37,152 research outputs found

    Exterior optical cloaking and illusions by using active sources: a boundary element perspective

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    Recently, it was demonstrated that active sources can be used to cloak any objects that lie outside the cloaking devices [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{103}, 073901 (2009)]. Here, we propose that active sources can create illusion effects, so that an object outside the cloaking device can be made to look like another object. invisibility is a special case in which the concealed object is transformed to a volume of air. From a boundary element perspective, we show that active sources can create a nearly "silent" domain which can conceal any objects inside and at the same time make the whole system look like an illusion of our choice outside a virtual boundary. The boundary element method gives the fields and field gradients (which can be related to monopoles and dipoles) on continuous curves which define the boundary of the active devices. Both the cloaking and illusion effects are confirmed by numerical simulations

    General-relativistic coupling between orbital motion and internal degrees of freedom for inspiraling binary neutron stars

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    We analyze the coupling between the internal degrees of freedom of neutron stars in a close binary, and the stars' orbital motion. Our analysis is based on the method of matched asymptotic expansions and is valid to all orders in the strength of internal gravity in each star, but is perturbative in the ``tidal expansion parameter'' (stellar radius)/(orbital separation). At first order in the tidal expansion parameter, we show that the internal structure of each star is unaffected by its companion, in agreement with post-1-Newtonian results of Wiseman (gr-qc/9704018). We also show that relativistic interactions that scale as higher powers of the tidal expansion parameter produce qualitatively similar effects to their Newtonian counterparts: there are corrections to the Newtonian tidal distortion of each star, both of which occur at third order in the tidal expansion parameter, and there are corrections to the Newtonian decrease in central density of each star (Newtonian ``tidal stabilization''), both of which are sixth order in the tidal expansion parameter. There are additional interactions with no Newtonian analogs, but these do not change the central density of each star up to sixth order in the tidal expansion parameter. These results, in combination with previous analyses of Newtonian tidal interactions, indicate that (i) there are no large general-relativistic crushing forces that could cause the stars to collapse to black holes prior to the dynamical orbital instability, and (ii) the conventional wisdom with respect to coalescing binary neutron stars as sources of gravitational-wave bursts is correct: namely, the finite-stellar-size corrections to the gravitational waveform will be unimportant for the purpose of detecting the coalescences.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures. Replaced 13 July: proof corrected, result unchange

    Strange nonchaotic attractors in noise driven systems

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    Strange nonchaotic attractors (SNAs) in noise driven systems are investigated. Before the transition to chaos, due to the effect of noise, a typical trajectory will wander between the periodic attractor and its nearby chaotic saddle in an intermittent way, forms a strange attractor gradually. The existence of SNAs is confirmed by simulation results of various critera both in map and continuous systems. Dimension transition is found and intermittent behavior is studied by peoperties of local Lyapunov exponent. The universality and generalization of this kind of SNAs are discussed and common features are concluded

    Quasi-Local Energy Flux of Spacetime Perturbation

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    A general expression for quasi-local energy flux for spacetime perturbation is derived from covariant Hamiltonian formulation using functional differentiability and symplectic structure invariance, which is independent of the choice of the canonical variables and the possible boundary terms one initially puts into the Lagrangian in the diffeomorphism invariant theories. The energy flux expression depends on a displacement vector field and the 2-surface under consideration. We apply and test the expression in Vaidya spacetime. At null infinity the expression leads to the Bondi type energy flux obtained by Lindquist, Schwartz and Misner. On dynamical horizons with a particular choice of the displacement vector, it gives the area balance law obtained by Ashtekar and Krishnan.Comment: 8 pages, added appendix, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Innermost Stable Circular Orbit of Inspiraling Neutron-Star Binaries: Tidal Effects, Post-Newtonian Effects and the Neutron-Star Equation of State

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    We study how the neutron-star equation of state affects the onset of the dynamical instability in the equations of motion for inspiraling neutron-star binaries near coalescence. A combination of relativistic effects and Newtonian tidal effects cause the stars to begin their final, rapid, and dynamically-unstable plunge to merger when the stars are still well separated and the orbital frequency is \approx 500 cycles/sec (i.e. the gravitational wave frequency is approximately 1000 Hz). The orbital frequency at which the dynamical instability occurs (i.e. the orbital frequency at the innermost stable circular orbit) shows modest sensitivity to the neutron-star equation of state (particularly the mass-radius ratio, M/RoM/R_o, of the stars). This suggests that information about the equation of state of nuclear matter is encoded in the gravitational waves emitted just prior to the merger.Comment: RevTeX, to appear in PRD, 8 pages, 4 figures include

    Dynamics of a map with power-law tail

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    We analyze a one-dimensional piecewise continuous discrete model proposed originally in studies on population ecology. The map is composed of a linear part and a power-law decreasing piece, and has three parameters. The system presents both regular and chaotic behavior. We study numerically and, in part, analytically different bifurcation structures. Particularly interesting is the description of the abrupt transition order-to-chaos mediated by an attractor made of an infinite number of limit cycles with only a finite number of different periods. It is shown that the power-law piece in the map is at the origin of this type of bifurcation. The system exhibits interior crises and crisis-induced intermittency.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figure

    Binary-Induced Gravitational Collapse: A Trivial Example

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    We present a simple model illustrating how a highly relativistic, compact object which is stable in isolation can be driven dynamically unstable by the tidal field of a binary companion. Our compact object consists of a test-particle in a relativistic orbit about a black hole; the binary companion is a distant point mass. Our example is presented in light of mounting theoretical opposition to the possibility that sufficiently massive, binary neutron stars inspiraling from large distance can collapse to form black holes prior to merger. Our strong-field model suggests that first order post-Newtonian treatments of binaries, and stability analyses of binary equilibria based on orbit-averaged, mean gravitational fields, may not be adequate to rule out this possibility.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev. D, Jan 15 199

    Post-Newtonian Models of Binary Neutron Stars

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    Using an energy variational method, we calculate quasi-equilibrium configurations of binary neutron stars modeled as compressible triaxial ellipsoids obeying a polytropic equation of state. Our energy functional includes terms both for the internal hydrodynamics of the stars and for the external orbital motion. We add the leading post-Newtonian (PN) corrections to the internal and gravitational energies of the stars, and adopt hybrid orbital terms which are fully relativistic in the test-mass limit and always accurate to PN order. The total energy functional is varied to find quasi-equilibrium sequences for both corotating and irrotational binaries in circular orbits. We examine how the orbital frequency at the innermost stable circular orbit depends on the polytropic index n and the compactness parameter GM/Rc^2. We find that, for a given GM/Rc^2, the innermost stable circular orbit along an irrotational sequence is about 17% larger than the innermost secularly stable circular orbit along the corotating sequence when n=0.5, and 20% larger when n=1. We also examine the dependence of the maximum neutron star mass on the orbital frequency and find that, if PN tidal effects can be neglected, the maximum equilibrium mass increases as the orbital separation decreases.Comment: 53 pages, LaTex, 9 figures as 10 postscript files, accepted by Phys. Rev. D, replaced version contains updated reference