23 research outputs found

    Evaluation of population growth of daphnia magna feeding Ulva lactuca

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    Success in the fish hatchery is influenced by natural feed. One of the natural freshwater feeds that have a high nutritional content and is easy to cultivate is Daphnia magna. The availability of D. magna at any time must be supported by daily feeding. Ulva lactuca macroalgae is one of the ingredients that have the potential to be used as D. magna feed because it has good nutrition and is abundantly available on the coast. This research was conducted for 17 days at the Integrated Laboratory of Madako Tolitoli University. The aim of the study was to determine the population growth of D. magna fed聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 聽U. lactuca. D. magna was reared in a 25 x 25 x 30 cm aquarium containing 5 liters of green water and a stocking density of 20 individuals/L. The treatments tried were Treatment A = Without U. lactuca Soak (0 ml/L), Treatment B = U. lactuca Soak (3 ml/L), Treatment C = U. lactuca Soak (5 ml/L). The results showed that the administration of U. lactuca 5 ml/L (804.44 ind/L) had the highest population growth compared to the treatment of 3 ml/L immersion of U. lactuca (597.78 ind/L) and without administration of immersion of U. lactuca (482.22 ind/L). Treatment of U. Lactva 5 ml/L is effective in increasing Growth D. Magna and can be an alternative feed D. Magna whose availability is abundant in the coastal area.Keywords: Daphnia magna; growth; Ulva lactuc


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    The main fish farming activities at the enlargement stage require a feed cost of around 60% of the total production cost. Efforts that can be made to reduce the cost of feed are through the starvation and fermentation of feed. This study uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) which is 3 treatments and 3 replications.聽 The treatments tried were treatment A = protein feed 31-33% without fermentation (daily feeding), treatment B = protein feed 21-23% fermentation,, (daily feeding), treatment C = protein feed 21-23% fermentation, (1 day starvation 1 day re-feeding), treatment D = protein feed 21-23% fermentation, (1 day starvation 2 days re-feeding), E treatment = protein feed 21-23% fermentation, n (1 day starvation 聽3 days re-feeding). The study was conducted in a walled pond which was sealed using a net (50 x 50 x 100 cm3), feeding 3 times a day. The results showed that the treatment E effectively suppressed the FCR value and offset the daily growth rate of Treatment A. In addition, treatment E has the same FCR value as treatments B, C, D but treatment E has a higher daily growth rate.Keywords: starvation, fermentation, growth, FC

    Length-weight relationship and condition factors of Trichogaster pectoralis in the swamp, Lakea Dua Village, Buol Regency, Central Sulawesi

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between length and weight and condition factors of Trichopodus trichopterus in the waters of Rawa, Lakea Dua Village, Buol Regency, Central Sulawesi. The research was carried out for 2 months and took place in the swamps of Lakea Dua Village, Buol Regency, Central Sulawesi. The fish collected were measured based on the total length using a ruler in cm (1 mm accuracy), while the fish weight was measured using a digital scale with units of grams (0.01 gram accuracy). The test parameters observed included analysis of length and weight, relative weight, fulcon condition factor, and relative condition factor. The results showed that there were 53 Trichopodus trichopterus collected in the swamps of Lakea Dua Village, Buol Regency. The length ranges from 10-18 cm with an average length of 14.43卤2.39 cm. Fish weight ranged from 14.50-155.30 g with an average weight of 51.33卤25.83 g. The growth pattern is negative allometric. The relative weight shows a value of 102.63卤21.40, meaning that the source of feed is abundant in the Trichopodus trichopterus environment and the condition is healthy. The Fulcon condition factor value is 1.61卤0.55 and the relative condition factor is 1.04卤0.33, meaning that the condition factor value is below 3. This shows the cheek-shaped fish.Keywords: length weight; condition factor; Trichogaster pectorali

    Kebiasaan Makan Stiphodon semoni Di Sungai Tuweley Kabupaten Tolitoli

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    Sungai Tuweley merupakan salah satu sungai yang ada di Sulawesi Tengah dan terletak di Desa Tuweley, Kecamatan Tolitoli. Sungai Tuweley terletak di hulu dan menjadi habitat beberapa jenis ikan air tawar, salah satunya adalah S. semoni. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis pakan S. semoni di habitat aslinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 2 bulan di sungai Tuweley sedangkan pengamatan isi lambung dan usus dilakukan di Laboratorium Terpadu Universitas Madako Tolitoli. Koleksi ikan menggunakan serok (ukuran 15 x 15 cm) dan hasil koleksi disimpan dalam akuarium mini. Selanjutnya dilakukan pembedahan untuk mengamati jenis makanan yang terkandung di dalam lambung dan usus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makanan utama S. semoni adalah fitoplankton. Hal ini terlihat dari pengamatan diperoleh 10 jenis makanan yaitu Navicula, Nitzchia, Ciosterium, zignema, Tribonema, Microspora, Oedogonium, Synedraulna. Spirogyra dan Asterionella.Kata Kunci : Kebiasaan makan, Stiphodon semoni, sunga

    Diversidad de gaster贸podos en la Isla Kapas, Indonesia

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    Gastropods are one of the constituents of benthic communities in waters and are found throughout the world, ranging from shallow, sandy, coral reefs to deep seas. Gastropods have several advantages, one of the most relevant is that they can be used as bioindicators of pollution. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity and abundance of gastropods in Kapas Island, Indonesia. This research was conducted for two months on the coast of Kapas Island, Indonesia. Gastropod collection was carried out at 10 observation stations using three transect lines toward the sea and divided into three parts, namely upper intertidal, middle intertidal, and lower intertidal on each transect line. The distance between stations was ~ 150 m. Ninety plots of 1 m2 were set. Abundance and diversity were analyzed qualitatively. Results showed that gastropods consisted of 9 genera and 14 species. Among them, Cerithium sp. had the highest individual abundance (40.15%). The diversity index of gastropods in Kapas Island was 2.07 (medium diversity).Los gaster贸podos son uno de los constituyentes de las comunidades b茅nticas en las aguas y se encuentran en todo el mundo, desde arrecifes de coral arenosos hasta mares profundos. Los gaster贸podos tienen varias ventajas, una de las m谩s relevantes es que pueden ser utilizados como bioindicadores de contaminaci贸n. El prop贸sito de este estudio fue determinar la diversidad y abundancia de gaster贸podos en la Isla Kapas, Indonesia. Esta investigaci贸n se llev贸 a cabo durante dos meses en la costa de la Isla Kapas, Indonesia. La recolecci贸n de gaster贸podos se llev贸 a cabo en 10 estaciones de observaci贸n utilizando tres l铆neas de transecta hacia el mar, divididas en tres partes, a saber, intermareal superior, intermareal medio e intermareal inferior, para cada l铆nea de transecta. La distancia entre estaciones fue de ~ 150 m. Se establecieron 90 parcelas de 1 m2 cada una. La abundancia y la diversidad se analizaron cualitativamente. Los resultados mostraron nueve g茅neros y 14 especies de gaster贸podos. Entre ellos, Cerithium sp. tuvo la mayor abundancia individual (40,15%). El 铆ndice de diversidad de gaster贸podos en la Isla Kapas fue de 2,07 (diversidad media)

    Pertumbuhan Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio) Yang Diberi Pakan Mengandung Tepung Buah Pepaya (Carica papaya)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif pengkayaan ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio) dengan pakan tepung buah pepaya terhadap tingkat pertumbuhannya. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan pada 60 hari. Ini terletak di Desa Dakitan, Kabupaten Tolitoli. Penelitian memakai Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan tepung buah pepaya (TBP) yang digunakan yaitu P0 (TBP 0 gr/kg pakan), P1 (TBP 1,25 gr/kg pakan), P2 (TBP 1,75 gr/kg pakan), P3 (TBP 2 gr/kg pakan), P4 (TBP 2,25 gr/kg pakan). Studi menunjukkan bahwa dosis yang berbeda tepung buah pepaya dalam pakan tidak berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan ikan mas.Kata kunci : buah pepaya, ikan mas, pertumbuha

    Inventarisasi Plankton Di Pantai Sabang Tende, Kabupaten Tolitoli

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    Informasi jenis-jenis plankton dan sruktur komunitas diperairan Sulawesi Tengah khususnya di pantai Sabang Tende masih terbatas.聽 Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis plankton di pantai Sabang Tende Kabupaten. Penentuan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling.聽 penyaringan air menggunakan ember dengan mengambil 100 liter air yang dituangkan ke dalam planktonet. Sampel yang diperoleh dimasukkan kedalam botol sampel dan diberi label sesuai stasiun dan titik pengambilan sampel. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali ulangan. Dalam penelitian ini ditetapkan 4 stasiun pengukuran. Pengawetan plankton menggunakan larutan formalin 4% sebanyak 1 tetes untuk setiap botol sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pantai Sabang Tende terdapat fitoplankton 19 jenis dan zooplankton 2 jenis.


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    Salah satu聽 metode sex reversal聽 yaitu perendaman yang聽 dilakukan dengan cara bahan yang digunakan dicampur kedalam air selanjutnya telur atau larva ikan direndam didalamnya. Saat ini bahan buatan (komersil) untuk kegiatan sex revesal mulai dikurangi penggunaannya karena dinilai tidak ekonomis dan memiliki dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan dan聽 kesehatan manusia yang mengkonsumsi ikan hasil sex reversal, sehingga dalam penelitian ini kegiatan sex reversal menggunakan bahan alami madu dan air kelapa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan聽 di Laboratorium Terpadu Universitas Madako Tolitoli, selama 3 bulan yang terdiri dari 1 bulan pertama persiapan alat dan bahan, kemudian 2 bulan selanjutnya pelaksanaan penelitian (pemeliharaan dan identifikasi).聽 P0聽 (Kontrol (tanpa pemberian madu dan air kelapa), P1 (Konsentrasi madu 5 ml/L fase larva umur 5 hari), P2 (Konsentrasi madu 5 ml/L fase embrio), P3 (Konsentrasi air kelapa 100 ml/L fase larva umur 5 hari), P4 (Konsentrasi air kelapa 100 ml/L fase embrio).聽 Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan di ujikan berpengaruh secara signifikan (p>0,05). 聽聽Semua perlakuan perendaman madu dan聽 air kelapa pada聽 fase embrio dan larva menunjukkan聽 persentase terbaik.Kata kunci : Ikan cupang, maskulinisasi, madu, air kelapa, embrio, larv