102 research outputs found

    J'Accuse ... Or The Plight of pro-bono Volunteer Scientists in Academic Publishing

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    [Extract] The immortal words of Èmile Zola: “J’accuse…” were his introduction to a letter on the mistreatment of a French citizen [1]. We believe Springer Nature (and other commercial publishing houses) need to similarly clean up their acts in the area of pro-bono volunteer scientists and hence this melodramatic yet appropriate start to this letter

    Morphological and Physiological Development of Pyricularia oryzae Isolates from North-western Region of Sarawak on Different Media under Laboratory Conditions Laboratory Conditions

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    Rice blast (causal agent: Pyricularia oryzae) is an important disease of rice in Sarawak. Understanding the pathogen’s morphological characteristics, genetic diversity and pathogenicity is important. Having a suitable medium for culturing and maintaining P. oryzae is important to ensure the availability of inoculum or materials under laboratory conditions. Oatmeal agar (OMA) and potato dextrose agar (PDA) are common media used for growing P. oryzae. OMA allows better mycelial growth and better sporulation as compared to PDA. There are also other alternatives such as fresh rice leaf agar and rice straw agar. Although OMA seems to be the best medium, unfortunately the opaqueness of the medium causes difficulty in observing the morphology and growth of mycelia. In addition, it is known that different isolates of P. oryzae will respond differently to different media. This study aims to identify the best media for culturing and maintaining P. oryzae isolates from Sarawak. A total of 14 P. oryzae isolates were characterised for their morphological characteristics, growth rate and sporulation rate using seven growing media. These 14 isolates included seven newly identified isolates in this study and seven isolates from a previous study, which were verified using internal transcribed spacer DNA sequence. The colony surface of the 14 P. oryzae isolates varied on different growing media. The pigmentation of colony surface varied from different shades of grey, translucent light brown, white and colourless. Pyricularia oryzae isolates grew better on OMA and PDA, while OMA was the best for sporulation. These two media can be recommended for culturing and maintaining different P. oryzae isolates under laboratory conditions

    Mutation spectrum analysis of DMD gene in Indonesian Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy patients [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) are allelic disorders caused by mutations in the DMD gene. The full mutation spectrum of the DMD gene in Indonesian patients is currently unknown. Mutation-specific therapies are currently being developed, such as exon skipping or stop codon read-through therapy. This study was conducted with the aim of identifying the mutation spectrum of the DMD gene in Indonesia to guide future development and application of feasible therapeutic strategies. Methods This study is a cross sectional study that enrolled 43 male patients with a clinical suspicion of DMD or BMD. Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) reaction was performed to screen for the common mutations in the DMD gene. Results Out of 43 subjects, deletions accounted for 69.77% (n=30) cases, while duplications were found in 11.63% (n=5) cases. One novel duplication spanning exons 2 to 62 was identified. Deletion mutations clustered around the distal (66.67%) and proximal (26.67%) hot spot regions of the DMD gene while duplication mutations were observed solely at the proximal region. Two false positive cases of single exon deletion detected through MLPA were attributed to sequence mutations affecting primer ligation sites, confirming the need to validate all single exon deletions when using this screening method. Analysis of available maternal DNA samples showed that the rate of de novo mutations (48.15%) appears higher than expected in this population. Out of 31 patients who were classified as DMD based on clinical and genotype characterizations, 60.47% (n=26) of cases were suitable for exon skipping therapy. Conclusion This is the first comprehensive study showing the feasibility of implementing the MLPA method for routine screening of DMD patients in Indonesia. This is also the first study showing the potential applicability of exon skipping therapy in the majority of DMD cases in the country

    Successful aging, cognitive function, socioeconomic status, and leukocyte telomere length

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    In a rapidly greying world, the notion that some individuals maintain successful aging trajectories, viz. high physical, cognitive, emotional, and social functioning in older age, is increasingly germane. Biomarkers of such successful aging are increasingly sought. Leukocyte telomere length (LTL), an emerging yardstick of cellular aging that is influenced by but distinct from chronological age, may also be associated to successful aging. Furthermore, given that socio-economic status (SES) influences successful aging trajectories, socioeconomic status may also moderate the association between chronological age and LTL. The goals of this study are to examine 1) whether successful aging is associated with LTL; 2) whether successful aging accounts for age-related LTL and 3) whether low SES moderates the effect of age on LTL. Singaporean Chinese (n = 353) aged 65-80 completed a multidimensional assessment of successful aging and provided blood samples for LTL analysis. Results show that LTL negatively correlates with chronological age and positively correlates with successful aging. Successful aging mediates the association between chronological age and LTL. Moderated mediation analyses show that lower SES is associated with stronger negative associations of chronological age with successful aging and LTL. Moreover, the cognitive functioning dimension of successful aging is uniquely associated with LTL and its association with chronological age is moderated by SES. This study provides evidence that among older Singaporean Chinese with lower SES, declines in successful aging and in cognitive functioning are linked to age-related LTL shortening and hence to accelerated aging at the cellular level

    New variants of AvrPiz-t identified in Pyricularia oryzae from Malaysia

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    Rice blast disease (causal agent: Pyricularia oryzae) is an important rice disease worldwide as it can cause significant yield loss. Resistance genes in rice can recognise the corresponding avirulence genes (Avr-gene) of P. oryzae and suppress the attack of the pathogen as proposed in ‘gene-for-gene’ interaction. This interaction is highly specific. The resistance will be rapidly breakdown owing to the plasticity of Avr-gene. The breaking down of disease resistance can cause problem in managing the disease as well as sustaining a resistant rice variety. This paper aimed to study and analyse the sequence variation of AvrPiz-t gene from P. oryzae isolates in Malaysia (Sarawak) together with AvrPiz-t sequences available from National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). This study compared the AvrPiz-t haplotype found with previously reported haplotypes. A total of 20 Malaysian P. oryzae isolates were obtained from six divisions of Sarawak and were verified using internal transcribed spacer. Together with seven Malaysian P. oryzae isolates from a previous study, a total of 27 AvrPiz-t gene sequences from Malaysian isolates were successfully amplified and verified. The AvrPiz-t open reading frame (ORF) of 27 Malaysian isolates were aligned with 123 AvrPiz-t ORF from other countries that were available in NCBI database and 100 AvrPiz-t ORF from a previous study (Total = 250 sequences). Unique sequences were identified and translated into amino sequence. The amino acid sequences were aligned with haplotype sequences from previous studies. In total, there were 19 AvrPiz-t haplotypes, with eight newly identified haplotypes. The AvrPiz-t haplotypes were distributed across 14 countries with haplotype H9 as the dominant haplotype. Neutrality tests were performed for the 250 AvrPiz-t ORF sequences. The 250 isolates of P. oryzae were undergoing directional natural selection.. Detached leaf inoculation using filter paper method of selected Malaysia (Sarawak) P. oryzae isolates carrying one of the new AvrPiz-t haplotypes showed different level of pathogenicity towards Sarawak rice landraces. The data obtained serves as baseline information for disease management in Malaysia, especially for Sarawak state. Additionally, the information is also a reference for future rice breeding program in Sarawak

    Dopaminergic Polymorphisms Associated with Time-on-Task Declines and Fatigue in the Psychomotor Vigilance Test

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    Prolonged demands on the attention system can cause a decay in performance over time known as the time-on-task effect. The inter-subject differences in the rate of this decline are large, and recent efforts have been made to understand the biological bases of these individual differences. In this study, we investigate the genetic correlates of the time-on-task effect, as well as its accompanying changes in subjective fatigue and mood. N = 332 subjects performed a 20-minute test of sustained attention (the Psychomotor Vigilance Test) and rated their subjective states before and after the test. We observed substantial time-on-task effects on average, and large inter-individual differences in the rate of these declines. The 10-repeat allele of the variable number of tandem repeats marker (VNTR) in the dopamine transporter gene and the Met allele of the catechol-o-methyl transferase (COMT) Val158Met polymorphism were associated with greater vulnerability to time-on-task. Separately, the exon III DRD4 48 bp VNTR of the dopamine receptor gene DRD4 was associated with subjective decreases in energy. No polymorphisms were associated with task-induced changes in mood. We posit that the dopamine transporter and COMT genes exert their effects by increasing dopaminergic tone, which may induce long-term changes in the prefrontal cortex, an important mediator of sustained attention. Thus, these alleles may affect performance particularly when sustained dopamine release is necessary

    Dynamics of Co-Transcriptional Pre-mRNA Folding Influences the Induction of Dystrophin Exon Skipping by Antisense Oligonucleotides

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    Antisense oligonucleotides (AONs) mediated exon skipping offers potential therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. However, the identification of effective AON target sites remains unsatisfactory for lack of a precise method to predict their binding accessibility. This study demonstrates the importance of co-transcriptional pre-mRNA folding in determining the accessibility of AON target sites for AON induction of selective exon skipping in DMD. Because transcription and splicing occur in tandem, AONs must bind to their target sites before splicing factors. Furthermore, co-transcriptional pre-mRNA folding forms transient secondary structures, which redistributes accessible binding sites. In our analysis, to approximate transcription elongation, a “window of analysis” that included the entire targeted exon was shifted one nucleotide at a time along the pre-mRNA. Possible co-transcriptional secondary structures were predicted using the sequence in each step of transcriptional analysis. A nucleotide was considered “engaged” if it formed a complementary base pairing in all predicted secondary structures of a particular step. Correlation of frequency and localisation of engaged nucleotides in AON target sites accounted for the performance (efficacy and efficiency) of 94% of 176 previously reported AONs. Four novel insights are inferred: (1) the lowest frequencies of engaged nucleotides are associated with the most efficient AONs; (2) engaged nucleotides at 3′ or 5′ ends of the target site attenuate AON performance more than at other sites; (3) the performance of longer AONs is less attenuated by engaged nucleotides at 3′ or 5′ ends of the target site compared to shorter AONs; (4) engaged nucleotides at 3′ end of a short target site attenuates AON efficiency more than at 5′ end

    Identification of Close Relatives in the HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Database

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    The HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium has recently released a genome-wide dataset, which consists of 1,719 DNA samples collected from 71 Asian populations. For studies of human population genetics such as genetic structure and migration history, this provided the most comprehensive large-scale survey of genetic variation to date in East and Southeast Asia. However, although considered in the analysis, close relatives were not clearly reported in the original paper. Here we performed a systematic analysis of genetic relationships among individuals from the Pan-Asian SNP (PASNP) database and identified 3 pairs of monozygotic twins or duplicate samples, 100 pairs of first-degree and 161 second-degree of relationships. Three standardized subsets with different levels of unrelated individuals were suggested here for future applications of the samples in most types of population-genetics studies (denoted by PASNP1716, PASNP1640 and PASNP1583 respectively) based on the relationships inferred in this study. In addition, we provided gender information for PASNP samples, which were not included in the original dataset, based on analysis of X chromosome data