5 research outputs found

    Lichen planus pigmentosus inversus: 3 cases

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    Lichen planus pigmentosus-inversus is a rare variant of lichen planus pigmentosus. The eruption of lichen planus pigmentosus-inversus occurs mainly in the flexural regions and presents with brownish macules and patches. Here we describe three cases of woman who presented with hyperpigmented lesions at the different body folds. Physical examination revealed multiple brownish macules and patches on the intertriginous area without pruritis, and histologic findings showed a regressive pattern of lichen planus. These clinical and histological findings were consistent with a diagnosis of lichen planus pigmentosus-inversus

    Litterature in French class at the Moroccan highschool : analysis of its representations

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    Notre projet se veut une réflexion sur les représentations de l’enseignement de la lecture littéraire aussi bien par les élèves que par les enseignants en vue d’atteindre les objectifs suivants : - Dégager les dysfonctionnements de l’enseignement de la littérature au lycée dans le cadre de la nouvelle réforme - Recueillir les perceptions des élèves sur les corpus prescrits par l’institution scolaire - Croiser les représentations des enseignants et des élèves pour voir si les premiers prennent en considération le rapport à la lecture des deuxièmes - Vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle les corpus prescrits ne prennent pas en considération les pratiques de lecture effectives des élèves et que l’institution scolaire est une instance de classicisation L’atteinte de ces objectifs et la vérification des hypothèses se feront par le biais d’une démarche quantitative consistant en l’administration du questionnaire d’enquête aussi bien auprès des élèves que des enseignants du secondaire qualifiant. Le public des élèves que nous ciblons est les élèves de la terminale vu qu’ils seront à même après les deux ans d’étude de la littérature de nous fournir leurs perceptions sur cette dernière et notamment sur les corpus qu’ils affectionnent et ceux qu’ils désaffectionnent.Our project is a reflection on the representations of teaching literary reading by both the students and the teachers to achieve the following objectives: - Describe the dysfunctions of teaching literature in high school afterthe new reform - Collect students' perceptions about the novels prescribed by the educational institution - Cross the representations of teachers and students to see if teachers take into consideration their students' relationship to literaru reading - Check the following hypothesis: the novels imposed to students do not take into account their current reading habit and the educational institution is an instance of 'classicisation' To achieve these goals and test these hypothesis, we will adopt a quantitative approach consisting of giving a questionnaire to teachers and students of high school. The audience of students we are targeting is the students of bacalaureate who will provide us with their perceptions on litterature and novels that they like and those that they dislike

    Childhood vitiligo: Clinical epidemiological profile

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    Objective: To study the clinical and the epidemiologic profiles of childhood vitiligo. Patients and Methods: We prospectively analyzed the clinical data of children with vitiligo presented to the dermatology derpartement at University Hospital – Fès for 5 years from May 2011 to May 2016. This study included 31 patients. All patients were assessed for the natural history, clinical characteristics, family history, and associated abnormalities of vitiligo. Results: Of the 31 children with vitiligo 9 (29,03%) were boys and 21 (67.74%) were girls. The mean age of onset of the vitiligo was 10 years. The mean duration of the disease was 38,9 weeks. The most common type of vitiligo was vitiligo vulgaris (49.5%) followed by focal vitiligo (39%), acrofacial vitiligo (32%), and segmental vitiligo (16%) The most frequent site of onset was the extremities followed by the head and the neck, then the trunk and the genitalia. Of the 31 children with vitiligo, 39% had a family history and 4 % had an antecedent of autoimmune diesease like le diabète, une thyroïdite, l’anémie et le psoriasis, retrouvé. Conclusion: Our children have a strong family history of vitiligo and they are developing the disease at a slightly older age compared with those of other studies; however, other epidemiologic features appear to be similar to those reported in the previously published studies

    Stature–weight growth delays: Clinical and etiological aspects

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    Background: Stature–weight growth delay (SWGD) is a frequent motivation of consultation. It could be a consequence of a known chronic affection, congenital or acquired affection. The purpose of this study is to describe epidemiological, clinical, paraclinical, and etiological aspects of SWGD. Patients and Methods: This retrospective study included 103 patients presenting a growth delay with an average age of 14.44 years and ranging between 5 and 21 years. Male predominance was noticed in 68.93% of cases. Patients showed a stature lower to −2 standard deviation (SD) for corresponding age compared to Sempe and Pedron reference. Patients were hospitalized in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Department of the University Hospital of Fez, Fez, Morocco. Results: Patient's history included a perinatal suffering in 6.7% of cases, a chronic pathology follow-up in 17.6% of cases, and psychomotor development disorder in 10.6% of cases. The average weight was −2.37 SD with extremes varying from −4 to −0.5 SD. The stature values varied between −4.5 and −2 SD for the given age, with an average of −3.12 SD. A severe stature delay (< −3 SD) was recorded in 39.6% of cases and the targeted average size was −2.44 SD with extremes varying from −4 to −1.5 SD. Growth delay etiologies were dominated by a deficit in growth hormones (GHs) in 60% of cases. Discussion and Conclusion: Dynamic tests objectified a total deficit and partial deficits in GH in 41.7 and 30% of patients, respectively. The hypothalamo–pituitary magnetic resonance imaging was pathological in 23.3% of patients and showed a syndrome of interruption of pituitary stem in seven patients, pituitary hail gland in three patients, a craniopharyngioma in two patients, prolactin microadenoma in one patient, and nonfunctional pituitary microadenoma in one patient. GH treatment was established in 16 children that were presenting a deficit in GH, and two girls presenting Turner syndrome, whereas etiological treatment was suggested in all remaining cases

    Child Erysipelas: About 16 Pediatric Cases

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    Erysipelas is an acute or sub-acute non necrotizing bacterial dermo-hypodermitis , caused most frequently by beta-hemolytic group A streptococci. It is a relatively frequent pathology in adults and the elderly, but rare in children and infants. Through the analysis of 16 cases of pediatric erysipelas we evaluate the epidemiological, clinico-biological, therapeutic and outcomes characteristics of erysipelas in children and infants