30 research outputs found

    Overview of Survey Results of the Healthy Indonesia Program with a Family Approach In the area of Penggaron Lor, Semarang

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    ABSTRACT Health Development Index (HDI) greatly influences health status. Efforts to achieve healthy development are carried out by implementing Healthy Indonesia Program with A Family Approach (Program Indonesia Sehat dengan Pendekatan Keluarga or PIS-PK). The implementation of the PIS-PK was established with 12 main indicators, which aimed at improving the quality of life. The purpose of this study was to find out family health problems by identifying problems and analyzing the causes of health problems in the working area of Bangetayu Public Health Care (RW I, RT 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) in Penggaron Lor, Semarang. This research is observational descriptive with a cross-sectional approach through interviews and filling in family health profile data in RW I, RT 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The problem obtained from the interview was an analysis of the causes of the problem using the L-Green Theory. The survey results showed that the health indexes with healthy categories consisted of 29 families, pre-healthy 113 families, and unhealthy 14 families, with three lowest indicators of PIS-PK are hypertension without regular medication (22%), no family members smoke (39%) and families join the family planning program (37%). In conclusion, there are three problems from 12 healthy family indicators occur in Penggaron Lor, which are families who participate in the family planning program, hypertensive patients who take regular medication, and no family members who are smokers. Keywords                   : PIS-PK, healthy family, Penggaron LorCorrespondence          : [email protected] ABSTRAKDerajat Kesehatan merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam meningkatkan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM). Upaya  mencapai pembangunan kesehatan dilakukan dengan melaksanakan Program Indonesia Sehat dengan Pendekatan Keluarga (PIS-PK). Penyelenggaraan PIS-PK ditetapkan dengan adanya 12 indikator utama yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia, dengan mengutamakan pelayanan promotif dan preventif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui masalah kesehatan keluarga dengan mengidentifikasi masalah dan menganalisis penyebab masalah kesehatan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bangetayu, RW 1 (RT 5, 6, 7, 8, dan 9), Kelurahan Penggaron Lor, Semarang. Penelitian ini termasuk deskriptif observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional melalui wawancara dan pengisian data profil kesehatan keluarga di wilayah RW I (RT 5, 6, 7, 8, dan 9). Penyebab pada masalah yang didapatkan dari wawancara dianalisis menggunakan Teori L-Green. Hasil survei menunjukkan warga wilayah RW I (RT 5, 6, 7, 8, dan 9), Kelurahan  Penggaron Lor, Semarang berindeks kesehatan dengan kategori sehat sebanyak 29 Kepala Keluarga (KK), pra sehat 113 KK, dan tidak sehat 14 KK,  dengan 3 indikator terendah PIS-PK yaitu hipertensi yang tidak melakukan pengobatan secara teratur (22 %), anggota keluarga tidak ada yang merokok (39 %) dan keluarga mengikuti program KB (37%).  Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat 3 masalah dari 12 indikator keluarga sehat yang terjadi di Kelurahan Penggaron Lor yaitu keluarga mengikuti program KB, penderita hipertensi yang berobat teratur, dan tidak ada anggota keluarga yang merokok. Kata Kunci                 : PIS-PK, Keluarga Sehat, Penggaron LorKorespondensi            : [email protected]


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    Purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) has been proven contain alkaloid solasodin compounds that have antifertility properties, but so far scientific studies on the effects of purple eggplant on sperm motility have not been done. The aims of the study is to determine the effect of purple eggplant extract on spermatozoa motility of male rats Wistar strain. This research was an experimental research with post test only control group design. Extraction of purple eggplant used maseration method with 96% ethanol solvent. A total of 28 mice were divided into 4 groups: a control group that was given distilled water, the treatment I, II, and III were given extracts of eggplant with a dose of 175.62; 351.24; And 526.86 mg / 200 g body weight for 3 days. The motility of spermatozoa was analyzed by taking sperm samples from the cauda epididymis on day 7. Based on ANOVA test results showed that the mean spermatozoa motility between treatments there  was a significant difference (p=0,000). Control group with treatment group (Iand II) did not differ significantly (p> 0.05). The mean spermatozoa motility decreased significantly in treatment III (46,43 + 23,56) compared to control, treatment I, and treatment II. Keyword : purple eggplant; motility; spermatozo

    Strategi Bisnis RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Blora Melalui Pemetaan Faktor Internal dan Eksternal

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    The changing business environment demands hospital to adjust. the arrangement of strategic planning is required as of the hospital effort to answer the challenge off change. Therefore, the study highlighted in this research relates to the development of business strategy add the General Hospital of PKU Muhammediyah Blora. This research is an operational research conducted with descriptive approach on the service strategy planning in the public hospital (RSU) PKU Muhammadiyah Blora at the year 2016-2020. The result of this research direct the that RS PKU Muhammediyah Blora neat to develop service strategy planning. The developed service strategy planning refers to the result of focus group discussion (FGD) done in this research which had mapped out the strength and weakness owned by General Hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Blora. The formulated service strategy planning include improving the quality of human resources through education and training programs, specialist scholarship programs for physicians, increasing partnership with specialist physician partners, adding capacity / number of beds, as well as improving service quality. the implementation of developed services strategy planning requires a commitment from all levels off staff in General Hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Blora


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    Human Immunodeficiency Virus - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (HIV-AIDS) is a contagious disease problem that until now the number of patients is increasing. VCT strategy is at the core of all HIV / AIDS prevention and prevention efforts in the world. Several studieshave confirmed that the utilization of antenatal VCT by pregnant women is still low. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship of knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of the benefits of pregnant women in conducting VCT in the Area Puskesmas Mranggen 1 Demak. This research includes analytic observational research with cross sectional approach.The population in this study were all pregnant women in the area of Puskesmas Mranggen I Demak in 2017 conducted in November 2017 until February 2018. The sampling technique used in this study using consecutive sampling. The analysis used was univariate and bivariateusing chi square test using SPSS 16 program. The result of bivariate analysis showed that there was no correlation between knowledge, attitude and perception of benefit with decision of pregnant woman doing VCT with each p value was 0,629 and 0,428 (p > 0.05). The conclusion in this study that there is no significant relationship between knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of benefits to pregnant women's decision to do VCT. Keyword : VCT, Pregnant Women, HI

    Success Of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment Services In Bangetayu Primary Healthcare Semaranga Reviewed From The Aspect Of Quality Of Service

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    ABSTRACT Pulmonary tuberculosis is a disease that until now has a high morbidity rate, including in Indonesia. Indonesia ranks second with the highest TB burden in the world. From 2013 to 2016, the percentage of the success rate of treatment in Semarang City was 83%, where the lift was still below the target of 90% and in the health profile of the Bangetayu Primary Health Care Semarang, the cure rate was 55% and complete treatment was 34%. One of the controls in TB disease is treatment with the Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course (DOTS) system by monitoring medication. The existence of these efforts still cannot increase the success rate of TB treatment. The purpose of this study was to analyze the scope of achievement of the success of pulmonary TB treatment in Bangetayu Primary Health Care in terms of service quality aspects. This study included descriptive observational research with a qualitative approach. Data collection in this study used interviews and observations by determining the source with the snowball sampling method, namely the head of the health care, the person in charge of the P2P program, the holder of the pulmonary TB program and laboratory officer. This research was conducted at Bangetayu Primary Health Care in November 2018 to December 2018. Assessment of service quality is seen from the aspects of input, process and 5 dimensions of service quality. The results of the study found that the quality of management services from input, process and 5 dimensions of service quality at the Bangetayu Primary Health Care were good. The conclusion of this study is that the Bangetayu Primary Health Care has implemented TB service management well, even though the achievements of TB treatment have not met the target, so that the failure to achieve success in TB treatment in Bangetayu Primary Health Care, Semarang is not caused by health service factors. Keywords                   : Pulmonary tuberculosis, Bangetayu Primary Health Care, service quality Correspondence to      : [email protected]    ABSTRAK Tuberculosis Paru (TB Paru) adalah  penyakit yang sampai saat ini memiliki angka kesakitan yang tinggi termasuk di Indonesia. Indonesia menduduki peringkat kedua dengan nilai beban TB tertinggi di dunia. Dari tahun 2013 hingga tahun 2016, presentase angka keberhasilan pengobatan di Kota Semarang sebesar 83%, dimana angkat tersebut masih berada dibawah target sebesar 90% . Pada profil kesehatan Puskesmas Bangetayu Semarang, didapatkan angka kesembuhan sebesar 55% dan pengobatan lengkap sebesar 34%. Salah satu pengendalian pada penyakit TB adalah pengobatan dengan system Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course (DOTS) dengan pemantauan minum obat. Adanya upaya tersebut masih belum bisa meningkatkan angka keberhasilan pengobatan TB secara optimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis  capaian keberhasilan pengobatan TB paru di Puskesmas Bangetayu yang ditinjau dari aspek mutu pelayanan. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif observatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan observasi dengan penentuan narasumber dengan metode snowball sampling, yaitu kepala puskesmas, penanggungjawab program P2P dan pemegang program TB paru, petugas Laboratorium. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Puskesmas Bangetayu Semarang pada bulan November 2018 hingga Desember 2018. Penilaian mutu pelayanan dilihat dari aspek input, proses dan 5 dimensi mutu pelayanan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa mutu pelayanan manajemen dari input, proses dan 5 dimensi mutu pelayanan di Puskesmas Bangetayu Semarang sudah baik. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah Puskesmas Bangetayu sudah  menerapkan manajemen pelayanan TB dengan baik, meskipun capaian keberhasilan pengobatan TB belum memenuhi target, sehingga ketidakberhasilan capaian keberhasilan pengobatan TB di Puskesmas Bangetayu, Semarang tidak disebabkan oleh faktor pelayanan kesehatan. Kata Kunci     : TB Paru, puskesmas bangetayu, mutu pelayanan Korespondensi : [email protected]

    Rencana Strategis Bisnis RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Gubug Grobogan

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    This research is to approach the problem of operational research through descriptive analysis, the Strategic Planning Service Delivery at Muhammadiyah Gubug Hospital (RSMG) Year 2014-2018.The results showed the necessity developed RSMG Services Strategic Plan. Business Strategy Plan should be made with reference to the seven selected strategy resulting from the Focus Group Discussion (FGD based on the results of the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, peluangan, and threats.Required a strong commitment from all employees to implement strategic planning RSMG hospital. In order to improve the quality of human resources, RSMG need to do education and training, providing scholarships for education specialist, general practitioner, and increasing cooperation with specialist partners. Other than that necessary to increase the number / bed capacity and improved quality of care that the utilization of health services provided by RSMG more optimal

    Determinant Factors Affecting Perceived Barriers in Implementing the Covid-19 Health Protocol in The Community

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    Perceived barriers to the application of health protocols are defined as obstacles that arise in carrying out health protocols. The smaller the obstacles, the more people will implement health protocols. Perceived barriers in carrying out health protocols are influenced by demographic areas, education level, employment status, sources of information, and positive experiences of Covid 19. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the perception of the community’s barrier in carrying out health protocols. This study used an analytic observational method with a cross-sectional design. The study was conducted in Semarang, Central Java Province, Indonesia, in November 2021. The research subjects were taken by consecutive sampling as many as 88 people. Perceived barrier questionnaires were prepared, previously through validity and reliability tests. Test the analysis with Mann Whitney and Chi-Square. The majority of people with low perceived barrier are people who live in urban areas (66,7%), have higher education (76,7%), work (93,3%), receive information related to Covid 19 from social media (46,7%), and have no experience of Covid 19 (63,3%). There was a significant relationship between area of residence (p=0,026), education (p=0,003), employment status (p=0,000), experience (0,003) on the perceived barriers from health protocols. The perception of a small barrier is shown in urban communities, higher education, work status, easy media access, and experience that do not intersect with Covid 19. There will be easier to receive education and implement health protocols.   ABSTRAK Hambatan yang dirasakan dalam penerapan protokol kesehatan didefinisikan sebagai hambatan yang muncul dalam melaksanakan protokol kesehatan. Semakin kecil hambatannya, semakin banyak masyarakat yang menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Hambatan yang dirasakan dalam melaksanakan protokol kesehatan dipengaruhi oleh wilayah demografi, tingkat pendidikan, status pekerjaan, sumber informasi, dan pengalaman positif Covid 19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi hambatan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan protokol kesehatan. . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Semarang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, pada bulan November 2021. Subjek penelitian diambil secara consecutive sampling sebanyak 88 orang. Kuesioner hambatan yang dirasakan disiapkan, sebelumnya melalui uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Uji analisis dengan Mann Whitney dan Chi-Square. Mayoritas masyarakat dengan persepsi hambatan rendah adalah masyarakat yang tinggal di perkotaan (66,7%), berpendidikan tinggi (76,7%), bekerja (93,3%), menerima informasi terkait Covid 19 dari media sosial ( 46,7%), dan tidak memiliki pengalaman Covid 19 (63,3%). Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara daerah tempat tinggal (p=0,026), pendidikan (p=0,003), status pekerjaan (p=0,000), pengalaman (0,003) terhadap persepsi hambatan protokol kesehatan. Persepsi hambatan kecil ditunjukkan pada masyarakat perkotaan, pendidikan tinggi, status pekerjaan, akses media yang mudah, dan pengalaman yang tidak bersinggungan dengan Covid 19. Akan lebih mudah menerima pendidikan dan menerapkan protokol kesehatan.   This is an open access article under the CC–BY-SA license.  

    Risk Factors of Stunting in Toddlers 24-59 Months in Rembang Regency, Indonesia

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    Rembang Regency is an area in Central Java with a fairly high stunting rate, in 2017 it reached 32.36%. The Sedan Health Center is located in Rembang Regency with a stunting prevalence in 2019 of 7.16%. This is still a serious problem in the region. Risk factors for stunting include child and maternal risk factors. Child risk factors include food intake, birth weight, gender, history of chronic disease, history of breastfeeding, complementary foods, socio-economic, environmental sanitation, and immunization status. The purpose of this study was to determine what factors influence stunting in the working area of the Sedan Health Center. This research used observational analytic research with a case-control design and has been matched based on age. The research was carried out from January-February 2021. The number of samples was 45 cases (stunted toddlers) and 45 controls (non-stunted toddlers). Data were collected by measuring the height of children under five and interviewing with a questionnaire. Data analysis used the chi-square test and logistic regression test. Variables of energy intake (p=0.000), protein, history of exclusive breastfeeding (p=0.000), history of complementary feeding (p=0.000), number of family members (p=0.001), and family sanitation (p=0.000) had significant outcome was associated with the incidence of stunting. The most influential factor is the history of complementary foods. Stunting cases occur in children with low energy and protein intake. A varied food intake especially with a high-calorie and high-protein composition can prevent children from stunting

    Kecerdasan emosional : implikasi terhadap kinerja perawat di Rumah Sakit Banyumanik Semarang

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    Latar Belakang : Penurunan pasien rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Banyumanik Semarang pada tahun 2016  sebesar 12,83% dari tahun sebelumnya sering dikaitkan dengan turunnya kepuasan terhadap pelayanan. Perawat menjadi petugas pertama yang melayani pasien rawat inap. Kinerja perawat yang optimal cenderung meningkatkan kepuasan pasien, karena focus utama perawat adalah pelayanan pasien. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja perawat meliputi faktor internal dan eksternal. Kecerdasan merupakan faktor internal yang mempengaruhi tingkah laku individu, salah satunya kecerdasan emosional. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor internal antara lain kecerdasan emosional terhadap kinerja Perawat di Rumah Sakit Banyumanik Semarang.Metode : Penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2020. Sampel penelitian adalah 35 perawat di Rumah Sakit Banyumanik Semarang. Pengambilan data masing-masing variabel menggunakan kuesioner yang sudah tervalidasi. Analisis bivariat antar variabel diuji menggunakan uji Korelasi Pearson, dan dilanjutkan analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Hasil : Terdapat hubungan antara kecerdasan intelektual (p-value 0,000), emosional (p-value 0,000), spiritual (p-value 0,000), dan adversitas (p-value 0,000) terhadap kinerja perawat. Kecerdasan emosional merupakan variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perawat.Kesimpulan : Kecerdasan emosional menjadi faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perawat di Rumah Sakit Banyumanik Semarang.

    Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan dan Nilai Objective Structure Clinical Examination (OSCE) Blok Mahasiswa Kedokteran

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    Keberhasilan mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran tampak dari prestasi belajarnya. Prestasi belajar secara tidak langsung dipengaruhi oleh gangguan perasaan seperti kecemasan yang dirasakan oleh individu. Prestasi belajar mencakup tiga aspek kemampuan yaitu kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor. Salah satu bentuk prestasi belajar yang lengkap menilai ketiga aspek tersebut adalah Objective Structural Clinical Examination (OSCE). Pada pendidikan kedokteran, OSCE dapat dilakukan secara rutin sesuai dengan tema proses pembelajaran melalui kegiatan OSCE Blok. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat kecemasan dalam menghadapi OSCE dengan nilai OSCE Blok mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian analitik assosiatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang tahap sarjana tahun ajaran 2018/2019 yang melaksanakan OSCE Blok. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode total sampling. Test Anxiety Questionnaire dari Nist dan Diehl digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kecemasan dan nilai OSCE sebagai hasil prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Hasil analisis korelasi person diperoleh hasil sign. (2- tailed) 0.645 >0.05, yang berarti tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel tingkat kecemasan dan nilai OSCE mahasiswa