37 research outputs found
The Stellar Population of Lyman-alpha Emitting Galaxies at z ~ 5.7
We present a study of three Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs), selected
via a narrow-band survey in the GOODS northern field, and spectroscopically
confirmed to have redshifts of z ~ 5.65. Using HST ACS and Spitzer IRAC data,
we constrain the rest-frame UV-to-optical spectral energy distributions (SEDs)
of the galaxies. Fitting stellar population synthesis models to the observed
SEDs, we find best-fit stellar populations with masses between ~ 10^9 - 10^10
M_sun and ages between ~ 5 - 100 Myr, assuming a simple starburst star
formation history. However, stellar populations as old as 700 Myr are
admissible if a constant star formation rate model is considered. Very deep
near-IR observations may help to narrow the range of allowed models by
providing extra constraints on the rest-frame UV spectral slope. Our
narrow-band selected objects and other IRAC-detected z ~ 6 i'-dropout galaxies
have similar 3.6 um magnitudes and z' - [3.6] colors, suggesting that they
posses stellar populations of similar masses and ages. This similarity may be
the result of a selection bias, since the IRAC-detected LAEs and i'-dropouts
probably only sample the bright end of the luminosity function. On the other
hand, our LAEs have blue i' - z' colors compared to the i'-dropouts, and would
have been missed by the i'-dropout selection criterion. A better understanding
of the overlap between the LAE and the i'-dropout populations is necessary in
order to constrain the properties of the overall high-redshift galaxy
population, such as the total stellar mass density at z ~ 6.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
Evolution in the Continuum Morphological Properties of Ly alpha-Emitting Galaxies from Z=3.1 to Z=2.1
We present a rest-frame ultraviolet morphological analysis of 108 z = 2.1 Lyman Alpha Emitters (LAEs) in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDF-S) and compare it to a similar sample of 171 LAEs at z = 3.1 . Using Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images taken as part of the Galaxy Evolution From Morphology and SEDs survey, Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey, and Hubble Ultradeep Field surveys, we measure the size and photometric component distributions, where photo- metric components are defined as distinct clumps of UV-continuum emission. At both redshifts, the majority of LAEs have observed half-light radii < 2 kpc, but the median half-light radius rises from 0.97 kpc at z = 3.1 to 1.41 kpc at z = 2.1. A similar evolution is seen in the sizes of individual rest-UV components, but there is no evidence for evolution in the number of mUlti-component systems. In the z = 2.1 LAE sample, we see clear correlations between the LAE size and other physical properties derived from its SED. LAEs are found to be larger for galaxies with larger stellar mass, larger star formation rate, and larger dust obscuration, but there is no evidence for a trend between equivalent width and half-light radius at either redshift. The presence of these correlations suggests that a wide range of objects are being selected by LAE surveys at that redshift, including a significant fraction of objects for which a massive and moderately extended population of old stars underlies the young starburst giving rise to the Lya emission
The Impact of Temperature Fluctuations on the Lyman-alpha Forest Power Spectrum
We explore the impact of spatial fluctuations in the intergalactic medium
temperature on the Lyman-alpha forest flux power spectrum near z ~ 3. We
develop a semianalytic model to examine temperature fluctuations resulting from
inhomogeneous HI and incomplete HeII reionizations. Detection of these
fluctuations might provide insight into the reionization histories of hydrogen
and helium. Furthermore, these fluctuations, neglected in previous analyses,
could bias constraints on cosmological parameters from the Lyman-alpha forest.
We find that the temperature fluctuations resulting from inhomogeneous HI
reionization are likely to be very small, with an rms amplitude of < 5%,
. More important are the temperature fluctuations
that arise from incomplete HeII reionization, which might plausibly be as large
as 50%, . In practice, however, these temperature
fluctuations have only a small effect on flux power spectrum predictions. The
smallness of the effect is possibly due to density fluctuations dominating over
temperature fluctuations on the scales probed by current measurements. On the
largest scales currently probed, k ~ 0.001 s/km (~0.1 h/Mpc), the effect on the
flux power spectrum may be as large as ~10% in extreme models. The effect is
larger on small scales, up to ~20% at k = 0.1 s/km, due to thermal broadening.
Our results suggest that the omission of temperature fluctuations effects from
previous analyses does not significantly bias constraints on cosmological
parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, ApJ accepte
Spitzer Constraints on the Stellar Populations of Lyman-Alpha Emitting Galaxies at z = 3.1
We investigate the stellar populations of a sample of 162 Lyman-alpha
emitting galaxies (LAEs) at z = 3.1 in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South,
using deep Spitzer IRAC data available from the GOODS and SIMPLE surveys to
derive reliable stellar population estimates. We divide the LAEs according to
their rest-frame near-IR luminosities into IRAC-detected and IRAC-undetected
samples. About 70% of the LAEs are undetected in 3.6 micron down to [3.6] =
25.2 AB. Stacking analysis reveals that the average stellar population of the
IRAC-undetected sample has an age of ~ 200 Myr and a mass of ~ 3x10^8 solar
masses, consistent with the expectation that LAEs are mostly young and low-mass
galaxies. On the other hand, the IRAC-detected LAEs are on average
significantly older and more massive, with an average age > 1 Gyr and mass ~
10^10 solar masses. Comparing the IRAC colors and magnitudes of the LAEs to z ~
3 Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) shows that the IRAC-detected LAEs lie at the
faint blue end of the LBG color-magnitude distribution, suggesting that
IRAC-detected LAEs may be the low mass extension of the LBG population. We also
present tentative evidence for a small fraction (~ 5%) of obscured AGN within
the LAE sample. Our results suggest that LAEs posses a wide range of ages and
masses. Additionally, the presence of evolved stellar populations inside LAEs
suggests that the Lyman-alpha luminous phase of galaxies may either be a
long-lasting or recurring phenomenon.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 5 pages, 4 figure
Evidence for a correlation between the sizes of quiescent galaxies and local environment to z ~ 2
We present evidence for a strong relationship between galaxy size and
environment for the quiescent population in the redshift range 1 < z < 2.
Environments were measured using projected galaxy overdensities on a scale of
400 kpc, as determined from ~ 96,000 K-band selected galaxies from the UKIDSS
Ultra Deep Survey (UDS). Sizes were determined from ground-based K-band
imaging, calibrated using space-based CANDELS HST observations in the centre of
the UDS field, with photometric redshifts and stellar masses derived from
11-band photometric fitting. From the resulting size-mass relation, we confirm
that quiescent galaxies at a given stellar mass were typically ~ 50 % smaller
at z ~ 1.4 compared to the present day. At a given epoch, however, we find that
passive galaxies in denser environments are on average significantly larger at
a given stellar mass. The most massive quiescent galaxies (M_stellar > 2 x
10^11 M_sun) at z > 1 are typically 50 % larger in the highest density
environments compared to those in the lowest density environments. Using Monte
Carlo simulations, we reject the null hypothesis that the size-mass relation is
independent of environment at a significance > 4.8 sigma for the redshift range
1 < z < 2. In contrast, the evidence for a relationship between size and
environment is much weaker for star-forming galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 16 pages, 11 figures, 6 table
Rest-Frame Ultraviolet to Near Infrared Observations of an Interacting Lyman Break Galaxy at z = 4.42
We present the rest-frame ultraviolet through near infrared spectral energy
distribution for an interacting Lyman break galaxy at a redshift z=4.42, the
highest redshift merging system known with clearly resolved tidal features. The
two objects in this system - HDF-G4 and its previously unidentified companion -
are both B_{435} band dropouts, have similar V_{606}-i_{775} and
i_{775}-z_{850} colors, and are separated by 1", which at z=4.42 corresponds to
7 kpc projected nuclear separation; all indicative of an interacting system.
Fits to stellar population models indicate a stellar mass of M_\star =
2.6\times 10^{10} M_\odot, age of \tau_\star = 720 My, and exponential star
formation history with an e-folding time \tau_0 = 440 My. Using these derived
stellar populations as constraints, we model the HDF-G4 system using
hydrodynamical simulations, and find that it will likely evolve into a quasar
by z\sim3.5, and a quiescent, compact spheroid by z\sim 2.5 similar to those
observed at z > 2. And, the existence of such an object supports galaxy
formation models in which major mergers drive the high redshift buildup of
spheroids and black holes.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
The redshift and mass dependence on the formation of the Hubble sequence at z > 1 from CANDELS/UDS
In this paper we present a detailed study of the structures and morphologies of a sample of 1188 massive galaxies with M-* >= 10(10) M-circle dot between redshifts z = 1 and 3 within the Ultra Deep Survey (UDS) region of the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) field. Using this sample we determine how galaxy structure and morphology evolve with time, and investigate the nature of galaxy structure at high redshift. We visually classify our sample into discs, ellipticals and peculiar systems and correct for redshift effects on these classifications through simulations. We find significant evolution in the fractions of galaxies at a given visual classification as a function of redshift. The peculiar population is dominant at z > 2 with a substantial spheroid population, and a negligible disc population. We compute the transition redshift, z(trans), where the combined fraction of spheroidal and disc galaxies is equal to that of the peculiar population, as z(trans) = 1.86 +/- 0.62 for galaxies in our stellar mass range. We find that this transition changes as a function of stellar mass, with Hubble-type galaxies becoming dominant at higher redshifts for higher mass galaxies (z(trans) = 2.22 +/- 0.82), than for the lower mass galaxies (z(trans) = 1.73 +/- 0.57). Higher mass galaxies become morphologically settled before their lower mass counterparts, a form of morphological downsizing. We furthermore compare our visual classifications with the Sersic index, the concentration, asymmetry and clumpiness (CAS) parameters, star formation rate and rest-frame U - B colour. We find links between the colour of a galaxy, its star formation rate and how extended or peculiar it appears. Finally, we discuss the negligible z > 2 disc fraction based on visual morphologies and speculate that this is an effect of forming disc appearing peculiar through processes such as violent disc instabilities or mergers. We conclude that to properly define and measure high-redshift morphology and structure a new and more exact classification scheme is needed
Ly Alpha-Emitting Galaxies at z=3.1: L* Progenitors Experiencing Rapid Star Formation
We studied the clustering properties and multiwavelength spectral energy
distributions of a complete sample of 162 Ly Alpha-Emitting (LAE) galaxies at
z=3.1 discovered in deep narrow-band MUSYC imaging of the Extended Chandra Deep
Field South. LAEs were selected to have observed frame equivalent widths >80A
and emission line fluxes >1.5E-17 erg/cm^2/s. Only 1% of our LAE sample appears
to host AGN. The LAEs exhibit a moderate spatial correlation length of
r_0=3.6+0.8-1.0 Mpc, corresponding to a bias factor b=1.7+0.3-0.4, which
implies median dark matter halo masses of log10(M_med) = 10.9+0.5-0.9 M_sun.
Comparing the number density of LAEs, (1.5+-0.3)E-3/Mpc^3, with the number
density of these halos finds a mean halo occupation ~1-10%. The evolution of
galaxy bias with redshift implies that most z=3.1 LAEs evolve into present-day
galaxies with L3 galaxy populations typically evolve
into more massive galaxies. Halo merger trees show that z=0 descendants occupy
halos with a wide range of masses, with a median descendant mass close to that
of L*. Only 30% of LAEs have sufficient stellar mass (>~3E9 M_sun) to yield
detections in deep Spitzer-IRAC imaging. A two-population SED fit to the
stacked UBVRIzJK+[3.6,4.5,5.6,8.0]micron fluxes of the IRAC-undetected objects
finds that the typical LAE has low stellar mass (1.0+0.6-0.4 E9 M_sun),
moderate star formation rate (2+-1 M_sun/yr), a young component age of 20+30-10
Myr, and little dust (A_V<0.2). The best fit model has 20% of the mass in the
young stellar component, but models without evolved stars are also allowed.Comment: ApJ, in press, 7 pages including 4 color figure
The Redshift and Mass Dependence on the Formation of the Hubble Sequence at \u3cem\u3ez\u3c/em\u3e \u3e 1 from CANDELS/UDS
In this paper we present a detailed study of the structures and morphologies of a sample of 1188 massive galaxies with M* â„ 1010âMâbetween redshifts z = 1 and 3 within the Ultra Deep Survey (UDS) region of the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) field. Using this sample we determine how galaxy structure and morphology evolve with time, and investigate the nature of galaxy structure at high redshift. We visually classify our sample into discs, ellipticals and peculiar systems and correct for redshift effects on these classifications through simulations. We find significant evolution in the fractions of galaxies at a given visual classification as a function of redshift. The peculiar population is dominant at z \u3e 2 with a substantial spheroid population, and a negligible disc population. We compute the transition redshift, ztrans, where the combined fraction of spheroidal and disc galaxies is equal to that of the peculiar population, as ztrans = 1.86 ± 0.62 for galaxies in our stellar mass range. We find that this transition changes as a function of stellar mass, with Hubble-type galaxies becoming dominant at higher redshifts for higher mass galaxies (ztrans = 2.22 ± 0.82), than for the lower mass galaxies (ztrans = 1.73 ± 0.57). Higher mass galaxies become morphologically settled before their lower mass counterparts, a form of morphological downsizing. We furthermore compare our visual classifications with the SĂ©rsic index, the concentration, asymmetry and clumpiness (CAS) parameters, star formation rate and rest-frame U â B colour. We find links between the colour of a galaxy, its star formation rate and how extended or peculiar it appears. Finally, we discuss the negligible z \u3e 2 disc fraction based on visual morphologies and speculate that this is an effect of forming disc appearing peculiar through processes such as violent disc instabilities or mergers. We conclude that to properly define and measure high-redshift morphology and structure a new and more exact classification scheme is needed