be more concerned, not only limited on report formulation but also to various parties involved to understand the “tupoksi” in order to strengthen the institution capacity of government in the future

    Globalisation, Policy Transfer, and Global Governance: an Assessment in Developing Countries

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    Dari perspektif ekonomi politik, globalisasi identik dengan liberalisasi, sedangkan dariperspektif kebijakan publik, globalisasi identik dengan policy transfer. Ekonomi politik menekankanbahwa globalisasi merupakan sistem yang menyediakan ruang bagi pembukaan interelasi daninteraksi ekonomi antar negara, baik dalam bentuk perdagangan bebas, mobilitas aktivitas produksi,dan pertukaran teknologi. Sementara itu, perspektif kebijakan publik mengartikankan globalisasisebagai ruang yang lebih luas untuk pertukaran pengetahuan yang berguna bagi pembangunan danpengembangan kebijakan dalam konteks yang disebut policy transfer. Meskipun kedua perspektifseolah-olah memberikan penekanan yang berbeda, pada dasarnya kedua penekanan itu sama-samamensyaratkan adanya entitas bernama global governance. Bahkan, terkadang entitas ini berperanmenentukan dalam keputusan di sebuah negara, mendorong perdebatan pro dan kontra.Pengalaman Indonesia di akhir 1990an, misalnya, menunjukkan kepada kita betapa lembaga globalgovernance berperan dominatif dalam reformasi ekonomi dan politik, memunculkan pertanyaantentang kedaulatan negara. Paper ini menganalisis keterkaitan globalisasi dan policy transfer sertamendiskusikan peran lembaga-lembaga global governance di dalamnya


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    This study aims to find out how the effect of net exports, investment, and regional spending on economic growth in Indonesia in the 2015-2020 period. This type of research is descriptive quantitative using secondary data. This study uses panel data regression analysis. The analysis was carried out using Microsoft Excel 2013 and Stata 14 programs. The analytical tests used were the classical assumption test, panel data regression, and hypothesis testing. Based on the classical assumption test results, the research data meets the requirements to use the panel data regression equation model. The study’s results through the t-test show that the variables of net exports, investment, and regional spending partially have a positive and significant effect on economic growth. The results of the F test showed that the independent variables, namely net exports, investment, and regional spending simultaneously or jointly have a significant effect on economic growth in 34 Indonesian Provinces in the 2015-2020 period. The determination test (R2) results of economic growth in Indonesia are 0.9281 or 92.81%. This can show the relationship of the independent variables, namely net exports, investment, regional spending can explain the dependent variable economic growth of 92.81% while the remaining 7.19% can be explained by other variables

    Autism. The sacrifice of a mother [Book review]

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    Fearless Friday: Laila Mufty

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    In today’s Fearless Friday, Surge would like to honor the work of Laila Mufty ‘18. Laila is a sophomore from the Bay Area in California and is majoring in Environmental Studies. Currently, she is one of the CPS Program Coordinators with Big Brothers Big Sisters and is the Immersion Project Leader for the New Orleans trip in May focused on the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast. In addition to her work with CPS, Laila participates in multiple cultural organizations on campus and has volunteered with El Centro, Painted Turtle Farm and Casa de la Cultura. Laila has also written and edited for Surge in the past. [excerpt


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    Advertisements are persuasive communication (Maggie-Jo, 1994). The language used in advertisement is very carefully chosen to have special effects. The words will create images as well as information, and often there will be more than one meaning of some expressions. Duran (1987) says that rhetorical pattern also can be found in the illustration of advertisement. Corbett and Connors (1999) point out that advertisement is a form of deliberative rhetoric. Deliberative discourse is an attempt to change the attitude and actions of the audience or the readers in regard to a matter of public concern. In using deliberative rhetoric, the author is trying to persuade a person to take some future action and that the recommended action is either good in itself or something that will benefit the person. The research is aimed to reach several purposes: 1) observing the text of advertisement, in terms of its type of language, creative strategy, type of sign and its assessment 2) ensuring English teachers that rhetorical pattern also can be found in advertisement, so it can be used as literature source

    On A Particularly Patriotic Day

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    I stare at myself in disgust before turning away and beginning to apply skin creams and makeup that promise a lighter complexion. I straighten my naturally thick, curly hair, methodically going over the same strand multiple times while wishing for straight hair like the other perfect blond girls in my grade. I put on a modest all black ensemble in an effort to avoid unwanted attention and pull on a large jacket with a hood to hide my face. [excerpt