11 research outputs found

    Learning Ideological Latent space in Twitter

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    People are shifting from traditional news sources to online news at an incredibly fast rate. However, the technology behind online news consumption forces users to be confined to content that confirms with their own point of view. This has led to social phenomena like polarization of point-of-view and intolerance towards opposing views. In this thesis we study information filter bubbles from a mathematical standpoint. We use data mining techniques to learn a liberal-conservative ideology space in Twitter and presents a case study on how such a latent space can be used to tackle the filter bubble problem on social networks. We model the problem of learning liberal-conservative ideology as a constrained optimization problem. Using matrix factorization we uncover an ideological latent space for content consumption and social interaction habits of users in Twitter. We validate our model on real world Twitter dataset on three controversial topics - "Obamacare", "gun control" and "abortion". Using the proposed technique we are able to separate users by their ideology with 95% purity. Our analysis shows that there is a very high correlation (0.8 - 0.9) between the estimated ideology using machine learning and true ideology collected from various sources. Finally, we re-examine the learnt latent space, and present a case study showcasing how this ideological latent space can be used to develop exploratory and interactive interfaces that can help in diffusing the information filter bubble. Our matrix factorization based model for learning ideology latent space, along with the case studies provide a theoretically solid as well as a practical and interesting point-of-view to online polarization. Further, it provides a strong foundation and suggests several avenues for future work in multiple emerging interdisciplinary research areas, for instance, humanly interpretable and explanatory machine learning, transparent recommendations and a new field that we coin as Next Generation Social Networks

    Operationalizing fairness for responsible machine learning

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    As machine learning (ML) is increasingly used for decision making in scenarios that impact humans, there is a growing awareness of its potential for unfairness. A large body of recent work has focused on proposing formal notions of fairness in ML, as well as approaches to mitigate unfairness. However, there is a growing disconnect between the ML fairness literature and the needs to operationalize fairness in practice. This thesis addresses the need for responsible ML by developing new models and methods to address challenges in operationalizing fairness in practice. Specifically, it makes the following contributions. First, we tackle a key assumption in the group fairness literature that sensitive demographic attributes such as race and gender are known upfront, and can be readily used in model training to mitigate unfairness. In practice, factors like privacy and regulation often prohibit ML models from collecting or using protected attributes in decision making. To address this challenge we introduce the novel notion of computationally-identifiable errors and propose Adversarially Reweighted Learning (ARL), an optimization method that seeks to improve the worst-case performance over unobserved groups, without requiring access to the protected attributes in the dataset. Second, we argue that while group fairness notions are a desirable fairness criterion, they are fundamentally limited as they reduce fairness to an average statistic over pre-identified protected groups. In practice, automated decisions are made at an individual level, and can adversely impact individual people irrespective of the group statistic. We advance the paradigm of individual fairness by proposing iFair (individually fair representations), an optimization approach for learning a low dimensional latent representation of the data with two goals: to encode the data as well as possible, while removing any information about protected attributes in the transformed representation. Third, we advance the individual fairness paradigm, which requires that similar individuals receive similar outcomes. However, similarity metrics computed over observed feature space can be brittle, and inherently limited in their ability to accurately capture similarity between individuals. To address this, we introduce a novel notion of fairness graphs, wherein pairs of individuals can be identified as deemed similar with respect to the ML objective. We cast the problem of individual fairness into graph embedding, and propose PFR (pairwise fair representations), a method to learn a unified pairwise fair representation of the data. Fourth, we tackle the challenge that production data after model deployment is constantly evolving. As a consequence, in spite of the best efforts in training a fair model, ML systems can be prone to failure risks due to a variety of unforeseen reasons. To ensure responsible model deployment, potential failure risks need to be predicted, and mitigation actions need to be devised, for example, deferring to a human expert when uncertain or collecting additional data to address model’s blind-spots. We propose Risk Advisor, a model-agnostic meta-learner to predict potential failure risks and to give guidance on the sources of uncertainty inducing the risks, by leveraging information theoretic notions of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty. This dissertation brings ML fairness closer to real-world applications by developing methods that address key practical challenges. Extensive experiments on a variety of real-world and synthetic datasets show that our proposed methods are viable in practice.Mit der zunehmenden Verwendung von Maschinellem Lernen (ML) in Situationen, die Auswirkungen auf Menschen haben, nimmt das Bewusstsein über das Potenzial für Unfair- ness zu. Ein großer Teil der jüngeren Forschung hat den Fokus auf das formale Verständnis von Fairness im Zusammenhang mit ML sowie auf Ansätze zur Überwindung von Unfairness gelegt. Jedoch driften die Literatur zu Fairness in ML und die Anforderungen zur Implementierung in der Praxis zunehmend auseinander. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Notwendigkeit für verantwortungsvolles ML, wofür neue Modelle und Methoden entwickelt werden, um die Herausforderungen im Fairness-Bereich in der Praxis zu bewältigen. Ihr wissenschaftlicher Beitrag ist im Folgenden dargestellt. In Kapitel 3 behandeln wir die Schlüsselprämisse in der Gruppenfairnessliteratur, dass sensible demografische Merkmale wie etwa die ethnische Zugehörigkeit oder das Geschlecht im Vorhinein bekannt sind und während des Trainings eines Modells zur Reduzierung der Unfairness genutzt werden können. In der Praxis hindern häufig Einschränkungen zum Schutz der Privatsphäre oder gesetzliche Regelungen ML-Modelle daran, geschützte Merkmale für die Entscheidungsfindung zu sammeln oder zu verwenden. Um diese Herausforderung zu überwinden, führen wir das Konzept der Komputational-identifizierbaren Fehler ein und stellen Adversarially Reweighted Learning (ARL) vor, ein Optimierungsverfahren, das die Worst-Case-Performance bei unbekannter Gruppenzugehörigkeit ohne Wissen über die geschützten Merkmale verbessert. In Kapitel 4 stellen wir dar, dass Konzepte für Gruppenfairness trotz ihrer Eignung als Fairnesskriterium grundsätzlich beschränkt sind, da Fairness auf eine gemittelte statistische Größe für zuvor identifizierte geschützte Gruppen reduziert wird. In der Praxis werden automatisierte Entscheidungen auf einer individuellen Ebene gefällt, und können unabhängig von der gruppenbezogenen Statistik Nachteile für Individuen haben. Wir erweitern das Konzept der individuellen Fairness um unsere Methode iFair (individually fair representations), ein Optimierungsverfahren zum Erlernen einer niedrigdimensionalen Darstellung der Daten mit zwei Zielen: die Daten so akkurat wie möglich zu enkodieren und gleichzeitig jegliche Information über die geschützten Merkmale in der transformierten Darstellung zu entfernen. In Kapitel 5 entwickeln wir das Paradigma der individuellen Fairness weiter, das ein ähnliches Ergebnis für ähnliche Individuen erfordert. Ähnlichkeitsmetriken im beobachteten Featureraum können jedoch unzuverlässig und inhärent beschränkt darin sein, Ähnlichkeit zwischen Individuen korrekt abzubilden. Um diese Herausforderung anzugehen, führen wir den neue Konzept der Fairnessgraphen ein, in denen Paare (oder Sets) von Individuen als ähnlich im Bezug auf die ML-Aufgabe identifiziert werden. Wir übersetzen das Problem der individuellen Fairness in eine Grapheinbindung und stellen PFR (pairwise fair representations) vor, eine Methode zum Erlernen einer vereinheitlichten paarweisen fairen Abbildung der Daten. In Kapitel 6 gehen wir die Herausforderung an, dass sich die Daten im Feld nach der Inbetriebnahme des Modells fortlaufend ändern. In der Konsequenz können ML-Systeme trotz größter Bemühungen, ein faires Modell zu trainieren, aufgrund einer Vielzahl an unvorhergesehenen Gründen scheitern. Um eine verantwortungsvolle Implementierung sicherzustellen, gilt es, Risiken für ein potenzielles Versagen vorherzusehen und Gegenmaßnahmen zu entwickeln,z.B. die Übertragung der Entscheidung an einen menschlichen Experten bei Unsicherheit oder das Sammeln weiterer Daten, um die blinden Flecken des Modells abzudecken. Wir stellen mit Risk Advisor einen modell-agnostischen Meta-Learner vor, der Risiken für potenzielles Versagen vorhersagt und Anhaltspunkte für die Ursache der zugrundeliegenden Unsicherheit basierend auf informationstheoretischen Konzepten der aleatorischen und epistemischen Unsicherheit liefert. Diese Dissertation bringt Fairness für verantwortungsvolles ML durch die Entwicklung von Ansätzen für die Lösung von praktischen Kernproblemen näher an die Anwendungen im Feld. Umfassende Experimente mit einer Vielzahl von synthetischen und realen Datensätzen zeigen, dass unsere Ansätze in der Praxis umsetzbar sind.The International Max Planck Research School for Computer Science (IMPRS-CS

    iFair: Learning Individually Fair Data Representations for Algorithmic Decision Making

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    People are rated and ranked, towards algorithmic decision making in an increasing number of applications, typically based on machine learning. Research on how to incorporate fairness into such tasks has prevalently pursued the paradigm of group fairness: giving adequate success rates to specifically protected groups. In contrast, the alternative paradigm of individual fairness has received relatively little attention, and this paper advances this less explored direction. The paper introduces a method for probabilistically mapping user records into a low-rank representation that reconciles individual fairness and the utility of classifiers and rankings in downstream applications. Our notion of individual fairness requires that users who are similar in all task-relevant attributes such as job qualification, and disregarding all potentially discriminating attributes such as gender, should have similar outcomes. We demonstrate the versatility of our method by applying it to classification and learning-to-rank tasks on a variety of real-world datasets. Our experiments show substantial improvements over the best prior work for this setting.Comment: Accepted at ICDE 2019. Please cite the ICDE 2019 proceedings versio

    AART: AI-Assisted Red-Teaming with Diverse Data Generation for New LLM-powered Applications

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    Adversarial testing of large language models (LLMs) is crucial for their safe and responsible deployment. We introduce a novel approach for automated generation of adversarial evaluation datasets to test the safety of LLM generations on new downstream applications. We call it AI-assisted Red-Teaming (AART) - an automated alternative to current manual red-teaming efforts. AART offers a data generation and augmentation pipeline of reusable and customizable recipes that reduce human effort significantly and enable integration of adversarial testing earlier in new product development. AART generates evaluation datasets with high diversity of content characteristics critical for effective adversarial testing (e.g. sensitive and harmful concepts, specific to a wide range of cultural and geographic regions and application scenarios). The data generation is steered by AI-assisted recipes to define, scope and prioritize diversity within the application context. This feeds into a structured LLM-generation process that scales up evaluation priorities. Compared to some state-of-the-art tools, AART shows promising results in terms of concept coverage and data quality

    Improving Diversity of Demographic Representation in Large Language Models via Collective-Critiques and Self-Voting

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    A crucial challenge for generative large language models (LLMs) is diversity: when a user's prompt is under-specified, models may follow implicit assumptions while generating a response, which may result in homogenization of the responses, as well as certain demographic groups being under-represented or even erased from the generated responses. In this paper, we formalize diversity of representation in generative LLMs. We present evaluation datasets and propose metrics to measure diversity in generated responses along people and culture axes. We find that LLMs understand the notion of diversity, and that they can reason and critique their own responses for that goal. This finding motivated a new prompting technique called collective-critique and self-voting (CCSV) to self-improve people diversity of LLMs by tapping into its diversity reasoning capabilities, without relying on handcrafted examples or prompt tuning. Extensive empirical experiments with both human and automated evaluations show that our proposed approach is effective at improving people and culture diversity, and outperforms all baseline methods by a large margin.Comment: To appear at EMNLP 2023 main conferenc

    Joint Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Learning Ideological Leaning on Twitter

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    | openaire: EC/H2020/654024/EU//SoBigDataPeople are shifting from traditional news sources to online news at an incredibly fast rate. However, the technology behind online news consumption promotes content that confirms the users» existing point of view. This phenomenon has led to polarization of opinions and intolerance towards opposing views. Thus, a key problem is to model information filter bubbles on social media and design methods to eliminate them. In this paper, we use a machine-learning approach to learn a liberal-conservative ideology space on Twitter, and show how we can use the learned latent space to tackle the filter bubble problem. We model the problem of learning the liberal-conservative ideology space of social media users and media sources as a constrained non-negative matrix-factorization problem. Our model incorporates the social-network structure and content-consumption information in a joint factorization problem with shared latent factors. We validate our model and solution on a real-world Twitter dataset consisting of controversial topics, and show that we are able to separate users by ideology with over 90% purity. When applied to media sources, our approach estimates ideology scores that are highly correlated(Pearson correlation 0.9) with ground-truth ideology scores. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our model in real-world scenarios, by illustrating how the learned ideology latent space can be used to develop exploratory and interactive interfaces that can help users in diffusing their information filter bubble.Peer reviewe

    Finding Topical Experts in Twitter via Query-dependent Personalized PageRank

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    | openaire: EC/H2020/654024/EU//SoBigDataFinding topical experts on micro-blogging sites, such as Twitter, is an essential information-seeking task. In this paper, we introduce an expert-finding algorithm for Twitter, which can be generalized to find topical experts in any social network with endorsement features. Our approach combines traditional link analysis with text mining. It relies on crowd-sourced data from Twitter lists to build a labeled directed graph called the endorsement graph, which captures topical expertise as perceived by users. Given a text query, our algorithm uses a dynamic topic-sensitive weighting scheme, which sets the weights on the edges of the graph. Then, it uses an improved version of query-dependent PageRank to find important nodes in the graph, which correspond to topical experts. In addition, we address the scalability and performance issues posed by large social networks by pruning the input graph via a focused-crawling algorithm. Extensive evaluation on a number of different topics demonstrates that the proposed approach significantly improves on query-dependent PageRank, outperforms the current publicly-known state-of-the-art methods, and is competitive with Twitter's own search system, while using less than 0.05% of all Twitter accounts.Peer reviewe