290 research outputs found

    Donner un sens au nom du festival de la ville Les enjeux de la reconstruction des liens d’appartenance dans une ville tunisienne naissante

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    L’objet de ce papier est d’analyser, à partir de l’observation d’un festival local, les enjeux multiples de la reconstruction des liens d’appartenance pour des populations rurales, qui se trouvent engagées - du fait de leur urbanisation récente- dans un processus de réorganisation et de renégociation de ces liens et des représentations qui leurs correspondent. Les conflits qui ont accompagné et accompagnent actuellement le processus décrit s’expriment parfois en termes de luttes communautaires identitaires, mobilisant des ruraux, alors que l’enjeu concerne essentiellement l’accès et l’appartenance au petit espace urbain en formation. Mots Clés : Liens d’appartenance, rural, urbain, ville, citadin, citoyen, communauté, identitéAbstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyze, from the observation of a local festival , the multiple challenges of rebuilding the bonds of belonging to the rural population , who are engaged - from due to their recent urbanization - in a process of restructuring and renegotiation of these links and their corresponding representations . The conflicts that have accompanied and currently accompany the process described are sometimes expressed in terms of community identity struggles, mobilizing rural , while the issue is largely about access and membership in small urban space training.Keywords: Links of belonging, rural, urban, city, citizen, community, identit

    La tuberculose extra-ganglionnaire de la sphere O.R.L.

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    La tuberculose extra ganglionnaire est une pathologie rare en ORL. Elle pourrait poser des problèmes diagnostiques surtout avec la pathologie tumorale. Nous rapportons 10 cas de localisations extra-ganglionnaires, colligés au service ORL de l\'hôpital Tahar Sfar de Mahdia entre 1988 et 2004. Il s\'agissait de 7 femmes et 3 hommes, âgés entre 19 et 77 ans (moyenne : 39 ans). La maladie a touché le cavum dans 3 cas, les glandes salivaires dans 3 cas, les amygdales palatines dans 2 cas et le larynx chez 2 patients. Le diagnostic était dans tous les cas histo-pathologique. Tous nos patients ont reçu un traitement anti-tuberculeux. L\'évolution était favorable avec un recul moyen de 11 mois. Conclusion : La tuberculose extra-ganglionnaire en ORL pose surtout des problèmes diagnostiques. Son diagnostic est le plus souvent histo-pathologique. Son traitement repose sur la himiothérapie anti-tuberculeuse. Extra-nodal tuberculosis is a rare in ENT practice. We report 10 cases of extra-ganglionic localizations of tuberculosis, treated in ENT department of the Tahar Sfar hospital of Mahdia between 1988 and 2004. They were 7 women and 3 men, aged between 19 and 77 years (average: 39 years) . The disease has touched the nasopharynx in 3 cases, the salivary glands in 3 cases, the tonsils in 2 cases and the larynx in 2 cases. The diagnosis was in all cases histo-pathological. All our patients received an anti-tubercular treatment. The evolution was favorable with 11 months average outcome. Conclusion: Extra-nodal tuberculosis in ENT poses especially diagnostic problems. Its treatment is based on anti-tubercular chemotherapy. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 16 2006: pp. 36-3

    ESG in the financial industry: What matters for rating analysts?

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    This paper examines ESG rating analysts' views from Sustainalytics in order to highlight the main ESG features discussed across 11 sectors. We perform a topic modeling and a sentiment analysis to identify the content of analysts' opinions on the companies' ESG performance and to uncover the embedded sentiment associated with each ESG feature. The results of the topic modeling consist of 13 topics with a sector driven distribution. The analysis suggests that the best ESG performing financial institutions show to be actively committed to the code of best practice in governance and disclosure transparency. Whereas penalized financial entities seem to manifest less attention to ethical conduct and mis-selling. Furthermore, data privacy and security attract analysts' attention and should be closely monitored by financial entities. Finally, it is important to actively disclose ESG activities as the more information is available the better ESG commitment is reflected in analysts' views

    An Evaluative Study of Operation Grouping Policies in an FMS

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    The increased use of flexible manufacturing systems to provide customers with diversified products efficiently has created a significant set of operational challenges for managers. This technology poses a number of decision problems that need to be solved by researchers and practitioners. In the literature, there have been a number of attempts to solve design and operational problems. Special attention has been given to machine loading problems, which involve the assignment of job operations and allocation of tools and resources to optimize specific measures of productivity. Most existing studies focus on modeling the problem and developing heuristics in order to optimize certain performance metrics rather than on understanding the problem and the interaction between the different factors in the system. The objective of this paper is to study the machine loading problem. More specifically, we compare operation aggregation and disaggregation policies in a random flexible manufacturing system (EMS) and analyze its interaction with other factors such as routing flexibility, sequencing flexibility, machine load, buffer capacity, and alternative processing-time ratio. For this purpose, a simulation study is conducted and the results are analyzed by statistical methods. The analysis of results highlights the important factors and their levels that could yield near-optimal system performance

    Finite deformations govern the anisotropic shear-induced area reduction of soft elastic contacts

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    Solid contacts involving soft materials are important in mechanical engineering or biomechanics. Experimentally, such contacts have been shown to shrink significantly under shear, an effect which is usually explained using adhesion models. Here we show that quantitative agreement with recent high-load experiments can be obtained, with no adjustable parameter, using a non-adhesive model, provided that finite deformations are taken into account. Analysis of the model uncovers the basic mechanisms underlying shear-induced area reduction, local contact lifting being the dominant one. We confirm experimentally the relevance of all those mechanisms, by tracking the shear-induced evolution of tracers inserted close to the surface of a smooth elastomer sphere in contact with a smooth glass plate. Our results suggest that finite deformations are an alternative to adhesion, when interpreting a variety of sheared contact experiments involving soft materials.Comment: Version accepted at J. Mech. Phys. Solids. It includes Supplementary Informatio

    Facteurs Predictifs De Malignite D\'un Nodule Thyroidien

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    Buts : étudier les facteurs prédictifs de malignité des nodules thyroïdiens et comparer nos résultats à ceux de la littérature. Patients et méthodes : Il s\'agit d\'une étude rétrospective a propos de 282 cas de nodules thyroïdiens opérés à l\' hôpital de Mahdia entre 1988 et 2003. Résultats : L\'âge moyen était de 44 ans. Le risque de malignité des nodules thyroïdiens était de 15,6% . Ce risque était plus important chez les hommes (50%) que chez les femmes (13,3%). Certains facteurs étaient hautement prédictifs de malignité comme l\'âge supérieur à 60 ans, les signes de compression, les adénopathies cervicales et le caractère fixe et dure du nodule thyroidien Conclusion : Certains signes cliniques et para cliniques ont une grande valeur en matière de bénignité ou de malignité des nodules thyroïdiens.Aim : Study the predictive factors of malignancy of thyroid gland nodules and compare our results to those of the literature. Patients and methods : A retrospective study about 282 cases of thyroid gland nodules treated in Madhya hospital between 1988 and 2003. Results : The middle age was 44 years. The risk of malignancy was 15,6 %. This risk was higher in men (50 %) then in women (13,3 %). Some factors were highly predictive of malignancy like age superior then 60 years, neck lymph nodes … Conclusion: Some clinic and para clinic signs have an important value in benignancy or malignancy of thyroid gland nodules. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 18 2007: pp. 20-2

    Chemical synthesis and magnetic properties of monodisperse cobalt ferrite nanoparticles

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    In this work, a successful synthesis of magnetic cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) nanoparticles is presented. The synthesized CoFe2O4 nanoparticles have a spherical shape and highly monodisperse in the selected solvent. The effect of different reaction conditions such as temperature, reaction time and varying capping agents on the phase and morphology is studied. Scanning transmission electron microscopy showed that the size of these nanoparticles can be controlled by varying reaction conditions. Both X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy corroborate the formation of CoFe2O4 spinel structure with cubic symmetry. Due to optimized reaction parameters, each nanoparticle was shown to be a single magnetic domain with diameter ranges from 6 to 16 nm. Finally, the magnetic investigations showed that the obtained nanoparticles are superparamagnetic with a small coercivity value of about 315 Oe and a saturation magnetization of 58 emu/g at room temperature. These results make the cobalt ferrite nanoparticles promising for advanced magnetic nanodevices and biomagnetic applications.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure
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