307 research outputs found

    Réflexions sur le rapport néerlandais du NIOD : logique académique et culture du consensus 

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    Le rapport commandité par le gouvernement néerlandais en 1996 sur les responsabilités du pays dans la chute de l’enclave de Srebrenica, publié en avril 2002, est exceptionnel à plusieurs titres, dont le volume – plus de 7 000 pages –, les moyens et les sources mis à la disposition de l’équipe de douze chercheurs et l’impact. Sa publication a provoqué la démission du gouvernement. Afin de comprendre ce rapport, il est important de l’insérer dans une tradition nationale de recours aux commissions d’enquête comme outils de consensus politique. La démarche même de la commission, son positivisme, sa cohérence qui n’admet aucune contradiction, son insistance sur les responsabilités en haut lieu tout en prenant soin de ne pas s’attarder sur celles des militaires de Dutchbat eux-mêmes, contribuent plus à clore un débat national qu’à l’alimenter.The report commissioned by the Dutch governement in 1996 on the national responsibilities in the fall of the Srebrenica « Safe Area », published in 2002, in exceptional in several regards, notably its size – over 7000 pages – the means and archival ressources made available to the team of 12 researchers and its impact. Its publication motivated the Dutch cabinet to resign. The report should be inserted in a national tradition of commissions of enquiry as a means to achieve political consensus. Its methods, its positivism, its very coherence outruling possible dissent or contradiction, its insistence on responsibilities in high places, while carefully sparing the members of Dutchbat themselves, all contribute rather to a closure than a deepening of the national debate on the events of Srebrenica


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    Review of influenza-associated pulmonary aspergillosis in ICU patients and proposal for a case definition: an expert opinion

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    Purpose: Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is increasingly reported in patients with influenza admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Classification of patients with influenza-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (IAPA) using the current definitions for invasive fungal diseases has proven difficult, and our aim was to develop case definitions for IAPA that can facilitate clinical studies. Methods: A group of 29 international experts reviewed current insights into the epidemiology, diagnosis and management of IAPA and proposed a case definition of IAPA through a process of informal consensus. Results: Since IAPA may develop in a wide range of hosts, an entry criterion was proposed and not host factors. The entry criterion was defined as a patient requiring ICU admission for respiratory distress with a positive influenza test temporally related to ICU admission. In addition, proven IAPA required histological evidence of invasive septate hyphae and mycological evidence for Aspergillus. Probable IAPA required the detection of galactomannan or positive Aspergillus culture in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) or serum with pulmonary infiltrates or a positive culture in upper respiratory samples with bronchoscopic evidence for tracheobronchitis or cavitating pulmonary infiltrates of recent onset. The IAPA case definitions may be useful to classify patients with COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA), while awaiting further studies that provide more insight into the interaction between Aspergillus and the SARS-CoV-2-infected lung. Conclusion: A consensus case definition of IAPA is proposed, which will facilitate research into the epidemiology, diagnosis and management of this emerging acute and severe Aspergillus disease, and may be of use to study CAPA

    Changer de géographie mentale: Autour de Terres de sang de Timothy Snyder

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    Les historiens et le temps présent

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    The return of the Jews to their countries of origin: expectations and apprehensions, 1943-1947

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    From Anti-Fascist Coalitions to State-Making: the case of France, Belgium and the Netherlands

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    Conference organised by Tony Judt, the Remarque Institute at New York University, and the Institut fĂĽr die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Viennainfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    La Résistance et la politique d'après-guerre

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    1989, a historiographical revolution ?

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