75 research outputs found

    In vivo editing of the pan-endothelium by immunity evading simian adenoviral vector

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    Biological applications deriving from the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9 site-specific nuclease system continue to impact and accelerate gene therapy strategies. Safe and effective in vivo co-delivery of the CRISPR/Cas9 system to target somatic cells is essential in the clinical therapeutic context. Both non-viral and viral vector systems have been applied for this delivery matter. Despite elegant proof-of-principle studies, available vector technologies still face challenges that restrict the application of CRISPR/Cas9-facilitated gene therapy. Of note, the mandated co-delivery of the gene-editing components must be accomplished in the potential presence of pre-formed anti-vector immunity. Additionally, methods must be sought to limit the potential of off-target editing. To this end, we have exploited the molecular promiscuities of adenovirus (Ad) to address the key requirements of CRISPR/Cas9-facilitated gene therapy. In this regard, we have endeavored capsid engineering of a simian (chimpanzee) adenovirus isolate 36 (SAd36) to achieve targeted modifications of vector tropism. The SAd36 vector with the myeloid cell-binding peptide (MBP) incorporated in the capsid has allowed selective in vivo modifications of the vascular endothelium. Importantly, vascular endothelium can serve as an effective non-hepatic cellular source of deficient serum factors relevant to several inherited genetic disorders. In addition to allowing for re-directed tropism, capsid engineering of nonhuman primate Ads provide the means to circumvent pre-formed vector immunity. Herein we have generated a SAd36. MBP vector that can serve as a single intravenously administered agent allowing effective and selective in vivo editing for endothelial target cells of the mouse spleen, brain and kidney. DATA AVAILABILITY: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request

    Somatic genome editing with CRISPR/Cas9 generates and corrects a metabolic disease

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    Germline manipulation using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing has dramatically accelerated the generation of new mouse models. Nonetheless, many metabolic disease models still depend upon laborious germline targeting, and are further complicated by the need to avoid developmental phenotypes. We sought to address these experimental limitations by generating somatic mutations in the adult liver using CRISPR/Cas9, as a new strategy to model metabolic disorders. As proof-of-principle, we targeted the low-density lipoprotein receptor (Ldlr), which when deleted, leads to severe hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. Here we show that hepatic disruption of Ldlr with AAV-CRISPR results in severe hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. We further demonstrate that co-disruption of Apob, whose germline loss is embryonically lethal, completely prevented disease through compensatory inhibition of hepatic LDL production. This new concept of metabolic disease modeling by somatic genome editing could be applied to many other systemic as well as liver-restricted disorders which are difficult to study by germline manipulation

    The Effects of Apolipoprotein F Deficiency on High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Metabolism in Mice

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    Apolipoprotein F (apoF) is 29 kilodalton secreted sialoglycoprotein that resides on the HDL and LDL fractions of human plasma. Human ApoF is also known as Lipid Transfer Inhibitor protein (LTIP) based on its ability to inhibit cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP)-mediated transfer events between lipoproteins. In contrast to other apolipoproteins, ApoF is predicted to lack strong amphipathic alpha helices and its true physiological function remains unknown. We previously showed that overexpression of Apolipoprotein F in mice reduced HDL cholesterol levels by 20–25% by accelerating clearance from the circulation. In order to investigate the effect of physiological levels of ApoF expression on HDL cholesterol metabolism, we generated ApoF deficient mice. Unexpectedly, deletion of ApoF had no substantial impact on plasma lipid concentrations, HDL size, lipid or protein composition. Sex-specific differences were observed in hepatic cholesterol content as well as serum cholesterol efflux capacity. Female ApoF KO mice had increased liver cholesteryl ester content relative to wild type controls on a chow diet (KO: 3.4+/−0.9 mg/dl vs. WT: 1.2+/−0.3 mg/dl, p<0.05). No differences were observed in ABCG1-mediated cholesterol efflux capacity in either sex. Interestingly, ApoB-depleted serum from male KO mice was less effective at promoting ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux from J774 macrophages relative to WT controls

    Overexpression of apolipoprotein O does not impact on plasma HDL levels or functionality in human apolipoprotein A-I transgenic mice

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    Apolipoprotein (apo) O is a newly discovered apolipoprotein preferentially contained within HDL; however, currently, no data are available on the (patho)physiological effects of apoO. Therefore, the present study assessed the impact of apoO overexpression on (i) plasma lipids and lipoproteins as well as on (ii) HDL functionality. Human apoO was overexpressed by means of recombinant adenovirus (AdhapoO) in human apoA-I transgenic mice, a humanized mouse model of HDL metabolism. AdhapoO substantially increased apoO in plasma and within HDL However, plasma triglycerides, phospholipids, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol did not change. HDL size distribution, lipid composition and the apoA-I and the apoO distribution over the different HDL fractions separated by FPLC remained unaltered. Furthermore, enrichment of HDL with apoO did not impact on HDL functionality assessed in four independent ways, namely (i) stimulation of cholesterol efflux from macrophage foam cells, (ii) protection against LDL oxidation, (iii) anti-inflammatory activity on endothelial cells, and (iv) induction of vasodilation in isolated aortic rings ex vivo as a measure of stimulating vascular NO production. These results demonstrate that although overexpression of apoO results in a substantial enrichment of HDL particles with this novel apolipoprotein, apoO does not impact the plasma lipoprotein profile or HDL functionality. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A Self-Deleting AAV-CRISPR System for In Vivo Genome Editing

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    Adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors packaging the CRISPR-Cas9 system (AAV-CRISPR) can efficiently modify disease-relevant genes in somatic tissues with high efficiency. AAV vectors are a preferred delivery vehicle for tissue-directed gene therapy because of their ability to achieve sustained expression from largely non-integrating episomal genomes. However, for genome editizng applications, permanent expression of non-human proteins such as the bacterially derived Cas9 nuclease is undesirable. Methods are needed to achieve efficient genome editing in vivo, with controlled transient expression of CRISPR-Cas9. Here, we report a self-deleting AAV-CRISPR system that introduces insertion and deletion mutations into AAV episomes. We demonstrate that this system dramatically reduces the level of Staphylococcus aureus Cas9 protein, often greater than 79%, while achieving high rates of on-target editing in the liver. Off-target mutagenesis was not observed for the self-deleting Cas9 guide RNA at any of the predicted potential off-target sites examined. This system is efficient and versatile, as demonstrated by robust knockdown of liver-expressed proteins in vivo. This self-deleting AAV-CRISPR system is an important proof of concept that will help enable translation of liver-directed genome editing in humans

    Targeting the Apoa1 locus for liver-directed gene therapy

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    Clinical application of somatic genome editing requires therapeutics that are generalizable to a broad range of patients. Targeted insertion of promoterless transgenes can ensure that edits are permanent and broadly applicable while minimizing risks of off-target integration. In the liver, the Albumin (Alb) locus is currently the only well-characterized site for promoterless transgene insertion. Here, we target the Apoa1 locus with adeno-associated viral (AAV) delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 and achieve rates of 6% to 16% of targeted hepatocytes, with no evidence of toxicity. We further show that the endogenous Apoa1 promoter can drive robust and sustained expression of therapeutic proteins, such as apolipoprotein E (APOE), dramatically reducing plasma lipids in a model of hypercholesterolemia. Finally, we demonstrate that Apoa1-targeted fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH) can correct and rescue the severe metabolic liver disease hereditary tyrosinemia type I. In summary, we identify and validate Apoa1 as a novel integration site that supports durable transgene expression in the liver for gene therapy applications

    Trib1 is a lipid- and myocardial infarction–associated gene that regulates hepatic lipogenesis and VLDL production in mice

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    Recent genome-wide association studies have identified a genetic locus at human chromosome 8q24 as having minor alleles associated with lower levels of plasma triglyceride (TG) and LDL cholesterol (LDL-C), higher levels of HDL-C, as well as decreased risk for myocardial infarction. This locus contains only one annotated gene, tribbles homolog 1 (TRIB1), which has not previously been implicated in lipoprotein metabolism. Here we demonstrate a role for Trib1 as a regulator of lipoprotein metabolism in mice. Hepatic-specific overexpression of Trib1 reduced levels of plasma TG and cholesterol by reducing VLDL production; conversely, Trib1-knockout mice showed elevated levels of plasma TG and cholesterol due to increased VLDL production. Hepatic Trib1 expression was inversely associated with the expression of key lipogenic genes and measures of lipogenesis. Thus, we provide functional evidence for what we believe to be a novel gene regulating hepatic lipogenesis and VLDL production in mice that influences plasma lipids and risk for myocardial infarction in humans
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