18 research outputs found

    Analysis of workability of rocks and type of prequarternary bedrock in the selected part of the Ostrava conurbation by means of geographic information systems

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    An up-to-date topic with which engineering geology can contribute to the requirements of practice and research, in particularthe needs of land use planning, state administration, building offices, developers, etc. is an analysis of new possibilities of providingreference information on the engineering-geological conditions by means of geographic information systems. The study in the presentedpaper deals with an evaluation of two geofactors. They are the character of rocks workability and Pre-quaternary bedrock. Workabilityis a significant limiting factor, which affects the used technology and financial demands of earth work. Especially in case of demandingconstructions, the Pre-quaternary bedrock is a geological environment which will have to be interacted with and must be taken intoaccount during selecting engineering foundation. The overall project was divided into five model areas (1-5), while this paper evaluatesa partial model area of no.1, which is defined by topographical map in drawing scale 1:10 1000 (topographic sheet No. 15-43-10).Namely they are Slezské, Moravské Ostravy, Vítkovic a Radvanice. The mentioned methodology was applied in the interest area forthe first time

    Experimentally measurement and analysis of stress under foundation slab

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    Understanding of a load redistribution into subsoil below building foundation is an important knowledge for reliable design and its economy too. The article presents the results of a physical model of a foundation slab and its interaction with the subsoil. The interactions were investigated comprehensively by monitoring the developments of stress in the subsoil and foundation slab settlement during its loading. The load acting on the foundation was applied by strutting the hydraulic press against heavy steel frame which was established by the Department of Building Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering of VSB -TU Ostrava for this purpose. The preparatory phase of the present experiment involved the homogenization of soil during which trio pressure cells in three horizons were gradually fitted. The quality of homogenization was checked on an ongoing basis through field tests: dynamic penetration load test, dynamic plate load test and seismic measurement of foundation slab response. Finally, the homogenized soil was subjected to mechanical analysis to determine the strength and deformation parameters for basic Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model.Web of Science133513512

    Research of the behavior of clay materials with double porosity

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    This contribution presents results from a series of compression and undrained triaxial tests to study the mechanical behavior of dump clay from the north of Bohemia. The use of these materials as a foundation for construction can't be achieved without the adoption of some precautions. This comes from embankment, formed by digging the ground (altered claystone), up to the level of coal mining which is in a sub horizontal stratigraphic layer. A potential static liquefaction behavior was observed in undrained tests for high confinement stress. A structural collapse was noticed with the results obtained in the triaxial test. This collapse is characterized by an unexpected large decrease in deviator and mean effective stress. The soils formed have strength properties that are potentially dangerous. These concepts can improve the use of these kinds of soils in geotechnical engineering work. It continues and expands the results obtained in previous research, especially the future problematic use of these materials as the foundation soil for line or building structures.Web of Science136art. no. 321


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    ABSTRACT: Understanding of a load redistribution into subsoil below building foundation is an important knowledge for reliable design and its economy too. The article presents the results of a physical model of a foundation slab and its interaction with the subsoil. The interactions were investigated comprehensively by monitoring the developments of stress in the subsoil and foundation slab settlement during its loading. The load acting on the foundation was applied by strutting the hydraulic press against heavy steel frame which was established by the Department of Building Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering of VSB -TU Ostrava for this purpose. The preparatory phase of the present experiment involved the homogenization of soil during which trio pressure cells in three horizons were gradually fitted. The quality of homogenization was checked on an ongoing basis through field tests: dynamic penetration load test, dynamic plate load test and seismic measurement of foundation slab response. Finally, the homogenized soil was subjected to mechanical analysis to determine the strength and deformation parameters for basic Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model

    Příspěvek k využití statické penetrace pro stanovení smykové pevnosti zemin

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta stavebn

    Rychlostní charakteristika hornin vrtu NP 559

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    Příspěvek ke konstrukci uzavíracích tlakových hrází v dolech

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologick

    Zakládání ve složitých podmínkách

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    Předmět navazuje na základní studium problematiky zakládání staveb a rozšiřuje získané znalosti v oblastech hlubinného zakládání, zejm. při aplikaci pilotových základů. Kromě technologie pilotování obsahuje rozšířené poznatky z oblasti navrhování pilot podle 1. a 2. mezního stavu, problematiku skupinových pilot a pilotových roštů. Kromě těchto otázek rozvíjí poznatky z oblasti zlepšování vlastností zemin, zakládání v sesuvných územích, problematiky zakládání na násypech a odvalech, vč. metodik zjišťování mechanických vlastností těchto materiálů.OstravaE-vyuk

    Příspěvek k problematice popílkových tlakových hrází

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